33 posts
the  world  needed  a  hero.  it  got  him.
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deadslain-blog · 6 years ago
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     ALL   THIS   BLOODSHED   must   bring   you   to   insanity,   make   you   a   lunatic.   but   let   it   happen   —–   in   this   emotionless   shell,   it's   what   makes   you   feel   majestic.    /    herman   carter   of   dead   by   daylight.   18+   only,   please.  written   by   cole.   art   cred.
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deadslain-blog · 6 years ago
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deadslain-blog · 6 years ago
     consider this a mains call. 😎👌🏻
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deadslain-blog · 6 years ago
bold   - applies   always. italic   - applies   sometimes.
*     INCLINATIONS   /   HABITS     :
      is submissive  .  is dominant  .  prefers to top  .  prefers to bottom  .  likes to switch  .  identifies as heterosexual  .  identifies as homosexual  .  identifies as bisexual  .  identifies as asexual  .  enjoys sex with men  .  enjoys sex with women  .  enjoys sex with multiple people at one time  .  initiates  .  waits for partner to initiate  .  spits  .  swallows  .  prefers sex in the morning  .  prefers sex at night  .  prefers sex any time  .  no sex drive  .  low sex drive  .  average sex drive  .  high sex drive  .  hypersexual  
*     BODY   /   APPEARANCE     :
      small build  .  medium build  .  athletic build  .  muscular build  .  curvy build  .  voluptuous build  .  wears boxers  .  wears lingerie  .  goes commando  .  shaves / waxes  .  doesn’t shave / wax  .  cup size a-c  .  cup size d-f  .  1 - 5″ in length  .  6 - 9″ in length  .  10″ or over in length.  
*     SOUNDS     :
     is silent  .  makes little to no sounds  .  is very quiet  .  is very loud  .  grows in volume over time  .  bites hand / partner / pillow to muffle themselves  .  calls out partner’s name  .  swears  .  fakes / exaggerates  .  prefers a quiet partner  .  prefers a loud partner  .  is turned on by dirty talk  .  is turned off by dirty talk  .  engages in dirty talk 
*     TURN   -   ONS   /   KINKS     :
       having their hands pinned  .  pinning their partner’s hands  .  having their hair pulled  .  pulling their partner’s hair  .  being watched (by their partner)  .  being watched (by a third party)  .  watching their partner  .  receiving oral  .  giving oral  .  calling their partner ‘daddy’  .  being called ‘daddy’  .  giving praise  .  receiving praise  .  biting / marking  .  being bitten / marked  .  spanking  .  being spanked  .  teasing  .  being teased  .  having toys used on them  .  using toys on their partner  .  giving anal  .  receiving anal  .  choking  .  being choked  .  dirty talk  .  being tied up  .  tying their partner up  .  being worshiped  .  worshiping their partner  .  humiliating  .  being humiliated  .  degrading  .  being degraded  .  knife play  .  blood play  .  being  pegged  .  pegging  
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deadslain-blog · 6 years ago
👀+ do you ever wish that all this supernatural bullshit would stop? or do you get a high from it all and never want it to end?
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      ‘  do  i  ev–   what  in  the  hell  kinda  question  is  that?  you  think  i  wouldn’t  make  all  this  stop  if  i  could?  you  think  i  like  bein’  hunted  down  like  an  animal?  i  had  a  life  planned  out,  and  that  went  to  shit  real  fast.  ‘ never  want  it  to  end ’ ?  buddy,  i  wish  it’d  never  fuckin’  started. ’     
      getting  a  high  from  it  might  be  a  stretch  –  and  he’ll  never  admit  it  –  but  killing  demons  and  keeping  a  watchful  eye  on  a  certain  book  is  really  the  only  time  that  he’s  felt  useful  in  his  life.  
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deadslain-blog · 6 years ago
me rubbing my grubby little hands together: ♗ (idk if u need it but my fc's name is sarah canning!)
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      what i’ve learned:  my poppin’ red edgelord psd is not meant for blondes 
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deadslain-blog · 6 years ago
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       never  thought  i’d  sit  around  and  cry  for  your  love,  ‘til  now.    /   indie  multimuse,  ft.  characters  from  silent  hill,  life  is  strange,  dead  by  daylight  &  more.   #spectrophobias.  by  rayne.   
for @spectrophobias !  
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deadslain-blog · 6 years ago
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deadslain-blog · 6 years ago
♗ ( honestly you can pick whoever )
send me ♗ for some icons of your muse in my psd. @dysquiet
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deadslain-blog · 6 years ago
      it’s just.. so sad to me that all of ash’s traditionally “toxic” behavior was learned from an early age  ( particularly from his father and chet, the two people who had the biggest impacts on his life )  and was adopted into his personality  --  not even necessarily as he transitioned, but as a defense mechanism after the events at the cabin, because they were the only reference points for decidedly strong / masculine figures he ever had, and he felt he needed that kind of persona to keep him stable
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deadslain-blog · 6 years ago
The short girl approach from behind, in silence but fast, to jump and wrap her arms around him, trying to catch Ash by surprise " I scared you? "
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     his  heart  stammers  as  arms  wind  around  his  torso  like  a  vise ;  muscles  tense,  weary  but  ever  ready  to  fend  off  an  attacker  –  and  only  when  he  hears  her  voice,  the  faint  giggle  in  her  tone,  does  he  gradually  begin  to  relax.   truly,  he  should  know  the  difference  between  a  friendly  grasp  and  one  that  intends  harm,  but  it’s  been  far  too  many  years  since  the  hands  of  others  accompanied  anything  but  pain.  
       with  a  sharp  exhale,  he  reaches  his  good  hand  up  to  pat  her  on  the  forearm,  as  one  would  to  sate  an  excitable  child,  and  offers  the  steadiest  chuckle  he  can  muster.
      ‘  sure  did,  kiddo.   but,  uh,  listen  –  how  ‘bout,  next  time,  you  gimme  a  little  warning,  yeah?  i’m  not  sure  how  many  more  surprises  the  ol’  ticker  can  take.  ’
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deadslain-blog · 6 years ago
    ash keeps a photo of linda tucked away in his wallet.  it’s folded, not immediately visible, for those days when he just can’t face the sight of her.  but in those moments where he needs a reminder  ( or in the drunken throes of grief )  all he has to do is open it up to see that dazzling smile he fell in love with.  
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deadslain-blog · 6 years ago
   *revs chainsaw*  ship with me
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deadslain-blog · 6 years ago
legion rework this, legion rework that.  if it’s not ghostface, i’m not interested 
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deadslain-blog · 6 years ago
“I’m much more me when I’m with you.”
— (Unknown)
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deadslain-blog · 6 years ago
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    my work schedule’s a little hectic, so i have no idea when these’ll get done, but stab that heart for a starter.  if you have a verse preference (younger, older, survivor, killer) just lemme know and i’ll oblige.
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deadslain-blog · 6 years ago
     trying to compile a list of how my portrayal of ash differs from the canon material.  i’ve been writing him on and off for a looong time, but i’m only just now going through the tv show to incorporate it into my writing.  i’ll be reblogging this occasionally as i update it.
    --  ash is a bisexual trans male.  his mother was fairly supportive of his boyish tendencies as a child; his father was anything but.  after his mother left, support at home grew scarce and caused a rift between ash, brock and cheryl.  he gradually spent more and more time out with friends, causing trouble around town to forget about the fighting back home.  over the years, he simply never got around to changing his name, even after his surgery, and it was ash’s friends at college that looked after him during his recovery, since he knew staying at home would be more of a hindrance than a help.
    --  he’s not nearly as much of a sex-crazed flirt as the show would like to imply.  the drastic change in his characterization between the first and second movie  (and even the beginning and end of the latter)  was jarring and, while iconic, not something i liked.  whatever cockiness he displays is, more often than not, a deep-rooted defense mechanism.  he’ll absolutely still use petnames quite liberally, particularly for women, but he’s not immediately looking to jump their bones.  flirting?  sure.  absolutely.  but he knows when to call it quits. 
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