the air was cold but something about it felt like home somehow.[Paul Aron x reader]
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Y/N looked at her colorful scarf in the mirror. The scarf was too long,too rainbowish and too thick. But her grandma was convinced that she should wear that. The scarf was originally made for her mother. Her mother gave it to her two years ago with a smile.
“Your dad and I met through this scarf,dont underestimate the power of it.”
Y/N kept wondering what power could this scarf hold. She didnt say no to her mother though,one part of her liked the scarf a little too much to not accept it.
She opened the door and get out of her house.She ran to her friend’s side.Everything was great until her friend started a snowball fight. Y/N started running around trying to catch her friend. She was always bad at shooting so she kept missing. Y/N was too focused to catch her friend so she didnt see the stranger that was close to them. She was sure that this snowball would hit her friend so she aimed and threw it with every power she had.
The snowball did hit someone.
But that someone wasn’t her friend.
That someone was the blond haired stranger.
Y/N ran to his side once the snowball hit his face.
“Oh my god,I am so sorry! I swear it wasn’t for you! I was uh I was trying to throw it to my friend! Does it hurt? Are you ok?”
Her voice was full of worry.
“I am alright but you should exercise aiming or else she is going to kick your butt.”
The stranger laughed and pointed at her friend. Y/N sighed in relief that he was okay.
“I really should. But trust me,she is like a machine! She never misses!”
The boy laughed again,enjoying their conversation.
“What if I help you out? I was waiting for my plane but it got delayed so I will be here for a while.”
Y/N smiled.
“I would really like that.”
The boy smiled again and they started chasing her friend. They were a good team since the boy was definitely a better shooter than her. Her friend hid behind a tree to make more snowballs. They wanted to use that as a advantage so they also hid behind a bench near to her.
“Come on its over! Give up already!”
Y/N rolled her eyes to her friend’s answer and the boy laughed.
“Sorry,she gets way too serious about snowball fights.”
“You were right about she never misses. Though I am sure she cant keep up with us all night.”
Y/N chucked and turned to look at him. It was probably the first time in that night that she truly looked at him. His blond curls were messy,his blue eyes were full of sparkles. Y/N couldn’t tell if it was the weather or him that took her breath away.
She noticed he wasn’t wearing a scarf. The weather was too cold to not do that.
“Why are you not wearing a scarf?”
“Hmm? Oh I thought the plane would come at its time so I didnt wear one.”
Y/N shaked her head as she undoned her scarf.The boy tried to stop her.
“No no,you will get cold if you do that.”
“I won’t give it to you silly,its long enough for both of us.”
And Y/N was right. She wrapped the scarf on both of them. Only disadvantaged thing was the scarf made them sit closer. Y/N blushed as she noticed it.
“Thank you.”
“No problem.”
The boy hesitated to continue speaking since he felt a little shy.
“Uhm the scarf smells nice.”
Y/N blushed madly. A nineteen year old girl was blushing over something like that.
“Im-Im Y/N,I don’t think I asked you your name.”
“Im Paul. Paul Aron.”
Y/N turned to him way fastly,their lips nearly touched.
“You are Paul Aron? The Paul Aron? The f2 driver?! You are so popular around here!”
It was true,all of the short time Y/N was in Estonia she heard all about him. Paul chuckled.
“I guess they love me a little.”
“Trust me,Its not little! But you deserve it.”
Paul grinned.
“Does that mean I can get your number after this thing ends?”
Y/N’s eyes opened widely as she heard that.
“Maybe if we win.”
Paul laughed. Before he could answer they both got a snowball to their heads. Paul quickly gave half of the scarf to her and ran after her friend.
Y/N smiled as she looked behind them,holding her scarf tightly.The air was cold but something about it felt like home somehow.
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“Or you just want to impress her.”[Paul Aron x reader]
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Paul’s friends from Estonia was in Monaco for the race. Thats why Paul was in a good mood. He was smiling at everything and everyone. Y/N could actually swore he was not walking but actually flying. Y/N was glad that he was happy but a certain person next to him was making her anxious. She was a close friend to him and she was making it obvious. Touching Paul’s arms,giggling everything he says,looking at him lovingly. Y/N was sure she was interested in him. Though,Y/N was in no place to be jealous of her. But she couldn’t help it and the glares she sends to Y/N was not helping this situation. While she was thinking about all this Paul made his way to her.
“Thinking about me?”
Y/N turned to see a smirking Paul. She rolled her eyes at his statement,acting like it wasn’t true.
“You wish,Aron.”
“Ah trust me,my wishes are more delusional.”
Paul was teasing Y/N as usual. Y/N wondered if the girl was also getting this treatment or was she different.
“I bet they are. Did your friends leave cause race is starting soon?”
“Yeah. I really want to win you know? They came all this way to support me and I want to make sure they get a good show.”
Paul said while looking at his friends side. Especially at the girl Y/N was jealous of.
“Or you just want to impress her.”
Y/N really didn’t want to sound so petty. She should’ve supported Paul and his friends as well. But she was having troubles with stopping the fire in her heart. Paul on the other hand,was confused.
“What? Impress her?Who?”
“Your pretty friend over there,Paul. Who else?”
God,Y/N was sounding pathetic. She wanted to run away from there as quickly as possible. Paul looked at his friends then turned to Y/N and looked at his friends again. He didnt say anything for a minute then a grin appeared on his face.
“You are jealous.”
“No.I’m not.”
“Oh my god,Y/N. You definitely are.”
Y/N took a deep breath. Her brain was saying it was now or never. If she didn’t confess now,she would probably never do it.
“Okay maybe I am jealous that you want to impress her so much while I’m here every day being impressed by you without you ever trying.”
Paul gasped at that sudden confession. His blue eyes twinkled as he was looking at Y/N deeply,to see if she was being serious or sarcastic. Y/N couldn’t even breath until he spoke.
“I don’t want to impress her.She is like a sister to me,I only want to make her proud.”
If there was a hole next to them right now,Y/N would jump and hide at there forever.
“Oh,Sorry I-“
Y/N couldn’t finish her sentence when Paul got too close to her.
“But,there is a girl I always wanted to impress. I thought she was annoyed by me,turns out she was mesmerized by me. Great news,isn’t it?”
Y/N gulped.
“I never said I was mesmerized.”
“Always denying your feelings,Y/N. Good girls like you shouldn’t do that.”
Y/N watched Paul get his helmet on and walk to the door.
“I will win the race for you. And I will shout your name on the podium,maybe after that you will be convinced for a date.”
Y/N smirked.
“We will see that if you win,Aron.”
The last thing Y/N saw as he left was Paul’s determined eyes.
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“We ain’t angry at you,do you hear me? We ain’t angry at you.”[Paul Aron x reader]
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Y/N looked at the result once again and sighed. They were waiting for p1 or p2 but all they got was that stupid dnf sign.
It was now official that Paul lost the 1st place in the leadership. Everyone in Hitech was devastated and sad. Y/N was able to say it by looking at their faces. Though the saddest person was undoubtedly Paul. Y/N started walking to his driver room and knocked,but no answer came.
“He wants to be alone. At least for now.”
That was Ralf speaking,Y/N nodded. Ralf patted her shoulder and went back to the meeting room. Y/N sat down next to the door and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
She waited until she couldn’t tell how long she waited.
The door opened slowly and Y/N looked at the person who opened it. It was Paul.His usual smile was long gone on his face and his eyes were full of sadness. There were multiple signs of meaning he cried. Paul noticed Y/N and sighed as he let her in.
“Ralf told me you were waiting for hours now. Is there something you had to say?”
Paul’s voice were far from recognizable from all of the crying. He stood in front of Y/N and waited for a response.
The only response he got was the tightest hug in the world.
Paul relaxed as he buried his face onto her neck. Y/N played with his hair slowly as she made sure he was comfortable. After the long hug session they both sat down and Paul put his head on her shoulder.
“I fucked it up,Y/N.”
“No,listen okay? I fucked it up cause this season was all I had. All I had. There wont be a round two or a second chance. I dont have an academy back up or enough money for f1. Hell,it will probably my first and last season on f2. Under all of this conditions,I should have been better. I could have been better. I know I could. Im so fucking disappointed in myself. So does everyone else.”
Y/N took a deep breath as she felt a tear on her shoulder. She thought if she could take all of his pain and made it hers,she would.
“I know what conditions you are in and I get what you feel but you should stop putting yourself under pressure all the time. Not everything is your fault,sometimes car sucks. And you are only a rookie,Paul. You have been doing great,you are great. Everyone knows this,We know you are trying your best. We ain’t angry at you,do you hear me? We ain’t angry at you.”
Y/N felt more tears on her shoulder as she held Paul’s hand and gave it a squeeze.
“Don’t go too hard on yourself,I love yourself.”
Paul let out a small chuckle to that. He raised his head from her shoulder and looked at her eyes.
“Thank you for understanding me so well,I needed this today.”
“Anything for you,champ.”
Paul smiled and put his hand on her cheek. Two teenagers kept smiling at each other until the door opened.
“Am I interrupting something or..?”
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“You think I’m an excellent f2 driver?”[Paul Aron x reader]
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Y/N watched Paul smile to something Dino said. She always admired the way he seemed relaxed and carefree,like he was the king of a world.
Well,a world she could never live.
It was okay though,watching was enough.
Y/N sighed and started walking to her desk. Rene wanted some stuff for the PR team and she had to get it ready before tomorrow. Everybody was gone cause the race was over,they were probably off to celebrate. Y/N got comfortable at her chair and opened the laptop. She was ready to get to work until she felt someone was behind her.
“You never rest,do you?”
A voice she was awfully familiar with. She turned back to face the infamous Paul Aron.
“Well someone has to work.”
“After the race we won? I dont think so. The only thing you have to do is party.”
Paul got closer and sat on the chair next to her. Y/N smiled.
“Getting drunk and going crazy at a bar is not really my style.”
Paul chuckled.
“I know. It would be good to see you get wasted for once though.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and turned back to her laptop. She could sense Paul was pouting.
“Shouldn’t you be at the party and celebrate like everyone else?”
“I should be. But Im not leaving without you. Come on Y/N,I need you there.”
Y/N felt her heart twisted. Time to time, Paul would say nice things to her like that and every time,she would feel like floating.
“You got Dino and Ollie,you will be fine.”
“Three of us together is literally the meaning of chaos and you know that very well. I will be everything but fine.”
Y/N chuckled and looked straight into Paul’s ocean blue eyes.
“Is this how you talk about your friends,Paul?”
“Its how I talk about “them”.Does that mean you are coming?”
Paul said with a teasing tone. He came closer to her desk and put his head on his hand.
“I have things to do.Not all of us are an excellent f2 driver.”
Y/N said with a bright smile. Paul’s eyes light up with joy.
“You think I’m an excellent f2 driver?”
“Is that the only thing you got from that sentence?”
“Maybe. Maybe it was the only thing I wanted to hear.”
Y/N felt she was blushing so she turned back and acted like she was getting something from her bag. Paul grinned,
“You are aware that I can see you blushing,right? You don’t have to hide.”
“Im not hiding,Im getting something from my bag.”
“And that something is what? Your pride?”
Paul started laughing madly while Y/N was furious and sadly still blushing. Paul stood up and held her hand,making her stood up as well.
“You are coming with me,Y/N. I won the race,I deserve a celebration.”
Y/N looked at him with an unsure face.
“You can have your celebration. You got your trophy and everything,what do you want more?”
Paul said with a straight face like it was the most normal thing in the world. Y/N’s eyes got wide with surprise.Paul started walking to the door,still holding her hand.
“I thought you would catch on earlier since you are the smartest person I know. I like you,as more than friends.”
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