departedsouls-rp · 11 years
Hey lovely mods who I love very very much imgonnabenotsoactiveanddeadishuntilsundayormondayatthemostbecauseexamsarecomingupwhichmeansdeadlinesarecrampedupandmicaissobbingcausesomuchhomeworkhastobedone love me?
Loving you. It’s okay though. Exams are coming up for us all, so we understand that activity is going to be iffy for the next week or so. BUT HEY, summer is coming which is what’s getting me through so… YAY.
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departedsouls-rp · 11 years
who do you need most?
Whoever you’d like, lovey! Of course, we’d love to see the rest of our canons taken up— Tyler or Marcel, for example. But it honestly doesn’t matter to us. 
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departedsouls-rp · 11 years
expect an audition for ryan booth in a couple of hours from angelaaaaaa :D
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departedsouls-rp · 11 years
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departedsouls-rp · 11 years
This is Jerbears mun. I just wanted to say that a personal problem has arisen and I will need to go on a hiatus for about a week or so. No more than two. I hope that you all understand under this short notice.
Hopefully everything is okay! We’ll be waiting for you :) 
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departedsouls-rp · 11 years
Hey guys, Rachel just sent me a message about her internet being down and not knowing when it'll be back. So she asked if I could let you guys know so you don't think she's left :3
Perfect, thanks for letting us know, lovely!
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departedsouls-rp · 11 years
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"Luck has never really been on my side.”
Ivy Montgomery is 19 years old. She is a Human and looks a lot like Blake Lively. Ivy is currently open.
Everything about Ivy and her life was ordinary. Her parents were madly in love, and she could see it in their eyes with just the way they looked at each other. It was something she wanted desperately, but she wasn’t about to rush into anything. She had always been an independent girl. Being an only child, she kept up her grades and had a ton of friends, and with a great life, she knew to consider herself lucky. She never took a thing for granted.
That’s why she never understood why of all people, she was the one to have lost her mother. The Sheriff of Mystic Falls made sure to make it clear to both her and her father that it was suicidal, but it never made sense to either of them. Her mother was nothing but happy, and she loved them both, which is what hurt Ivy the most, but the fact that they couldn’t even bury her body was when she knew something was wrong, but that thought was erased completely from her mind the moment she met Stefan Salvatore.
Losing her mother was to much, and the girl with the good grades and friends plummeted. Ivy turned to alcohol, and with her older looks she could easily get herself the alcohol she needed. One night on an alcohol run was the moment she met Stefan, and in her new rebellious state, she didn’t need to be asked twice to go back to his place. Entering his home, she was amazed at how big it was, but her amazement turned to terror the moment his hand had wrapped around her mouth, but after waking up the next morning having no idea where she was or why she was covered in blood, she knew she needed answers.
Mystic Falls hadn’t changed whatsoever. Ivy still missed the presence of her mother, and it caused a huge strain between herself and her father— even to this day. Newcomers came and old faces left, but none of it fazed Ivy. She still got nightmares from that blank night, seeing different things in her head, and all she could wonder was, were any of these dreams what actually happened? She saw green eyes, veins, but the worst nightmare was the one where she witnessed her mother being tortured and couldn’t do a thing about it.
Ivy would wake up screaming at nights, her father running in and having to lie by her side until she could fall back asleep again. Some nights would be dream free, but others would be horrible, but every time she woke up, there was a part of her that knew what was going on. A part of her that knew she needed answers, and she was going to do whatever she could to get those answers— starting with the familiar newcomer in town that had the light brown hair and emerald green eyes. There was something promising about him, and she couldn’t help that sudden pull that was shooting her towards him. 
Nate Lawrence → If there was one thing Ivy would always need, it was a friend, and that friend was Nate. No matter the cocky persona that so many people saw and shied away from, Ivy loved the way he seemed to not care, yet she knew there was so much more behind it.
Stefan Salvatore → Not knowing why, Ivy found herself immediately attracted to Stefan. She could have sworn she knew him from somewhere, but until she figured out what that was, everything about him was a mystery to her.
Lauren Walker → Meeting Lauren, there was an immediate connection between the two girls. They both have their secrets, yet they both want someone to confide in when times get rough.
Adriana Curtis, Paige Coleman and Charlotte Ethridge → There was no denying that Ivy loved her best friends. They'd been there for her through thick and thin-- Adriana especially, and she would forever be grateful.
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departedsouls-rp · 11 years
Can you make Lily Collins a fc??
Indeed we can! 
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departedsouls-rp · 11 years
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departedsouls-rp · 11 years
angela over here. is it kol re-open? really? like, i can apply for him agaaaain? :D
Kol is re-opened, love! So yes, apply, apply, apply! 
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departedsouls-rp · 11 years
Is katherine reopened?
Indeed she is!
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departedsouls-rp · 11 years
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Katherine Pierce (1 week inactivity)
Elijah Mikaelson (1 week inactivity)
Kol Mikaelson (6 days inactivity)
These players have surpassed the allowed time for inactivity. Therefore their roles have been reopened.
Activity Warning:
Elena Gilbert (5 days inactivity)
Stefan Salvatore (5 days inactivity)
Andrew Thomas (5 days inactivity)
These players have been given a certain amount of time to make a text post, otherwise their roles will be reopened.
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departedsouls-rp · 11 years
I'm still here, Amigos!
School has been, and still is, ridiculously crazy for me right now. I've also been working on a new project here on tumblr, so all of my free time has been focused on that. For the next 2-3 weeks I won't be around quite as often as I would like, simply because of school, but Departed Souls is still my baby and I'll do anything I can to keep it afloat.
That being said, I've noticed quite the drop in activity since my schedule became busy. Though I don't understand what has happened, I'm going to simply post a warning for anyone who hasn't been on in the last 5 days. Everyone on the activity check has 24 hours to get back to us, otherwise the role will be reopened! 
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departedsouls-rp · 11 years
Reserve Sydeny please? She is awesome and I need more timey wimey
Sure thing, love. She's on reserve for 24 hours.
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departedsouls-rp · 11 years
Could you post the Britt FC asap? :)
We can try and have her up soon.
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departedsouls-rp · 11 years
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departedsouls-rp · 11 years
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