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Indie. Supernatural. 21+. Semi-Selective
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decimcted · 10 months ago
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decimcted · 3 years ago
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“I feel like the obvious answer is yes is it not ? i mean how many chances do you get to say you slept with an alien?” Charlie let out a low chuckle. “I didn’t know , i I didn’t know there were choices 
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“One would think it’s the obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people say they wont.” She paused, her chin lifting just a touch as she laughed at the other. “Of course there are choices! Planets have different terrains, it would make sense the inhabitants would be built for survival.” A pause and a grin. “So what’s your pick? Tentacles? Claws?”
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decimcted · 3 years ago
starter for @midxsommar​
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The smirk just barely threatened to crack his somewhat serious expression. All fake, and oh, so forced. But still, the corner of his mouth twitched as he looked over to the other. “All I’m saying is if the lead actress in a move is Tara Reid, I just know it’s going to be fucking terrible.” That smirk finally widened into a grin. “And I’m going to love it.” Tigg leaned forward, nudging the other just a little. “What’s your guilty pleasure?”
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decimcted · 3 years ago
starter for @deliirious​
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It was supposed to be pack night. Meaning ‘self-care’ night. Nhemi didn’t have a pack to have a pack night with.
“No!” She all but stomped her foot, her finger steady as she pointed it at her back porch. “I said what I said.” She paused, her stance easing. “There’s a dead bird back there and I don’t know if it was a warning or a gift. Will you please just... look around?”
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decimcted · 3 years ago
starter for @callmecatman
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He sat there for a moment, his usual stoic expression plastered across his face. Hayes watched, his gaze pointed at absolutely nothing in particular. Even when he spoke he didn’t bother looking at the other.
 “What’s your boogeyman?”
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decimcted · 3 years ago
starter for @crookedcrowns​
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“I can’t say that I did understand it, actually.” She moved, her arm coming up to brace her as she turned toward the other. “You speak english well enough, but I don’t understand the words you speak.” She paused. “Explain it again.”
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decimcted · 3 years ago
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He was not going to give Samael the satisfaction in his bullshit, he really wasn’t. He knew better than to add gasoline to the flame that was already licking at their feet, figuratively, but he was never entirely sure the literal sense wouldn’t follow like a lamb to slaughter. A finally turned around, a single pivot, broad shoulders flexing as he spoke with the accent, the one that seemed more ancient than specific, an offset of his age, naturally. “Are you fucking serious?” He asked finally, rhetorical question, trying to keep himself from laughing, bitterly, and mostly because it was utterly ridiculous - something he’d come to expect in this instance. “Two people are dead because you wanted a copy of the 1999 Tiger-fucking-beat, my guy?” 
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The only sound garnered from him was that of a grunt of acknowledgement. But he did look up, pulling his gaze from the page up to his friend, both brows raising in silent question of the other. Two large fingers came up to his mouth, the tips taking hold of the tiny little stick connected to the Dum-Dum sucker lodged in his mouth. Sam’s feet stilled, the hand that wasn’t holding the magazine coming up. “What.” His own rhetoric to answer, But it was as he was questioned again that everything seemed to settle into place. Sam’s stance eased, his gate turning a mockery of pride as he moved. “You speak of this piece like it isn’t a collectable.” He paused, waving the paper in the other’s face, taking the moment of silence to slurp at the sucker, rolling it from one side of his mouth to the other. “My guy.”
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decimcted · 3 years ago
it was a little unorthodox, but she supposed to was either a good way to get people to leave you alone or a great conversation starter. kiran was using it as the latter. “mm i guess i will,” she said with a smirk of her own. kiran watched as maeko made her a drink before passing it to her. while she really didn’t care about the mating habits of manatees, she was more intrigued and curious why she knew so much about this. “well that sure is… interesting. i suppose they mimic people then. ya know, mating before reaching maturity.” a weird connection to make but this was a weird conversation on all accounts. “why do you know these things?” she asked with a quirked eyebrow before taking a sip of her drink. 
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If there was one constant in this world, it was being regarded as strange. Truthfully, it bothered her a little - way back in the beginning of it all, but now? Now she preferred it. A kink, the barback had told her. She wouldn’t go that far, but some of the looks she got while speaking did give her a bit of a thrill. She smirked at the other’s words, keeping her concentration on the task at hand. But there was no containing the laugh that came after she spoke. “Are we playing six degrees of Kevin Bacon?” She paused at the question, her hands leaning against the edge of the bar. The internal debate wasn’t whether to tell the truth or not, she wasn’t going to, but how weird to make it. “I, uh,” She straightened, pulling back to start washing up after herself. “I worked in a zoo for a while.” She paused, her gaze flicking up to the other. “What do you do?”
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decimcted · 3 years ago
open to: m/f/nb
plot: general fuckery
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“What I want to know is if you’d fuck an alien, that’s all.” There was a little pause as she rocked in her seat, her weight rolling from one side to the other as she watched the other person. “Which leads me into my next question, what kind of alien is your favorite alien?”
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decimcted · 3 years ago
— sacred moments
“ don't go. stay. “
“ but you're here, so stay. “
“ i don't want to be alone tonight. “
“ just come over. “
“ let's be alone together. “
“ i didn't know where else to go. “
“ i don't want us to be apart anymore. ever. “
“ i wouldn't have called you if it wasn't important. “
“ you can talk to me about anything. you know that, right? “
“ just be honest with me. do you hate me? “
“ i could never hate you. not really. “
“ you're my friend, but... sometimes i wish you were more than that. “
“ we're not just friends. you know that. “
“ i think i'm falling in love with you. “
“ can i hold your hand? “
“ i think you're in love with me. “
“ just hold me. “
“ things would be so much easier if we were honest with each other. “
“ why can't you be honest with me? with yourself? “
“ maybe you could stay? just for tonight? “
“ it’s dark outside, and it’s raining. my arms are much safer. “
“ you can't keep doing this. you can't keep lying to yourself. “
“ i can't keep lying to you, or to myself. it's not fair on either of us. “
“ i think you should kiss me. “
“ kiss me like you mean it. “
“ just kiss me. “
“ you shouldn't kiss me right now. “
“ you can't lie to me, you know. “
“ you know me better than anyone. you always have. “
“ you're pretty amazing. you know that, right? “
“ you're just... extraordinary. “
“ you're good to me, you know. really good. “
“ you make me so happy. “
“ i don't know what i would have done if you weren't here. “
“ our love can conquer anything. “
“ and for many generations to come, our love story will live on. “
“ i want you to marry me. “
“ if you asked me to marry you tomorrow, i'd say yes. “ “ what about today? “
“ marry me, [name]. marry me and make me the luckiest [person] in the world. “
“ your kiss could mend a broken heart. “
“ so are you going to kiss me, or do i have to make the first move? “
“ i could cry, you know. that's how much i love you. “
“ you're worthy of my love. “
“ truth is that i'm so damn in love with you, i don't know what to do with myself. “
“ maybe tonight, it's you and me. “
“ i don't know what the future holds. all i know is that i hope you're in it. “
“ could you promise me one thing? “
“ promise me that we'll be together, forever. no matter what happens. “
“ it's you and me, forever. no matter what. “
“ i didn't want to tell you until i was sure, but... i'm pregnant. “
“ we're going to be family! “
“ this baby, it's the best thing that could have ever happened to us. “
“ i can't believe this, we're going to be parents! “
“ dance with me? “
“ may i have this dance? “
“ you're my whole world, you know. “
“ don't speak. just kiss me. “
“ you have no idea how long i've been wanting to that. “
“ i've been wanting to tell you for so long... “
“ so is this like, a thing now? “
“ i always miss you, even when you're next to me. “
” i miss you. i miss you so much it hurts. ”
” i don’t want you to miss me. it’s tearing me apart. ”
“ you make me happier. “
“ i love waking up next to you. “
“ my favorite thing is falling asleep next to you. “
“ come cuddle with me. “
“ this is torture, isn't it? “ “ not in the slightest. “
“ do you love me? “
“ could this be something more? “
“ move in with me. “
“ do you think we should move in together? you spend all your time here anyway. “
“ are you serious? i've had a crush on you for as long as i can remember. “
“ i know you're in love with me. “
“ you're really cute, you know. “
“ you're so damn attractive, you know that right? “
“ if anybody were to kiss me, i would want that person to be you. “
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decimcted · 3 years ago
I have spent the better part of my week reading alien smut and watching really terrible movies. So while I work on my drafts, give this a like and I’ll write you a starter based on my week.
smol one.
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decimcted · 3 years ago
comforting a lover after a nightmare
“ babe, wake up. “
“ you okay? “
“ i had a nightmare. “
“ you’re safe... “
“ are you awake? “
“ you woke up screaming. “
“ i need a minute. “
“ it just felt so… real. “
“ wanna talk about it? “
“ i’m here, okay? “
“ it's the third one this week. are you sure everything's okay? “
“ just hold me. “
“ you almost rolled out of bed, hit your head. caught you last second. “
“ will you stay up with me? “
“ it's just a bad dream. “
“ please don’t go back to sleep just yet. “
“ want me to spray the monster under the bed? “ “ “
“ can i stay with you? i had a really bad dream. “
“ here, take my hand. “
“ you kicked me... “
“ it’s just a bad dream. “
“ hey, look at me. look at me. it’s not real. “
“ wake up! “
“ i can't breathe... “
“ c'mere. lay with me. “
“ hey… are you crying? “
“ i'm glad you're here. “
“ hey, what’s wrong? “
“ let’s stay up for a while. “
“ this is so embarrassing... “
“ i woke up screaming? “
“ probably woke the entire neighborhood... “
“ you wanna tell me [about your dream]? “
“ it was like a horror movie... “
“ you good to go to sleep? “
“ i’ll stay up with you. “
“ i had a really crazy dream. like... really crazy. “
“ i think i’m gonna stay up for a while. make sure you're okay. “
“ you’re crushing my hand. “
“ hey, calm down. calm down. you’re okay. “
“ i’m going back to sleep, but don't hesitate to wake me if you need anything. “
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decimcted · 3 years ago
went and took a vacation thinking i’d get so much writing done, but all I’ve done is eat and read alien smut. whoops
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decimcted · 3 years ago
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SUMMER BISHIL on Instagram
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decimcted · 3 years ago
Shit I’ve said to my cat; sentence starters
“What are you doing?”
“What did you knock over?”
“Don’t eat that!”
“What’s in your mouth? What do you have in your mouth?!?”
“Plastic isn’t food.”
“How did you get up there?”
“Are you stuck? You got yourself up there, you can get down.”
“I have to pee – can you move?”
“It’s so early, please stop.”
“I haven’t seen you in hours. Where were you hiding?”
“I know you’re trying to tell me something, I just don’t know what.”
“Don’t be mean! I’m just trying to love you!”
“You’re just the cutest thing ever.”
-points to mirror-  “That’s you!”
“I’m trying to take a picture of you, please stop moving.”
“You haven’t moved in hours.”
“How can you be such a bed hog? You’re so tiny!”
“You have the cutest nose.”
“Look at those feet-ies!”
“You’re like a gargoyle up there.”
“Don’t bite me, that’s rude.”
“You look so comfortable. I wish I could be that comfortable.”
“All you do is sleep and eat. That’s the life.”
“You are so lazy. You would not survive in the wild.”
“Could you blink, or something? You’re starting to freak me out.”
“Those squirrels look like they’re doing something shifty.”
- boops nose -
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decimcted · 3 years ago
i accidentally touched the clock on my dash and now everything is upside down. but also, this whole javascript thing with tumblr is going to make me cry i cant change ANY of my shit im going to *scream*
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decimcted · 3 years ago
“I don’t fucking know, try maybe how was your day? Was the shop busy? You know normal shit.” Huffed as hand still clutching the cigarette is pushed through his hair barely missing singeing the mans locks. “And it’s been dyin’ ever since.” Gaze shift to look back at the woman. Startled at first but a chuckle follows her own lilt of laughter, “I know that’s why I think the world is fuckin’ endin’.” Shrug as cigarette is once again brought to lips, “Ya want one?” Question added as an after thought suddenly hands fishing in his pockets for the pack, “The worlds endin’ no reason not too.” At least he found himself amusing. 
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Every now and again, she had to wonder how she’s gotten herself tangled up in a guy like him. What paths she’d taken to intertwine theirs together. He was certainly something else, and this... this was one of those moments. “You’re absolutely right. I’m so sorry. How...” she paused, trying to find the right word,  “unthoughtful of me. How are you, Cas? Were you terribly busy today? You must be tired. Please... sit.” As she spoke, she gestured toward the ground before she rolled her eyes a bit. “I’m trying to be dramatic and you’re ruining it.” Still, she chuckled, albeit more to herself than to him. Glancing over at him from the corner of her eye, she looked between his fishing hands, and back to his face. “Now you’re being dramatic. No, I don’t want one.” A pause. “But thank you for asking. Can we go to the junkyard now?”
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