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24, she/her, living in germany. Otome-Fan and simp for fictional characters...asks and inspiratons are always welcome
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darkjazzpunk · 2 years ago
"I love you the most" BaizhuxReader
Some rather angsty BaizhuxReader (genderneutral) fluff... I felt like it. It's very short but please enjoy!
"All my life I swore to love any individual creature equally and give no one a priority and then you waltz into my pharmacy and home and throw my emotions around like that!"
You were taken aback by his words, but even more by his agitated manner toward you all of a sudden. What exactly did he want to achieve with that? What made him blow up like that? And why didn't you notice anything of that beforehand? Did you really where that blind towards his attitude or was he even better at hiding his true emotions than you antcipated? How did this argument even start?
After you blinked a few times you turned around to sort out your own thoughts and give him some space, you heard him stepping out from behind the counter and then felt him hugging you from behind. Every fiber of his body was tensed to the utmost, his heart pounded noticeable against your back. Slowly he put his head on your shoulder: "I love you…" his whisper was broken, as if he was afraid of what calamity it might cause to say these words out loud, if they really meant something.
Your own heart skipped a few beats as this sentence reached your consciousness pulling you merciless to the here and now, "You're weird, you know that?", was the only sentence you could utter.
He hugged you even thighter driven by his fear of your rejection "Tell me something I don't fucking know."
"I love you too."
The pharmacist audibly drew in his breath, then nothing happened for a moment. It was unusual to see him hesitate for so long, when he usually had a reaction and answer to everything rightaway in the most lifethreatening situations.
"You know how high the chances are that this ends in a tragedy?"
"It is somehow rather calming to know that beforhand for once, it won't lull me into a false sense of safety and make each day even more precious."
Slowly he turned you around in his arms before he looked deep into your eyes. His vertical pupils blown wide in adoration. It made your heart flutter to see the normally reservated and heady physician so docile. You put your arms around his neck and slowly pulled him closer to you, while your pulse continued to increase. Your lips were now only a few centimeters apart.
Just when the doubts in your mind were about to gain the upper hand, he closed the gap between you.
All the pent up emotions towards you were put into that kiss and made you stumble backwards a bit, while your subconscious tried to counter it with the same intensity. In any other situation, the sudden strength of your counterpart would probably have made you laugh in amazement.
But now was not the time.
Meanwhile on the steps to Bubu Pharmacy
"They look rather good together don't you think so too, Changsheng?" Gui gave her little head a lift so she could see the two lovebirds with her "own" eyes.
"I'm just glad thossse two got to it finally. It has been pure torture to watch them pining behind each othersss back for so long... do you have an idea how many times I had to witness Baizhu lament over thisss? Humansss have a knack for making it harder for themselvesss..."
Gui only answered her rhetorical question with a guilty chuckle.
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darkjazzpunk · 2 years ago
Here a reworked list of my personal headcanons after Baizhus release:
Not every headcanon got rworked but a few did... have fun!
Baizhu starts to lisp...like a snake, if he gets flustered or ashamed... or to angry. Normally he takes great care not to lisp cause he got picked on by it in his childhood, thats why he speaks some words with a lot of care ( or with a weird pronunciation) and slowly like 'Herbs' or 'chance'
(Snakes are reptiles, and do not have the ability to digest dairy products like milk. Milk is designed for warm-blooded mammals. But sometimes doesn't stop them from drinking it when offered...) I imagine him as highly lactose intolerant. He can't even stand the smell of milk because he knows what it would do did to him and his diggestive system before Changsheng. He probably tried it once for the sake of knowledge but he regreted it extremly. He was probably the one who introduced Coconut milk to little Qiqi.
No one is allowed to be present when he does his accounting (not even Gui or Qiqi). Calculating with his abacus is like meditating for him... and his snake-tongue flicks on his own every few clicks...he just can't do anything against it. It's too emberassing for him... it was a accidential sideffect that happened when he activated the contract with Chnagsheng
Baizhu swings his hips quite a bit when he walks. He gets therefore (and because of his long, sleek hair) often catcalled by foreign sailors who only see his backside. It depends on his mood that day if he turns around to shock them or just lets it slide and takes it as a compliment.
Baizhu can't blush, because he's cold blooded (at least a part of him is snake... I mean look into his eyes!) He isn't the type to blush anyway (he's seen a lot as a doctor), it takes much to flatter or embarrass him but it can become chilling that there is nearly no body reaction from his side if he doesn't artificially shows his mood.
Our snek doctor doesn't care about gender typical behaviour. He actually likes to wear lipstick now and then (blood red is his favourite). He doesn't wear it often in puplic (just because he doesn't care, unfortunately, doesn't mean the rest of Liyue doesn't care -> it could lower his reputation) but now and then he puts it on when he's alone in his private quarters or on the Pearl Galley. Or when he sees the possibility for a nice deal trough crossdressing... "In the animal kingdom, it's also the male who accessorizes with colors, what does that have to do with my gender or sexuality? Humans People are so small-minded…"
Technology hates Baizhu and he hates it back! It never seems to work when he tries it or when he's even near it. But some of the technic advances from Fontaine would make things so much easier for him. Alas there is not a Chance it would work for him anyway. He just got used to it by now and keeps his hands off of it for the safety of his fragile self and others. He acts like that typical technology hating grandma because he doesn't believe he can survive another electric shock...
My Baizhu headcanons so far (1-6 +1):
Just thought about putting my personal, little headcanons (6 so far + 1 from my side block) about Baizhu together since they' re scattered pretty far over my whole dashboard ^^"
Fell free to ignore them, use them as inspiration or just laugh about them (in a respectful way):
Baizhu starts to lisp...like a snake, if he gets flustered or ashamed... or to angry. Normally he takes great care not to lisp, thats why he speaks some words with a lot of care ( or with a weird pronunciation) and slowly like 'Herbs' or 'chance'
(Snakes are reptiles, and do not have the ability to digest dairy products like milk. Milk is designed for warm-blooded mammals. But sometimes doesn't stop them from drinking it when offered...) I imagine him as highly lactose intolerant. He can't even stand the smell of milk because he knows what it would do to him and his diggestive system. He probably tried it once for the sake of knowledge but he regreted it extremly. He was probably the one who introduced Coconut milk to little Qiqi.
No one is allowed to be present when he does his accounting (not even Gui or Qiqi). Calculating with his abacus is like meditating for him... and his snake-tongue flicks on his own every few clicks...he just can't do anything against it. It's too emberassing for him...
Baizhu swings his hips quite a bit when he walks. He gets therefore (and because of his long, sleek hair) often catcalled by foreign sailors who only see his backside. It depends on his mood that day if he turns around to shock them or just lets it slide and takes it as a compliment.
Baizhu can't blush, because he's cold blooded (at least a part of him is snake... I mean look into his eyes!) He isn't the type to blush anyway (he's seen a lot as a doctor), it takes much to flatter or embarrass him but it can become chilling that there is no body reaction from his side if he doesn't artificially shows his mood.
Our snek doctor doesn't care about gender typical behaviour. He actually likes to wear lipstick now and then (blood red is his favourite). He doesn't wear it often in puplic (just because he doesn't care, unfortunately, doesn't mean the rest of Liyue doesn't care -> it could lower his reputation) but now and then he puts it on when he's alone in his private quarters or on the Pearl Galley. Or when he sees the possibility for a nice deal trough crossdressing... "In the animal kingdom, it's also the male who accessorizes with colors, what does that have to do with my gender or sexuality? Humans are so small-minded…"
Technology hates Baizhu and he hates it back! It never seems to work when he tries it or when he's even near it. But some of the technic advances from Fontaine would make things so much easier for him. Alas there is not a Chance it would work for him anyway. He just got used to it by now and keeps his hands off of it for the safety of his fragile self and others. He acts like that typical technology hating grandma because he doesn't believe he can survive another electric shock...
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darkjazzpunk · 2 years ago
My thoughts on Baizhu's story #1: Changsheng
I need to let it sink in a while ^^". It's something I couldn't have come up with myself and I'm baffled in a good way! There might more thoughts coming up... but this is my first personal feeling of it!
Of course I'm a bit bummed that Baizhu isn't some Naga like being himself but just a mortal with the help of a elemantel snake being around his neck.
While Changsheng can be seen as a parasite who simply leeches from her hosts (wich is completly vaild), I personally believe that they have more of a symbiotic relationship. Baizhu had a choice at the time of her offer and was fully briefed by Changsheng: all the advantages and disadvantages were revealed to him. When he asked her what would happen to her, she didn't even really seemed averse to the idea of dying, since it would reunite her with her acquaintances and Baizhu's ancestors and she already had a pretty long life by then. Yes, of course, prolonging one's own life with the help of another's energy is selfish, but in her case both lives would be prolonged (not just her own!) and both knew the circumstances under wich it happened and had to agree to it. Changsheng didn't just attached herself to someone with force or trickery sucking them dry. Properly balanced (which Changsheng tries to impress upon everyone who enters into a contract with her without getting tired of it) the contract would have life-prolonging effects for both parties!
I see the possibility to take over poisons and diseases and give the own lifeforce away as something that should only be used in an absolute emergency and only under certain circumstances (e.g. only after all known measures and all knowledge has been exhausted) not as something that is always used when the doctors cure is not fast enough to their liking or the patient has to suffer from an ailment a little longer or even a patient that would be able to live an otherwise good life with just minor restrictions (I'm not a judge on what is considered minor of course, but if I imagine a Doctor taking my Lactose intolerance upon themselves just because they can, I would probably kick their ass). However, there is still a lack of information on the extent to which doctors under Changsheng's contract actually used this ability so take it with a grain of salt.
Perhaps Changsheng signed the first contract with questionable intentions, but why didn't she hide things that would have benefited her? Why should she have disclosed anything to the hosts that would tempt them to give up everything if keeping them alive is her ultimate goal? She could have given them only half of the benefits, just enough to make the contract attractive enough.
Or she could simply refuse to help beyond the point that might cost her her host. After all, the one thing with which the host pays its part of the contract is its own life energy. So it would be no problem to refuse to do anything that would put this at risk. Yet she does not. She warns them, yes, but she does not restrict them and does her best to support them on their way and to protect them from harm without blocking them although it could bring herself into mortal danger too.
PS: english isn't my first language so there might be errors, I'm very sorry for that. Second of all this is just my personal opinion of this situation and everyone can have their own and each one is valid. This little rant is written after Baizhu and his personal first story quest is released.
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darkjazzpunk · 2 years ago
One of the thoughts to Baizhus story Quest #1:
There is this dialog where in the english translation Changsheng calls him her "mannequin" wich would imply for me that Baizhu doesn't have an own character, feelings or thoughts (which he has!) while the german translation is "her throne" which I found a lot more suitable for the situation they are in... just on of my thoughts ^^"
Also another funfact: in english Baizhu and his predecessors get called her "Hosts" while in german she calls them her "pack animals" and now I wish I could speak chinese too confirm which one is closer to the original...
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darkjazzpunk · 2 years ago
I cried laughing! This is fabulous! So adorable and funny!
It looks like something Qiqi would draw In her childish naivety when somone told her changsheng and Dr. Bai's eyes are switched
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darkjazzpunk · 2 years ago
Feeding shedule
First off all, this is purley headcanon stuff I made up and it is probably proven wrong as soon as he's released (as it was written before his release). As my other fanfictions are... (But I'm interested in how much is wrong exactly).
Second is the fact that my character is probably not to the taste of everyone here, since they are a person that isn't well versed in the matter of handling a disabled person. They are not yet capable of treating every disabled person to their liking as much as they are not able to treat every nondisabled person to their liking. This is a learning process. No one is an expert right away and so mistakes are made, that's where people usually learn from the most. And everyone wants to be treated differently! This isn't meant as a good example in any way!
If you want to critize something or explain something to others in my comment-section go for it. If you just want to rant about 'stupid ableist scum', do us the favor an stick it up your ass. I won't tolerate it.
"Hey, by the way, as your cook I think I should also know what your favourite food is?"
The Pharmacist looked up from the prescriptions he was writing. Startled by your sudden question: "There's this dish, relatively handy to prevent and alleviate dryness, which I suffer from relatively often, hehe."
You snapped your fingers right in front of his face, which earned you an irritated look from the doctor.
"What's YOUR favorite food? Let me put it another way. Just imagine a day when your illness leaves you mostly alone, your stomach doesn't bitch, and your taste buds don't overreact. What is your favorite food then, if you can get your hands on it. And no, it doesn't have to be that healthy either, for once. A quilty pleasure, if you will. I want to be ready should it occur."
The green-haired one stared into space for a moment, overwhelmed, before he began to think. It seemed to be visibly difficult for him to see past all his limitations. A small part of you even started to feel bad for also reminding him of what he would so rarely be able to have.
You quietly began to serve him his green tea, not wanting to rush him as well, knowing how little he could stand it.
Meanwhile, his gaze wandered in the direction of Wangmin Restaurant, then towards Xinyue Kiosk. He even leaned back swingingly and placed his fingers under chin in a thinker pose.
He had really never allowed himself this thought in his life!
"Although I'm usually forced to limit myself to simple soup, broth, rice and congee, I'm never averse to a good noodle soup: With rice vermicelli, thick pieces of braised pork belly, smoked tofu and two tea egg halves. But I probably should cut short the portion by half or even thirds even on a good day, or I'm going to regret it the hours afterwards."
Your guilt only increased as a result. But it was now no longer possible for you to take back the question and an elegant excuse would not occur to you either.
Just as you wanted to start something, his airy voice interrupted you:
His serpentine tongue flicked as if by itself barely noticeable to emphasize his point of craving described dish.
"For dessert, if the rare moment occures that I crave something sweet, I prefer any little pastry filled with salted egg yolk and or lotus seed paste, huh. Whereas tapioca pudding cooked with coconut milk is also really delicious, but forget the extra sugar some put into it. However, when I need something sweet on a normal day, I usually stick to simple guilinggao... maybe with coconut cream…"
"That's a good start…"
"Hey! What about me, when will you asssk me?", Changsheng had reared back and punished you with a sideways glance.
"I don't want to confuse your preferences, give me a second. Besides, Baizhu has already warned me not to pay too much attention to you when it comes to food. Don't you hunt most of it yourself?"
Baizhu let out a small laugh before stroking his partner's little head soothingly, "Did you like the little onigiri made from chicken that much?"
(The other day you tried to make some Onigiri, a specialety from Inazuma, as you thought it had a rather subtle taste and might be easy to stomach cause of its few ingredients. A sudden strike of inspiration made you then form another tiny one out of cooked and grounded chicken meat for Changsheng as a small treat. They both rather liked it and it found its way on you list of everyday suitable dishes for the Doctor.)
"It wasss quite acceptable." with those words she disappeared back into the curtain of green strands.
Changsheng's personal way of praising someone, you probably couldn't expect more, but that was more than enough for you. It was hard enough to win over her stubborn character. Sometimes you wondered if the pharmacist just wasn't that strict with her, or if he had a secret fondness for people who weren't afraid to treat him and others rather brusquely. After all, most people treated him like fragile porcelain.
Like you just wished you did the other moment...
You wondered yourself where the thought came from but shoved it away to rethink it later by taking a blank sheet off the notepad on the table and writing down the new information about your boss.
"Any allergies or intolerances apart from the daily fluctuations?"
Baizhu chuckled at your sudden professionalism, eyeing you with a gentle gaze: "As you're already know since the incident the other day, I'm extremely lactose intolerant. I can't even smell cow's milk without getting sick. Other than that I have no direct allergies, only that I tolerate some things just one day more and the other not."
A warm, true smile apeared on his lips: A truely rare sight, as he witnessed you actually writing everything down what he told you and what he just mention on the side. Like the fact that he needs smaller portions than what one would anticipate for a actually tall man like him.
Your sadly didn't notice much of it, since you were preoccupied making the notes and formulating your next questions.
"Anything you simply don't like? Flavours, smells, consistencies and such?"
"I don't like slimy foods or those with a pungent smell to it. That fermented soybean dish from Inazuma: whilst high on nutrients, wrong in any other way possible if you ask me."
Changsheng pushed her little head foreward for a informative comment: "If I remember correctly did you call it a 'gruessome abomination' and a 'Food maltreatment' lassst time..."
Baizhu simply waved his hand infront of her to shush her, before smiling apologetically for being called out badmouthing a indeed healthy dish that harshly.
You couldn't help laughing, longing a little for the day when Baizhu would drop his doctor facade in front of you and just be himself. At least once in a while. Until then, you would be content with Changsheng's unadorned glimpses into the inner life of this complex man.
"Ok this means no stinky tofu, no okra should I ever get my hands on them, careful with seaweed and mushrooms, no thousand-year eggs or Baluten..."
"The last two are an exception! No matter if I think I won't like it I at least try it once... those two are actually quite nice I found out... raw egg is also alright with me."
"The Baluten that developed for 21 daysss isss the bessst!"
It was hard for you to write down the embryo egg dish, but since you cooked for him (and Gui and Qiqi occassionaly) it didn't matter if the idea of it didn't sit with you to well, you would probably try it but in the end it was for you boss. He was supposed to get what he liked.
"Oh and spicy food only when I ask specifically about it. While I crave some spicy shrimp soup from time to time it is always a gambling game", he laid a hand on his visible stomach at the remorseful memory of the last time he obviously lost the coin flip: "Exclusive spices and multilayered tasting shenanigans are sadly pearls cast before swine with me. I don't taste much these days... Oh, and what I can taste I can't destinct from the smell of it like most humans are able to. Haha, I warned you, that cooking for me will be a fulltime job."
"I don't mind it, otherwise I wouldn't have offered it to you. Like that I can work off my dept to Bubu Pharmacy and earn something after that and you are spared from Gui's and Changsheng's scolding because you forgot to eat... again."
In your mind's eye, the memory played out of Gui actually feeding the doctor a small bowl of white rice while he was hunched over notes sorting out his schedule for the next day. As if his affliction didn't drain him enough every day….
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darkjazzpunk · 2 years ago
Do you have a masterlist ?
Not yet, since there aren't many works of mine but I might make on once I have the time for it!
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darkjazzpunk · 2 years ago
May I add you to my genshin writers list ?
Off course feel free to do so! ^^
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darkjazzpunk · 2 years ago
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I GOT HIM, FINALLY!! <3 <3 <3
And I got him even on C1 ^.^ I'm the happiest cup of noodles there is, yay!
Now I throw myself into his story quest... bye bye!!!
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darkjazzpunk · 2 years ago
Less than two hours here for Baizhu an Changsheng release! Can't wait >_< I need them in my basket where I can spoil them with affection *.*
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darkjazzpunk · 2 years ago
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darkjazzpunk · 2 years ago
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Wait... they are a thing, aren't they?
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... I'm not sure, maybe my brain overreacts here?
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darkjazzpunk · 2 years ago
Character Demo - "Baizhu: Curing the Root Cause" | Genshin Impact
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A physician's prescription must adapt to all facets of an individual's circumstances.
To protect life most precious, one must first be able to identify truth, falsehood, and signs.
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darkjazzpunk · 2 years ago
This is genius!!!! Go like their video now, go!
Screaming at how good this is. He's so sexy and mysterious.
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darkjazzpunk · 2 years ago
Am I the only one who was a bit irritated by this scene? The way the light shines on the hairpin, it briefly looked like a stillett to me and the customer's hesitant manner sounded a bit anxious ^^" (I was watching it on a rather small screen...)
Maybe that's the mystery of Baizhu: he is always involuntarily intimidating/suspicious without meaning to be...
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darkjazzpunk · 2 years ago
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darkjazzpunk · 2 years ago
So, there's something off about Baizhus way home...
...Herbalist Gui has mentioned that Baizhu's physical condition is extremely poor, and he often has to go back to his residence to rest after seeing patients. Even so, his smile never falters while in front of people...
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The Pharmacy and Baizhus home (presumably, cause it's new and looks like a storage for medicinal herbs)
The straightest way with less enemys from the Pharmacy to his home... now... somebody please explain me how he's suppossed to walk that track twice everyday in his condition (especiallywhen he's already weary)? I walked it with my character and I got exhausted...
Remember please that lorewise only the traveler (and his active teammates through him) are able to use teleport waystones.
* : way one to the house through a small riverpart with broken bridge
**: way two through qingce village around a steep hill to a man-high stonewall he would have to climb cause lack of stairs
As always don't take it too seriously, it's just a little rambling from me... ^^"
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