dead-dawg-shotgun ยท 4 years
I WANNA BE A COWBOY, BABY! [fourthlegionnaire]
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โ€œ๐”ž๐”ซ๐”ก ๐”ฃ๐”ข๐”ฏ ๐”ถ๐”ข๐”ฏ ๐”ฑ๐”ž ๐”จ๐”ซ๐”ฌ๐”ด, Iย โ€˜ave more than one vulture.. all them birds are good birdsโ€ย  @fourthlegionnaire
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dead-dawg-shotgun ยท 5 years
Hiya! I was wondering if you have made friends or enemies with other killers. Also would you like to be called Mr.Quinn or Caleb?
โ€œ๐”ฅ๐”ฌ๐”ด๐”ก๐”ถโ€ฆ Iย โ€˜ave made some friends with themโ€ฆ lessee hereโ€ฆโ€ He brings a hand up to his chin,ย โ€œIโ€™m particularly friends with Evan, Amanda, Max Jrโ€ฆ Uhmโ€ฆ gotta thinkโ€ฆโ€ He trailed off, there were so many names to remember for an old coot like him,ย โ€œAhโ€ฆ โ€˜nd also Philip, Julie, and Susie. Theyโ€™re all on good terms with me.โ€ He nods,ย โ€œAs for foes? Wellโ€ฆ hehehโ€ฆโ€ He chuckles, โ€œI ainโ€™t taken too kindly towards Franklin or Josephโ€ฆ theyโ€™re jusโ€™ annoyinโ€™ to all Hell!โ€
Caleb tips his hat at the grey survivor and gives them a grin,ย โ€œYou can call me either of those by the wayโ€ฆ I ainโ€™t too picky with formalitiesโ€ฆโ€
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dead-dawg-shotgun ยท 5 years
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Iโ€™m very late too theย โ€˜I love Calebโ€™ party but! My internetโ€™s good enough to play Dead By Daylight again so Iโ€™ve been farming to get shards for him,, I love this funky, old Yee Hee Haw man
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dead-dawg-shotgun ยท 5 years
โ€œ๐”ฃ๐”ž๐”ฆ๐”ฏ๐”ฃ๐”ฆ๐”ข๐”ฉ๐”ก,โ€ Caleb started ever so sternly,ย โ€œI get yer tryin to be considerate over yer friends nโ€™ all but come on... yer shakinโ€™...โ€ He sighed and shook his head, sounding angry isnโ€™t the best idea right now, โ€œLook, I ainโ€™t gonna pressure yaโ€™ into tellinโ€™ me whoโ€™s the cause of this mess but, I can do one thing,โ€ He paused, dropping The Redeemer down to his side and leaning against it like a stand,ย โ€œI can help you with whatever yer tryinโ€™ to search for and protect yaโ€™ along the way if ya want... Itโ€™s the least I can do ferโ€™ye...โ€
Continued From [X] || Closed forย @beatupdwight
โ€œ๐”ถ๐”ž ๐” ๐”ž๐”ซ tell me who it isโ€ฆ we killersย โ€˜ave some more leeway with personal business.โ€ He adjusted his grip on The Redeemer,ย โ€œYou should know to never wander in the fogโ€ฆ Yer almost always gonna be encounter another killer or yer gonna end up in one of them realms.โ€ He huffed,ย โ€œLike youโ€™ve gone and done now. Nโ€™ โ€˜ere yโ€™are, hidin in my saloon from some unknown verminโ€ฆ Blaminโ€™ yerself for beinโ€™ a curious wandererโ€ฆโ€
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dead-dawg-shotgun ยท 5 years
Continued From [X] || Closed forย @beatupdwight
โ€œ๐”ถ๐”ž ๐” ๐”ž๐”ซ tell me who it is... we killersย โ€˜ave some more leeway with personal business.โ€ He adjusted his grip on The Redeemer,ย โ€œYou should know to never wander in the fog... Yer almost always gonna be encounter another killer or yer gonna end up in one of them realms.โ€ He huffed,ย โ€œLike youโ€™ve gone and done now. Nโ€™ โ€˜ere yโ€™are, hidin in my saloon from some unknown vermin... Blaminโ€™ yerself for beinโ€™ a curious wanderer...โ€
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dead-dawg-shotgun ยท 5 years
The nervous leader sneaked up the stairs to the familiar building. He wanted away. Quickly. Somewhere to hide... He wasn't sure why he came here out of all the places but it felt safe, somehow. Breathing heavily, Dwight let himself fall on his knees at the corner of the room. He was too afraid to move an inch and simply stayed still, shivering.
โ€œ๐”ถ'๐”จ๐”ซ๐”ฌ๐”ด ๐”ฆ๐”ฑ'๐”ฐ safer if you go behind the barโ€ฆโ€ Caleb commented as he made his descent down the stairs,ย โ€œNobody checks behind that dusty olโ€™ thing and with yer small size, youโ€™d be able tโ€™fit under the shelvesโ€ฆโ€ He added, limping his way over to Dwight but keeping his distance from the small survivor,ย โ€œBesides, what or who are yโ€™iding from anywayโ€ฆ? I damn well know we ainโ€™t in a trial right nowโ€ฆ Unlessโ€ฆ One has started and I wasnโ€™t toldโ€ฆโ€
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dead-dawg-shotgun ยท 5 years
"S-sorry to bother you sir but I think a friend of mine lost something in the saloon. C-could I fetch it for him?"
โ€œ๐”ด๐”ข๐”ฉ๐”ฉ ๐”ซ๐”ฌ๐”ดโ€ฆ Since yer askinโ€™ so nicelyโ€ฆโ€ Caleb craned his neck down at the small leader and nudged him towards the dusty saloon with The Butt end of The Redeemer,ย โ€œGo and git it, But be quick ya hearโ€ฆ?โ€
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dead-dawg-shotgun ยท 5 years
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โ€œA leader is someone who leaves no-one behind, even if it would put their own life at risk.โ€ย 
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dead-dawg-shotgun ยท 5 years
What kind of modifications have you made to The Redeemer over time? Any new ideas? I bet if you talk to Amanda she can hook you up with some spare parts.
โ€œ๐”ž๐”ฅ the odd thingย โ€˜ere and there! Stronger chains, better accuracy.. that kind of thing, always room fer improvements with any kind of contraption.. As fer the little lady, Amanda was it? Iโ€™veย โ€˜eard that she does โ€˜er own kind of tinkerinโ€™ so you can say Iโ€™m rather interested in what she can do, even the ladies backย โ€˜ome were smart lasses so itโ€™s no surprise ta me that there is a fewย โ€˜ere..โ€ย 
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dead-dawg-shotgun ยท 5 years
Have you gotten a chance to look at the generators during trials? As a tinkerer is it interesting to you too see them up and running when they're repaired?
โ€œ๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ข๐”ช ๐”ค๐”ข๐”ซ๐”ข๐”ฏ๐”ž๐”ฑ๐”ฌ๐”ฏ๐”ฐ are quite the work, Iโ€™d be lyinโ€™ if I said I โ€˜adnโ€™t taken the time ta take a good look at one, ainโ€™t gotten ta see these machines backย โ€˜ome.. Mightย โ€˜ave taken one apart just ta see the inner workinโ€™ of itโ€ A deep chuckle came from the man as he rested his Redeemer against his shoulder.ย โ€œThe little missy up there werenโ€™t tooย โ€˜appy bout itย โ€˜owever, not doinโ€™ my job as she sayโ€ย 
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dead-dawg-shotgun ยท 5 years
Your laugh... It's just... ugh. I can't even. I will allow myself to get shot just to hear it again
โ€œ๐”ž๐”ฏ๐”ขโ€ฆ areย yโ€™all okay?โ€ Caleb couldnโ€™t believe what all these grey folk were saying. It was borderline rated-R stuff here,ย โ€œYโ€™all just need toโ€ฆ calm downย โ€˜cause Itโ€™s just weird at this pointโ€ฆโ€ย 
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dead-dawg-shotgun ยท 5 years
"It's high noon" what are ya? A McCree main? ((Thank you for making the blog, youve already answered a Q for a really good friend of mine who probably jumped out of their seat seeing that there is a blog for Caleb, ๐Ÿ’œ))
โ€œ๐”ฅ๐”ฆ๐”ค๐”ฅ noon is a-sayinโ€™ for when itโ€™s near or at 12 oโ€™clock pardโ€™nerโ€ฆโ€ Caleb has a bit of annoyance to his tone as he responded,ย โ€œAnโ€™ whoโ€™s McCree?โ€
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dead-dawg-shotgun ยท 5 years
Mr. Quinn, I just want to say you are the most HANDSOME killer I have ever seen!!
โ€œ๐”ž๐”ค๐”ข hadnโ€™t been kind to me through the years but I do believe a Thank yaโ€™ is still in order.โ€ย  He tipped his hat towards the kind lady and gave a lil grin. He was appreciative towards the compliment since itโ€™s such a rare thing to encounter in the Entityโ€™s realm nowadaysโ€ฆ
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dead-dawg-shotgun ยท 5 years
can i ride u? i wanna be a cowboy babeeeey
๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ข๐”ฏ๐”ข is no way that Caleb just heard this with his own ears. He cocked his head and raised a brow at the little entity spawn with a disappointed look upon his face,
โ€I ainโ€™t gonna let you do that but uh,โ€ He replied, holding out a hobbyhorse to the individual,ย โ€œGo be a cowboy and ride this instead since thereโ€™s no way yer old enough for me anywayโ€ฆโ€
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dead-dawg-shotgun ยท 5 years
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โ€œ๐”ฎ๐”ฒ๐”ฆ๐” ๐“€, ๐”ก๐”ฏ๐”ž๐”ด ๐”ญ๐”ž๐”ฏ๐”ก'๐”ซ๐”ข๐”ฏ..โ€œย  Ask/RP blog for DBD's Caleb Quinn, The Deathslinger.ย  Text based with the occasional art. Mused by muns Jason and Vin, follow backs with kixxz-and-trixxz or uvpartybomb-stuff!ย 
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dead-dawg-shotgun ยท 5 years
๐”ฑ๐”ž๐”ค ๐”ก๐”ฒ๐”ช๐”ญ
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