deepdish-tower-au · 4 days
Oop, well no more pasta then
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"Eh, not the worst." "I'll go put these away in the meantime, okay?" "Go ahead-Oh, there's some coffee 'fer ya."
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"Ah, thanks, I'll make a..." "...Oh. Right."
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deepdish-tower-au · 2 months
So another update!
Good news, I finished my first year, so classes are not a concern for the summer!
...Less than good news, I'm having surgery. Nothing bad, don't worry, but it will knock me off my ass for a bit.
There's also been a lot of background thinking on how I'll proceed with the Updates of Deep Dish, and how I'll want to design my art in such a way it doesn't take literal months to finish. So I've decided to loosen up lineart wise (that's my biggest gripe, I've found.) So, yes, while the style itself won't change much, the lineart will. I hope with that, it'll come out faster. Roughs for the next planned updates are already done, I just need to make them!
In other news though.... I've been posting some stuff off of Tumblr! If you wanna see some silly, not canon stuff with these two, you can find it on the new Parody Twitter! My main is also connected to it as well, where other art can be found.
Thank you all so much for sticking with me for so long, really. It means a lot. I apologize things aren't as frequent as other blogs, but I'm putting a lot of heart into it. This means so much to me.
(here's some art to sate y'all!)
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So it's been a while, huh? Lots happened between posts, good, bad, and so-so. I won't go into details or whatever, but I've been a lot happier the past 5 months. I will also have someone help me with the artwork for each update, so hopefully, that speeds things up! Thank you all for your patience and support both on the blog and behind the scenes. :-) -Beetle (formerly Muse).
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deepdish-tower-au · 4 months
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So it's been a while, huh? Lots happened between posts, good, bad, and so-so. I won't go into details or whatever, but I've been a lot happier the past 5 months. I will also have someone help me with the artwork for each update, so hopefully, that speeds things up! Thank you all for your patience and support both on the blog and behind the scenes. :-) -Beetle (formerly Muse).
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deepdish-tower-au · 4 months
Them's the breaks. Hey Pep, want to help him out?
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"Oh, dang it, should've used more bags..."
"Eh, doesn't matter, they're shit either way. Anything broken 'sides the pasta?" "...No, doesn't look like it. Mind helping me out over here?"
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deepdish-tower-au · 5 months
(some art between updates, sorry this is taking so long, college is a jerk! But I also am putting a lot of effort into the image,,,)
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Past Looking In
This isn't canon to the AU at all, but I wanted to doodle the interaction between the DD seeing their canon/"future" selves (not their future, but they are younger than Canon.)
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deepdish-tower-au · 6 months
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@deepdish-tower-au Stimboard!
Happy late Birthday to Needles! 🌟🎉 Artwork in the center drawn by @thegameartist03!
🌟|🎉|🌟 🎉|✨|🎉 🌟|🎉|🌟
Please respect my Banner! ❗🌈Banner NOT free to use!🌈❗ ❗🌈Thmed aftr my blog specifically so Pls don’t use!🌈❗
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deepdish-tower-au · 8 months
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(An inbetweener for the updates, hope ya'll like them! Happy Halloween, got something planned for that too ;-)) -Muse
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deepdish-tower-au · 9 months
Some AU art in the works between Asks! Will be found here to not clog the blog :)
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Pumpkin Carving
Happy Friday the 13th!
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deepdish-tower-au · 9 months
Hello, Totino! How are you on this fine morning?
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"Oh, I've been quite well, thank you for asking! Grocery shopping went splendidly! As for what I got, let's see...Got some cans of soup, some b-"
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deepdish-tower-au · 10 months
Good Morning, Afternoon, or Evening to you all! Summer had ended and autumn begins...how fun! Hope you all stay warm with a beverage of your choice.
As for me, I've been busy in the background, situations going on such as moving across the country, getting back into schooling, etc. As such, the blog has fallen on the wayside for a short moment, but now that the dust has settled..we can get back to work!
Here's some little snippets for you all under the read more, enjoy, and have a lovely day!!
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deepdish-tower-au · 1 year
(so I got a question to the Creator.... What will be the major "twist"?
Tsk tsk, can't tell you that! But, it will follow a similar path towards canon, but more... interesting, if you will!
But I hope it will be something interesting nonetheless :-).
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deepdish-tower-au · 1 year
So, Peppino, you said your friend can't cook? What's your favorite thing to cook?
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"Peppino, I'm back!"
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"You won't believe the stuff I found today! Quite a steal if I say so myself."
"...Peppino? You up?"
(Questions can now be seen and given to Totino.)
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deepdish-tower-au · 1 year
Thats a bit suspicious of him... I wonder if this shopping is more than groceries.
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"No, No. We are not like that. No way in hell. I don't.."
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"Look. There's things about that man that are just a pain in my ass. He can't cook for shit, talks for hours...but I don't hate him."
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"Hell, there's things he's got that are nice to have around. Stupid little laugh, that big smile...the way he likes to hum while he..."
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deepdish-tower-au · 1 year
Are the duo lovers of fruit? If so, what fruit do they like?
.....📝 just asking for a friend
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"I dunno about Tino, but personally I'm a fan of berries. Doesn't matter which kind. I think he likes...."
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'Off to get groceries! Have a gift too. PS, Coffee's gross.'
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"...Heh. 'course you'd do that.."
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deepdish-tower-au · 1 year
Where is ur friend? U should go find him.
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"Honestly, knowing him? I wouldn't be surprised that he's up and at 'em. Guy runs like a damn machine, I swear."
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"I'm sure he's already out the door, place is too quiet for him to be still here."
"...Plus he'd be up my ass about sleeping in again, damn guy."
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deepdish-tower-au · 1 year
Look Pep, i know you dont rlly trust us (and thats fair tbh) but we do wanna help you if there is anything wrong. We're from the future after all, we may be able to provide more help than enyone else!
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"Look, I appreciate the worry, really. But I don't think there is anything you could do besides speak. Can't be so certain of any honesty here either, now can I?"
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deepdish-tower-au · 1 year
Ohohoh! Anon you absolute devil I love you! Oh so smart of an idea I'm taking this.
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