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[[Normally I like to be super active with new rp blogs to cement my identity in the community. Sorry for the last of activity; just posting this psa to let everyone know that this blog isn’t going inactive. Long story short, there’s been an untimely death in the family. So most online activity is ceasing for the time being.
[[All replies I owe are in my drafts.]]
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Jumin: I'm having a salad for dinner.
Jumin: Well, fruit salad
Jumin: it mainly consists of grapes
Jumin: okay it's all grapes
Jumin: it's wine
Jumin: I'm having wine for dinner
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Fyi, chatroom stuff is just my way of saying hi. Don’t gotta reply if you’d rather do a face to face interaction. Just tell me what u want if you wanna interact
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chorimparkofrfa has entered the chatroom
[ @chorimparkofrfa ]
[707] The lady of the hour has arrived~
[707] A beauty like you should not be awake this late~
[707] lololol did I sound like Zen just now?
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purrrfectwine has entered the chatroom
[ @purrrfectwine ]
[707] Ellyyyy
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[707] how is my precious Ellyyyyy <3<3
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[707] It’s terrible!
[707] Awful!!! a catastrophe!!
[707] THE WORST!!!!
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[707] I’m out of poptarts
coffeelcving has entered the chatroom
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( Jaehee Kang ); What happened? ( Jaehee Kang ); ??
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“Ya.” Seven answered simply, clicking his tongue and clicking away on his keyboard.
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“Gotta go to the roof of the school though. Oh, or we can go climb Jumin’s building - you aren’t scared of heights, right?”
The pillow falls to the floor anticlimatically as he lets it go, and Yoosung just stares at it for a moment. What had even been the point…? He’s about to look up and ask, when he actually hears the other’s words. 
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“S-Sailor Lunar? That’s not released for another three months! You can do that?”
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[[Updates Mysme
it will no longer retrieve my save data]]
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I-I-I I've got a migraine
               And my pain will range from up, uʍop, and sideways,                        Thank God it's Friday 'Cause Fridays will always be better than Sundays
                       'Cause Sundays are my s u i c i d e days
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“Shhh,” Seven turned, gently pressing a pillow into Yoosung’s face. It fell once he let go of it. “No questions. A super secret agent like me must always be prepared!! Now-”
He turned back to his laptop, plugging in two USBs - one to access the local wifi for free, and one to keep him incognito. “Now do you want to see the new season of Sailor Lunar early or not?”
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He fumbles with the weapon, barely holding on to it in a panic. Once he was sure, he had an handle on it, he looks over to Seven with an alarmed expression.
“Spider-man..? But what– how did you even get a grappling hook?!”
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coffeelcving has entered the chatroom
[ @coffeelcving ]
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[707] Jaeheeeeeee
[707] I’m dyinggggggg
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gcngje has entered the chatroom
[ @gcngje ]
[707] !!!!!!!!
[707] The lady of the hour!
[707] The main character arrives!!
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Since the mun, Bonesy, has let the great 707 on their computer...
And this IS an mysme blog....
God Seven will share with u all a preview of what they are drawing
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Our little secret!!!!
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[ @secondshootingstar cont’d from x ]
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Seven whistles cheerily, dropping a rucksack and an armful of tech onto Yoosung’s bed. He digs into the bag and pulls out a grappling hook, tossing it to Yoosung.
“You like Spiderman, right? Of course you do. Don’t pull the trigger inside, bad things will happen.”
And with that he’s back to the mess he made on the bed, fiddling with a laptop he’d brought.
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Just got bored. Will finish follows later. Gotta work on promo
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Time to do some mass follows.
Not that the blog will show up in the activity feed, since it’s not a week old yet...
Too bad a certain someone couldn’t be patient, eh Yoosung?
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[ @secondshootingstar ]
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So, my friend and I are making Seven and Yoosung rp blogs respectively, and I made icons for us….then I went overboard and made templates for everyone. And now I feel like showing them off so here they are.
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