pr0gf0x-archiveseeya · 10 years
thebloodieddove replied to your post:ive still never played pokemon xd gale of...
//Gale of Darkness is incredible I s2g
crowecors replied to your post:ive still never played pokemon xd gale of...
yiss doOO IT ERI
my birthdays a week from today so its TOO LATE to ask for things probably. opens my wallet.... time to buy gale of darkness.....
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modifiedtime · 10 years
thebloodieddove replied to your post
//I have like a full week of sick work to make up that I’m just not going 2 do I feel u
i stopped caring about hw a long time ago tbh but i need to get things done?? but then i remember i dont care
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gakuwalked · 11 years
thebloodieddove reblogged your post:thebloodieddove reblogged your...
Well guess what
when you get older
you become magic
#if you can successfully stay alive for a thousand years you get magic powers #p cool right 
thats not cool thats fucking creepy
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bakerofmysteryroom · 11 years
Brother's back! Brother's back! Bro-
Florence, Please don't shout!
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superstitibus-archive · 11 years
"So you’re my master, huh."
"Well, up to you now to decide what to do with me."
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modaragazza · 11 years
thebloodieddove joined the fashion show!
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"Why hello there!" She answered as she brushed her hair, noticing a person standing with just one glance.
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calmlutony · 11 years
Nils rushed through the streets of London, whispering a customary "Excuse me" and "Pardon me", to those he bumped into. He sighed, taking off his dark blue hat and holding it by his sides. He passed by an alley, one that's quite peculiar to him; being that there's a clock shop at the end of it, gears and nuts, door seeming to be open and welcoming. Curious as ever, Nils sneaked over to the door and opened it, wood creaking as light went in.
"Is anybody here?"
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Aurora was heading home from the store when she noticed the young man.  She wondered who he was, because he strangely looked familiar. After looking at him for a moment, she realized he looked very similar to young friend, Luke. Odd. She went over to him,curious. "Sir? I was just walking by and I noticed you because you look very similar to an old friend of mine. Do you know a Luke Triton?" She asked him.
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pasakosprincese-blog · 11 years
{puts cake at your feet and runs}
     {✄} — What is even happening anymore.
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the-thread-of-souls · 11 years
thebloodieddove replied to your post: 
{He’s acting like a huge baby. It’s a legitmate fact.} But I’m hungryyyyy. Feed me, Professorrrrr…. {He leans on the man, patting his hip. He’s totally joking, but he wanted to mess with the man’s head.}
Messing with the male's mind he was doing. And rather well, honestly. Even more so with…This Clive. When the other male awkwardly leaned onto him, Hershel could admit he felt a bit uncomfortable.
❝…Clive, you're acting awfully childish for your age, to say bluntly.❞
Being this blunt wasn't something the Professor would normally do, but with how the other male was acting…Well, lets just say it wasn't a situation Hershel wanted to stay in. But, if the male was truly hungry —
❝We could prepare something small if you truly wish it to be.❞
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pasakosprincese-blog · 11 years
{Booty touch and run.}
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bakerofmysteryroom · 11 years
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"Why would I... call y'pretty?"
"All Clockworks have normal human emotions, you know."
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forgotten-vows · 11 years
thebloodieddove is now following you.
"Hello. . . My name's Victor Van Dort," Victor introduces himself, taking in the man before him.
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