arbitrarygreay · 5 months
Another year of Sakura's Bday setlist pandering to me personally. Although this time, the deep cuts are so deep I'm actually learning from them!
Sakura Chiari is great, of course, I love her H!P concert take, and evidently so did she.
Next we have a Platinum lovefest, though more specific, as Sakura bookends two Tanaka songs with two Niigaki songs.
Next, we are in full deep cut mode, with seemingly a theme of quirky compositions, as we swing from "Early MM Golden Age B-side" to "most recent KSS album" to non-Tsunku efforts with "Buono album cut" and "Mano Erina single".
Third set is all energy-pumping singles, but the most recent from 2014 (10 years ago now orz). Surprisingly, there are no Nacchi songs this year, with Sakura turning to ManoEri and Gocchin for studying past soloists.
And then we close out with PBJ Love, a bookend with Sakura Chiari for "cute song with god-tier composition and deceptive vocals showcase".
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shoceted · 11 months
have you ever made a ranking for each of the kamen rider seasons you've watched? which one is best for newbies, which one is your secret favourite, which one made you cry etc
i have made a ranking actually! i have a tier list that i very rarely share publicly because there's some spicy takes on there. but here's some thoughts on each season i've completed at this time because you gave me the excuse anon >:]
ryuki: i... really wish i liked ryuki more. i respect it immensely for what it did for the franchise and i think it's got themes, which is more than i can say of some seasons. but for the most part i ahhhhh... didn't love it? it's not my least favorite season i don't think but it isn't one that i'm going to revisit any time soon. i do love ren and shinji though; as a known sucker for a grumpy/sunshine primary/secondary red/blue pair they got me and they got me hard. i definitely am going to write some renshinji someday. and those last two episodes are some good fucking television. but overall ehhhh. i really do wish i liked it more though if only to fit in with everyone else :( (and it's not just the fact that it's heisei phase 1 that's the issue bc i'm loving decade and blade so far! and kiva also is there!). but yeah at this time my favorite ryuki is the one from japanese boy band mazzel stream carnival
double: DUB E X CRIME N THE CITY! i fucking loved w. it's just straight up damn good toku. and it literally took a single episode preview for terui ryu in all his stupid wet cat angstiness to captivate me forever. a single episode preview. like i will always remember finishing the 1st arc, seeing the episode preview for ryu's first episode right after, and being like "fuck" even though i intended to leave off there for the day and watched his first two episodes. DAMN U SECONDARY RIDER SYNDROME. i do think w would be a great place to start getting into rider tbh because it's just so good!!!!!!! i don't even have a lot to say about it but not in a bad way. it's just really really good. watch w. and make it soon. if you have not already. love is strong girls go on
ooo: so one thing you should understand is that i am literally watching ooo right now. like i'm sitting on my couch typing this and also watching episode 19 of kamen rider ooo. i legit watch through the entire second arc all the time. i think it's a very close second or third for my favorite season ever. eiji at the very least is tied for my favorite primary ever and that's saying a lot considering how much i love my other favorite primary ever. (which we'll get into.) ankh is just like me fr and i am going to eat his gender and HINA. BEST GIRL. 10/10. the very first ooo fic i started working on after watching this show (which i might fuck around and try to finish at some point even) is from her pov!!!!!! because i love her. AND DATE AKIRA IS THE MAN EVER (AND THE LEAST REPRESSED SECONDARY CONGRATION YOU DONE IT). the story the comedy the action the epic highs and lows of a hippie and his underwear and of a bird and his ice pops and of a girl and her brother and GAHHHHH. i love this show so so so much. i would absolutely start with ooo if i could go back in time. and i did not secretly cry, i cried a lot. openly. i want to make my boss watch it. i love ooo. i've been trying to design a hawktigergrasshopper shirt for months. i am literally watching kamen rider ooo right now and i will until i go to bed. you count the medals one two and three life goes on anything goes coming up ooo [i start crying]
fourze: my first exposure to kisaragi gentaro was when i watched heisei generations final for the first time, where i promptly freaked the fuck out because holy shit it's fuckin fukushi sota jesus christ jesse eisenberg moment. i actually watched one fourze movie (the winter one, bc i'm a h!p fan and manoeri is there. nadeshiko my beloved) long before i'd seen the series and forgot this. anyway i watched fourze in... like february-march i think? and i ADORED IT. kengo/gentaro is a top tier rider ship and i also have a wip of them that someday i will finish. the kamen rider club is SO GOOD (tomoko and jk are both just like me fr and miu!!! aka tomoyo sepakoi!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm the only person who liked that show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and meteor's suit is so pretty and fuck man the power of fucking friendship. i cried at fourze too. it took me like two hours to watch the two-parter where gentaro gets his final form. i love this show man. it makes me look up at the moon and think about happy things. my space kids. FOURZE YEAH!
wizard: so unfortunately i have the popular opinion that wizard is really long and poorly paced, especially towards the end. but that's straight up my only criticism of it. like that's it. i put wizard in the "free therapy" tier of my list initially but then moved it to "free therapy but you're a little bit high." haruto is a fucking excellent primary rider who i adore he's so my type i hate it here and like it makes me want to rewatch good morning call bc shiraishi shunya pretty and nitou... is definitely the character ever. to quote my own joke it's like one of the writers watched indiana jones on shrooms and had the idea to create the secondary of all time. (it's been like 10 years since the end of wizard do u think he's figured out that he's into haruto yet.) and RINKO MY GOD and koyomi... koyomi/haruto is proof het rider ships can also dissolve your bones... but most importantly. NARA SHUNPEI. HE IS JUST LIKE ME FR. lowkey highkey kinning him from his very first episode. i love that man. he just wants 2 be useful and you know what me too. but yeah so WAY too long but definitely good idc what anyone says; i ain't gonna hate a show that has the same moral as no pressure by novel core.
gaim: HEY SO DON'T START WITH GAIM. DON'T DO IT. DO NOT START WITH KAMEN RIDER GAIM. I AM SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE. GET LIKE A FEW MORE SEASONS UNDER YOUR BELT AND THEN WATCH GAIM. i am speaking from experience. okay. now i feel like gaim has a negative reputation nowadays. BUT. despite popular belief gaim is not peak sexism in kamen rider (like dude... kiva. what the fuck.) so that is that myth busted; also the ending is so beautiful and tragic but overall good if you dedicate some thought to it! and the characters are fucking wonderful! like in any other show i wouldn't care about zack and he's like in the eternally rotating top 3 gaim characters for me. i fucking adore kamen rider gaim. it's about growing up and it's about fighting against your oppressors and it's about pokemon go and dance crews, what could possibly go wrong. like as much as i hate micchy (which is a lot bc he reminds me of my toxic ex rip <3) i can't deny that he's an incredibly well-written character. kouta is an excellent primary and his journey throughout the series breaks your heart, but isn't that what growing up does? takatora is such a well-executed character that it's fun to watch other people react to how the show makes your opinion on him change. and god, kumon kaito has been giving me brain worms since 2015-2018. crimson lotus of misfortune, tragic banana boy, would-be tyrant, gay ass. no matter what anyone says, he's a great character. bananaorange is one of my favorite rider ships ever; it's either tied for first or a close second depending on the moment. and MAI. mai!!!! ray of light. if she was a tarot card she'd be the star. i love that girl. but DON'T START HERE JUST LIVE MORE
drive: so my plan for this year is all of heisei phase 2 + decade and i watched drive pretty early because i knew i would have complicated feelings on it, because i'm black and i'm never comfortable with positive portrayals of cops in fiction. and i was... kind of right. like there are things i loved about drive (heart. namely. fucking adore heart. had me from the moment he said "that roidmude might have been a monster to you but to me he was my friend." i love love love heart so much. he was my lockscreen for MONTHS this year.). i think that everything after episode 40 or so is great. and i relate to gou as much as i relate to shunpei, except in the opposite direction, so him suffering and breaking down and dying of flowers and stuff is really easy, and also fun. and CHASE. he is the fictional character that i think of when i read the word babygirl. but it's also... like... a show where cops are out to kill an entire species... and that makes me uncomfortable. and i abhor that fucking belt. like spoilers but you see a man getting tortured and you just LEAVE???????? THIS IS YOUR FAULT AND ALSO WHY DO YOU NEVER TELL KIRIKO ANYTHING. AND ALSO, SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN DRIVE. seriously drive would have been p e a k if they weren't cops and kiriko was drive. i also wish heart and shin had more homoerotic tension with each other cause idk i would have liked to see it? anyway. drive. fwiw i think the way it ends is way worse than the way gaim ends, so :) spicy take for the day i suppose. so relationship status it's complicated. also i think shin is boring .
ghost: MY FRIENDS BORN IN THE SAME ERA AS ME WE THINK THEREFORE WE ARE!!!!! I LOVED GHOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like seriously if wizard is no pressure ghost is jenga and to complete the trio of novel core therapy songs ooo is thanks all my tears and i'm always a sucker for media where the moral is that life is short and sometimes painful, but it's beautiful, and it's yours, and that's why you should see it through to the end. ghost genuinely makes me want to keep living. I LOVED GHOST. the pacing problems aren't a problem at all if you're not watching week to week i swear. takeruuuuuu my sweet baby my son who i raised myself. also nishime shun is super cute and only like a year older than me,,, i'm fine takeru is such a good boy and if you hate him you will die and go to hell. makoala my boys. they sure are gay aren't they. anyway i'm always a slut for older brothers so i love makoto and if alan was red instead of green i would want to eat his gender. and kanon is so precious but AKARI GOD DAMN IT I LOVE HER SO MUCH. PRETTY SCIENCE LADY IS ALWAYS MY TYPE. but i cannot pursue her because takeru/akari is one of my favorite rider ships ever and fuck you toei they're so fucking married by now. they have to be!!!!!! i refuse to live in a world where they're not! so they're married. thank you. they're also criminally underrated and i think i'm gonna publish my first het rider fic about them because they are so fuckign cute. goodnight. ghost is great. episode 6, my god, one of my favorites in all of rider. AND THE BELT NOISES. COCAINE IN THEM.
ex-aid: so my best friend in the whole world jack (hiiiiiii jack if you read this i love you) had been telling me to watch ex-aid for about two years before i watched it and now i know why: ex-aid has a disease in it and i don't just mean the bugster virus. ex-aid gives you a disease called ex-aid disease where you can't stop thinking about ex-aid. it infects you from the moment you watch it for the first time. symptoms include telling other people to watch ex-aid. watch ex-aid. i listen to excite at least once a day from monday to thursday on my way to work. i have one (1) gashat (tokimeki crisis for my wife who i am married to and is my wife, poppy pipopapo) and it is one of my greatest treasures. i. love. ex-aid. I LOVE EX-AID. kagami fucking hiiro god damn it, i should've known that the scene in sepakoi where kaneda cries would've had a lasting impact on my psyche because wow that boy can cry and be repressed about shit LIKE HIS GIANT CRUSH ON EMU WHICH HE SO HAS, MR. BL ASS SETO TOSHIKI GLOOMY GAY SADBOI. cough. i truly love all the characters though. it's just that kagami hiiro permanently altered my brain chemistry. the adhd lets me write gou and the autism lets me write hiiro. he's like my fucking muse. just god ex-aid is great the belt noises are great the suits are great the villains are great the soundtrack is great my wife is there (poppy) taddle legacy is my favorite final form ever and god it's such a beautiful fucking show. i miss takahashi shit like this because it's genuinely hard to believe geats was written by the same guy. i adore ex-aid. now would i start with ex-aid. no. do i know people who started with ex-aid. yes. but maybe once you've got a little early heisei phase 2 under your belt dive into the god damn gamer doctors. i'm on a mission right now. EX-AID. STREAM PEOPLE GAME
build: so build was my second season of rider, which i watched in late 2020-early 2021... aka when cherry magic was airing. i fucking loved cherry magic and i'll always be grateful for it because lmfttf was a really important fic in my personal fic writing history. but this is not about magic virgins this is about build which... really is another ryuki to me, but it's above ryuki for now because it really is enjoyable and akaso eiji is there and everything, but i don't feel very passionately about it. now when i first watched it i was ~*depressed*~ so that might be part of it, but it didn't have the power to bring me out of that depression that the season i'm going to talk about next does. it just was something i watched and then had watched. be the one's a great song though and the story is really good objectively. i'm also... about to commit sacrilege but it's fine here goes i'm not really into best match as a pairing??????? it doesn't feel as organic as some other rider ships and that sours me on it. while meanwhile you have shit like renshinji where it was 2002 or whatever and that changes my brain chemistry because oh! you genuinely were supposed to read this as friendship! while best match is like. explicitly bait for fujos. like advertised about being about heated drama between men, as opposed to naturally produced heated drama between men. but i did like it and i even have one of the best match rings (with the other with jack). no complaints about the story. but it's not something i'm super into. but they say it's a good place to start for a reason.
revice: so tl;dr at the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 i was super depressed for a whole bunch of reasons. and then one summer day i found out that japanese pop singer and member of girl group beyooooonds maeda kokoro's older brother was the guy who was gonna star in the next season of kamen rider. so i decided to give it a shot. i genuinely just decided to give it a shot because of that. and it saved my fucking life. at first it was just that it was miles away from the aforementioned bunch of reasons i was depressed, something to look forward to every week that just didn't have anything to do with it. i'm a sucker for any tokusatsu show that's family-themed, so 8-10 did insane things to my brain chemistry. but really it had me from episode one. because ikki. igarashi fucking ikki my beloved. a fictional character has genuinely never gripped me like this. i literally buy merch of him every time i get paid. he is so special to me because his story was exactly what i needed to hear, and also because he's the prettiest guy on earth, my god. he's so my type that it's like he was created in a lab. i love igarashi ikki so much that actually we're married. like yeah does revice has problems? is the theme song not good? does the behind the scenes stuff & presence of kimura subaru (and again i'm black) make me uncomfortable? YES!!! BUT I ALSO LOVE THIS SHOW! it is a reason that i am alive and typing this right now! kamen rider revice is extremely special to me and my favorite season of rider ever. i don't know what could ever take its place. i love it so much. i collect vistamps of past seasons i've watched (eagle and jackal are next and i already have kamakiri and kong). the music aside from livedevil is fucking wonderful, the spinoffs are wonderful, heated drama between WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BETWEEN WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a show that means so much to me and is so close to my heart. i love it so much and it's unmatched and it probably always will be. i'm so glad i watched it. thank you, past me.
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bellacakemilk · 2 years
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shadwife · 1 year
Manoeri’s cute but like… that’s it.
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tumblush · 6 years
In case you ever wondered whatever happened to the Hello! Project’s super sweet, too nice for her own good idol Mano Erina (that’s Manoeri to her friends) she’s recently appeared in a Japanese car commercial. I cannot stop watching this. Mano Eri, we love you!
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sa-yummy · 7 years
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infinikey-locket · 7 years
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sakiaii · 4 years
remember that time when Manoeri
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haropro-confessions · 5 years
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ManoEri was reviled as "boring", but I love how she just keeps on winning.            
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arbitrarygreay · 6 months
For potential link rot purposes, this is Ozeki Mai's Namida No Tomorrow PV
The new crop of H!P Alum M-Line soloists is really fascinating to take in context of H!P history as a whole. It's clear that management is thinking about the lessons learned from the Elder Club era, the ManoEri Dark Ages, and even the transition period with Kikka and UUG where they were finding their M-Line footing.
One of the really notable things about this generation, though, is that they're all H!P alum who are in love with H!P and Tsunku and UF as a musicians' label, not treating the company as an interchangeable stepping stone. People who don't want to be in the UF mold leave the ecosystem entirely (e.g. Meimi and Riho).
This shows through in the way this crop have a much stronger sense of creative control, especially regarding the music. They want specifically H!P-like music, which was not the case with the past soloist generations.
So out of SIOOON, I have to say that Ozeki and Karin have excited me the most. Ogata and Maa have great ears but haven't found that which is unequivocably theirs (and not others') yet, and Inaba recent debut unfortunately doubles Airi's niche. But this song reminds me of Karin's Lonely Bus with the way it reaches for a more distinctive retro vibe (more 80s than the generic funk/disco pastiche the others have used?), which better reifies the song's performer as a soloist, that these songs could not be so easily just given to a H!P group with the same effect.
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idolslove · 4 years
[Mano Erina] Sabra.net ''Mano Soul'' (Parte 2)
[Mano Erina] Sabra.net ”Mano Soul” (Parte 2)
Les dejo aquí la segunda parte de la colección gravure para la sabra.net titulada Mano Soul , para descargarla completa visiten el siguiente link https://clubfansarghellopro.blogspot.com/2020/05/mano-erina-sabranet-gravure-collection.html
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Con esto terminamos esta colección gravure de la linda ManoEri
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danes83 · 7 years
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名前が同じメンバーのニックネーム  Hello!Project and upfront related group know how to respect seniors and predecessors. New member having the same nickname with their seniors, use the other nickname instead.
【あい】 加護亜依(あいぼん)、高橋愛(愛ちゃん)  (Ai) : Kago - Aibon, Takahashi - Aichan
【あかり】 佐保明梨(佐保ちゃん・アカリ)、竹内朱莉(タケちゃん・おでん)、植村あかり(うえむー・あーりー)  (Akari) : Saho - Saho chan/Akari, Takeuchi - Take chan/Oden, Uemura - Uemu/Aari
【あさみ】 あさみ(木村麻美)、紺野あさ美(こんこん)  (Asami) : Kimura - ASAMI, Konno - Konkon
【あや】 石黒彩(あやっぺ)、松浦亜弥(あやや)  (Aya) : Ishiguro - Ayappe, Matsuura - Ayaya
【あやか】 アヤカ(長手絢香)、和田彩花(あやちょ・DAWA)、広瀬彩海(あやぱん)  (Ayaka) : Kimura - AYAKA, Wada - Ayacho/DAWA, Hirose - Ayapan
【あやの】 佐藤綾乃(あやのん)、浜浦彩乃(はまちゃん)、川村文乃(はちきんさん)  (Ayano) : Sato - Ayanon, Hamaura - Hama chan/Taisa, Kawamura - ??? (Hachikin probably)
【あゆみ】 柴田あゆみ(柴ちゃん)、石田亜佑美(あゆみん・だーいし)  (Ayumi) : Shibata - Shiba chan, Ishida - Ayumin/Daaishi
【えりか】 梅田えりか(梅さん)、三好絵梨香(みーよ)  (Erika) : Umeda - Ume san, Miyoshi - Miiyo
【えりな】 生田衣梨奈(えりぽん)、真野恵里菜(まのえり・真野ちゃん)  (Erina) : Ikuta - Eripon, Mano - Manoeri/Mano chan
【かのん】 福田花音(かにょん・まろ)、鈴木香音(ズッキ)  (Kanon) : Fukuda - Kanyon/Maro, Suzuki - Zukki
【さき】 清水佐紀(キャプテン・しみハム)、中島早貴(なっきぃ)、森咲樹(モリサキ・森ティー)、小川紗季(サキチィー・佐吉)  (Saki) : Shimizu - Captain/Shimi Ham, Nakajima - Nakky, Mori - MoriSaki/Moritty, Ogawa - Sakichi
【なつみ】 安倍なつみ(なっち)、田口夏実(たぐっち)  (Natsumi) : Abe - Nacchi, Taguchi - Tagu/Ta chan
【はるな】 飯窪春菜(はるなん)、尾形春水(はーちん)  (Haruna) : Iikubo - Harunan, Ogata - Haachin
【まい】 里田まい(まいちゃん)、萩原舞(マイマイ)、小関舞(おぜきちゃん・おぜちゃん・おぜこ)  (Mai) : Satoda - Mai chan, Hagiwara - MaiMai/Hagitty, Ozeki - Ozeko chan
【みき】 藤本美貴(ミキティ)、是永美記(コレコレ・コレティ)、野中美希(のなかちゃん・チェル)  (Miki) : Fujimoto - Mikitty, Korenaga - KoreKore/Koretty, Nonaka - Chel/Chelsea
【みずき】 譜久村聖(ふくちゃん)、室田瑞希(むろたん)  (Mizuki) : Fukumura - Fuku chan/Fukuhime, Murota - Murotan
【みなみ】 仙石みなみ(みーこ)、野村みな美(みなみな)  (Minami) : Sengoku - Miiko, Nomura - MinaMina
【ゆうか】 前田憂佳(ゆうかりん)、二瓶有加(にへ)  (Yuuka) : Maeda - Yuukarin, Nihei - Nihe
【りさ】 新垣里沙(ガキさん)、山木梨沙(やまっき)、小片リサ(りさまる)  (Risa) : Niigaki - Gaki san, Yamaki - Yamakki/Risa chan, Ogata - Risamaru
【れいな】 田中れいな(れいな・れいにゃ・たなさたん)、横山玲奈(よこやん・よこよこ)、一岡伶奈(いっちゃん)  (Reina) : Tanaka - Reina/Reinya/Tanasa tan, Yokoyama - Yokoyan/YokoYoko/YokoReina, Ichioka - Icchan
参考  Similar 【えり】 亀井絵里(えりりん)  (Eri) : Kamei - Eririn
【れい】 井上玲音(れいれい)  (Rei) : Inoue - ReiRei
【れな】 小川麗奈(れなこ)・土居麗菜(どいれな) (Rena) : Ogawa - Renako, Doi -?? (DoiRena)
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redfreesias03 · 4 years
Tasogare Kousaten (“Twilight Intersection”)
“Wanting to see you…the warmth drawn in the sky is an eternal light. No matter how far apart we are, it illuminates my heart.”
OR: Despite the problems they’ve been having lately, the singer still loves their partner.
tasogare kousaten    kakeyoru “aitai” to omou    sonna kimochi wa
Rushing over to the intersection at twilight, The thought “I want to see him” running through my head
sora wo oyoideru    kumo mitai ni butsukatte    tokete    kieta?
Did those feelings clash, melt, and disappear Like the clouds swimming through the sky?
itsu kara darou    surechigatteru… soredemo    dokoka de anata dake motomete…iru
How long have we passed each other by, just missing meeting each other?¹ Even so, I’m still Seeking you–only you–out somewhere…even now
aitakute… sora ni egaita mirai e to tsudzuku negai… kyou mo mata konna ni mo mabushikute… itoshikute…
Missing you…the wish we drew in the sky, The wish that continues into the future… Shines today as well, So brightly…so full of love…
hidamari ni narande saiteru himawari mitai ni mitsumetetai    KIRAKIRA My Love
Just like the sunflowers That bloom lined up in a sunny spot, I want to keep gazing at you, my shining love
anata to    mukiai    ikiteku sono naka de    ibuku    atarashii watashi
You and I live, facing one another Inside that, a new me begins to breathe
kaze mo machi mo zenbu… chigauku omoete mainichi ga    nandaka    KARAFURU
The wind, the town, everything…it feels different—thinking that Makes everyday life seem colorful somehow
tawainai koto mo    ureshii koto mo nandemo    kakusazu ichiban ni    tsutaete    zutto…
The foolish things, and the happy things Without hiding anything, Let me be the person you tell everything to, always…
aitakute… sora ni egaita nukumori wa towa no hikari donna ni    hanaretete mo kono mune wo    terashiteru
Wanting to see you…the warmth drawn in the sky Is an eternal light No matter how far apart we are It illuminates my heart
meguri yuku    kisetsu ga    tokidoki futari no jama shite mo mitsumeteitai    KIRAKIRA My Love
Even if the passing seasons sometimes Stand in our way I want to keep gazing at you, my shining love
aitakute… sora ni egaita mirai e to tsudzuku negai… kyou mo mata konna ni mo mabushikute… itoshikute…
Missing you…the wish we drew in the sky, The wish that continues into the future… Shines today as well, So brightly…so full of love…
aitakute… sora ni egaita nukumori wa towa no hikari donna ni    hanaretete mo kono mune wo    terashiteru
Wanting to see you…the warmth drawn in the sky Is an eternal light No matter how far apart we are It illuminates my heart
hidamari ni narande saiteru himawari mitai ni mitsumetetai    KIRAKIRA My Love
Just like the sunflowers That bloom lined up in a sunny spot, I want to keep gazing at you, my shining love
*Even years later, I don’t know how to convey the verb “surechigau”. It literally means to pass each other by (fitting in with the whole “walking on the intersection” theme of the song), but can also imply relationship troubles by misunderstandings or different priorities. Like “those two people love each other, they just can’t seem to get on the same page”. In this case, this is probably what the singer’s referring to (AKA “since when did the misunderstandings start?”) But the intersection wordplay was really cute, so I opted for a literal translation. ^^;
As for what Manoeri says in the basketball flashback break in the PV: “It can’t be helped. You’ll write to me, right? I love you.”
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tumblush · 7 years
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Mano Erina
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sa-yummy · 7 years
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infinikey-locket · 7 years
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