Fanfic Author and Artist. You can find me on Ao3 and FFnet under darkfrozenabyss. I have a couple original works up on Wattpad also under that name.
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Today I found out about mother of pearl carvings and I can't help but think that the Falmari & Falathrim and the Númenoreans definitely have such a craft...

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I've always wondered if elven children are also annoying? 🤔 Gandalf with little Arwen ✨
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Thanks for the tag! ❤️
NASA released the clearest pictures yet of our neighbours in the solar system

Oh and of course us

Honourable mention

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New sketch dump, this time featuring a ton of Maglor and Melilot/Mellótë. I also did the concepts of what their kids might look like (green background) and memes of Mellótë's dad reacting to her courtship with Maglor (gray frames), based on a WIP I have of a DoT AU fic of Maglor/Mellótë's courtship.
Finally, i drew Mellótë's dad with a grandbaby, because grandpa (Celecormë) and the baby (Ausir) come from two different AUs, but i think Celecormë would like being a granddad anyway.

#tolkien#silmarillion#fanart#i drew dis#maglor#maglor's wife#magilot#tolkien oc#daughters of therindë au#once upon a picnic au#screaming into the void
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Totally Serious Daughters of Therindë Spoilers
Haleth: I cant believe I got punished for standing up for what I believe in.
Feanor: Which is...?
Haleth: Violence.
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Ok friends, this has bugged me for awhile now so help me solve it.
In LOTR we're giving two contradicting depictions of Elves and their horses: the Glorfindel approach and the Legolas approach.
In the Glorfindel approach, we're told through various references that he rides Asfaloth with a saddle, stirrups, and reins.
While in the Legolas approach, we're told instead that the "Elvish way with all good beasts" is to ride them with none of these items and direct them solely with the spoken word.
So how do we square these, friends?
Extra points if you give me your unhinged headcanons about this in the replies/tags. I want to hear all about those.
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"Four lifetimes"
Kaladin, reunited with his parents after four years as a soldier, a year as a slave, a few months as the bodyguard of the most powerful man in the kingdom, and now, as something he's slowly starting to figure out while the apocalpyse is happening. Meanwhile, Syl is the only one who knows for a fact that family reunions are supposed to be JOYFUL, storm it!

My prints: My Procreate brushes:
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Nahar; Steed of Orome
White in the sun, and shining silver at night 1 - the sleeping earth trembled at the beat of his golden hooves 2 - the fire that was stricken from the hooves of Nahar was the first light that returned to Valinor 3
J.R.R. Tolkien; The Silmarillion, "Valaquenta: Of the Valar"
J.R.R. Tolkien; The Silmarillion, "of the Beginning of Days”
J.J.R. Tolkien; The Silmarillion, "Quenta Silmarillion: Of the Darkening of Valinor"
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the eve of the fifth battle
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Like this?

The sad part ofDo you want to build a showman but it's Anairë and Eärwen after the First Kinslaying
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Those are some interesting WIPs you got there! I look forward to seeing the finished products!
T - Daughters of Therindë (The Fëanorian wives travel back in time to try to fix things.)
The six of them had then spent all day in the shipyards. Only at the approach of evening had they retreated to her family's home for a meal. And Bodilë took a moment to smugly appreciate that with both Tyelpë and the children of Eärwen present, no one (meaning her brothers, Cassulo and Nelilo) was making any snide comments about Curufinwë. Below, she could hear Findaráto strumming his harp and entertaining her mother with a song, while Cassulo and Nelilo talked boat races and swim and diving competitions with Angaráto and Aikanáro. Meanwhile, her father was explaining to Curufinwë, Eldalótë, and Litthe -- Cassulo' wife -- the superiority of this particular vintage of palm wine.
H - In The Trumpeting of Swans (Arafinwë/Eärwen Goose Girl AU)
He followed at a distance as she lead them down to the water to do swan things, he supposed. There was probably a book on swans in his father's library. He should probably go read it. There was no sense in performing his own personal study on swans when no doubt fifty intrepid natural philosophers, probably mostly Noldor, had all conducted their own studies ages ago. "Admiring my swans?" Arafinwë started. For the first time, he noticed that the swan-shepherdess had approached him while he was occupied observing her bevy. "Indeed, lady. There are not many around here. Not kept as pets, I mean." The swan-shepherdess smiled. "You think they are pets?" He hesitated. "Are they not?" "They are more like... friends. Friends who require some care, particularly so far away from home. But they would not let the princess leave them behind." "And so you are here?" "And so I am here." She inclined her head. "Someone must keep them out of trouble and tend their hurts."
E - Eyes of a Beast (First Age Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess AU)
Everything was gilded in Nargothrond. Instead of the tasteful and discreet murals that dominated Menegroth, mosaics made with gold and thousands of precious stones dominated the walls. Banners with Heraldry of the House of Arfin hung to either side of the throne, upon which sat Finduilas. Lúthien approached and made her bows. Finduilas inclined her head. Strings of glass flowers clinked in her hair. "As you no doubt know, the House of Arfin has strong ties to the House of Thingol. If I have found Elu Thingol's daughter, or if she has found me, I have an obligation to inform my kin in Doriath and to return her there," Finduilas began. Lúthien's jaw tightened. "I will give you an opportunity to tell me your story before I commit to this course. What you say will impact if and when I will send to Thingol." Finduilas lifted a hand in a gesture for her to begin speaking. Lúthien took a breath and began.
N - Dear Flower (Maglor/His wife fic for the Daughters of Therindë AU)
News of their return did not take long to spread. The family arrived home in the late hours of Laurelin, spent a single, restful waxing and waning of Telperion, and then the messengers began to arrive in the late mingling. Unexpectedly, one of these messengers were for him. Aunt Findis wished to invite him to a dress rehearsal happening that day. He was weary -- little Curufinwë had refused to sleep at all recently unless Makalaurë was playing something light upon his lute. Despite this, his heart remained in the performing arts, and so he fully intended to accept Aunt Findis' invitation. Makalaurë sent the messenger off with his reply, then went upstairs to bathe and select a suitably dashing outfit for the day.
Thank you for the tag!
WIP Word Train
Rules: tagger gives a word, then for each letter of that word you share an excerpt from your WIPs that start with that letter.
Tagged by @queerofthedagger Thank you! My word is HOME (which is very fun considering I've been working on some fics with that as their theme)
H - This is Not a Second Chance (Celebrimbor gets dragon-amnesia post-fall of Nargothrond and gets found by his father and uncles; canon still happens after that and I try to make all the readers cry)
He did not know what that word Tyelpë meant. Could only hold the dog and shake as that one order - run, run, run - began to fade away, leaving him empty and hollow. “Help,” he said, the word a cracked whisper. The word choked with smog and burning and terror that erased every thought. He held tight onto the dog as he spoke. “Help.”
Time after that turned into a blurr. There were hands that lifted him up. Gentle, careful of his burns and scratches, cradling him close. More words, some in a language he understood and others in a language he felt that he should know but could not remember. The dog left when he was placed onto a horse. He cried but did not know why.
Had he run far enough? Had he been caught?
“Easy, Tyelpë,” said the moonlight-haired elf. “We’ll be at Amon Ereb soon. Just hold onto the horse and trust me to lead, all right?”
He said nothing. The elf’s words fell on him like snow: cold, making him shiver, disappearing through the gaps in his mind.
O - Oh Sing, Defiant Stars (all SoF survive the kinslayings but Maglor gets amnesia at Sirion and still does a twin kidnapping; very NOT canon-compliant)
One hand was made from metal, glinting like polished brass. The lord, Lindir guessed, from how everyone else backed away or bowed to him. The leader and the one who would decide how best to hurt him.
But the lord’s hands, when he reached out, only ghosted over Lindir’s shoulders. “Laurë,” he said again, that strange word.
Should he bow? Lindir had not bowed for the orcs no matter how much they kicked him, but they had been servants of Morgoth. These were elves - but they were also murderers. The words stayed stuck in his throat, and all he could do was stand there, dumb and shaking, eyes dropping to the ground. He couldn’t look at the red-haired lord, or the beautiful horses, or the bright, eight-pointed star that decorated the deep red banners. His heart ached. His head screamed, as though something deep within the back of his mind was trying to tear it apart.
“Bring the healers,” ordered the lord. He may have said other things, but Lindir could barely focus on his words.
M - To Haunt These Golden Halls (Maedhros searches and grieves for his lost brother; Maglor misunderstands and thinks he's happier without him - happy ending don't worry)
Maglor said nothing, could only stare up at his brother, drinking in the sight of him. Centuries upon centuries had dulled his memories, tarnishing the image of Maedhros. Now, there he stood, alive again, and there were a thousand things Maglor wanted to say.
I missed you, I’m sorry I could not reach you in time. That I threw it away. I was right to throw it away. Do you forgive me? I’m sorry I was not enough to keep you in life. Please say you forgive me. Maedhros, Maitimo, Nelyo, I missed you.
His mouth stayed locked shut.
Would Maedhros yell at him now? Chase him out of the garden? Welcome him and kiss his forehead, like he had when Maglor was small and woke up from a nightmare? He tensed and waited.
But Maedhros only stared down at him and said, “What is your name, stranger, and what are you doing at my home?”
E - Little Crab in the Big City (Fëanor forgets his crab son in the Valinor shopping district and so Maglor and Bilbo go on an adventure together. Maedhros is never trusting his father to babysit ever again)
Even Aman, with all its power, could not prevent a mortal mind from slowly breaking down. Or so Gandalf had sadly warned him.
The crab scuttled a little to the left and then a little to the right, giving Bilbo a few more clicks of his claw. Above their heads came the cry of a bird - a seagull, perhaps, though Tirion was far away from the coast - and the poor thing hid behind Bilbo’s leg.
“There, there, do not fear. I will not let such a well-mannered creature such as yourself become dinner.” Bilbo held out a hand. “A busy street such as this is no place for someone so easily trampled. Would you care to travel with me?”
The crab let out a series of fast clicks, eagerly scurrying forward. Carefully, Bilbo lifted him up and placed him on his shoulder, wrapping one long end of his scarf around the crab to keep him warm.
“Excellent. It has been far too long since I’ve had a companion on an adventure.” Bilbo opened up his notebook and readied his pen. “Now then, where was I? Oh yes…”
Tagging, with your word being CRAB: @dreamingthroughthenoise @lordgrimwing @beatles4ever65 @thelordofgifs @camille-lachenille @whovianofmidgard @leucisticpuffin @awwyeah107 @veilder @starspray and anyone else who wants to. No pressure, of course!
#tag game#screaming into the void#my fanfic#daughters of therindë au#magilot#finarfin#earwen#luthien#finduilas faelivrin#maglor
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“I’m sorry, Kal,” Moash said, stepping forward. “I should have made it quick at the start.”
The Words, Kaladin. That was Syl’s voice. You have to speak the Words!
“I will protect even those I hate,” Kaladin whispered through bloody lips. “So long as it is right.”
A Shardblade appeared in Moash’s hands.
A distant rumbling. Thunder.
THE WORDS ARE ACCEPTED, the Stormfather said reluctantly.
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

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yeah, what's so special about the so-called "Blessed Realm" anyway 🙄
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textpost from @doodles-and-ramen-noodles here
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king regent the mighty
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we told you to surrender, didn't we
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i am a PERFORMER on the STAGE
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