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Catholics be like “Dear future spouse…”
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Trying to change my perspective in life and grow up some… don’t know how that’s going but guess we’ll see in a few years time
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Watching love is blind after the altar and I have some thoughts:
1) Damian is an asshole - who invites a date to a party while still dating their gf and then tries to gaslight said gf into thinking she reacted incorrectly by getting mad about that
2) Amber is a bitch - her conversation with diamond was just straight up disrespectful, she just kept repeating the same thing over and over again like a child instead of listening because she thinks she’s better than single girls??
Thank you
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age 20-25 is like i am a baby i am a grown woman i am but a small girl i am the oldest and wisest woman alive i just began to exist i am but an embryo
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“I don’t think people understand how stressful it is to explain what’s going on in your head when you don’t even understand it yourself.”
— Sara Quin
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My working theory is that it’s a reference to footloose cause of the whole permission to dance thing but tbh it’s based on absolutely no real evidence 😅
all this debate abt ptd nd i’m just stuck on one thing… why cowboys? 🥴
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Because being 23 is hard cause I still feel like a baby but I’m expected to be an adult now..
actually, growing up is feeling like i turned sixteen two days ago. i’ve been eighteen for years. fifteen year olds seem so young. wasn’t i fifteen just a few weeks ago? all my friends and i are still twelve. i’m closer to thirty than to being a baby. i never got to be a kid. i never grew past eight. i can’t talk to my mom. i want to sit in her lap forever. i want to decide everything for myself. i need someone to tell me exactly what to do. the week is going by so slow. an entire year has passed.
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Check Point
Do you have Wifi on?
When was your last sip of Water?
Did you eat anything today?
Did you brush your teeth?
Make sure you do that, I’ll wait here
Your back? Wonderful, continue on with your journey, I love you, and you’re doing amazing
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What did I say... at least I feel better after binge reading a heart warming webcomic
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The only thought circling my head as I try to go to sleep rn is “I hate my life” but I know I don’t I’m just sad but I don’t know why I’m sad I guess I’m just tired and anxious about how powerless I feel and how out of control I feel and how every time I try to take control of my life I give up so easily like I don’t even care about my life or myself but like no else is gonna care for me but idk how to care...
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I feel like the exception to the rule that all girls are pretty....
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I think I know how to fix my depression but I just don’t know how to want to fix my depression... like I know if I went to bed at a decent hour... woke up early... worked out... didn’t procrastinate... etc... I might be happier and not so anxious all the time but like I don’t want to do any of those things... like I want to do the opposite and like I don’t know how to want those things more than not wanting them... or like how people seem to do those things even if they don’t want to... and like I have a migraine right now but am I using it to avoid my problems and am I causing my own migraine.... what if it’s gone tomorrow morning and now I don’t have an excuse to shit the world out anymore... idk I’m sad and I should go to bed but all I’ll do if I climb into bed is put off sleep till 4am again and wake up at 12pm again and miss my besties wedding dress fitting under the guise of my migraine even though who knows if I’ll have a migraine tmrw I’m just assuming I will cause I’ve had one for the past week..
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I don’t wanna go to sleep because I don’t wanna wake up...
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When every day you survive pain, every night you deserve a little celebration fukin cheers
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Nothing like a week long migraine to suck you right down the depression hole...
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It’s Friday
Have had a migraine since Saturday
My friends are going out clubbing tonight
My sisters are having a party tonight
I’m staying home in pain tonight
Guess I’m getting high and crying in my closet tonight
Can you tell I’m sad and depressed
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My dad just caught me smoking for the first time... lols
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