dena-stah · 8 years
Every person has a breaking point. With the right words, they’ll break like glass.
(via 3n0od)
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dena-stah · 8 years
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www.fashionclue.net | Fashion Tumblr, Street Wear & Outfits
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dena-stah · 8 years
Love this!!
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dena-stah · 9 years
Recently with my obsession of murder/crime documentary I was introduced to ‘Serial’ . Serial is a podcast where you only hear a series of recordings from the case and the lady name Sarah Koenig is narrating it, whilst looking for loops and holes within the case. 
What I find very interesting about this case is that when you listen to it you can automatically fell and tell that Adnan Syed had not done this crime; this can be explanatory from his sincerity, also from the fact that he is trying to get to the bottom of the case himself, even though there is no evidence to show that he had not done it because everything so far shows that he had done it. 
Obviously, this crime of the murder of Hae (his ex-girlfriend) was very carefully planned, and Jay’s, Kristan, and Mr. S’s alibi were all carefully planned, however Adnan does not have a motive to kill Hae. In the documentary you are able to tell this because Adnan was already seeing other girls and building other relationships along the way of getting high, and doing what every other 18 year old does. Get’s over his first girlfriend in hopes of enjoying his senior year with his friends. 
Have a listen and let me know your predictions. 
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dena-stah · 9 years
As we got into the taxi, I knew tonight was gong to be an event night, I had that feeling that I always did when I knew something great was going to be happen. As the cab pulled up in front of the fancy 5 star hotel in Kensington, Jack helped me out of the taxi, and held my hand firmly in place until we entered the entrance of the hotel. Once we entered the hotel, a lady behind the desk approached us "I have a reservation for Jack Antony" and she automatically led the way to the hotel restaurant. It was the most beautiful sight I had seen. Jack had taken me to plenty of restaurants , hotels and places but this was far more different than any where I had ever been to. The chandeliers were made of exotic red crystals, giving the room a romantic atmosphere, the tables were all round with single white candles in the middle, interconnecting to large tables where exotic performances were taking place all over the room. The table we approached was a booth with two other men already sitting there. One was short, even though he was sitting down you can tell he was short, he was a beefy man with a exceeding hair line and a combover that barely covered the bold patch. Whereas the other man looked completely the opposite of the other man, he had danger glowing all over him. He was very slim, with black hair styled nearly to the side, in a full haired comb over making his chiselled features look remarkably handsome even though the scar on his cheek was a obvious sign of the danger he was.
Once we approached the table both men stood up in a respectful greeting, shaking Jacks' hand and giving me a courteous nod, knowing full well that Jack didn't like other touching me. They knew I belonged to him and only him.
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dena-stah · 9 years
Will you love me in December as you do in May?
Jack Kerouac (via feellng)
"Jack will you love me in December as you do in May?" I couldn't help but ask after giving him the most slowest and passionate kiss I could mater. He stared in to my eyes for a second and swallowed, I was expecting something bad but what he has said was nothing that I was expecting, "the real question is will you love me for eternity as I already love you more than anything in this world, more than the air that I breathe?" This was one of his games again, I was the victim but he made himself the victim every time, a vigilante that had no conscious apart from the game he knew how to play.
" I was love you as you have loved me, and keep loving me until the air that I breathe finally leaves my body, until it is lifeless" I replied. "Ren you are so perfect, are you ready to leave?? The taxi is waiting outside for us", and he left me there just staring after him.
Once I had put my thin strap on heals on, I walked down the stairs carefully knowing he would be waiting for me there, ready to put my shawl over my shoulders with that drop dead gorgeous smile of his that would make any girl go crazy and want him more than anything in this world.
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dena-stah · 9 years
“Thank you, this is such a beautiful dress” I turned around smiling at him knowing that was exactly what he had wanted to hear, but I did honestly love this dress, it was beautiful. It flowed all the way down to my ankles, with gems all over the top of the tight bodice making my breasts look pushed up and bigger then they actually were, with its off the shoulders design leaving my shoulders bare, only for the simplest thin silver necklace with a single diamond to decorate it perfectly. 
I walked up to him in a slow motion to give him the most simplest kiss, knowing that it would only murder him in ways that I knew possible...
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dena-stah · 9 years
If my life was a love story. There would be a happy ending but it wasn’t. It was only a disaster waiting to happen.
I can live without you I thought to myself, I can do anything without you, I can survive without you. But I still need you to complete me, to fulfil my every need.
Going out to dinner would just be another one of our many dates. He planned what I should wear, where we should go, who we should see that evening and I let it. I was always an independent young lady or maybe just a lady as I have live for more year than he had.
“Baby you look beautiful, I love this red dress on you” he said staring at me through the mirror.
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dena-stah · 9 years
Baby I want you forever...
"Baby I want to be with you forever" he whispered into my ear. "Baby I want you to marry me now, not tomorrow, not in a month, not next year, not later" he whispered in desperation whilst making love to me", feeling the waves of my climax, I knew I could say yes to anything he was saying to me but I didn't say anything, I just moaned because I knew if I said anything it would be like making a deal with the devil himself. Laying in bed with him, I knew this is what I wanted but I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to be someone's forever. Forever is a long time and I had a long time to live. I couldn't have just waited for now to tie myself down to someone forever but I wanted to be sure. I was unique but he did not know that. He was just another experience for me, but I had this instinct that he would be the end of me, if only he knew the end of what...
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dena-stah · 9 years
Your Enemy Has Arrived...
Recently I had visited someone’s house, when i had entered the house i was welcomed and introduced as the enemy. My instincts had gone into fire or flight mode, this is when I had noticed that even the most snide comments can come from your friends who is actually your foe. That day i had read something online and it went along the lines of ‘’If you are told by your man or your friends to not to do something, it is either because they are jealous of you or because they do not want you to do better then them’’. This can be true, when life gets you down around those you love, you begin to understand that no one actually wants to see you do better then them, they always want to be better then you, do better than you, achieve better than you. But when you are already on the step ladder how is that expected when you are working as hard as you can to achieve anything, even entertaining the enemy. 
Why you ask? Envy can make people say or do many things, even make people start looking at you in a wrong manner, where whatever you do or say is always in the wrong. When in truly, you are not in the wrong, you are who you are and developing if anything, and that makes them look at you wrong because you are already achieving. Don’t let people tell you what’s wrong and what is right. Only do what is right for yourself. Make the choices for yourself. Do what you want to do.
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dena-stah · 9 years
Tables always turn...
All this time keeping your mouth shut helps... People around you tend to make choices and mistakes and miss the fact that you are there acknowledging the mistakes that they are making... Tables always turn... 
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dena-stah · 9 years
Mark my words...
Mark my words... 
That’s all that I have... I have given people all that i have in the good and the bad but yet again i am the one that is seen as the bad person. 
I've been here so many times before, only to lose... 
But where is the part where people consider my feelings too? 
Nowhere... what to do? Nothing... 
Changing peoples views... no thanks... why you ask?.... why try to change something or someone's’ views when they are so blinded from only their own views... 
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dena-stah · 9 years
Have you ever..
Have you ever felt so lonely even though you was surrounded by people? Have you ever felt alone even though you was surrounded by the people that you care about? 
I have... there is a difference between people who you care about and those who care about you... sometimes people who you care about may not care about you. Actions always speak louder than words. 
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dena-stah · 9 years
There are two types of people in this world...
There are two types of people in this world. 1. Those who are comfortable with being thrown into the deep end. 2. Who are not.  
What we need to understand is that some individuals are not comfortable with being themselves within their surroundings and need support, understanding and comfort to become more confident around the people around them and within their surroundings. 
Whereas, others are confident enough to be themselves, but those are the individuals who are capable of having multiple personalities. This can be an advantage as to evolve themselves to their surroundings and to the people around them. More than likely putting the attention on to themselves rather than the individuals who are not confident. 
However, those individuals who are not confident may feel a slight anxiety in to trying to live up to the expectations of others and questions themselves psychologically, i.e am I now good enough? Am I boring? Why can I not be like this confident person? 
Best solution is to help the individual who is not confident and boost their confidence by always making them feel included and not ignored. 
What a lot of people do not understand is that confidence is built...
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dena-stah · 9 years
Today I was sent this by @arabassassin22_ and it felt special to me because God works in mysterious ways... The times that you feel the most unappreciated and down someone or something will send something that will make you realise that you are a gods blessing and that you should always smile... So thank you @arabassassin22_ for the beautiful message.
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dena-stah · 9 years
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dena-stah · 9 years
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My boo boo ❤️ #dogsofinstagram #pitbull #amazing #love #animallover #doglover
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