Like an astronaut getting used to gravity again, Alphonse has to get used to experiencing pain again and remembering that things cause it. There have been several occasions where al has left his hand on a burning stove for a few seconds not understanding where the pain is coming from, completely forgotten the effects of things like poison oak and poison ivy and walked straight into them only to be in horrible itchy pain later, jumped from heights he shouldn’t have not realizing he would regret it when he landed, being out in the sun for hours without sun screen and ending up beat red, grabbing sharp objects by the sharp end, hanging out near swampy waters in the evening with out bug spray to help catch cat fish only to be covered in thousands of bug bites, him trying to pet a bumble bee as he cooed over how cute it was, and so on and so forth.
this learning period was terrifying for Winry and Ed, but at least they were there for him during it.
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I covered this a little bit in another headcanon, but because His body had not been exposed to the world in over four years Al gained several frustrating allergies including to grass and dust. Much to his brother’s dismay, despite the rashes and sneezing and headaches he gets all the time time he does it, Alphonse will go out of his way to interact with anything he can by touch even if he knows he has an allergy to it because he’s too enamored with being able to feel things again not to, and he would rather have a full body rash than ever have to go through not feeling things again. 
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Most of team mustang and co hate celebrations with fireworks. A lot of them have ptsd triggered by them: Fuery, Roy, and Riza specifically. 
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There was a lot of crying on Edward and Winry’s wedding day from the two of them. Both having lost their parents when they were young they thought they were done crying over them but the emotions really hit them again that day as the one person who raised both of them, pinako, gently joked about which side of the isle she should sit in during rehearsal, causing them both to later remember neither had a parent between them to be present. 
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Breda is afraid of dogs because he was attacked one day as a small child on his way home from school with his friend, after his neighbor's two large dogs got loose. His still bears the scars from the 24 stitches he needed on his back and his legs, however his friend died from the attack after a fatal bite to the jugular. Though he will not pet him, Black Hayate is the only dog that has gotten closest to Breda without causing him a panic attack because he knows and trusts Riza's strict training.
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Alphonse, weakened from being stuck by the gate of truth for so long without food or water, died in his late 20s from heart failure. His descendants gathered the same trait from him.
Oof the pain but great headcanon
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Ironic to his last name, Roy suffers from Equinophobia, a fear of horses and horse-back riding. This is because he got bucked off a spooked horse as little kid and hit his head on a rock, which resulted in 15 stitches on his scalp. Had Madame Christmas not been there with him, he would've bled to death. No one knows of his fear other than his aunt, but Team Mustang, along with a couple of Briggs soldiers including General Armstrong had noticed his slight uneasy and nervous behaviour and around the horses during training.
(not really depressing but I just wanted to submit this)
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Edward keeps his hair long because Trisha said she likes it. After Trisha dies, Ed still can't bring himself to cut it short, even though he knows Trisha loved it mainly because it reminded her of Hohenheim.
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Alfons heiderich was born an only child and always felt like he was missing something. Like there was an empty feeling in his chest. That feeling only subsided when Ed came into his life. 
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Ed says he doesn’t care to celebrate his birthday, so he doesn’t want people making a big fuss about it and getting him cake, but the actual reason why he doesn’t want cake or anything is because al can’t celebrate his own birthday with cake and he didn’t want to make Al feel left out.
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This blog gives me so many wonderful writing prompts and ideas! Thank you so much. This is the kinda angst i need
Ty im glad i can supply
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After brotherhood, Al Sometimes goes through stages of dissociation from his body and hurts himself to feel real again, and make sure he's not in the suit of armor anymore.
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Denny’s job in the military isn’t the only job he has to support all his brothers and sisters. He actually has three in total. He barely gets any sleep.
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Alphonse would have “died” if Ed hadn’t managed to convince him he was real after the fifth lab. The soul is the essence of a person; his personality, his beliefs, everything that makes him, him. Al’s existence, as merely a soul, was dictated by his beliefs of himself. If he believed he wasn’t real, he would have ceased to be real.
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Alphonse ends up having a lot of poor reactions to food when he gets his body back due to not having eaten in years ranging from upset stomach to some new mild allergies he doesn’t remember having. It takes him years for his body to readjust and some allergies remain permanent.
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Until he died 03 Maes Hughes’ biggest regret was not being in the room when his daughter was born. He beat himself up about it a lot, particularly the day before her birthday.
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Edward’s new year’s resolutions every year till he left the millitary was to get Al’s body back that year. On the last day of each year he’d usually spend depressed  that he hadn’t been able too and beating himself up over it.
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