Deep Rock Rivals
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DRR is a Drg fanfic about a group of dwarves who inhabit space rig 16 fighting against rival mining companies and trying to survive.
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deeprockrivals · 6 months ago
Chapter 4
A Chitinous Cacophony
Empty shells fell from Gunners gun as he fired into a wall of glyphid grunts. The grunts couldn't get closer than a few metres from him before being blown away. "Hahaha! Eat lead you 8-legged freaks!" he shouted as he mowed down more and more grunts. A grunt slasher was sneaking up behind Engi though as it was about to attack it's face met Drillers pickaxe. "Woah! That one near had me!" he gasped. "Great lookin out Driller!" Driller gave Engi a reassuring nod before turning around and setting fire to everything in his path.
Jeremy stood terrified shooting Mactera from the air. His training prepared him for moments like this. But still he couldn't think straight. He was on the edge of a panic attack when he heard Gunner shouting. "Ach! Dammed guns overheated!" he yelled as the swarm descend on him. Driller immediately ran to Gunner who was wrestling with a grunt guard and tore it off him. Jeremy ran over to them. "You ok Gunner?" he asked frantically. "Yeah! Drillers got our backs as usual" he responded.
As the team were distracted the bugs had advanced extremely close to them. Driller stood his ground, shredding any bug that got too close as the rest of the team retreated slightly. "Focus fire on the front of the swarm! They're too close!" Yelled Gunner. Suddenly Jeremy felt every hair on the back of his neck stand on end. "Look out!" he yelled as not a moment later a cave leech grabbed Engi and lifted him in the air. "Engi!" Jeremy yelled using his grapple to grab onto Engi. Gunner ran over to Jeremy throwing his bubble sheild to the ground. "Eat this meatball!" he shouted at the cave leech as he opened fire. The cave leech dropped Engi to ground and Driller caught him. "Phew! I was nearly a goner!" he exclaimed. Gunner turned to Driller. "Driller, show em some fireworks!" Driller clasped his hands together in excitement before pulling out a satchel charge and casting it into the swarm. Jeremy watched Gunner and Engi plug their ears and he did the same. Driller clicked the his detenator and the swarm erupted into flame and screeches. Bits of bug flew in every direction. As the dust cleared few grunts were seen retreating into smaller caverns.
Gunner smiled. "Heh, not bad for a newbie." said Gunner as he punched Jeremy's shoulder. "Really?" asked Jeremy. "Course! Quick thinking with yer grapple." Gunner replied. Jeremy was extremely happy, he was expecting Gunner to be alot harsher on him. "Thanks Gunner!" he beamed. "Told ya" Engi whispered loudly in Jeremy's ear. "Yeah yeah Engi, I can still hear you!" retorted Gunner. "Oh, sorry! Thought you'd have lost your hearing by now old man!" Joked Engi.
As Jeremy, Engi and Gunner were laughing, Driller clapped his hands twice loudly. "What is it Driller?" asked Engi. Driller pointed towards a bend in the cave, a faint orange glow radiating from around the corner. "That must be the facility!" exclaimed Jeremy. "Let's go check it out" replied Gunner. The team began towards the glow and as they rounded the corner they saw an unbelievable sight. A gigantic cavern, it's walls covered in mine shafts. Robotic prospectors were making their way back and forth from the shafts to the enormous facility at the caverns centre. It reached upwards farther than the eye could see. The boys took cover behind a ridge, peering over at the facility. "What is all this?" asked Jeremy. "What is it!? It's bigger than the bloody space rig is what it is!" replied Gunner. Engi stared at the facility. "Well I know one thing." said Engi "This definitely isn't good."
To be continued...
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deeprockrivals · 8 months ago
Chapter 3
Caverns of Horror and Beauty
The drop pod doors opened revealing a large cavern full of life. Bioluminescent plants and fungi littered the walls, floors and ceilings of the cave. Strange creatures flew over head, understandably panicked by the appearance of a large shuttle. As the team stepped out of the drop pod mission control began the mission brief.
"Alrighty team, there's been a concerning development on Hoxxes. Our rivals have erected a mining facility. We don't know the exact scope of the facility as they have some kind of signal jammer. We landed you fairly far but once you get closer we will lose communications. Good luck team!"
"Well we best start movin" said Gunner "Scanner says the facility is due north of here" the team set out across the cave system towards the facility. Jeremy was enamoured by every sight, he couldn't see how these caves were so dangerous. Just as he thought this he was knocked of his feet. As he looked up he saw what could only be described as a box with legs walk by him. "Goddammit Molly!" Yelled Gunner. Jeremy complained as Engi helped him to his feet and Molly planted herself next to a wall ahead. "Looks like we gotta dig" said Engi. Gunner nodded and looked at Driller. "Driller, do your thing"
Driller walked over to the wall and began digging north and the team followed him through the tunnel. They chatted as they walked farther and farther. "So what are we supposed to do when we find the mining facility?" asked Jeremy. "We need to identify if it's a big problem or not" replied Engi. "And take out that damn signal jammer" Gunner added. "Gunner you know we can't do that. If our rivals know we're messing with their plans, it'll be impossible to-" Engi was cut off by Gunner. "Hold on, do you hear that?" Driller stopped digging and the team stood listening for a moment. They could hear a muffled sound through the rock. As they were listening the silence was broken by Mission control.
"Alright team. You've reached the edge of the signal jammers, the facility should be straight ahead. Get in there, figure out what we're dealing with and we'll send in the drop pod. Good luck miners!"
As mission control signed off the sound had gotten closer and was the indistinguishable sound of something burrowing towards them. "Brace for contact!" Yelled Gunner as not a moment later a large green mass burst into the tunnel. Jeremy, Gunner and Engi were knocked back by debris. Jeremy looked up in fear, peering into the dust only silhouettes could be seen. The sounds of whiring drills and pained screeching filled the tunnel. As the dust began to clear the tunnel had fallen silent. "You alright Scout?" asked Engi as he pulled Jeremy to his feet. "Yeah, I think so." replied Jeremy "what was that thing?" he asked. "A glyphid pretorian, but don't worry Driller took care of it" Jeremy looked down the tunnel and saw Gunner patting a filth covered Driller on the back "Ha ha! Great job as always Driller!" past them the body of the pretorian lay still. It's face turned into what could only be described as bug spaghetti.
Before the team could catch their breath roars and screeches could be heard from the tunnel ahead. Gunners smile faded quickly "Swarm! Everybody out of the tunnel!" he shouted. The team began to run for the exit created by the pretorian. As they exited into a larger cavern Driller strapped his drills to his belt and pulled a flamethrower from his back. The roars were getting even closer now. "Lock and load boys it's gonna be a big one." said Engi. As the team took stance to fight and the bugs entered the cavern, Jeremy couldn't be more terrified.
To be continued...
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deeprockrivals · 1 year ago
Chapter 2
The Great Descent
The drop pod shot out of the space rig like a bullet from a gun. It shudder as it moved towards the surface of Hoxxes carrying the team of four inside.
"OK, so what are we doing again?" Jeremy asked. "We're being sent in to sabotage our rivals." replied Engi' "They showed up on the planet one day, nobody knows who they are, what they are. We really know nothing."
A loud crash shook the drop pod and the drills started up. "Sounds like we're going down now" said Gunner, almost with a hint of excitement. "So these rivals. Are they... Aggressive by any chance?" "Absolutely" said Engi'. The team sat in silence for a minute until the silence was broken by Gunner. "Y'know, they never built a mining facility before. You think they managed to get data of the planet?" ponderd Gunner. "I really hope not, though it is possible..."
Jeremy hadn't thought of Engi' as very anxious but he certainly looked it right now. This must be incredibly serious as everyone seemed worried, even Gunner. But as usual, Jeremy had no time to sit and think. The drop pod touched down on the cave floor and the cabin doors began to open. There was certainly no turning back now.
To be continued...
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deeprockrivals · 1 year ago
Chapter 1
A Fleeting Introduction
The rusty old transit shuttle creaked and groaned as it travelled through the inky void of space. Jeremy sat idling in his seat. His nerves worsened with every moan and squeak of the ship. He had been training to be a mission scout with drg for a year now. It was all so daunting for Jeremy. "What will my team be like?" "What if they don't like me?" "What if I'm not good enough?" all these questions bounced around Jeremy's head. But he had no more time to think about it. It was about to happen. The shuttle docked with the space rig and the doors opened.
The voice of an old dwarf spoke as Jeremy cowered in his seat. "Finally! About time Drg sent us a new scout" Someone grabbed Jeremy's hand and guided him into the space rig. "Welcome to space rig 16 buddy!" exclaimed a second younger dwarf. He had blonde hair and a welcoming smile. "Do excuse Gunner, he's a sweetheart really!" said the welcoming face. "I am not Engi' and you know that." Gunner said with a annoyed tone. Engi' continued "Oh where's my manners! I'm Engi', that's Gunner..." Gunner reluctantly waved. "Don't worry, he'll warm up to ya!"
Suddenly a surprisingly tall dwarve came out of the living quarters. "Ah Driller! Perfect timing!" Engi dragged Jeremy over to Driller "Driller this is our new Scout!" Driller stood motionless and starred at Jeremy for a moment before smiling check to cheek. Jeremy cowered behind Engi. "Don't worry Scout, he doesn't bite!" Jeremy stood up straight and looked at Engi in confusion. "Why do you all call each other by your job title and not by name?" He asked. "Oh, well the company doesn't let us know each other's names." Engi explained. "Why?" asked Jeremy, he had so many questions and so far, zero answers.
But before he could get any answers a voice chimed in on the intercoms. "No more time for chatter I'm afraid boy's. Drg needs you to run some errands" said the voice. "Well kid looks like it's already time for yer first mission" said Gunner.
"We're sending you in for a round of sabotage, our rivals are trying to set up a mining facility on Hoxxes. We can't let that happen. Go down, tear the place apart and try not to get the newbie killed"
To be continued...
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deeprockrivals · 1 year ago
Hello and welcome to the official Deep Rock Rivals account!
This account is exclusively used to post new chapters for DRR. If you have any questions or want to see updates on DRR go check out my main account @gordon-blub!
A link to each chapter will be at the bottom of this post for easy access to any specific chapter!
Meet the boys:
I'm not good at drawing so here's the boys created in drg show you how they look, with some info about them!
Age: 20
Name: Jeremy
Sexuality: Gay
Additional Info: Shy, timid and a little scared but brave when it counts the most.
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Age: 37
Sexuality: Bisexual
Additional Info: Smart, calm under pressure and a real team player.
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Age: 61
Sexuality: Straight
Additional Info: Tough and stern but a real sweetheart under the surface.
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Age: Unknown
Sexuality: Aromantic/Asexual
Additional Info: Dangerous mute lunatic, a walking weapon, very protective of his team.
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Mission Control:
Age: 30
Sexuality: Straight
Additional Info: Genuinely cares about his team and hates seeing them hurt.
Links to chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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