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Bess Armstrong hubba hubba
Watching a TV show and the guest star this episode is Bess Armstrong, which reminded me how huge a crush I had on her as a teenager when I saw her in Barefoot in the Park. 😍 😘 hot hot hot
And Barbara Barrie too. I didn't see my attraction for what it was at the time -- thanks, 1980s bi erasure -- but, YEAH.
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In October 2009, Sara Hess also tweeted out (can't remember why) this picture of RSL's lunch. Very me-coded.

a collection of tweets from sara hess, including rsl's apparently notable love of banana cream pie
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Ok, it's archeology, not paleontology, but this reminds me of the Bruiser sketch.

I don’t know how to describe it but this is exactly what paleontologists are supposed to look like
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i feel like a lot of discourse around identities could just be boiled down to “you could not pay me to care about this”
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For all my Johnlock BBC/Martin Freeman mutuals including @inevitably-johnlocked and @safedistancefrombeingsmart

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I don't ship them except in an AU where everyone in PPTH wakes up one day in a body that's the "opposite sex" from assigned gender at birth. Then I adore them fucking, and they get engaged about 24 hours after they first sleep together because they're both the compest-het ever. (They break up after about six months when Cameron, back in her regular body, realizes she doesn't want to actually full-time parent the kids she impregnated Wilson with. She pays child support and takes the twins one weekend a month, but is otherwise pretty hands-off.)
Goodnight. These mfs are ao fucking gay
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@cosmictuesdays @ixquicslair @topaz-eyes @asynca
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Literally sobbing. A judge, a US judge defended us. A judge brought up intersex people, uaing the term intersex, to *defend* us by not allowing our erasure. I'm having a lot of feelings right now

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There is also the scene in S1 where House asks a man if he had sex with House's male patient. The dude says, "I'm not gay," and House responds, "I didn't ask you if you were gay. I asked you if you had sex with him."
In the '00s, that was a remarkable level of distinction for a male lead character. In other words, see tags
i know the show makes implicit jokes about wilson's interest in men, aka the village people reference, knowing what a culotte is, loving musicals, etc.
so i went digging for anything that could imply house's interest in men - well. besides all the innuendo and jokes he makes about himself and wilson.
there's the scene in 6x20 "the choice":
and this in 6x11 "the down low":
i really like this scene in particular because while thirteen is dissecting his taste in men house is just lightly rocking back and forth and smirking sheepishly the whole time. there's no witty comeback either, just sort of acceptance.
that man is NOT straight!!11! /lh
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@boy-wonder-oncologist-fan Did I tell you I'm taking a trip to Chicago specifically to see this play? Twice in the same weekend, in fact.

Recent photo of Robert at the Goodman Theater
Photo by Todd Tue
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why- i repeat WHY is bbc sherlock - a show with so much fucking TRAUMA -
my comfort show???
how fucked up must i be to do this to me????
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Ah yes, one of the few movies that RSL is hot in that is also good.
wilson to robert sean leonard pipeline lovers gang i desperately need to make you all aware of the 1993 Much Ado About Nothing adaptation

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ominous flask I found at a Goodwill in Phoenix AZ

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Lmao also Thirteen being like, "Dads!" and rolling her eyes because it's embarrassing when your parents are affectionate with each other.
I love the idea of Wilson repeatedly kissing the grey marks on Houses chin. Ughhhhh love them

(Pic for reference)
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House is scared bcus the forest nymphs didn't taught him anything
|| tit for tat. you made me one, so I gift one for you too @ihopeicanchangethislater05 ||
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If you like books, Strong Women Stay Young / Strong Women Stay Slim have great, easy-to-implement weight programs. The books specifically say to start with cans from your pantry.
women should lift weights because it prevents osteoporosis in old age and makes you a more capable person in everyday life please shut up about butts and waists and hourglasses i'm going to fucking kill
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