He doesn’t want to remember. He doesn’t respect the memories, he doesn’t value what they taught him, and he doesn’t want anyone else to either.
He doesn’t want anyone to look back stand say, “remember what we came from”, “young people will never truly understand”, “don’t forget your history.” He keeps his eyes open, he shakes the shiver from his body, he says, “forget, forget, forget.” He doesn’t want revenge, he barely wants justice. He wants it to never had come to that. He want it to never had happened.
What does he say when they ask him how he survived on the streets as a young boy? “Aristred, how did you make it out?” “Human decency,” skipping over seven years of hell to remember one lasting kindness. Because he refuses to remember what no one, no matter how evil they are, should have to go through. Because that never should have happened and the only lesson to be learned from looking at it is, Don’t be like them.
“This is an important part of our history,” people say. Important in that is destroyed who you could have been and forced you to remake a person from rot and ashes. Not in that it created gems, not in that it influenced culture, not in that it taught us to value what we have. It was pain. That’s all it was. And he won’t let it be anything but that.
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The guy’s name was Finnegan which to me sounded like a pansy’s name
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Character List by order of importance (to the story)
• Aristred (son of no one) - Main character and 1st person narrator. A physician and the person the king originally recruited to go on missions. Grew up on the streets and is not a little bit bitter about it
• Finnegan the Nightmare - the most well known assassin in (kingdom) currently living. Hired by Aristred for the original mission. Severely mentally ill, secretly cunning, painfully self aware, and hilarious. Raised on the streets in a child gang lead by Buck
• Buck - street rat gang leader, crime lord, actually cares about street rats, in his fifties, pan af. Recruiter Finn when he was but a babe, shocked and wounded when he ended up a serial killer
• Jem - an outlaw thief that grew up in a healthy home environment. Can steal anything and get away with it but chooses to get caught occasionally so she can spend time with her prison guard bf. Is very friendly and disturbingly apathetic to murder
• Ranes - Robin Hood but genderless and with high moral standards. Grew up rich and is hesitant to see how fucked up society and the economy are. Wants everyone to just be nice to each other but also doesn’t know how to be nice to people they don’t like
• Wesley - also an outlaw thief, grew up on the streets, and hated the rich. Is self aware enough to let someone else handle situations and own up to his own mistakes. Isn’t a snitch, doesn’t care about atrocities as long as they aren’t systemic and don’t hurt him
• Jules - tracker and street rat that was adopted later as a child, sweetheart also morally grey and apathetic to the ethics of murder. Hates the rich and nobility on principle. Cunning, will cut a bitch unless he likes them. Deaf, only sign.
• Lux - outlaw thief that grew up in poverty but with enough to survive. Professionally trained fighter, hates everything and everyone on a sliding scale depending on the day. Minds her business, is violently loyal to those she deems worthy
• Donovan - grew up with abusive parents, joined the kingdom guard as soon as was legal, trained dragon rider, minds his business until duty calls. Cares for his own, gallows humor, active listener.
• Saffron - mage, half fae, dragon rider. Is gender queer, likes to cause trouble, morally grey (see fae) and will turn evil if you threaten their loved ones. Can tame any beast, including Donovan. Sibling to Azure and Crimson
• Azure - mage, half fae, dragon rider. Gender fluid, sarcastic, likes to cause a ruckus, doesn’t care who suffers for it even if it includes them. Is only truly loyal to their family. Would die for a prank. Sibling to Saffron and Crimson
• Crimson - mage, half fae, dragon rider. Enjoys causing chaos. Would kill if you offer enough insensitive and your reasons make sense. Loyal to family and a select few. Gets bored easily, professional complainer. Experiences no attraction and loves dragging allos. Sibling to Saffron and Azure
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Character List by order of importance (to the story)
• Aristred (son of no one) - Main character and 1st person narrator. A physician and the person the king originally recruited to go on missions. Grew up on the streets and is not a little bit bitter about it
• Finnegan the Nightmare - the most well known assassin in (kingdom) currently living. Hired by Aristred for the original mission. Severely mentally ill, secretly cunning, painfully self aware, and hilarious. Raised on the streets in a child gang lead by Buck
• Buck - street rat gang leader, crime lord, actually cares about street rats, in his fifties, pan af. Recruiter Finn when he was but a babe, shocked and wounded when he ended up a serial killer
• Jem - an outlaw thief that grew up in a healthy home environment. Can steal anything and get away with it but chooses to get caught occasionally so she can spend time with her prison guard bf. Is very friendly and disturbingly apathetic to murder
• Ranes - Robin Hood but genderless and with high moral standards. Grew up rich and is hesitant to see how fucked up society and the economy are. Wants everyone to just be nice to each other but also doesn’t know how to be nice to people they don’t like
• Wesley - also an outlaw thief, grew up on the streets, and hated the rich. Is self aware enough to let someone else handle situations and own up to his own mistakes. Isn’t a snitch, doesn’t care about atrocities as long as they aren’t systemic and don’t hurt him
• Jules - tracker and street rat that was adopted later as a child, sweetheart also morally grey and apathetic to the ethics of murder. Hates the rich and nobility on principle. Cunning, will cut a bitch unless he likes them. Deaf, only sign.
• Lux - outlaw thief that grew up in poverty but with enough to survive. Professionally trained fighter, hates everything and everyone on a sliding scale depending on the day. Minds her business, is violently loyal to those she deems worthy
• Donovan - grew up with abusive parents, joined the kingdom guard as soon as was legal, trained dragon rider, minds his business until duty calls. Cares for his own, gallows humor, active listener.
• Saffron - mage, half fae, dragon rider. Is gender queer, likes to cause trouble, morally grey (see fae) and will turn evil if you threaten their loved ones. Can tame any beast, including Donovan. Sibling to Azure and Crimson
• Azure - mage, half fae, dragon rider. Gender fluid, sarcastic, likes to cause a ruckus, doesn’t care who suffers for it even if it includes them. Is only truly loyal to their family. Would die for a prank. Sibling to Saffron and Crimson
• Crimson - mage, half fae, dragon rider. Enjoys causing chaos. Would kill if you offer enough insensitive and your reasons make sense. Loyal to family and a select few. Gets bored easily, professional complainer. Experiences no attraction and loves dragging allos. Sibling to Saffron and Azure
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