deliriously-dazed · 2 days
hii!! could you write romantic kunizai with hiding an injury and/or forgetting to eat if you don't mind :3
thanks sm in advance <33
Oh, absolutely!! Love that someone asked for this because I adore kunizai <33
And just to be sure, you want Dazai being the one hiding injuries and forgetting to eat? Or Kunikida?
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deliriously-dazed · 8 days
Title: Solace in Storms (Solace in You)
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Content warnings: Suicide mentions on courtesy of Dazai (brief and none-explicit) Characters: Dazai Osamu, Edogawa Ranpo Ship: Dazai x Ranpo (Can be read as Pre-slash or platonic) Prompt used : Cry into chest Summary: A thunderstorm rages, and Ranpo is going through some things. Dazai is there. Word count: 1750 Ao3: Solace in Storms (Solace in You)
For @badthingshappenbingo and @littie-hun, who wished for some Souheki content! I hope it's alright, and thank you for the request! <3
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The roar of fierce thunder submerges the city of Yokohama. Violent flashes of lightning slash across the sky, followed by deep rumbles of thunder that reverberate through the air and seem to rattle the walls. The rain pours down in torrents, relentless in its mission to drown the city—splatters against the rooftops, the streets, and against the windows. The outside world is a blur, lost and trembling in a haze of water and wind. 
11:41 pm. The red numbers of Dazai’s clock, generously gifted to him by Kunikida a year or so ago, read out. Dazai lies, comfortably spread on his futon in the modesty of his dorm. Listens as the storm rages outside. He finds a comforting solace in the chaos— in the howling wind, the power of thunder, and the persistent patter against his window. 
Dazai’s been half-reading and half-day-dreaming for the last hours, letting his mind wander in usual and comfortable directions. He’s in the middle of indulging in the double-suicide fantasy he’s got when the first soft knock descends upon his door. Easily, he brushes the sound off due to the storm, maybe some branches being thrown around by the wind or a shift in the building. 
The second knock makes him hesitate. Dazai slowly sits up, frowning. It doesn’t make sense for anyone to visit him at this hour, especially in this weather. It’s not like his colleagues to drop by unannounced—lest Dazai does something to merit such a visit, though this week has found him especially behaved so—
The knocking comes again, more forceful this time. Curious but cautious, he swings his legs over his futon's side and treads to the door. Flicking the lock, Dazai opens it just enough to peek outside through the crack.
In the dimly lit hallway stands Ranpo. Soaked through, clothes clinging to his frame, and dripping water onto the floor. Dark, wet hair plaster against his forehead. His hat is missing, alongside his usual confident, sometimes even arrogant posture. What strikes Dazai the most is the look in Ranpo’s wide-open eyes, anxious and desperate… lost. 
“O’well, you certainly look like a wet kitten in need of adoption,” Dazai says, blinking at the sight. He opens the door wider, wondering why Ranpo is at his door in this state and not Yosano’s. Or Kunikida’s. Or Atsushi’s. Or Kenji’s. Actually, anyone but Dazai, because he is very much the worst at comforting others. His initial reluctance to do just that is palpable, making the air surrounding them tense. However, Ranpo chose to come here—Dazai will just have to do what he can, even if he’s terrible at it.
Instead of voicing that particular concern, though legitimate, Dazai continues rambling, “—which there’s nothing wrong with, by the way. I was just thinking about adopting one, so you, Ranpo-san, will do just fine. Now, come in before you freeze to death.” 
Because, contrary to popular belief, Dazai has a heart, and it’s not like he’s going to send the older man—currently looking very much younger—away. 
Ranpo doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t move either, despite Dazai’s invitation. He just stands there, lips slightly parted, watching Dazai through rarely observed brown eyes. Glazed over and shiny, yet still very pretty with the long lashes framing them.
“Ranpo-san?” Dazai asks, voice softer now, genuine concern replacing the playfulness. He gestures for the other to enter, “Come inside.” 
The detective hesitates for a few seconds as if considering the possibility of leaving. His gaze shifted to the wall beside Dazai, then trail to the floor. A faint blush creeps across Ranpo’s cheekbones. Embarrassed or maybe ashamed? It may as well be a product of the unmistakable chill seeping into Ranpo’s bones, racking his body with shivers. 
Just as Dazai is about to speak up again, Ranpo shuffles past Dazai and into the small dorm. As soon as he’s inside, Dazai closes the door behind them, the rumbling of thunder and howl of wind fading into background noise.
Neither of them speak for a moment. Dazai lets the situation settle and wills the unease to release from his shoulders with a deep breath. He can handle whatever this is. It doesn’t matter that he genuinely sucks at taking care of people. He shows care in other ways. Relentless teasing and such things. He’s quite good at figuring things out as he goes without a plan though, which is a perfect skill for his current situation.
Looking Ranpo over once again, he falters immediately. The detective is in the middle of his room, arms tightly wrapped around himself, head down towards the floor, and god—Dazai’s heart hurts just a tiny bit at the sight. Ranpo is heartbreakingly adorable. The thought makes Dazai feel a little bad, because his friend is obviously not okay, and Dazai should perhaps focus on that. The internal struggle is evident, most likely some defense mechanism of his. A reluctance to handle the complex emotions stirring within him, making his focus turn to what’s simple. And what is simple is focusing on just how adorably kitten-like Ranpo currently looks. He seriously can’t help it.
“Right,” he says, breaking himself out of his ‘Ranpo is adorable, and that’s a fact’ spiral—because, focus, “Right. Okay, let's get you warm and dry, hm?” 
He doesn’t wait for an answer. Just grabs a towel from his bathroom, digs some clothes out of his dresser, making sure to get the charcoal hoodie he knows Ranpo likes before returning to his friend's side. He holds the items out, watching as Ranpo takes them with trembling hands, a confused frown etched vulnerably onto his face. “I’ll make us some tea while you change, alright?”
Ranpo agrees with a weak nod, still staying silent. Though, he doesn’t need to say anything. Dazai sees the tension in his shoulders, knows by that alone that there’s something else going on besides the storm. The way Ranpo flinches at a particularly loud crack in the sky gives Dazai some insight. That, and the fact that Fukuzawa isn’t in the city this week. 
His eyes trail Ranpo as the older heads for the bathroom to change, concern tightening his chest. He isn’t used to this. Isn’t used to seeing Ranpo so small and vulnerable… fragile, even. Dazai stands there for a while before he moves to the kitchenette, setting a kettle to boil over the stove. He prepares two mugs, adding a decent amount of honey into both. The warm steam from the kettle does little to ease the worry gnawing at him. 
When the tea is ready, five or so minutes later, Ranpo is still in the bathroom. The shuffling sounds Dazai could hear before have ceased. He places the mugs on the coffee table in front of his small two-seater sofa on the way over to the bathroom. Softly taps the door with his knuckles. It isn’t locked, but he figures letting Ranpo have autonomy over the space is best. Respecting his boundaries and such. 
The tension seeps out of Ranpo, and his limbs go boneless. A second later, Dazai finds himself with an armful of Ranpo and, needing to shift, fully sits down on the floor to brace both their weights. “Alright, yeah, okay… yeah, that’s fine,” he mumbles, quiet and soft, bringing one arm to rest around Ranpo, the other working to pull up the charcoal hood, conjuring some feel of some phantom protection for the other. Dazai doesn’t know why he does it. Only that Ranpo prefers hiding away from the world when he gets like this. And Dazai only knows that, or rather, he assumes it, solely one the fact he’s never actually witnessed Ranpo in this sort of state. 
A quiet hum answers him. (See, maybe Dazai isn’t so bad at this after all.). Taking it as the affirmation it is, Dazai enters to find Ranpo cross-legged on the floor, certainly looking dryer than before, though not that much better. “Hey,” he says, kneeling down. He brushes a few damp streaks from the detective’s forehead, feeling warmth radiating off his skin. Instead of shying away, as Dazai feared, knowing of Ranpo’s occasional aversion to touch – Ranpo leans in. At first, it’s a miniscule movement, barely noticeable. Then skin meets skin, the tip of Dazai’s fingers to Ranpo’s warm temple, and the older completely melts into the touch. 
He’s seen the detective in a vast array of moods and feelings. Basically watched as confidence and pride ooze out of him when showing off his deduction, only to deal with the man’s grouchy attitude a short few hours later because of a broken coffee machine. (All while Ranpo doesn’t even drink coffee, but apparently, the machine’s chocolate powder container had been empty.)
Still, Dazai’s seen the man hurt and angry, annoyed and childish, seen him flustered and awkward, happy and excited. But this—Dazai hasn’t ever seen Ranpo like this. It’s a new level of vulnerability he’s being trusted with. Trusted to handle adequately… respond to. Dazai is everything but reliable, isn’t sure he trusts himself with the task. 
But when Ranpo buries his face, impossibly deep into his neck, his response comes naturally enough. His hand moves over Ranpo’s back in a soft pattern.
Soft assurances are whispered into the dark charcoal hood. Phrases like ‘You’re okay.’, ‘Just breathe.’ and ‘Everything’s fine.’ fall from Dazai’s lips. He barely needs to think about what he says. Only desiring to comfort the other. When fingers grip tightly at the fabric over his chest, squeezing repeatedly, Dazai murmurs, “It’s alright, I got you.”  
And Ranpo barely makes a sound as he cries. Dazai can only tell by the tears sliding down his neck, soaking the hem of his shirt, and occasional hiccups interrupting the rhythm of Ranpo’s breathing. Dazai doesn’t know how long they sit like that, but eventually, he feels Ranpo take a few shuddering breaths. Shortly after, the tears stop soaking his shirt as the detective falls into a sleepy haze. 
Dazai ends up carrying him to his futon, carefully putting him down. Thinking Ranpo is still far into dreamland, he turns away, about to go clean up. A hand grasps his, pulls. Dazai lets it happen, seeing no reason to refuse, nor wanting to. He goes willingly, and the next second, Dazai is back to the same place and position as before. In bed, on his back, staring at the ceiling. The difference is that he's not alone anymore.
Looking to the side, the red numbers past Ranpo's sleeping form read 12:48 am. The storm rages on the same, and Ranpo shamelessly curls up against Dazai’s side.
Before succumbing to sleep himself, Dazai notes, somewhat hazily, that suicide, double or not, doesn't seem half as intruiging as it did an hour ago.
Thanks for reading <33 //Daze
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deliriously-dazed · 12 days
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Open to requests!
So, hello and hi! This is my Bad Things Happen Bingo card!
Since I haven't posted any of my writing on here yet, I'll start by saying that when I write, I tend to lean toward hurt/comfort, whump, sickfics, angst, and other tropes in that area. Although I seldom write hurt/no comfort as I kinda crave comfort...
Secondly, I'm taking requests for the prompts on the card. I've never done this before, but I'm excited!
For requests:
I will mainly write for Bungou Stray Dogs. Wish for a scenario, a character, a ship or what you want. There's more info below, I have some 'No's at the bottom, but otherwise you can just pick a square in the card and a character, and/or just give a scenario with a character/ship and leave ut up to me to make it fit one of the prompts in the card!
Following is just some info about what I like:
1. Characters I like to make suffer (not exclusive):
(As said, this isn't exclusive at all, just my list of whumpee faves! If you would like any other character in bsd to suffer and get some comfort, you are always welcome to ask ofc❤️ I can't promise anything beforehand)
2. Ships and/or dynamics
If I get a request without any specifics in this area, the fic will be platonic, but I claim the right to do as I wish without doing anything too crazy. Say someone wants Kunikida for the heatstroke prompt, then I won't write, say Mori as a platonic caretaker.. I'll stick to what I'd consider "reasonable" unless requested otherwise. (With that said, It’s completely alright to ask for platonic Kunikida x Mori for the heatstroke prompt)
Moving on, here are my fave romantic ships:
(Again, you can ask for what you want, platonic or no, I'm open to try writing other pairings and/or dynamics!)
About Setting/AUs
As I haven't read the light novels yet, I'll have a hard time writing things dependent on those. Other than that, request any setting/AU you want!
You absolutely can request NSFW content, but know that I am not a very experienced smut writer, and I may reject the request if I don't feel comfortable with it.
What I won't do:
MCD (permanent)
Underage (goes for any character currently underage, meaning I won't age up a character for the purpose of writing nsfw content with them)
Word length and timeframe:
Fics can end up being anything between 800 - 10 000 words, it all depends on how inspired and motivated I am, how much time I have and how my life is going in general. Same with the timeframe. I can't promise to complete anything within a certain timeframe, I will do my best to be quick, but I dont want to half-ass anything either!
Thanks //Daze
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deliriously-dazed · 22 days
Taking requests!
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So, hello and hi! This is my Bad Things Happen Bingo card!
I'll start by saying that when I write, I tend to lean toward hurt/comfort, whump, sickfics, angst, and other tropes in that area. Although I seldom write hurt/no comfort as I kinda crave comfort...
I'm taking requests for the prompts on the card. Also, I've never done this before, so we'll see how it goes, but I'm really excited!
For requests:
I will mainly write for Bungou Stray Dogs. Wish for a scenario, a character, a ship or what you want. There's more info below, I have some 'No's at the bottom, but otherwise you can just pick a square in the card and a character, and/or just give a scenario with a character/ship and leave ut up to me to make it fit one of the prompts in the card!
Following is just some info about what I like:
1. Characters I like to make suffer (not exclusive):
(As said, this isn't exclusive at all, just my list of whumpee faves! If you would like any other character in bsd to suffer and get some comfort, you are always welcome to ask ofc❤️ I can't promise anything beforehand)
2. Ships and/or dynamics
You can ask for what you want, platonic or no, I'm open to try writing any pairings and/or dynamics!
Previously, I had my favourites listed here, but I felt like I excluded a lot of possibilities.
About Setting/AUs
As I haven't read the light novels yet, I'll have a hard time writing things dependent on those. Other than that, request any setting/AU you want!
You absolutely can request NSFW content, but know that I am not a very experienced smut writer, and I may reject the request if I don't feel comfortable with it.
If there are certain things you want me to avoid, say so! Can be anything from triggers such as blood, specific health conditions, vomiting, to icks or 'nope's that you have, such as certain dynamics within relationships. If nothing is specifically stated, be aware that canon-typical AND "fanon"-typical themes may occur. For example, if you request ranpoe, I may take liberties and add kunizai as a background pairing if I feel it fits the fic. (That said; dont worry about me adding canonically absurd pairings, or making the fic derrail from the original prompt!)
What I won't do:
MCD (permanent)
Underage (goes for any character currently underage, meaning I won't age up a character for the purpose of writing nsfw content with them)
Non-con/rape within any pairing
Word length and timeframe:
Fics can end up being anything between 800 - 10 000 words, it all depends on how inspired and motivated I am, how much time I have and how my life is going in general. Same with the timeframe. I can't promise to complete anything within a certain timeframe, I will do my best to be quick, but I dont want to half-ass anything either!
If you want to be anonymous, I'll respond to the ask when I'm finished. Otherwise, I'll tag whoever sent the request in the finished post! (Does that make sense? Is it weird? I'm new on tumblr so I dont know the "social code" yet lmao)
(Just for information, I edit/update this post continuously, so dont think you missed anything or feel gaslighted if there's new information reading this again)
Thanks //Daze
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deliriously-dazed · 22 days
Hello and hi, you can call me Daze, Deliriousdaze or Taikiro.
First of all, I'm here to hopefully get some writing done! Mainly for Bungou Stray Dogs, I've written for multiple fandoms before, although only on Ao3. This blog is a way for me to step away from previous expectations regarding writing. (In other words, see this as me moving away from my hometown and starting over, attempting to escape the opinions of that one great aunt and her dog) A freedom, if you will. (I'll still crosspost on Ao3; I'm not saying I'm stepping away from there; I'd never survive)
Second, I am entirely new to this. Both having an active blog, and even interacting on Tumblr. However, I am a long-time lurker. So, just saying, while I've heard about asks and commissions and all that, I might fuck things up like replies and stuff... idek the practical difference between a commission, an ask, or a message is... So I'm sorry in advance if I mess up, I'll do my best.
With that said; I have a Bad Things Happen Bingo card I thought I'd use to jumpstart this blog. I'm very open to taking requests, but I won't be able to promise anything (i have no idea if this post will even reach people sooooo, we'll see) I'll be sharing the card in another post and just summarize here that my writing tends to lean towards hurt/comfort, whump, sickfics, angst and such tropes!
Thanks //Daze
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