demandplanning-sop · 1 month
Demand Planning - Modeling special cases of Demand Product Life Cycle & Long-term Planning
Product Lifecycle and trend • Launch Forecasting • Volume effect on line extension
Event Modeling Baseline vs. Incremental • Illustration of Event Models
Planning for Intermittent Demand What is Intermittent Demand & what causes it? Strategies to handle intermittent demand & Statistical Models for Intermittent Demand
Higher-order Models
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demandplanning-sop · 1 month
Demand Planning -Advanced smoothing models
First Order Exponential Smoothing
Holt Models to accommodate the trend
Holt-Winters Model
Exponential Trend and Dampening
Interaction between components
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demandplanning-sop · 1 month
Demand Planning - Stat Modeling and AI-driven Planning
Demand Modeling
Key components of demand
Additive Vs. Multiplicative Seasonality in Models
Modeling by decomposition
Introduction to Forecast Modeling
Qualities of a good statistical forecast
Balancing between Model Fit Vs. Model Robustness
Uni-Variate Time Series vs. Multi-Variate methods
Moving Average
AI-driven Planning and Expert Models
Introduction to Planvida
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demandplanning-sop · 1 month
Data Integration and Cleansing
It is all about the data
The Forecast Problem and Data collection
Define True Demand
Data challenges – Shipment Vs. Orders – Gross Demand Vs. Net Demand
Historical shifts in demand
Data filtering
Outliers– Identification and Correction
The process to Identify Outliers
Tolerance band
Methodology for outlier correction
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demandplanning-sop · 1 month
Demand Planning Overview
Planning objectives
The Service – Cost – Balance Model
Define your Plan
Budgeting vs. Forecasting vs. Planning
Beyond Statistical Forecasting
Key Components of a Demand Plan
Terminology in Planning – Forecast Horizon, Buckets & Periodicity
Forecast Pass
Demand Management
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demandplanning-sop · 1 month
Demand Planning for S&OP
A best-practice Demand Planning process helps you reduce inventory costs and increase customer service levels by providing better demand visibility and demand clarity to the Supply Chain.  When properly implemented, the demand plan helps create a lean and customer-centric supply chain.
We covers statistical modeling to create accurate forecasts, in-depth discussion on model diagnostics to improve the quality of the forecast models with specific references to popular applications such as SAP IBP, Kinaxis, ForecastPro, etc.  We will also make references to Python libraries which will expand the horizons of your planners to develop more sophisticated models.
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