This just in Defgayrpgideas is cancelled due to acephobic comments and general dickishness
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This is awesome!!!
-Pigeon Paladin
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Fey Warforged with completely inconspicuous squirrel friend
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-Pigeon Paladin
Very round and soft giant wolf. Probably caring a village of faeries on the back
Awooooooo! That just sounds like an amazing idea on its own. I like this one!
Don’t trust any of the food
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NOOOOO!!! Don’t give your name to the fae! You give them the power!
-Pigeon Paladin
A faerie introduces himself. Then, holding out a hand, asks, “And your name, please?”
And, like a fool, you give it to him.
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So pure and good!
-Pigeon Paladin
I love it. Today at work, a little girl (had to be 8 or 9) noticed my dice jewelry and enthusiastically told me about her and her friends’ campaign, including her character, a hermit named Crabby who wears a shield on their back. Baby nerds are the best :’)
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Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of my beautiful, wonderful followers! I hope everything is amazing for you. Even if your family isn’t the best.
-Pigeon Paladin
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Look at this awesome faerie that I found at Pier 1! -Pigeon Paladin
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Tiefling & Little girl - character commission ~ Open for commissions Like.Follow.Reblog
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I can’t be 100% sure, but I believe it is.
-Pigeon Paladin
Is probablyreptilerpgideas taken yet?
I don’t keep track of every blog, sorry
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To get to know me better, why don’t you guys try to guess these? I know there’s not much for you to go off of, but I’ll reveal the answers at the end of the day!
-Pigeon Paladin
fun game!! dont look at my about and guess these things based on how you perceive me:
age pronouns and gender zodiac sign romantic status eye color hobbies introverted / extroverted favorite season
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You know what? I don’t want this anymore. Would anyone following want to take over the blog?
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So I have been Officially™ told to get my stuff out of my parent’s house and find a new place to live. All because I had the audacity to want my family to not be overtly homophobic. My dad has apparently been barely tolerating my gayness, and this was the last straw.
(my mum’s being nice but trying to “keep the peace” by not standing up to my dad)
Luckily, a friend has a spare room, and I’ve been approved to be added to their lease. All I need is to hire a truck or removalists so we can move my stuff, and to pay bond. After that, my normal wages should cover my ongoing expenses, as I’ve gotten extra shifts at work.
If you wanna and are able to help, here’s a link to my PayPal page
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Greetings 2.0
I forgot to mention, if you want to send me a message or anything, my personal blog is @pigeon-paladin. Again, can’t wait to meet you guys.
-Pigeon Paladin
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Hey, guys! I’m now in charge of maintaining the blog. Can’t wait to meet you all!
-Pigeon Paladin
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You know what? I don’t want this anymore. Would anyone following want to take over the blog?
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You know what? I don’t want this anymore. Would anyone following want to take over the blog?
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You know what? I don’t want this anymore. Would anyone following want to take over the blog?
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