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"I have my reasons."
“Then why don’t you stop?”
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The fact that he was laughing so much practically boiled the younger duckette's blood; how could he chuckle as though it were nothing? "In any case, I feel your pain, Luke." What a fabrication THAT was, Luke thought with a bit of a snarl.
Why did he suddenly feel as if it were so hilarious? Just because the brunet was puny and, frankly, adorable didn't mean that he didn't know how to fight. If only Clive weren't immortal, Luke would stab him over and over with infuriation. What was WRONG with him?
If the older duckette could truly feel Luke's pain and suffering, then hey, he wouldn't be throwing a fit of laughter!
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Luke growled, deciding that his time here with this arrogant little snob was just about up. Before he headed for the door, the young brunet picked up the thick novel and tossed it with as much force as he could muster to the older male's head, then approached the door without another word.
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"...Don't you think I know that?"
“Being a brat won’t help you, you know…”
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"At least you realized that much..."
“…Fine…I cannot force you to tell me…”
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"If you're not gonna budge, then I will."
“…You’re just hurting yourself holding these things in…
…Take it from someone who knows…”
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"Just go away..."
“…What’s wrong?”
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"That's not what matters here...! I...I...just leave me alone!"
“Listen…I’m not going to harm you…”
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"..." Luke remained silent, though his thoughts raced, and he wasn't putting his blade back into his satchel until Descole finally decided to keep away.
“Don’t threaten me, child.” he sneered.
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The duckette sighed, his fury now ceasing, but he kept the blade in his hand.
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"...That's better. I think you'd ought to leave me alone if you still want that 'happy' lifestyle of yours."
He took a step back and held up a hand in defense, the other straying for his own weapon.
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"This is your last warning, alright? Stop talking about them, or I'll slice your eyes out. I'm dead serious." as if in confirmation of this fact, the brunet extracted the blade from his satchel and gripped it in his fist.
He sighed.
“Well…I don’t know what it was that happened, but do remember that they love you.”
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"Yes, it's a threat, now please stop mentioning them...I don't care whether or not you want to fight, I...I don't want to talk about it, alright!?"
“Is that a threat, boy? Because as I have said before, I’ve no intention to fight you. Whyever are you so upset!?”
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Luke gritted his teeth, feeling around in his satchel for the knife he carried with him at all times.
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"I repeat...if you never mention them again, then I may not slit your throat."
“Pardon me?! Whatever did I say? If you were upset with them that’s all you had to say!”
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Luke bit his lip to keep the tears welling within his eyes contained.
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"Don't ever mention my parents again, and I may not slit your throat."
"I would think you of all people would understand...Your parents love you dearly, do they not?"
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"...How touching. I'd think that they'd do the same for you." the duckette's words were wobbly, but he acted as though it were nothing. "Well, I suppose if it works for you, then that's how you're free to live. I just don't see the appeal..." he lied.
“It’s far too dangerous…Believe it or not, I have a family now…And though there are still remnants from my past to haunt me…and those out there who seek to assail me, I will protect them no matter what the cost, be it my own life.”
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"Well, I prefer this style of life. Strange, I thought you would, too."
“No, I prefer it this way. It’s much more pleasant.”
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"That's rather bold of you." the duckette finally mumbled after a long pause, "Though, I sort of wish you'd changed for the worst."
“Harsh. Well, I feel that I’ve changed for the better, and I’m happy with it, so I could care less what others think.”
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"Hmph...I suppose I could call you a brat, too. Though, you've changed since the last time I saw you. I'm a bit disappointed in you."
“Ahaha…You’re quite the little brat, aren’t you. I was trying to be kind.”
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