dekuthequirkguru · 5 years
Not entirely quirk-related, but do you watch any non-bnha-related series and wonder how someone's abilities could maybe translate into a quirk in the bnha world??
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Uhm, do Let’s Plays count as a ‘series’...? I never really have time to play any games on my own, and plus I don’t have any consoles here in my dorm room, so usually I just watch Yotube Let’s Plays during my breaks... I think they count as a series of sorts, though, especially story-driven games. Wouldn’t you think so, too? In a way, video games can also be visual novels...!
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Funny enough, I’ve recently been watching Let’s Plays on the game Spirit Hunter: NG. That Bloodmetry power could honestly pass as a Quirk in itself...! It’s very fascinating, being able to peer into what the blood owner’s last memories are... There’s also this other game, Shikiyoku, that also sorta deals with spirits, and the thought of entering into a spirit’s so-called “Dreams” could also be a Quirk itself. Maybe it could be more-so in the sense that you can tap into a deceased person’s mind and construct a ‘dream world’ from a short period of time before their passing, or.. who knows? Either way, it’s very fascinating...
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dekuthequirkguru · 5 years
Hey guys, Embi here. So a lot of things have been suddenly going on in such a short period of time for me here in real life. I’m not entirely sure how to explain it all in words, but to make things short and cut to the chase, I’m basically in desperate need of money (or well, a source of income in general) in order to work on being able to live on my own. Usually, I never consider relying on art commissions – not because of anxieties, a lack of confidence in my art (and its pricing), and fear that I won’t be able to keep up with the flow, but also because of the fact that I just don’t have a big enough audience to promote my content and gain reputation. Unfortunately, considering my circumstances, I suppose I don’t really have any other choice for a step forward that I’m mostly comfortable with.
It’s why I’ve finally decided to try expanding on my commissions and put more effort into getting it out there while I’m still capable of even doing it. If you’d like to request an art commission of any character (even OCs), then check out this post to see details on this offer. If you are part of an RPing community, and would like for me to either fancy up your icons or even go icon hunting for a faceclaim for you, then check out this post for details on that. I might also consider making buttons and those double-faced charms for various anime, but I’d need to look in on how to work that out first before officially announcing it. If you’d rather just donate out of simple generosity, you can head on over to my Ko-Fi, or even become a patron (despite the fact I’m still trying to figure out how patreon works and what I can even give as exclusive content from there). Every cent honestly makes a huge difference to me, and reblogs would be like my lifeline, too. Literally. They’re very, very important, if you can’t tell enough.
Part of me feels as though I’m asking for a bit much over simplistic offers on my end, and that I should apologize for asking this much from the very few of you who support my content. I only hope that you all understand, and that even if it isn’t much, my content can still be enjoyed. 
Thanks for hearing me out, and as always, Happy Blogging~ ♡
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dekuthequirkguru · 5 years
Hello I would like to ask an idea about quirk since there’s a lot of artist who already took what I had in mind, if you don’t have time please come in private because I think that i have a lot of expectations lol thanks if you answer me! If it help my OC is very calm and serious, not friendly at all (only for some people like 1 or 2) I hope that it will help! Thanks again!
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A Quirk idea, huh? You’re always welcome to ask me anything about Quirks! I’m pretty interested in what the Quirk user is like, too... I can’t guarantee I’ll have all the answers you’re looking for, but I’ll still do my best to meet your expectations, hikibiiii-san...!
That said, I know that there are plenty of people who can have similar ideas, but don’t let that stop you from doing what you want! Sure, there are many unique Quirks out there that set themselves apart from others, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t Quirks that are just as similar to one another as well...! Besides, even if there are similar Quirks, there are plenty of different ways they’re used with many different kinds of people out there capable of being their users, too. So, uh.. basically what I’m trying to say is: it isn’t just the Quirk that makes it unique, but also the Quirk user using it and the ways they use it as well. When all is said and done, your Quirk is just another part of you, so make the most of what you want in yourself!
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I’m looking forward to hearing this idea about a Quirk or Quirks in general from you. Feel free to come back into my inbox anytime when you’re ready!
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dekuthequirkguru · 5 years
do you do quirk combinations on all the quirks we know so far? i'd like to see what kind of quirk could come out of hardening and explosion.
I do! Even made-up Quirks, too! Just as long as you can give me information about the made-up Quirk – I might ask for a lot of things about it, too, just saying.Hmm, that aside, Kirishima’s Hardening and Kacchan’s Explosion, huh? 
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… Alright, I’ve got it…!
Quirk: Ignited FrictionQuirk-Type: Emitter/Activation
The user of this Quirk is able to harden up their body which is then capable of making explosions via impact of any sort due to friction. The nitroglycerin in their sweat glands aids in the creation of these explosions, meaning that the more they sweat, the bigger the explosion. It’s possible for the user to throw themself out like a living grenade for a possible tactic. Blunt impacts are much more powerful through the force of their explosions, and momentum can also receive a boost from explosions via a big enough impact as well.
Humidity in the air affects how successful the explosions are made. Having any thick, moist or liquid-y substance on the skin other than the user’s own sweat may also affect the success rate. The longer the user maintains their Quirk, the weaker it gets and the more they are prone to getting hurt by their own explosions themself. And finally, explosions can be willingly activated. The user thankfully won’t have to worry about unnecessary friction, especially if it’s from their own clothes.
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dekuthequirkguru · 5 years
"Hey Deku! I want to increase the amount of weight I can float but...I'm kinda scared. Any tips on how I can train for this?"
Hrmm... So far, you’ve been able to handle floating yourself for a period of time. Not to mention how you were able to use your Quirk on not just yourself, but on other people, too, during UA’s culture festival... You know, I’d say you’ve been doing really good in improving your weight limit! Ah, but, you want to be able to increase it even more, huh...? Let’s see...
Well, since you’re able to float multiple people and yourself thus far, I’d say to first find out how many you can handle floating---including yourself, of course---and then maybe cut it down to about two-thirds of that and work from there. You’d want to start from within your comfort zone, maybe even a little less than that just for warm-ups. From there, you’d then increase the number of people involved, one participant at a time. A little coordination’s going to be involved since you’ll need people whose schedules can match up with your training session, but then again, they could make use of the zero gravity for their own little quirk-training sessions of their own. Just be sure to be on top with communication with them -- their time limit is how long you can manage, after all.
Speaking of time, I know you were asking for tips on increasing the weight limit, but part of me also feels it’d be good to consider working on using your Quirk for extended periods of time and quickening your recovery time as well.It’d take a lot of dedication, no doubt about it, but I’d say the ultimate goal is not just being able to withstand large amounts of weight, but also withstanding them for an extended period of time with as little delay as possible in-between. Something like that would be really useful during rescue missions that include transporting a large number of people or things at a time, don’t you think? It’s just a personal suggestion, so you don’t have to keep it in mind, but if you do end up considering it, then you’d be able to occasionally switch between increasing the capacity and optimizing intervals between each use. That should help make it either easier or more challenging, which of course all depends on how you’d like to adjust it. 
I think if anything, keeping a record of your training sessions would be really helpful in keeping track of your progress. It’d help you determine whether you need to make adjustments, keep what you’ve got going on for a little longer, or take things to the next level. Last but not least, have faith in your abilities...! After all, you’ve gotten this far, haven’t you?Never forget to look back on how far you’ve come, and use it as motivation to keep on pressing forward...!I believe in you, Uraraka-san!
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dekuthequirkguru · 5 years
You look like you're having fun with this, Izukkun. Do you know my classmate, Madaraki Hisako? Her quirk is Frankenstein, so she can disconnect parts of her body and control them. She's always looking for new ways she could use it for combat. If you've got any ideas, she'd probably appreciate it a lot.
W-Woah, a Frankenstein Quirk? That’s amazing! I’ve– never met her before, unfortunately, nor have I met the rest of your classmates… Sorry about that, Senpai…! Y-You’re all free to come to me if any of your other classmates want some advice for their Quirks, though! Still, a Quirk that allows you to control individually disconnected body parts… I wonder how she’s able to control all of them? Some sort of kinesis, I’m guessing…? Interesting…
Let’s see, in terms of combat, it might depend on just how much control and strength she has, and for which body part involved. If Madaraki-senpai has a lot of control, it might just be possible to disrupt the opponent’s actions. For example, she could one of her arms to stop the opponent from throwing something out, or maybe a leg to trip them up. Tactics like that might require some planning ahead, though, because it’s easy to catch onto them relatively quickly… If it isn’t possible, using stuff like retractable strings and adhesive can open up a few possibilities, too. In the event where the opponent aims on making distance, she could launch a hand out like a grappling hook to reel them back in, or maybe even attach a sensory body part like an eye or ear to act like a tracking device. Either way, the extent of her capabilities can be much bigger than just trying to do hand-to-hand combat. All it’d take is just a little thinking outside of the box…!
..Hmm, if Madaraki-senpai is capable of disconnecting body parts, would that also include being able to dislocate joints without any pain? Because if that’s the case, then there’s probably a load of ways she can improvise some martial art techniques! Not to mention, she could substitute weapons with just using her own body parts…! –Wait. Could she.. even hide weapons inside of her body parts…? That’d– probably be uncomfortable outside of combat, though… Just the thought of having weapons inside the body shifting about when you move is enough to make me shudder…
Uhm…! I-In any case, there are many creative ways to do combat with a Quirk like Frankenstein, both close- and far-ranged! From stealthy little sneak attacks, to retractable projectiles and improvised weapons for body parts, to maybe even a bit of feint-attacks and trap-making with the right equipment for them…! The possibilities are endless! Even better, if she can keep another part of her reserved for monitoring the situation and making strategies from a safe, hidden place, then she may as well be one of the most well-rounded heroes to have in a team…! If she’s perfectly fine with multitasking, that is. Something like would probably really hard to keep track of…
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dekuthequirkguru · 5 years
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Midoriya Izuku here! If you’re looking for some advice on how to improve your Quirk; interested in what kind of composition of two Quirks I can think of; or just need someone to bounce ideas with you for a Quirk idea you’ve had in mind for a while now, then why not come ask me for some help? Learning about Quirks, its drawbacks, applications and overall potential has sort of become a hobby of mine, but who knows? It just might be of good use for all of you HeroAca fans out there trying to fit into our universe, too!
So feel free to drop an ask, maybe even reblog this to let other people know, and just all in all have some fun with this world’s concept of Quirks! Go beyond, plus ultra!
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dekuthequirkguru · 5 years
Peeking inside, the rabbit boy nervously waves at the freshman. He doesn't say anything, but just wants help with his quirk overall - the poor lad needs it as much as he needs counseling.
Uh.. Senpai? Er, I guess you’re too shy to ask, huh…? Well, that’s okay! I’ll still help you! Besides, it sounds like you really need it… Your Quirk, Misfortune, must have been really hard to cope with, huh? A Quirk that literally gives you bad luck… Not to mention the fact that it’s also dependent on your mood. Something like that needs special training of the mind, because by extension, I’m pretty sure this also means that it’s influenced by your perspective, right?
Well, to begin with, I can’t really blame you for developing a negative impression towards your own Quirk if that’s what’s going on… I’m sure it’s caused you a lot of pain and suffering with this idea that it’s something you just can’t control in itself… But, even if that’s true, that doesn’t mean it gets to control your life forever. In the end, this is a Quirk we’re talking about – a physical ability with its own limitations, drawbacks, even conditions that need to be met in order for it to work to a particular degree…! There are still ways to control the situations it brings about other than just by bearing it all yourself and preventing it from spreading onto others who don’t deserve it. It may seem like it controls bad luck and makes it revolve around you, but if you really think about it, you can turn that idea around on itself because in the end, you can also control where and who this Quirk’s influences can reach…!
For instance: Misforune only revolves around you unless you make direct skin contact with someone, or at the very least be within close proximities with someone when they happen, right? That means that even though preventing direct contact with people you care about is one thing to think about, the opposite is just quite as applicable, too. People who only aim to hurt others for their own selfish gains, especially if it’s someone you care about or people you want to protect… Whatever misfortune they plan to bring onto others, it’s possible to use your Quirk on them if you deem it right to be done, and redirect this harmful intention back at them by becoming a catalyst for things that can and will go wrong with their plans. You’d be like a boomerang, a boomerang called Karma! It– isn’t really a healthy idea now that I think about it—you’d essentially be throwing yourself into potential danger like a suicide bomber depending how severe it can get—but still, it’s a matter of how you want to look at it. It’s a power that only affects you and anybody near you, but you still get to choose who’s affected by this Misfortune, its environment. Take that power and use it for what’s good and right! Nobody else can use its own flaws against itself except you…!
Think of it like this: instead of thinking, “this power only affects me and people near me, so it’s better if I suffer alone”, why not think of it the other way around? “This power only affects me and people near me, so it’s best I choose who deserves to be affected by it or not.” Thinking it like that, it sounds like a crazy powerful Quirk, doesn’t it? You even have the element of surprise to go with it! Not even villains would be able to expect and brace for whatever it can and will do, only you and the people you tell about your Quirk to…! Sure, it still does mean that you get hurt by it in the process, and I know it might be painful and difficult to want to let that continue on.. but, knowing that you can still save others by shouldering that pain yourself, somehow, I’m sure that in turn it gets a little easier to bear it. Besides, never forget: there are people willing to share that pain so that you don’t have to suffer alone. If there’s anything I learned about being a hero, it’s that we’re willing to take the blunt of the pain for others since we’re always expecting it anyways. Heroism is quite the occupational hazard, you know?
So, to summarize it all up: depending on how you see it, your Quirk can either be your ally or enemy. It may seem like a painful and unforgiving Quirk on the outside, but because it’s you who wield it, it can also be a kind and understanding Quirk on the inside, too. You have a kind and understanding heart, Senpai, I can feel it! You’re a kindhearted person who’s got enough experience to know just what your Quirk is capable of and is still capable of using its potential to protect others from the wrong…! Which is why I know your Quirk can do just as much, too. Just.. never forget who you are deep down before your Quirk defined who you are now, okay? Learn to identify all of its mechanics, learn ways to control it with your own hands, and then, learn to go beyond what it was initially meant to be for the greater good through your own will.
Your Quirk is what you want to make of it, so make sure it’s one that can still figure out who is worth protecting, and who deserves karmic retribution. Have faith in yourself in being able to control what this Quirk can conjure up…! A strong spirit will be the key to things getting better, okay? And even if there are people out there who will try to avoid or even hurt you for it, know that there are also still people willing to join and share this pain with you, too, for something greater than one’s self.
You don’t ever, ever have to be alone in your endeavors, Senpai. You have my support and more!
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dekuthequirkguru · 5 years
"Hey Deku-kun! Do you have any advice on how I can improve my aerial projectiles? I tend to use them most while flying.. or panicked, and I practically always miss. I haven't been able to practice much on it, but my the frontal feathers on my wings can condense the air into a solid slash!" -from a very tired bird.
I sure do! There’s a lot of potential to this ability. You could even use its inaccuracy to your advantage, too! That is, so long as you can control the environment you’re in in exchange and minimize its collateral damage… Actually, that– might be something you should try when you’ve mastered your aerial projectiles in the future, so um… Don’t try it now in the meantime…
Ahem. Now, in terms of improving your projectiles, I suppose there are three defining features you’d need to focus on: strength, range, and finally, accuracy. One method I can think of right off the bat that can help you tackle all three at once is learning to make your projectiles, uh, ‘smaller’ per se. By making your projectiles thinner and more compact, it has a greater chance of reaching greater distance, strengthening its impact, and sharpening the cut. Doing this would also mean not having to worry too much about putting a lot of strength in them yourself since I get the feeling its strength goes hand-in-hand with your own. Plus, it’ll encourage you to be more precise with how you throw it out as well. 
Speaking of accuracy and precision, you said that panicking drastically reduces them, right? You’ll probably have to be aware of that just in case it might risk collateral damage in the process… I suppose improving your reflexes is something to consider, but more than anything, it’s a matter of keeping the heart and mind steadfast regardless whether the situation or your own rationality has gone awry. Something like that doesn’t really have one perfect method to fixing it, so I can’t give a really good suggestion in combating it, but! No matter what, have faith in you and your strength! A strong, unwavering spirit will be the key to winning any battle!
Oh, one more thing – well, two things, actually. Make sure to pay attention to how your body moves when you dish out your aerial projectiles, and also, either improve or just keep an eye on your own physical strength and endurance as well. Figure out what it is you should do while minimizing what you shouldn’t over time, and then, do your best to make these things come to you naturally. I know it’d mean doing a lot of practice to the point they’re second-nature, but doing so will help you fight more efficiently without expending a lot of energy and focus in the process. After all, it’d be difficult maintaining that same amount of effort over time in prolonged battles, even if you make your aerial projectiles better themselves and especially since you seem to use them mid-flight, so keep this in mind during your training.
But, uhm- well, to summarize it all up: just focus on minimizing the input and maximizing the output! You want to be able to make the most of what you can do while putting in as little effort in it as possible. Does that make sense…? I hope it does. Besides, who knows? You might eventually learn how to make an air slash without moving your wings much if not at all…! Either way, I’m sure with enough practice, you’ll be able to achieve even greater things with this ability of yours! Just remember to give it your all and then some! Plus ultra!
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dekuthequirkguru · 5 years
"What'd you think our kids' quirks would be like? Would our quirks mesh well? Or, wait... Would your quirk even work like that?"
Ehm..! I’m– not too sure, if I’m honest, b-but if I’d have to take a guess, I don’t think it does work like that. It’s a Quirk that requires the user to be willing to pass it off to another, after all, s-so I highly doubt that our kids would have it if I don’t wish for it… 
Uhm, I suppose if anything, they’d have a much more enhanced version of yours in the off-chance they get some traits from mine…? O-Otherwise, they’d just.. have your Quirk the way it is.
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dekuthequirkguru · 5 years
Ah, here's something to think about!: do you think Quirks are capable of passing a generation or two? Like, what if your child ends up with the same Quirk as one of your grandparents, or gains either one of your parents' Quirk, when you yourself are Quirkless? It could be possible to get a composition of your parents' Quirks depending on whether it's in your genes, or, even more interesting, a composition of your spouse's Quirk with the one in you! So far I've yet to learn of such a thing happening, but imagine if that was a possibility, especially for those who are Quirkless...!
Now, there's a reason why I think it's more plausible for Quirkless people, hear me out. After learning how Aizawa-sensei's Quirk only affects one's Quirk-factor and not the Quirk itself, it actually got me thinking: what is it that really defines whether a Quirk is passed down in it's entirety or not? It could be possible that a person still has their parents' Quirks in their genetics, combined or not, but they probably don't have the 'plus alpha' mechanism---or at least enough of it?---to be able to unlock this Quirk's ability at will.
Sadly, we still don't know everything about how Quirks work, so in the end we can only speculate and assume. Even if that's the case, though, I can't help but feel a little relieved at the mere thought, heheh...
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dekuthequirkguru · 5 years
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So many Quirks, and yet so little of what we know about ‘em in general... I wonder what other kind of Quirks are even out there?
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