!MOVED! @xiamdeathx
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death-plays-the-sims-4 · 2 years ago
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[Build: Ruined Tower Library]
Lot Size: 30x20 Lot Type: Library World: Any (shown: Henford-on-Bagley) Lot: Any Packs Used: Cottage Living, Snowy Escape, Eco Lifestyle, Discover University, Get Famous, Cats & Dogs, City Living, Get Together, Get to Work, Werewolves, Wedding Stories, Journey to Batuu, Realm of Magic, Jungle Adventure, Vampires, Dine Out, Outdoor Retreat, Paranormal, Vintage Glamour, Spooky Stuff, Blooming Rooms Kit CC Free
The remnants of a spellcaster’s tower. No one knows what happened to the original tenants, but the books they left behind make for a nice library. Just mind the damp.
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death-plays-the-sims-4 · 3 years ago
Slightly happy update
I found a copy of Stella on one of my MediaFire accounts, so at least I still have her. Tracking down her CC is going to be fun.
I’ve decided to start fresh. I’m not going to be updating this account anymore. I’ve created a new one @xiamdeathx where I’ve already uploaded all my CC. In a few days my blog will be replaced with a redirect page. I don’t know if any of my followers will follow me there or if I’ll have to start from scratch. Doesn’t really matter. How much engagement did I ever get without CC blogs reblogging me. 
If you see this and you want to follow me, I appreciate it. If not, that’s fine. Have a good one. <3
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death-plays-the-sims-4 · 3 years ago
I'm done. I'm done trying to make a legacy or story or keep sims that I love because my dumb ass loses them in the end.
I saved my Sims 4 folder to an external hard drive so I could start a CC free game. I decided to go back to my CC Sims 4 folder and... It's gone. I never saved over to my hard drive. I don't know what happened but it's just gone. It's not in my recycling bin, it's not on my Box or Dropbox accounts. I lost everything again and I'm so fucking done.
This is the third time I've lost everything. I lost January twice, once on the Sims 3 and again on the Sims 4. She was my favorite sim and I never wanted to lose her. I lost my cult save that I was making a story out of. I lost my black widow save from years ago.
I know it's just a game, but I put so much work into these sims and I can't even get them back. FUCK.
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death-plays-the-sims-4 · 4 years ago
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Let the farming begin!
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death-plays-the-sims-4 · 4 years ago
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Before she can even think about farming, Annabelle has to do something about this house, or at the very least the kitchen and bathroom which are the two worst rooms. Holy crap. The previous owner did die suddenly and unexpectedly. Sadly, he wasn't much of a housekeeper.
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death-plays-the-sims-4 · 4 years ago
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I told myself I would never buy someone's early access sims stuff from Patreon. Turns out I'm a damn liar because I jumped on Farmland like the dirty country sloot I am.
This is Luna Farms. As you can tell... it sucks. It's gross, rundown, dark, dank and all around just not a lovely place. Annabelle will (hopefully) make enough money farming to fix it up.
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death-plays-the-sims-4 · 4 years ago
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Some of the townies in my game have been generating with generally attractive faces. With a little bit of plastic surgery (fixing lips and eyebrows, adding skin details, fixing hair and clothes,) they come out looking amazing.
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death-plays-the-sims-4 · 4 years ago
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I haven't been playing the Sims much, but when I do, I've put my dark and spooky cult and demon sims on the back burner and play as a Sims 4 version of the McDermotts that I made.
I'm going to put my little ramblings under the cut because I'm sure nobody wants to read them.
My mom comes from farmers. We went up to NJ where her family's live since the 1600s (I think?) and got to see some of the land where my great gradnparent's farmed. It's all developed now. It got developed in the 60s/70s and it doesn't look bad, not like the developments around here.
My poppop bought a farm when he moved out of state. It's gone now. They demolished the house when I was 8 and they're slowly developing the land. That's one thing I hate about this state. They just want to develop. Soon, there won't be much farmland left.
Playing a family like the McDermott's is therapeutic to me. It's sort of my dream. I'd love to be a stay at home mom. Focus on my children (that I may not even be able to have) and work on my writing and make my house a cozy sanctuary for anyone who needs it. I want chickens and a cow and goats. I want a lot of goats. They're just wonderful creatures.
Right now, I'm stuck at home, fighting for worker's comp, in pain, hardly able to do anything. My house is a wreck, my body is a wreck, I'm living in a town between two major cities that serves as a half way point/safe haven for drug runners and human traffickers. Gangs are starting to show up, albeit slowly. A while back my neighbor's house got shot up because they were producing and selling meth out of their trailer. I used to feel safe here. I used to feel comfortable with my neighbor's kids running around freely, but now I worry for them. Both because of the aforementioned illegal activity and because some of my neighbors seem pretty racist and have made their dislike for our Mexican and Muslim neighbors very known. I'd hope they wouldn't do anything to those kids but humans are sick and I wouldn't put it past anyone.
I want to get out of here. I want to move back down state. I wish I had the money to buy all the farmland around where I grew up and keep it preserved. People don't realize how beautiful it is down the back roads. They just see empty land and dollar signs.
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death-plays-the-sims-4 · 4 years ago
Your build looks amazing! Thank you for using my CC, as well! <3
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Cinema interior
in the Theater🎬❤️
you can watch the video in Russian.
In the description, there are links to the CC.
Download in Gallery.
my ID - aniwonders
@aroundthesims @soloriya @makesims @death-plays-the-sims-4 @historicalsimslife
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death-plays-the-sims-4 · 4 years ago
Advice from Plasticsimz: When you’re mad, pay people to doxx others!
I know I’ve been a bit quiet(e) lately, but that’s mainly because work’s been picking up and I’ve come home plenty exhausted with zero desire to write, but in this case, the actions I’m going to talk about within are worth writing about, so put on your seat belt.  [As a reminder, don’t stoop to this level. Be better than this person. Don’t send hate, or threats. Be a decent human and just…you know, don’t support them monetarily.]  So it all started when Plasticsimz posted on their instagram story: 
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What Plasticsimz is showing here is a screenshot from Sims 4 Shelter, which is a pirate group on Telegram. I don’t typically recommend this group to others because they don’t have any morals with sharing early access content, and because from the rumblings I’ve heard, the moderation team gives next to no shits about anything and doesn’t actually moderate.  Plasticsimz is a paywall creator, and is whining on her instagram about how people are stealing her stuff. Even though pirates have been stealing her stuff since Down with Patreon, and Paysites Must be Destroyed…but oh well.  She also continued to make threats: 
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Which is funny, considering they’re not attacking any other groups (of which there are quite a few scattered around) for sharing content. Just that one. But oh well. But the real “fun” message from her came in this form: 
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She offered $100 U.S EACH for the names of the people in the Sims 4 Shelter chat that were sharing her content, basically asking her followers to try to “doxx” the pirates and offering to pay for it. 
Now, first of all WHO in the WORLD has over 200 dollars just LYING around to be able to pay for someone else to DOXX others? Oh wait, she does, because she’s been paywalling the sims community for so long that she has that money to throw around.  “But it isn’t doxxing if it’s just for her own use and she doesn’t share it with others?” Yeah. Because we trust someone who’s that mad to act rationally and not share those names with anyone else? Even though there’s plenty of documented proof that paywall creators are friends with each other, and often will share the names of “suspected” pirates with each other, leading to people getting banned/removed in masse from Patreon.  There’s a saying “Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.” Meaning that secrets told in confidence rarely stay secret for long. Because Plasticsimz is obviously mad enough that if someone told her the “names” of these suspected pirates, she’d surely tell her other paywall creator friends. Then all it takes is ONE of those people letting it slip somewhere, either on social media, or elsewhere, and that person’s name is blasted everywhere. Regardless if that person ACTUALLY is a pirate or not. 
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Then just a little while later THIS “apology” is posted. I’m not sure what (or who) prompted this supposed change of heart. But honestly, it comes off less as a real apology and more as a “oh I pity you guys for the fact that you’re poor. It doesn’t matter that I was flaunting how much I have and am making from the community to try to hunt y’all down. It’s all okay now! In fact if you just tell me who you are, I’ll send you money!”  Uh. No.  You really think people who are used to threats of doxxing, who are constantly being mocked and vilified by paywall creators, who know that their patreon accounts could be blocked at any time, are going to be asking YOU for money, after you just put a $100 price on their head? Really?  All this post accomplished was to show how plasticsimz is SO out of touch with the struggles and reality that many simmers (and even frankly, many non-simmers) live with, all because she has the luxury of spending money in this way. Money that, by the way, she’s more than likely gained by putting her content behind a PAYWALL. 
I’ve BEEN to third world countries. I’ve met people who live in mud huts, or are squatting in homes that don’t belong to them and have to walk miles to school. I’ve seen kids with hair missing due to malnourishment, playing with toys made from trash. I’ve also seen poverty in America, teaching kids in rural areas who are living in houses falling apart around them, wearing the same hoodies to school OVER and OVER because that’s the nicest thing they own. Having to constantly take home “backpacks” over long weekends full of food because the school knows that there’s nothing in the pantry for those kids to eat if they don’t get a backpack.  I’ve seen poverty first hand, and lemme tell you something.  Those “poor” people, that you’re turning your nose up at, and downright mocking with your fake “charity”, Plasticsimz, are the nicest, most wonderful, most JOYFUL people you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. And they don’t need your fake pity. They have it hard enough.  Here’s the deal. Most of us who play the sims are lucky to NOT be that poor. Or if they ARE, they at least are blessed to have a computer and a sims game to be able to escape that reality for a bit. (It always makes me so mad when people say stuff like “if you can afford the sims 4 you can afford cc” like, the fuck? It goes on sale for 5 bucks all the time.) Offering “financial compensation” to a select few people who you deem “needy” is a slap in the face. If you REALLY want to make a difference, take your freaking 100 dollars each person and donate it to some charities, and stop putting your content behind a paywall. Because paywalls ruin and poison this community, causing division, classism, and a sense of “have” and “have-nots”. And although lot’s of people (myself included) have talked about how paywalls violate EA’s TOU, the truth is, the real victims are the people here in the sims community. Because lately, many people in the community have had a front row seat to seeing people like you, with their paywalls and their puffed up egos from their “exclusives” treat the rest of us like shit.  If you’re really sorry, just say “I fucked up, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize there were multiple motivations for piracy. I’m going to consider how my paywall affects simmers and make decisions concerning that.” AND LEAVE IT AT THAT. Don’t offer your fake sympathy, and don’t make statements that appear generous but are actually backwards condescending insults.  —– Now for the positive part of the post, if any of you are feeling generous and want to make a difference in the lives of the truly impoverished people I just mentioned, here’s some charities that can make a difference. I also recommend talking to local churches/religious organizations in your area about what work they are doing in your local area/overseas to help people in need, as churches/religious organizations have some of the BEST resources for helping those in poverty: - Find multiple projects around the world to donate to. - Child sponsorship around the world, lots of small donations/projects that can change lives of impoverished families. - Help child hunger in the USA. - Help teachers fund projects for their classrooms in the USA and make a difference in the lives of students. - Support access to clean water in 3rd world countries. 
If any other simmers have suggestions on great charities to support, feel free to reblog with your suggestions. :) 
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death-plays-the-sims-4 · 4 years ago
My mom has covid and I'm showing symptoms. My place of employment is fighting me on the fact that even if I test negative, I'm not coming to work until she's better. My bf and I live with her in a small trailer. Close quarters. There is no fully quarantining myself from her unless they want to pay for a hotel for us to stay in.
I'm taking a break from the sims/tumblr until everything gets better.
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death-plays-the-sims-4 · 4 years ago
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“Oh thank goddess!” Nalani cried as the portrait’s eyes glowed blue. She ran to Lilith and kissed her. “I don’t know what I would do if I lost you.”
“Bella,” I said, “It’s your turn.”
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death-plays-the-sims-4 · 4 years ago
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Oh God!
“Don’t cry, sisters. Our goddess has chosen her. She will live eternally in Acra’s realm. We should all be so lucky. Lilith, you’re up.”
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death-plays-the-sims-4 · 4 years ago
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“Sister Nalani, the goddess has let you stay with me. Sister Nancy, it’s your turn.”
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death-plays-the-sims-4 · 4 years ago
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“Sisters, last night I had a vision from our goddess, Arca. She commanded me to test each of you. You will each stand before the portrait and stare into its eyes. Either our goddess will claim you or she will allow you to stay with me. Nalani, you’re first.”
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death-plays-the-sims-4 · 4 years ago
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When I awoke from what I thought was a THC overloaded fever dream, I found a strange portrait hanging on the wall in my spare room. I had once considered turning the room into a walk-in closet, but the unworshiped goddess had other plans.
This room shall be my sanctuary, her voice called out. Bring my followers here and I shall choose who you keep and who resides in my realm.
“What do you mean ‘resides in your realm?’” I asked.
I required a harem of worshipers by my side. Whoever I choose will spend their afterlife in servitude to me.
“And how do we go about that?”
Command them to stare into my eyes and I shall pass judgement.
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death-plays-the-sims-4 · 4 years ago
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Arca dropped me just before I could pass out due to a lack of oxygen.
“You will find the first tumor tomorrow morning - on your inner thigh - if you choose to ignore me.”
“What do you want?” I asked.
“To be worshiped.”
“So I was right. You don’t have much power.”
“I am the youngest of a hundred goddesses. My sisters have all found their followers. I have not, until now.”
“You want me to worship you?”
“You and your cult. They already believe they worship goddesses. Now you must give them a patron goddess. You will give them me.”
“Fine. They will worship you, but they must continue to worship me.”
“That is acceptable.”
“So, what do you want me to do? How do we worship you? Rituals? Sacrifices? Holidays?”
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