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dctonyburley 6 years ago
Pull my head back while you鈥檙e fucking me doggy and tell me how much of a slutty little kitten I am 馃枻馃巰
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dctonyburley 6 years ago
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dctonyburley 7 years ago
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#fruit #fruitsalad #fruity #fruitarian #fruitamin #vegan #veganfood #vegetarian #naturalfood #naturalfoods #dessertporn #fruitful #fruitporn #fruits #fruitlover #fruitlovers
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dctonyburley 7 years ago
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The 2018 Kappa Psi Boat Ride edition of " A Night's Summer Breeze Cruise", which promises to be a fun filled affair.  Come join the DC Ques on Saturday, June 23rd from 9PM to Midnight on The Cherry Blossom at the Alexandria Waterfront - located at 5 Cameron St, Alexandria, VA 22314,. The Open Bar experience with heavy hors d'oeuvres is something you don't want to miss!  Boarding begins at 8:30pm and we will set sail at 9pm.  Ladies and Gentlemen come dressed to impress in your Summer Chic, Bold Colors, Whites and Linen (No jeans, boots, tanktops, or athletic gear will be allowed). ALL proceeds will go to support our Annual High School Debate Tournament. Check out this year's promo video at https://youtu.be/-Pg9lWze7cg Want to see pictures from last year's Boat Ride? Go to #kappaPsiBoatride2017 Purchase tickets at: https://2018kappapsiboatride.eventbrite.com/?aff=anthonyburley Thursday, June 21st, 2018 | PRE-BOAT RIDE KICK-OFF PARTY Location: The Park at 14th (920 14th St NW, WDC 20005) Time: 5pm - 2am Come HangOWT with the DC Ques as we kick off our 2018 Annual Kappa Psi Boat Ride. All Boat Ride Patrons and RSVP have free entry. Boat Ride Patrons can RSVP additional people for the Thursday event. Friday, June 22nd, 2018 | FISH FRY Location: DC Ques Frat House (1231 Harvard St NW, WDC 20009) Time: 6pm - 11pm Boat Ride Patrons receive a complimentary Fish Plate! $10 donation for all others. Saturday, June 23rd | THE BOAT RIDE!!!! A Night's Summer Breeze Cruise Location: Alexandria Waterfront - 3 Cameron St. Alexandria, VA Time: 8:30pm - 12am (midnight) #boatride #washingtonDCnights #openbar馃嵒 #openbar #nitelifebuzz #dmvnetworking #dmvnetworks #dmvhappyhours #dmvhappyhours #dmvhappenings #dcpartiesarethebest #dmvparty #dcques #dcques #panhelleniclove #panhellenicpride #panhellenic #sorority #sororitysisters #fundraiser #alphakappaalphasororityinc #deltasigmathetasororityinc #zetaphibetasororityinc #zetaphibetasororityinc #sigmagammarhoyalty #dst1913鉂わ笍馃悩 #funtimesahead #funtime #omegapsiphi1911 #omegapsiphifraternityinc #dmvparties #weekend
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dctonyburley 7 years ago
#chocolategirls #chocolate #chocolates #chocolatecake (at Dark Sugars)
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dctonyburley 7 years ago
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The 2018 Kappa Psi Boat Ride edition of " A Night's Summer Breeze Cruise", which promises to be a fun filled affair.  Come join the DC Ques on Saturday, June 23rd from 9PM to Midnight on the Cherry Blossom at the Waterfront in Alexandria, VA.- 5 Cameron St, Alexandria, VA 22314 The Open Bar experience with heavy hors d'oeuvres is something you don't want to miss!  Boarding begins at 8:30pm and we will set sail at 9pm.  Ladies and Gentlemen come dressed to impress in your Summer Chic, Bold Colors, Whites and Linen (No jeans, boots, tanktops, or athletic gear will be allowed).  ALL proceeds will go to support our Annual High School Debate Tournament. Want to see pictures from last year's Boat Ride? Check out #kappaPsiBoatride2017 and This video https://youtu.be/-Pg9lWze7cg #boatride #washingtonDCnights #openbar #openbar馃嵒 #nitelife #nitelifebuzz #allwhiteparty #allWhiteaffair #allWhite #linendress #linen #dmvnetworking #dmvnetwork #dmvhappyhour #dmvhappyhours #dmvhappenings #dcparties #dcpartiesarethebest #dmv #dcques #panhelleniclove #panhellenic #sorority #fundraiser #alphakappaalphasororityincorporated #deltasigmatheta #zetaphibeta #zetaphibetasororityincorporated #sigmagammarho #dst1913 #funtimes #omegapsiphi1911 #omegapsiphi #dmvparty #dcquesBoatride
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dctonyburley 7 years ago
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Love this presentation /cup #expresso #expressoshot #expressocoffee (at Double Shot)
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dctonyburley 7 years ago
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#blanchedebruxelles #brugsezotblond #deliriumtremens #WestmalleDubble #vedettipa #LindemansKriek #london #lowlandergrandcafe #beer #belgiumbeer #BeerItForward #beers #beer馃嵒 (at Lowlander Grand Cafe)
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dctonyburley 7 years ago
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Funky Buddha FLORIDIAN HEFEWEIZEN, Reason Beer BLACK, Hellbender NORTH BY NORTHEAST and Civil Life AMERICAN BROWN ALE #BeerItForward #beers #beer #craftbeerlife #craftbeerlife (at Meridian Pint)
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dctonyburley 7 years ago
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Funky Buddha Flight - Pineapple Beach, Nib Smuggler, Last Snow and Butta Cup #BeerItForward #craftbeer #beer #beers #funkybuddha #funkybuddah #craftbeer #craftbeer #craftbeerlife #craftroom (at Meridian Pint)
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dctonyburley 7 years ago
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Sign of the Year (at Trinidad, Washington, D.C.)
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dctonyburley 7 years ago
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Smooth and easy. Can do two bottles over a two hour period. (at Cork Wine Bar & Market)
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dctonyburley 7 years ago
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Did someone say Chicken? Waffles? Mimosas?? We all know that Washington, D.C. is the home of the "Brunch" for young professionals. On Saturday, December 2, come join our Inaugural "Chicken & Waffles with the Ques" brunch, as the Brothers of Kappa Psi Chapter serve YOUin the grandest fashion. Our trained cooks (even if only in our minds) will be making the chicken and waffles right in front of you, and we can't wait for you to taste our special recipes! The best part is that the funds raised from this event will support the students of River Terrace Education Campus, located in SE D.C. A city-wide school, River Terrace Education Campus serves more than 130 students with special academic, social and cognitive needs in right here in DC. We believe that where there is great need, there must be great love! In this season of giving and love, we are excited to change the lives of our youth! Your ticket of $10 and/or your donation of a new unwrapped toy entitles you to a serving of our famous chicken and waffles. This is an adult social event and all tickets come with free mimosas! We know you look young, but we still check ID :-) #omegapsiphi1911 #deltasigmatheta #dcparties #dc #omegapsiphi #alphakappaalpha #zetaphibeta #sigmagammarho #toydrive #fundraiser #brunch #dcbrunch #waffles #waffle #hospitality #southerncharm #goodtimes #mimosas #champagne #mencook #mencooking #tasty #tastyfood (at The Kappa Psi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.)
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dctonyburley 7 years ago
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Did someone say Chicken? Waffles? Mimosas?? We all know that Washington, D.C. is the home of the "Brunch" for young professionals. On Saturday, December 2, come join our Inaugural "Chicken & Waffles with the Ques" brunch, as the Brothers of Kappa Psi Chapter serve YOUin the grandest fashion. Our trained cooks (even if only in our minds) will be making the chicken and waffles right in front of you, and we can't wait for you to taste our special recipes! The best part is that the funds raised from this event will support the students of River Terrace Education Campus, located in SE D.C. A city-wide school, River Terrace Education Campus serves more than 130 students with special academic, social and cognitive needs in right here in DC. We believe that where there is great need, there must be great love! In this season of giving and love, we are excited to change the lives of our youth! Your ticket of $10 and/or your donation of a new unwrapped toy entitles you to a serving of our famous chicken and waffles. This is an adult social event and all tickets come with free mimosas! We know you look young, but we still check ID :-) #omegapsiphi1911 #deltasigmatheta #dcparties #dc #omegapsiphi #alphakappaalpha #zetaphibeta #sigmagammarho #toydrive #fundraiser #brunch #dcbrunch #waffles #waffle #hospitality #southerncharm #goodtimes #mimosas #champagne #mencook #mencooking #tasty #tastyfood (at The Kappa Psi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.)
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dctonyburley 8 years ago
Get your tickets at https://2017kappapsiboatrideweekend.eventbrite.com/?aff=anthonyburley. Ques bring you the event of summer once again! BLANCO: The 2017 Kappa Psi All-White Boat Ride is Saturday, June 17th, 2017 from 9PM to Midnight out of the Alexandria Waterfront. The All-White, Open Bar experience is something you don't want to miss! #kappaPsiBoatride #kappaPsi #openbar #allWhite #allWhite #allWhite everything #allwhite #omegapsiphi1911#omega #omega #omegapsiphi#惟唯桅#螝唯#que#ques #dmvques#scholarshipsfundraiser #dmvnetworkingevent #dmvhappyhour #dcparty #dcparties  #dcsingles #panhelleniclove #dcques #earlybird #kappaPsiBoatride #openBar #omega#omegapsiphi#igdc #dcsingles #dccity #dccitystyle #mydccool #districtofcolumbia #party #funtimes #instarepost20
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dctonyburley 8 years ago
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#wine, #winetasting, #winelist #winelover #winelovers #vino #rubyred #rubyredgrspefruit #rubyredgrapefruit (at Crystal City Wine Shop)
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dctonyburley 8 years ago
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#ikea #modularhome (at Columbia Heights)
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