90 posts
Earth-2 Black Siren. penned by Peach private & Selective! MOSTLY arrowverse based. some comic knowledge.
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deadlysiren-blog1 · 6 years ago
✧・゚: Ollie Queen / tenebrismusa‌
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                              HE OWED HER THIS. he knew that and he was gonna try to at least give them a night away from the stress. if that was even possible, maybe they couldn’t exactly go out but they could be TOGETHER and have a meal and enjoy the day right? “ that explains the general confusion, but good. pause for this holiday and have a meal with me. “ he offered as he gave her a gentle smile right as he said it. 
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                    a simple night in sounded amazing honestly. it kept them out of prying eyes, while giving them a chance to relax.finding time to themselves was getting increasingly harder to do. “ let me go clean up the living room, you order food. ” she smiled at him, turning on her heel and heading in to the mountain of paperwork that covered the floor of her living room. it was easy enough to put things back in their boxes and shove them off to the sides. she only got distracted once or twice.        
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deadlysiren-blog1 · 6 years ago
✧・゚: Ollie Queen / tenebrismusa‌
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                        HE WASN’T SURE IF SHE JUST DIDN’T REALIZE but then again maybe her earth had done away with valentine’s day and the whole stress of it. that was more or less comforting because if that was the case she wouldn’t expect anything over the top. “ no worry, i’ve had worse messes of my own, trust me. “ he confessed as he stepped forward a bit more and looked upon her. “ does your earth not have valentine’s day, that not a thing? “
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             he was being so --- soft. the last few months have been beyond stressful. with the divorce, and their little secret. and everything else that was going on in both their lives. so soft moments were few and far between. not that she was complaining. not in the least. he stepped closer and her head tilted up to look at him. “ we have it. ” she nodded. “ it’s in the summer though. ” most of the lesser holidays were a little off from this earth. “ is that why the chocolates and the promise of food? ” she smiled, rather brightly as she looked up at him. another kiss pressed to his lips. “ because i can pause for holidays. ”
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deadlysiren-blog1 · 6 years ago
✧・゚: Ollie Queen / tenebrismusa‌
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                         HE SMILED TOWARDS HER A MOMENT and he couldn’t help but think if he had forgotten about this day all together that he wouldn’t have been yelled at as most men might expect. “ you really don’t know what day it is do you? “ he inquired as he stepped forwards. as their lips touched he closed his eyes a moment and returned the gentle action before he drew back a bit. “ hi… “ he whispered as he offered out a box of chocolates for her. “ these are for you. “ he added softly. 
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               “ i have no idea, no. ” honestly, most days she didn’t know what day it was unless she had to sign something. he handed her the small box of chocolates and she smiled, getting right in to them. she couldn’t even remember the last time she ate --- earlier that morning maybe? she had one or two in her mouth before she looked at him with a slight grin. chew. swallow. put the damn box down. “ sorry about the mess. ” sort of. again, she hadn’t been expecting any one to show up. “ you said something about spending time, and eating food. ” which she could definitely go for. 
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deadlysiren-blog1 · 6 years ago
✧・゚: Ollie Queen / tenebrismusa‌
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                               THEY NEEDED A NIGHT TOGETHER. everything was confusing and messy and he wasn’t sure if a day would help or not but in the end they needed it. they needed sometime away from eyes, and judgement just them. “ i figured maybe we could take advantage of this day. maybe have sometime just us? i didn’t go over the top or anything. “ he offered as he looked to the box. “ some chocolate as my peace offering more or less. “ he admitted. “ hoping that you’d let me order us in too much take out… maybe just have some time. “
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             why was today special? it honestly wasn’t coming to mind. still she smiled softly. chocolates were always nice. she peaked back in to her apartment and grumbled a little before looking back at him. “ i never mind you randomly stopping by... ” usually. with a slight sigh she stepped back, opening the door wider for him to get inside. the place was a mess. boxes and files everywhere. “ i wasn’t expecting company. ” she said as a small apology. she really wasn’t putting together the date, and the reason he was here. she shut the door behind him and locked it, habit,  before moving to make her way back to her pile in the living room, through she stopped right in front of him. “ hi. ” she said softly, leaning up to kiss him just so. 
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deadlysiren-blog1 · 6 years ago
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deadlysiren-blog1 · 6 years ago
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FREEBIE  009    -     HAPPY  VALENTINE’S  DAY ,  GUYS !     here’s  another  icon  psd ,   border  not  included .   it’s  also  very  soft ,  with  pink  overtone  cuz  well  it’s  the  day of  love  lol . it  contains  a  few  minimal  adjustment  layers  as well.     AS  YOU  CAN  SEE ,  IT  IS  NOT  POC  FRIENDLY   !  
HOW  TO  GET  THIS  PSD  ?     reblog  this  post  &  send  me  an  im  on  my  SIDEBLOG  for  the  download  link  !
TERMS  OF  USE   -   don’t  sell , repost , redistribute or claim ownership .   for personal & non commercial use only . DON’T  USE  IN  COMMISSIONS  OR  WHILST  MAKING  RESOURCES  FOR  SOMEONE  ELSE . CREDIT  IS  COMPULSORY .    
if  you  like  this  resource ,       consider   BUYING  ME  A  COFFEE !    also ,     check  out   my  DEVIANTART  SHOP    and  /  or   COMMISSION  ME   !
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deadlysiren-blog1 · 6 years ago
 imma go finish umbrella academy — i’ll be back tomorrow — or you can catch me on the DISCO —  PRETTY BIRD™#0692
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deadlysiren-blog1 · 6 years ago
✧・゚: Oliver Queen / thexhoodedxvigilante‌
@deadlysiren    💚’d for a starter
“Laurel— hold on,” he was keeping pace with her as she walked down the hall to her office. She probably didn’t want to talk to him after he what he said to her while he had been locked up. After she aided his wife in helping him out of prison and helped them catch Diaz. He had a few people to apologize to and starting with her didn’t sound so bad. Hopefully she took it to heart that he was trying to change his way of thinking.
“I’m sorry for judging you. And I’m sorry for everything I’ve said about you not being a good enough person.”
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“Thank you for helping Felicity when she needed it.”
    she was busy. always busy. she didn’t think this job would be so time consuming when she agreed to it. she also hadn’t expected to be any good at it, considering she learned from a few left over text books. but she was good, damn good, which only made her more busy honestly. 
   she had a lot to do and him calling after her, wanting to talk, was low on her list of priorities honestly. but when she got to her office and he was still behind her she sighed. dropped her paper work on her desk and turned to face him, arms folded over her chest. he apologized and she wondered if felicity put him up to it. honestly, that wouldn’t surprise her. 
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   “ did she put you up to this? ” she asked him quickly. “ i don’t need your apologies oliver. or your thanks. i did what i did as a favour to your wife. ” she liked felicity, him, less so. he was so prickly with her, it made him difficult to like. “ was there anything else you wanted? ”
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deadlysiren-blog1 · 6 years ago
✧・゚: Ollie Queen / tenebrismusa‌
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                       SHE WASN’T WRONG ABOUT THAT. he didn’t believe for a moment that he deserved to be happy, how could he? how could he be happy with everything, people who loved him, who dared to be close they always got hurt. they died. or they had to pay for the choices that HE MADE without them. like felicity, and it had changed everything between them. “ no. i haven’t said anything yet. “ he confessed as his hand came up and pushed over his head slowly. he knew that would probably sound awful and that laurel deserved more but it wasn’t easy to crush someone that you had LOVED even if you didn’t love them in that way anymore. 
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                      of course he hadn’t said anything. why would he? he’d be hurting felicity, his friends wouldn’t understand. and if the two of them ever went public with their --- well whatever it was at this point, there would be severe reactions from anyone close to him. she still wasn’t trusted among his friends, or family. she was a time bomb in their expert opinions. she exhaled harshly out her nose and sucked at her teeth. he had to start there. or at least mention that he wasn’t happy in his marriage, to his wife. he said it enough times to her. “ you know, this is starting to feel like some really bad movie. string a girl a long, promise her you’ll leave your wife, but in the end, he always ends up staying right where he is. ”
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deadlysiren-blog1 · 6 years ago
✧・゚: Ollie Queen / tenebrismusa‌
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                        THINGS HAD BEEN COMPLICATED for the last while and he wasn’t sure it ever wouldn’t be complicated with them. but today was meant to be spent with the person you loved right? his marriage was ending and it probably wouldn’t be smart to go out but they could have a night in right? he could try to be romantic so they could try to figure out if this INSANE thing would even work out. he exhaled a deep breath he’d been holding as he reached up and knocked firmly upon the door of laurel’s apartment while his other hand held a small box in it.
v-day starter call / @deadlysiren
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          laurel had been ass deep in cases for the last three days. and in those days had spoken to no one outside her office. and while hadn’t spoken to any one she had been avioding oliver, just slightly. he was in the process of officially ending his marriage, she figured he would want some space. so when a knock came from her door she looked up from her spot on the floor. she had papers and boxes scattered about the apartment, and was debating just pretending she wasn’t home. with a small sigh she got herself up and over her mountain of work and tugged open the door. “ wha--- ollie? ” a brow raised in surprise. “ what are you doing here? what’s that? ” she looked at the box in his hand, still standing in the doorway, hiding her mess of work. 
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deadlysiren-blog1 · 6 years ago
    so like if anyone not in the hp fandom wants to jump on this here bandwagon, but doesn’t wanna effort, come see me, i’ll help with like graphics and icons and shizz. 
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deadlysiren-blog1 · 6 years ago
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                 sc.  ♡ ~
                           i can’t find my last one — go figure. so boop the heart and i’ll write a thing.
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deadlysiren-blog1 · 6 years ago
✧・゚: Ollie Queen / tenebrismusa‌
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                     HE WASN’T SURE WHAT CAME OVER HIM. but what he did know was that he wanted this. this wasn’t just anyone this was laurel ( and yes he knew it wasn’t his laurel ) and that was enough to feel a rather strong draw to her. his lips parted and he deepened the kiss quickly. his fingers reaching up TANGLING IN HAIR as he moaned softly against her lip. as the kiss finally ended he drew back enough space between them that he could speak. “ this is still… not easy. i need….. time. “ he whispered. 
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                                he deepened the kiss and she lifted on to her toes just slightly, the heels definitely helped, but she wanted to be closer. he had his fingers in her hair and the moan that escape him had her echoing the sound. her hands moved to his shirt, tugging him as close as she possibly could. he pulled back and she looked up at him smirking. she licked at her lips. understanding there were details to be worked out. things needed to be discussed of course. a few kisses and longing for something more wasn’t exactly what made things work. so she nodded. “you know where to find me.” she purred against his lips, a gentle kiss to them before she released him. 
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deadlysiren-blog1 · 6 years ago
✧・゚: Ollie Queen / tenebrismusa‌
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                      LAUREL WAS RIGHT. he didn’t want to just say it but in the end he was positive she probably already knew. he was positive that was part of the reason that she just kept PUSHING HIM like this. in the end she deserved some answers didn’t she? she deserved to know if he was just toying with the idea of a second chance or if he was REALLY going to give it all up and try. “ i do….. “ he spoke finally as he averted his gaze for a moment. “ i do…. and i think you know i do. “ he spoke. he was making it HARDER ON HIMSELF then anyone. she knew it, he knew it. 
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                                “i think you know what you want. i also think you don’t think you deserve to actually be happy.” she knew the feeling. she thought the same thing most days. she had done too much bad in her life to experience happiness. and it was the exact feeling she had when she was with him. “have you told her yet?” she asked quietly. curious, but wondering if perhaps that was his reasoning. he hadn’t been able to bring himself to tell felicity that he wanted the divorce, or even why he wanted it. if she knew felicity she would be asking a million whys. she was still mad at him for his rude outburst, but she found she softened around him quite easily. it annoyed her.
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deadlysiren-blog1 · 6 years ago
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                 sc.  ♡ ~
                           i can’t find my last one — go figure. so boop the heart and i’ll write a thing.
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deadlysiren-blog1 · 6 years ago
   either a GV or fucking threads! or discord things !!!  I write a billion and one muses from that stupid ass fandom, they just aren’t all on HERE. 
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deadlysiren-blog1 · 6 years ago
 I TRIED to do replies — but formatting is hard rn. if you wanna write or plot hmu on dis cord  PRETTY BIRD™#0692
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