das-ende-im-sand · 2 years
I'm alive! Brain however decided to go on vacation without my permission. I hope I'll return soonish.
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das-ende-im-sand · 3 years
Frank Frazetta should come back to life and draw for Warhammer. Imagine Frazetta Khorne! IMAGINE Frazetta Slaanesh!!!! Need!
In the grim darkness of the far future, there are no pants
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das-ende-im-sand · 3 years
I- what? No? Dude. Please.
Biology and sex ed can't be that bad that this is not common sense. Right? Right?
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Someone’s parents didn’t have “the talk” with them… The amount of dumb on display here… I am… dumbstruck. Anyway… Female Marines are cool and should totally be a thing. It is for my Space Wolves at least.
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das-ende-im-sand · 3 years
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das-ende-im-sand · 3 years
I think Tau have hooves similar to cow hooves. That actually came up in my dark heresy game because we had to give a tau some clothing and my character was wondering about shoes. … and then was very confused.
You know, your blog needs more blue. And no, I'm not talking of the ultras, I'm talking of them precious tau boys
The main reason for the lack of Tau in my blog is, that I'm a 30k-fluffbunny. I've read a few 40k novels, but these were either Black Legion, Space Wolves, Night Lords, Fabius, Lucius or Word Bearers. So, no Tau anywhere.
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This picture sums up my knowledge of everything Tau completely.
I had to google how many fingers they have (hard to tell but it seems to be four), if they are mammals (according to the ginormous monsterboobs hanging off every female Tau in the overwhelming majority of Tau-fanart ... yes, yes they are), do they have digitigrade-legs (no clear answer to that one, so I avoided lower legs alltogether) and I'm pretty sure I got the face all wrong. 😁
But - I tried!
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das-ende-im-sand · 3 years
If any ukrainians are among my followers, pack your bags and get out. here's help to cross the borders
polish government has opened a website for ukrainians seeking safety and trying to cross the ukrainian-polish border:
as of 13:10 polish time, it has been said as many people as possible will be let through the borders. they are also supposed to let through children who do not have passports, as to not divide families.
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das-ende-im-sand · 3 years
The large hounds shriek a shrill warcry as their hindlegs tense. Mouths foaming in bloodlust, mad eyes shift between the intruders.
In a flash, the hounds jump, teeth bared and claws way too long to be comforting. One chose the towering marine as target, intent on getting their claws at his throat. The second one weaves around Darius to get the much less armored trader.
The walls of the thunderhawk seem to shudder as she reaches for the immaterium to trap the hound in place. As if throwing a ball, she reels back and her hands bursts forward. The hound flies out of the trunk, propelled by the psychic force. It lands close to the humanoid mutants, who are almost in range to shoot. She steps out of the thunderhawk to have space to fight.
❝ how much of the rumours about you are true? ❞
For Darius
@das-ende-im-sand Drahomira (feel free to drop upcoming questions in dms)
“Depends on who’s telling them. But the vast majority have some grain of truth. Which are you thinking of specifically?”
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das-ende-im-sand · 3 years
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das-ende-im-sand · 3 years
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Or shoot the sister hospitaller like we almost did in our dark heresy game.
Not shooting the healer is usually a good thing.
When you play your first necromunda game and only hit twice
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Dice are going in the garbage
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das-ende-im-sand · 3 years
The astartes certainly have been in more stressful landfalls. As she promised the way down is comparatively uneventful, however upon landing and securing the vehicle, they hear a dull banging and scratching against the walls of the thunderhawk.
From the cockpit Eklius is able to see a warband of creatures closing in from the side of the crater they landed in. The warband consists of 8 humanoid creatures four big and four smaller and two quadrupedal creatures. The four big mutants seem to have grown into an ancient set of imperial guard armor. It is covered in cloth in some areas and painted in exposed areas. Flesh spills from the transitions between skin and metal. Both of them sport an enlarged paw tipped with large shiny black claws, powerful muscles propel them forward, a hit of it is guaranteed to kill lesser men than the ones that just touched ground.
Following behind the grotesque mutants is a set of four humanoids that seem to be closer to human likeness. Their appearance differs from the others in that they wear outfits that are similar to the design of Drahomiras uniform. Some of them seem to carry Boltpistols, others ornamented swords. She scowls in anger. "They have been looting the corpses." She spats with open disdain.
The banging has been caused by a set of large black, smooth furred dog like mutants. They are similarly disfigured as their humanoid counterparts but clearly canine in origin. The canines have thrown their bodyweight into the thunderhawks sides, trying to get it to open. Drahomira draws her infernopistol and takes a look at Darius. "Ready, chapter master?"
❝ how much of the rumours about you are true? ❞
For Darius
@das-ende-im-sand Drahomira (feel free to drop upcoming questions in dms)
“Depends on who’s telling them. But the vast majority have some grain of truth. Which are you thinking of specifically?”
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das-ende-im-sand · 3 years
Friendly reminder that it is indeed your duty - as a fan of a setting which pastiches fascist aesthetics as its gimmick - to drive out actual fascists from our spaces. We do this because they are evil, but also because they’re fucking dumb and annoying.
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das-ende-im-sand · 3 years
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das-ende-im-sand · 3 years
Ngl. The Mun laughed.
D-48 readily shoulders his shotgun though.
“To all the downtrodden Imperial citizens out there who sometimes feel as though their lives cannot get any worse:
Even I, a mighty primarch, son of the Emperor and conqueror of worlds, shares such feelings. But during my long and painful exile, I have learned much about the history and nature of the universe. So allow me to share the wisdom of the millennia with you:
No matter how badly you think you have failed, or how hopeless it all seems, just remember: it is all the Eldars’ fault anyways.
Kill more Eldar, -Jaghatai Khan, Primarch of the 5th Legion”
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das-ende-im-sand · 3 years
D-4839 reluctantly shares some corpse starch and purified water with the creepy primarch.
do you like milk
"Ambull milk is a commodity like any other. Dehydrate it and it serves as an easily stored preventative measure against osteoporosis and juvenile rickets among the serfs. Rehydrate it and it becomes a source of fluids during void travel."
"To ask whether I like it is yet more prood of your ignorance. Of your small mindedness. Your inability to see beyond your own personal preference. Your own nose, to borrow one of Horus's Terran aphorisms. Unlike you, I have a duty to see that all 8.9 million of my legion's serfs and mortal auxiliaries are fed properly. An animal weak from malnutrition is a useless one. Even moreso if they are diseased."
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das-ende-im-sand · 3 years
Ask my muse anything you want on anon!
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das-ende-im-sand · 3 years
I wanna hug. 🥺
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If I had to sum up my creative pursuits in one image, this might be it.
As for how well it would go? Uh, everything might end up being a smithing metaphor, but how could you say no to that face. | Patreon | Who the heck are your characters? | Ask me Anything | Commission Info | Redbubble | Ao3 |
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das-ende-im-sand · 3 years
"Stray? I hardly consider myself a stray. Well met." She seemed diminutive compared to the tall muscular woman, yet she laughs easily. "I found Ash in a little bit of a pickle. I'm sure he would've been able to defeat his pursuer with ease, but that would've drawn attention to him. Nothing that would be of advantage here. That's where I came into the picture."
She streaks one of her pearlescent strands of hair behind her ear. "As for trouble, I would never. I promise." With that, she follows ash into the shuttle.
[ HIDE ]:     sender quickly pulls the receiver into a hiding place, hiding them from their pursuers.
@das-ende-im-sand for Drahomira.
(I'm assuming this is for Ash)
Ash almost shot the woman that pulled him into the alley. Luckily he has enough sense to not. Least not right away. Ash did relax slightly at the retreating footsteps of his pursuers. That's when he finally took the time to study the woman who had just saved him from a lot of trouble. "So uh... Who do I owe the pleasure?"
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