demigirlravenqueen · 7 days
Since we WELL surpassed 50 votes — a second preliminary interest check
I would love to get anywhere starting from 20 contributors and ideally up to at least 30—but the more the merrier! again, PLEASE reblog and share, as gauging how many people would actually like to be involved in this is a good measure of how likely it is that this will pan out
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demigirlravenqueen · 1 month
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how many strange hill high fans are there on tumblr? And how many of them are also ever after high fans?
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demigirlravenqueen · 2 months
while I’m talking about Apple White discourse I think I’m going to elaborate on what I said in my previous post and say that (in the most respectful way possible) I also think that Apple antis are equally shit at arguing their point sometimes.
For example, I partly agree if someone says that Apple’s redemption arch didn’t land for them, or that you think it should have gone much further, especially the latter point (although I would argue that’s down to inherent limitations of the medium). And there’s probably some valid points that I passionately disagree with as well. That’s the beauty of agreeing to disagree.
but all to often (and to be fair maybe it’s just poorly worded) I find myself reading posts that don’t seem to understand what a redemption arch is, or more annoyingly that a character being slow to come around and going back and forth is the sign of one being well written.
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demigirlravenqueen · 2 months
I was going to make a post weighing in on the discourse but I decided against it because simultaneously everything i want to say has already been said and yet the whole discourse seems so shallow and empty. Because while I'm on the Apple White apologist side, there's nuance to it all that NOBODY seems willing to engage in. And that's not exactly news, "fandom discourse is extremely polarizing and devoid of nuance: more at six" but it's still extremely enraging.
It’s not that people are making shady posts in reference to mine it’s that NO ONES EVEN DISCUSSING APPLE THEYRE JUST TALKING ABOUT HOW ITS TOXIC TO BRING HER UP
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demigirlravenqueen · 4 months
FUCK i was just trying to clear out my drafts and delete a couple old things but i accidentally pressed post on all of them instead 😭😭
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demigirlravenqueen · 4 months
That makes a lot sense to me.
one thing I'm defiantly doing with my rewrite is shuffling a couple students into different years mostly because i like it and it's a bit more representative of my school experience, some world building reasons, but also they literally had to jump through so many hoops to make Daring Dexter and Darling all in the same year lol.
Is Rosabella canonically a sophomore? Or could I reasonably hc that she’s a junior ?
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demigirlravenqueen · 4 months
share all of your sexuality and gender identity hcs for ever after high pleaseeeeee
Thanks for asking!
I will say that I don’t really have many sexuality headcanons other than “this whole school in so queer coded”, mostly because I can’t even be bothered to put a label on myself lol. That being said hears the few I do have.
Raven: demigirl (as stated in the user name), bi, aspec. I actually made this post a while back her gender and Maddie if you're interested.
Maddie: I like to think that in wonderland they don't really put much of a label on gender or sexuality it just kinda is what it is. I've always thought of them as nonbinary though. (any pronouns)
Darling is the ultimate sword lesbian, Apple I also think is a lesbian.
What else ummm... I also really like trans man Alister. Giles Grim has extreme gay uncle energy. I think Briar is bi, I think Faybel would call herself queer. Oh! aspec Dexter and Circe. I also kind of like the aromantic Sparrow head canon but I also like the idia of him and Duchess as gay man and lesbian friendship.
And that’s all I can think of for now.
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demigirlravenqueen · 4 months
never mind that was just the depression talking
i think i'm going to start by writing a couple one shots to get the ball rolling. i'm also going to keep making those redesigns because they're fun.
I already have extensive notes written in my favourite format, a power point in a cute custom theme that nobody is ever going to see!
my head is busting with ideas for my rewrite BUT I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THEM! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
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demigirlravenqueen · 4 months
it’s not very clear weather the religious fundamentalism metaphor in ever after high’s first few seasons was intentional but if it was then it was fantastically written.
and if it wasn’t then… well it was also fantastically written honestly. And a little bit more funny.
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demigirlravenqueen · 4 months
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reblog if you want more interaction w your lovely followers
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demigirlravenqueen · 4 months
you know what I think this fandom needs to hear this too… in light of recent events
why can’t people getting into fandom discourse just tag their posts appropriately and leave me in peace?????
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demigirlravenqueen · 4 months
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demigirlravenqueen · 5 months
Everyone in the eah fandom is SO SO TALENTED AND CREATIVE.
I love all of you
Have a great day everyone!!!!
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demigirlravenqueen · 5 months
do I just start writing the whole thing? Do I write some oneshots to work up to it? Do I just keep drawing my redesigns? So many possibilities, so little motivation.
my head is busting with ideas for my rewrite BUT I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THEM! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
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demigirlravenqueen · 5 months
so I was watching darling dollz’s video on weird monsters high hate from back in the day, first off highly recommend watching it, very funny, very reminiscent of the time.
but there’s this one comment in the video that absolutely cracks me up “I can’t help but think of the homosexual culture in the background of all this” just because… well he’s not wrong. If you were obsessed with monster high as a kid you’re queer now! Hu I guess we were brainwashed, the more you know.
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demigirlravenqueen · 6 months
inspired by boop day, reblog this post if its ok for people to send you random asks and interact on your posts with no judgement. i want to talk to people.
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demigirlravenqueen · 6 months
my head is bursting with ideas for my rewrite BUT I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THEM! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
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