datenshiellie-blog · 12 years
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datenshiellie-blog · 12 years
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datenshiellie-blog · 12 years
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datenshiellie-blog · 12 years
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Harunan with her 2 younger sisters :D
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datenshiellie-blog · 12 years
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datenshiellie-blog · 12 years
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datenshiellie-blog · 12 years
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datenshiellie-blog · 12 years
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datenshiellie-blog · 12 years
They've all changed so much~
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datenshiellie-blog · 12 years
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datenshiellie-blog · 12 years
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datenshiellie-blog · 12 years
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E00604 by rskm 
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datenshiellie-blog · 12 years
The other day when I was listening to my playlist, C-ute's Aitai Aitai Aitai Na was playing and, not going to lie, I was bopping along. Lip-syncing while dancing. It was a good 4 minutes. Then all that changed. The song that played after AAAN was Otome No Inori by Mano Erina. Straight away I felt sad because I remembered she was graduating next February.
As you can tell from my picture and URL, I'm a big Manoeri fan (although she's my number 2 in H!P). I love her so much and I remember when I found out she was graduating. It wasn't a devastating "oh my god I can't go on anymore" moment, but it was still a very sad moment. Truthfully, I've tried not to think about it because I used to find myself frowning whenever I thought about her graduating. I know she might not be the best singer but listening to her on track is really nice. She has such a cute and soft voice.
I'm looking forward to her next single and hoping for another album before she graduates. Even just a mini-album would suffice. I don't know, I feel it would be mean if she didn't get a proper send off. 
Expect a lot of Manoeri posts from me in the coming months as I cry and reminisce  over my love for her and list my favourite songs and videos etc. I'll give Manoeri a good send off via this blog ^^.
I love you Mano Erina. Zutto. <3
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datenshiellie-blog · 12 years
Of course we can keep our love a secret Mano-chan u___u
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datenshiellie-blog · 12 years
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datenshiellie-blog · 12 years
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datenshiellie-blog · 12 years
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