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"The dance between darkness and light will always remain."
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See the Universe in a New Way with the Webb Space Telescope's First Images
Are you ready to see unprecedented, detailed views of the universe from the James Webb Space Telescope, the largest and most powerful space observatory ever made? Scroll down to see the first full-color images and data from Webb. Unfold the universe with us. ✨
Carina Nebula
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This landscape of “mountains” and “valleys” speckled with glittering stars, called the Cosmic Cliffs, is the edge of the star-birthing Carina Nebula. Usually, the early phases of star formation are difficult to capture, but Webb can peer through cosmic dust—thanks to its extreme sensitivity, spatial resolution, and imaging capability. Protostellar jets clearly shoot out from some of these young stars in this new image.
Southern Ring Nebula
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The Southern Ring Nebula is a planetary nebula: it’s an expanding cloud of gas and dust surrounding a dying star. In this new image, the nebula’s second, dimmer star is brought into full view, as well as the gas and dust it’s throwing out around it. (The brighter star is in its own stage of stellar evolution and will probably eject its own planetary nebula in the future.) These kinds of details will help us better understand how stars evolve and transform their environments. Finally, you might notice points of light in the background. Those aren’t stars—they’re distant galaxies.
Stephan’s Quintet
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Stephan’s Quintet, a visual grouping of five galaxies near each other, was discovered in 1877 and is best known for being prominently featured in the holiday classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” This new image brings the galaxy group from the silver screen to your screen in an enormous mosaic that is Webb’s largest image to date. The mosaic covers about one-fifth of the Moon’s diameter; it contains over 150 million pixels and is constructed from almost 1,000 separate image files. Never-before-seen details are on display: sparkling clusters of millions of young stars, fresh star births, sweeping tails of gas, dust and stars, and huge shock waves paint a dramatic picture of galactic interactions.
WASP-96 b
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WASP-96 b is a giant, mostly gas planet outside our solar system, discovered in 2014. Webb’s Near-Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) measured light from the WASP-96 system as the planet moved across the star. The light curve confirmed previous observations, but the transmission spectrum revealed new properties of the planet: an unambiguous signature of water, indications of haze, and evidence of clouds in the atmosphere. This discovery marks a giant leap forward in the quest to find potentially habitable planets beyond Earth.
Webb's First Deep Field
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This image of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, known as Webb’s First Deep Field, looks 4.6 billion years into the past. Looking at infrared wavelengths beyond Hubble’s deepest fields, Webb’s sharp near-infrared view reveals thousands of galaxies—including the faintest objects ever observed in the infrared—in the most detailed view of the early universe to date. We can now see tiny, faint structures we’ve never seen before, like star clusters and diffuse features and soon, we’ll begin to learn more about the galaxies’ masses, ages, histories, and compositions.
These images and data are just the beginning of what the observatory will find. It will study every phase in the history of our Universe, ranging from the first luminous glows after the Big Bang, to the formation of solar systems capable of supporting life on planets like Earth, to the evolution of our own Solar System.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space—and for milestones like this!
Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI
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Making a playlist is a delicate art. It's like writing a love letter in a better way. You get to say what you want to say without actually saying it by using someone else's poetry to express how you feel.
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"I am that clumsy human, always loving, loving, loving. And never leaving."
-Frida Kahlo
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I find it so beautiful how we all read the same poetry and miss different people.
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Has anyone posted these yet!? HAS ANYONE SEEN THESE YET?!
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Banana Fish RED by Survive Said The Prophet - analysis
Since the whole song came out today, I decided to make a little analysis on the lyrics with regard to the plot of Banan Fish. The whole second ending song is a big foreshadowing for what’s going to happen as well as a metaphor for Ash’s life and his relationship with Eiji. Let’s take a closer look. (Spoilers)
In spite of how the world decides to see my life,
would I still have the chance for us to say goodbye  
over and over again?
This feels like something Ash would say. He had no control over the direction his life took. What he wanted didn’t matter, since the people he met qualified him as “special” and “desirable” (like some kind of merchandise) and decieded what role he was to play, what use he would be to them and what he was expected to be fighting for.
And Ash is resigned to that fact. He was dehumanised, the world he was pulled in turned him into a weapon, his efforts to survive made him a monster and his humanity was used as his weakness. What he really wants at this point is at least the oppurtunity to say goodbye to the person most precious to him. To the japanese boy who let him be himself for a short time. 
 If I decide to burn instead of fading out,
I still would like a chance for us to say goodbye
over and over again.
Here we have another verse, that suggests Ash’s decision to take the harder way. He won’t just go along with all the twisted deplorable things fate has in store for him, he will rather fight, even if it’s futile. He would rather die burning, then fade out into a broken living corpse that doesn’t care about anything anymore. 
The repeating of the last two sentances, the desired chance for farewell could mean that Ash and Eiji will need more goodbyes, because it’s hard to be separeted for too long and they keep coming back to each other. They will part ways “over and over” because they reunite each time. 
Or it could point to their last, hurried and painful reunion in the hospital, that was cut short and they never saw each other again afterwards, which means they never had a proper goodbye. 
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If we can be found,  we sure can get lost,
through all the madness of falling in love.
This could be Ash’s thoughts about what he found and lost by being with Eiji. He was lost when he met Eiji, felt like he found himself and his happiness with him, and by losing him (or rather deciding to let him go) he lost himself again. One can’t be found without being lost first, but it seems that to Ash being found also means getting lost again (or at least being found doesn’t prevent him from getting lost, but on the contrary it means he can get lost even more, because he already once found himself). 
The second verse depicts how the warming affection Ash felt for Eiji could be seen as a complete foolishness, taking into account how dangerous it was for Ash to love anything at all, in a world that waited for him to make a mistake, so they could subdue him permanently. It also made Eiji into a target, so objectivly speaking it was stupid for Eiji to care so much for Ash, when it posed such risks for him. But who said love was smart, right. 
If we’re truly lost, I don’t want to be found, here dying alone.
So Ash feels lost in the cruel reality of the harsh world. But that he doesn’t want to be found while he is dying is a very controversial statment, because commonly nobody wants to die alone. Or die for that matter. The placement of commas is important here - I’m trying to base this on how it’s sung in the song. It implies, that Ash doesn’t want to be found anymore, while he is dying. He just wants to die already, in peace and without anyone interfering. 
That he doesn’t want to be found could also hint to Ash feeling ashamed for the state he is in, lost and tired, so he just wants to be alone in his shame and guilt - either being ashamed for who he thinks he became (inhuman monster that kills people) or for not being able to protect Eiji and condeming himself in the process of refusing to see him (so Eiji’s life wouldn’t be at risk anymore). 
The stain of red that colors the pavement,
painted with blood of somebody you love.
Here is the big foreshadowing and a very fitting part for the ending of episode 22 - where Eiji gets shot in front of Ash’s eyes, trying to protect him. Eiji’s blood has been spilled, because Ash couldn’t let go of him or protect him - consequently Eiji was dragged into Ash’s world and paid the price for it. For loving and being loved by Ash. 
It would be the worst case scenario for anybody, not just for Ash and Eiji. Seeing someone you love bleeding to death is the ultimate horrific torment a human can live through. It’s a life-altering tragedy, that many characters from Banana Fish experienced in some form (From Ash, Eiji and Sing, to Yut-Lung and Blanca among others). And it hardly brings positive changes. 
Is this the sacrifice for the broken,
losing the purest of what’s in your heart?
Is losing your loved one the definitive sacriface? Is losing Eiji the final blow, the one thing Ash can’t take? After being abused, humilited and tortured in so many ways, he can’t even have Eiji, the one person making him happy? 
Losing the purest part of your heart could be a metaphor for Eiji, who has been associated with being pure, innocent and morally right throughout the series. For Ash to lose the bond with Eiji would be like losing the only pure thing in his life.
Or it could mean losing what’s left of Ash’s soul, his humanity and his feelings. For all the good in Ash dying alongside Eiji.
Either way, some part inside of Ash would be dead, and it might as well be the one separating him from becoming the monster so many (including himself) feared him to be. People fight different when they have nothing left to lose after all, and a broken Ash could be a very deadly Ash. 
But Ash already sees himself as broken. He suspects, that he is a monster, since he can’t forgive himself for the death he caused. For Ash to become hearless would be devastating escpecially for himself. There is nothing good about being a monster for Ash. Maybe for people like Dino, Foxx or Yut-Lung that see monsters as these unbeatable, powerful and magnificent creatures. Maybe for all the people that went after him and targeted him, it would be a deserving payback to have Ash hunt them down.
But he as a person would be lost along with his heart. And if Ash had any say in the matter, then he would rather die as a person (that hurts, loves and makes mistakes) then live as a monster. 
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Edit: New verses added in the full version:
Too close but far enough for me to see
The vision of my eyes was fooled by no one only me
Usually it’s hard for people to see things, when they are too far. That’s why they try to get closer. Hence why here the first past is confusing, since how can you not see something that is close? But when something is right in your face, it’s actually harder to see it. Here it feels like Ash is talking about something that was right there, close enough to be within reach, he almost doesn’t notice - but at the same time he does - which indicates that Ash knew what he needed all along. He knew exactly what he was missing, what it was he wanted to have and it was even ‘far enough to see’. So he knew what it was and recognised it when he saw it, unfortunately that didn’t make it any more available for him. It seems to me he is talking about the normal life he always desired and that he even saw the chance for it with Eiji - but it was not something he could actually afford.
The second part seems to be about Ash’s awarness that the illusion he believed in was of his own creation. He doesn’t blame anybody for it, only he is at fault for letting himself be fooled by a promise of a hopeful future, fooled by his desire to be happy and experience something else in life, which was never supposed to happen.
I’ll keep my eyes shut pull the trigger
Forget to pray before we say goodnight
Here is a clear description of Ash’s feelings regarding killing. He hates killing, he hates that he has to take life to survive, that every win for him is actually death for someone else. He has to metaphoricly shut his eyes, because it’s that unpleasant and painful, yet he has to overcome himself and do it anyway to survive.
That Ash forgets to pray implies he ceases to believe - not specifically in God but in some higher power, that is supposed to protect and guide him. It’s like he stops believing that good exists in this world, so it’s pointless for him to pray for it. ‘Before we say goodnight’ could either mean before he goes to do something horrible again, as though he succumbs to the darkness. Or it could be death, since night and sleep are often metaphors for it. So Ash dies without praying to anybody, because he doesn’t believe anyone is watching over him and is disappointed with the world in general for all the bad that happened to him. Or rather he doesn’t pray because he isn’t afraid of the night - coming back full circle to Ash not being afraid to die.
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     “They say that fools learn from their experiences, 
                                         while the wise learn from history.”
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The end of the Psycho-Pass movie was basically just Gino trying to get out of his Man on the Side™ status.
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This scene was so freaking cute. The way sting just holds her hand and is caressing it while apologizing in the softest voice my heart-
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softer world prompt #10: psycho pass- your pick ;)
ginaka - #10: When you touch me, my mind is gone.  The only words I know are lost inside your body. (right in there.)
They’re not a perfect fit.
Her nails are too sharp, leaving imprints on his back as they scramble to his bedroom. His arms too long, folding around her small waist like the sharp wings of an origami crane creasing into itself. They arrange together more like paper than the melt of sinew and liquid. But his mouth is hot under hers, distracting and wet, tongue tasting her like he can’t get enough and she feels utterly boneless anyway.
He pulls her to him with surety that hadn’t been apparent before. He’s always been the careful one, the one who stood a good inch back when she took his hand and placed a kiss on the cold metal of his prosthetic where his pulse would have been. But now he’s managed to unwork the buttons of her jacket and peeled it off of her and onto the floor before the back of her legs have even hit his duvet. 
She’s always liked his bedroom. Liked his neat corners and tidy folded blankets. But she throws her head back as his lips seek the shell of her ear, both of them finding anchorage on his bed, and sees her small hand bunching the sheets into wounded knots, making quite a mess of his neat corners. She likes it even more when his follows, entwines with hers shortly afterwards, their joined hands making good work of wrinkling the smoothness of his carefully arranged surfaces.
She’s noticed more and more how often that’s happened.
Wherever she’ll go, he’s never far along behind.
Keep reading
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Draco Malfoy & Hermione Granger
My heart’s been borrowed and yours has been blue All’s well that ends well to end up with you 
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Hermione is the type who says “I’ll have tea” and “no, I don’t want any breakfast” but then steal sips of Draco’s coffee and sneaks bites of his eggs and toast. It used to drive him crazy but now he just pushes the plate between them and grabs an extra fork.
“You could get your own plate, you know.”
“Why would I do that? Besides, yours tastes better.”
“It’s the exact same food.”
She smiles and kisses him and that’s that.
(No, he isn’t whipped. He swears.)
They share the paper during breakfast—she reads the current affairs section while he pores over financial news, then look over the arts supplement together. She makes an offhand comment about a play and he makes a mental note to surprise her with tickets.
On weekends, Hermione likes to sit with one of her legs over Draco’s, practically on his lap. It’s the reason why they added a banquette to the kitchen when they remodeled the Manor. He keeps a hand on her knee and strokes the inside of her thigh with his thumb.
(They aren’t ever overly affectionate in public, but alone in the house is a different story.)
“Any plans for today?”
“I need to pick up some books.”
Draco rolls his eyes but there’s a fondness in the way his lips quirk upwards when he says, “Forget I asked.”
“You’re welcome to join me.”
“So I can carry the load home?”
“You have to be good for something,” she grins.
Every household chore is shared. He cooked, so she cleans while he finishes the last of his coffee. There’s a familiar song playing in the radio. Draco stands and walks over to the sink, pulling Hermione into his arms and rocking back and forth in time with the music.
She giggles when he twirls her and does a terrible job of keeping her wet, soapy hands off his hair. No matter. They’ll end up showering together anyway.
“Still have two left feet, I see,” he teases.
“I didn’t hear you complain at our wedding.”
“I was distracted.”
“How beautiful you looked.”
Weekends are their favourite.
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Hermione Granger & Draco Malfoy
She likes to sleep in his old Quidditch jersey. He made a joke about it once, called her a little thief. She smiled innocently, pointed to the name written on the back of the shirt, said “Pretty sure that’s my last name now, too,” and then kissed him and sauntered off with a spring in her step.
He was unable to stop the smuggest, proudest little smirk from taking over his face as he watched her walk away wearing nothing but his name.
Yeah, that’s his witch, alright.
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Clever Illustrations by Nacho Diaz
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