Just a page full of my crap
28 posts
A crazy weirdo who has way too much time on her hands when she has nothing to do, and not enough when she has a lot to do.
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demihead-blogger · 4 years ago
Stop sexualising everything and reblog this perfect post
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tumblr is probably gonna destroy the quality, but here’s a quick little comic i came up with last night! an asexual child of aphrodite asks for some guidance from her mom. 
(small edit: after a couple of comments, i want to add that i wrote this as a reflection of my own experiences of being on the asexual spectrum and dealing with the self-doubt of growing up in a highly sexualized society - it’s not meant to be a generalization of all aro/ace people or me trying to speak for anyone)
my writing is a little bit illegible, so there’s a visual description with text under the cut: 
Keep reading
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demihead-blogger · 4 years ago
Riordanverse characters as things I've said
Percy: There is this divine concept of sarcasm
Annabeth: A primitive brain such as yours will never understand this
Grover: Respect nature or die
Jason: Can you lower the volume of your existence? I'm trying to sleep
Piper: How dare you rightly accuse me of being a bad influence
Frank: I'm not a clown, I'm the entire freaking circus
Hazel: My whole life is one big cri
Leo: The last time I felt this level of disappointment was when the universe decided my existence was to be a thing
Calypso: You think you can hurt me? I've been ignored most of my life
Reyna: Bow down peasants, your queen has arrived
Nico: I just dropped a fry and now I shall go kill myself
Will: If you're gonna keep doing reckless shit, tell me so I can kill you myself
Sadie: I am about to throw hands with God
Carter: Ah yes, the wonderful blessing that is the unpaid job of being an older sibling
Magnus: My internal monologue consists mainly of sarcasm and confusion
Alex: Call me when everything's on fire
Samirah: Y'all are so damn stupid I'm gonna go take a nap and hopefully wake up 600 years later
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demihead-blogger · 5 years ago
Genie: I have for you, one wish
Me: I want a dragon
Genie: Ya know those don't exist right?
Me: Alright then, I wish to be an emotionally and mentally stable person with a loving family environment
Genie: So what colour do you want your dragon? I was thinking blue-
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demihead-blogger · 5 years ago
Okay I have seen people freaking out about how we're finally gonna get Percabeth content and Nico and Bianca but can we all also talk about how we'll finally get to see the iconic scene that is Percy exploding all the toilets? Not to mention the fight with Ares and the first ever time Percy controls water? Like hello, I am all for Percabeth but can we stop sleeping on Percy straight up shipping Medusa's head to the Gods as a fuck you while Annabeth just looks at him like boi wut? Just, these iconic scenes man. And this is just The Lightning Thief
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demihead-blogger · 5 years ago
Jason: I cannot believe none of you wished me a Happy Father's Day!
Leo: You're not a dad?!
Jason: *points to Nico* Are you kidding me?
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demihead-blogger · 5 years ago
Nico: How do you think you're going to stop me?
Percy: I'll tell Jason.
Nico: You sick bastard!
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demihead-blogger · 5 years ago
Nico: *does something stupid and gets himself hurt
Will: After I lovingly nurse you back to health, I'm going to kill you.
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demihead-blogger · 5 years ago
Percy: You can't make everyone like you. You're not Frank.
Leo: What? Not everyone likes Frank.
Percy: Who doesn't?
Leo: Well-
Hazel: Names, now. Give me their names.
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demihead-blogger · 5 years ago
Percy: *smiles
Annabeth: That's it, I'm killing him.
Silena: Or you could just ask him out instead.
Annabeth: But killing him would be easier.
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demihead-blogger · 6 years ago
Character: Because I love you!
Me, who has known that they have been in love with this person for like 6 billion years: *Gasp!
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demihead-blogger · 6 years ago
Nico: I have high standards
Will: *walks by
Nico: -and he, somehow, meets all of them.
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demihead-blogger · 6 years ago
Hermione: Okay, so everyone knows what they're doing?
Ron: In general or the plan?
Hermione: The plan, Ronald.
Harry: *sigh of relief
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demihead-blogger · 6 years ago
Annabeth: I am a daughter of Athena, and you are a son of Poseidon, Percy. There is no way that we can be ever be together.
Percy: Okay, but have you considered the fact that I am cute?
Annabeth: Understandable, where do I sign?
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demihead-blogger · 6 years ago
Hermione: Ron texted me saying, 'Your adorable' so I texted him back and said, 'No, YOU'RE adorable.
Harry: And?
Hermione: And we're dating. We've been on 6 dates. All I did was point out a typo, but I like him so I'm not saying anything.
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demihead-blogger · 6 years ago
Percy: Look, have I ever put you in a compromising situation?
Grover: All the time!
Percy: Then you should be used to it by now!
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demihead-blogger · 6 years ago
Okay so. I see all these posts about everything the movies got wrong, for example, 'Dumbledore said quietly' or Ginny's character etc. But I literally have never seen a post about the one thing that has always pissed me off. And that is *drumroll please... OLIVER WOOD!! I love Sean Biggerstaff, okay. He's cute, a good actor, and his accent is literally heaven-sent. But in the books, Oliver was thick and burly, very quick to anger, and one of the most extra people ever. They completely changed his character. They showed him as calm and collected, when in reality he gave everyone death glares, shook his fist at Marcus Flint, was prepared to fight the Slytherin at any given moment, and if my memory serves correct, actually did at one point. Let's not forget that Quidditch was his life, and he tried to drown himself in the showers after Gryffindor lost a match in POA. I mean, it would have been really cool and funny if the movies had showed us that. I'm writing this in a hurry, so I don't know if I'm forgetting anything. If anyone remembers anything that I forgot, please say so.
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demihead-blogger · 6 years ago
"If there is ever a moment that I even imply that I know what the hell I'm doing, shoot me because it's an impostor."
-Percy and Leo at some point probably
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