deeemiller · 7 years
Wrapped in His Grace ❤
Wrapped in His Grace ❤
“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” Proverbs 31:25 NLT When we read Proverbs 31, we find a nameless woman who is remembered for all that she joyfully accomplished everyday. As women, we are naturally very relational so I was wondering … can we give this Sister a name? Even if just for the duration of this post? I was thinking “Grace” would be a…
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deeemiller · 7 years
The foreign god in “My Weight”
The foreign god in “My Weight”
It is one thing to practice the activity of being disciplined. It is a totally different matter to be controlled by the discipline itself.
In all my years of upbringing, my father and mother were both very controlling. They disciplined me in the way they thought was correct. They attempted to control my individuality for the most part by way of manners, my morals, and my temperament. I am very…
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deeemiller · 7 years
God's Extravagant Love
God’s Extravagant Love
Brrr! It is so cold here in Montana right now. The temperature is anywhere from -1 to -11 depending on which forecast I look at. The weather is so unpredictable at times. It would be a challenge to be a forecaster and keep everyone happy.
Aren’t you thankful God is not unpredictable and He never changes? He’s not like the weather (or me sometimes) being tossed here and there. No, He is as steady…
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deeemiller · 7 years
When Instincts Fail
Kitchen mishaps happen pretty much everyday in my household. My husband is an amazing chef and can turn meager ingredients into a 5 star meal. Equally legendary are the stories of my kitchen escapades. Fires break out in the oven (on Valentines Day – twice), cakes fall over (every birthday since 2012 for my daughter) and pans and towels are routinely demolished.
In other words, I have zero…
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deeemiller · 7 years
Banana Blueberry Smoothie Bowl
Banana Blueberry Smoothie Bowl
Banana Blueberry Smoothie Bowl
By Donna Miller
My Daughter introduced me to Smoothie Bowls last year and I was hooked! I have a lot of fun making my own now. They may not be as pretty as the professional ones, but they are definitely as yummy! Here is a Smoothie Bowl that I created with a few of my most favorite ingredients … frozen Blueberries, Bananas, P❤M Pomegranate Juice, Love Crunch…
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deeemiller · 7 years
During the month of February, we celebrate a day that the “world” and our culture deems as significant. We all know it to be:
Valentines Day.
Have you ever wondered the significance of why the heart is always depicted as being the color red?
From our childhood, we are taught the shape of the “heart” ❤ is a metaphor of the verb “LOVE”. The world has colored it red. Perhaps the world chose red…
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deeemiller · 7 years
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deeemiller · 7 years
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Be boastful! Isn't this verse beautiful!!? The truth we have understanding to know Jesus, to really know Him, is surreal to my human mind, but not to the Spirit of God who lives in me.
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deeemiller · 7 years
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deeemiller · 7 years
The Apple of Daddy's Eye - With Special Giveaway ❤
The Apple of Daddy’s Eye – With Special Giveaway ❤
God lovingly created you with His own two hands in your mother’s womb. 
The Psalmist David penned in Psalm 139:13-16 (NLT):
“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!     Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,     as I was woven…
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deeemiller · 7 years
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deeemiller · 7 years
Creamy Potato and Kale Soup
CREAMY POTATO AND KALE SOUP – By Donna Miller, January 31, 2018
I know what you’re thinking … KALE??? Yikes! Lol.
But I promise you … this soup doesn’t taste like it has kale in it. It just tastes like a fresh and creamy potato soup.
My hubby Rick can attest to this. I’ve been making this soup for several years now and he has loved every bowl full.
And he will tell you that he is NOT a fan of…
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deeemiller · 7 years
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deeemiller · 7 years
We are Made New in Christ
God lovingly created us with His own two hands in our mother’s womb.
With excellence and great purpose, He intentionally fashioned us for Himself in His own image.
So why are we so dang hard on ourselves? We are our own worst enemies, aren’t we?
The mistakes we made yesterday? We are still beating ourselves up for today. And before today is even half over, the enemy starts to pile on new…
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deeemiller · 7 years
By Diane Wilser
January 22, 2018
So much of our life can seem confusing. Loud horns; loud voices; crying babies; desperate stories and heartbreak fill our ears as the evening news plays in our homes. Where is Jesus in this, we ask?
He is right there! He wants to guide your perspective on all that you encounter and experience! Is the glass half empty or half full?! With Jesus, it’s always YES and…
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deeemiller · 7 years
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deeemiller · 7 years
Jesus, The Lover of My Soul
  At the end of each year, I begin seeking God for the word He wants to use in the new year to breathe spiritual growth into my heart.
Each time I hear or read the word, it causes me to pause, reflect, and remember the Lord and what He is doing in my life.
I’m not proud of this truth, but sometimes in the midst of the rush of life, I forget to call on Jesus.
This year He gave me two words;…
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