dariakem · 4 years
“I wanna ruin our friendship”
Denki Kaminari x reader (SFW)
Word count: 1389
Warnings: none :)
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Oh, you really had it coming.
It was the first time when you said you’d actually like your friend Denki Kaminari to come over to your dorm room and spend some quality time together. The way he asked about this made you giggle for half an hour straight.
It all happened after your very last class. You were busy collecting all the stuff that was scattered sloppily all over your desk. It always took you some time to get it all in your bag again. By the time when you were actually ready, the last student had already made his way out of the classroom. You headed for the exit as well when you heard a familiar voice call out for you. The sudden shout-out made you turn your head to the left.
“Oi, Y/N!” That was Denki, for sure. You waved back at him with a modest smile. Since you were good friends, you always tended to spend more time together. You actually loved his company a lot.
“You know, I totally forgot to tell you that your room is so neat and cozy. It made me think of home instantly” He said it with that dazzling smile of his.
For a moment, you were confused to the core. Was he spying on you? Stalking you?
“I-I don’t get it. When did you visit my room?” you asked, suspicion slipping through your response line. You could see his expression becoming slightly anxious as he realized you didn’t comprehend the joke.
“N-no, Y/N, I’ve never been there...Though something tells me you wouldn’t mind if I actually had this experience” You could swear on your life, that smirk will be the death of you one day. There was a confused silence between the two of you for a few seconds. And suddenly the classroom filled with your pure laughter.
“You could’ve asked me this in the first place, silly” You couldn’t help but smile at the awkwardness of the situation. “And if you’re still wondering, the answer is yes”
Kaminari let out a sigh of relief, like if he totally weren’t expecting you to be willing to let him in. Guess you really did seem like a person who cherishes their personal space a little too much. And you still let this happen.
You made the way to your room, chit-chatting about some minor events that occurred to you throughout the day. Talking to him always felt amazing since he actually paid attention and gave feedback to whatever you were saying. At this point, you couldn’t stop smiling.
In ten or so minutes, you have reached your destination. Your hand automatically turned the key, while the other one pulled the doorknob.
“So your room really is cozy. New that!” Denki stated proudly. You only rolled your eyes and chuckled at the remark.
“Make yourself at home” You said with a warm smile while approaching one of the shelves to leave your bag there.
Needless to say, you really did have a great time studying for your upcoming English test (well, maybe this part wasn’t that fun after all) and playing computer games till your eyes hurt. You didn’t abandon the idea of ordering some pizza either since the both of you were hungry after a hard day at school.
Dosing off on the floor, feeling warming beams of the setting sun on your skin and listening to Denki tell his absurd stories made you by far the happiest person. You felt a slight shade of red crawling onto your cheeks when he accidentally touched a lock of your hair with his hand, his fingers quickly running through it. Was it accidentally or did he actually mean it?
“Sorry…” He mumbled under his breath.
Let’s make it clear, you never thought that you could have even a slightest crush on Denki. You only thought of him as a friend. A good friend, indeed. But could that spark be something more than what the two of you shared before? You tilted your head to the side, getting rid of those confusing thoughts.
But it was all fun and games until he asked you something weird.
“Hey, Y/N” He called out, still lying on the floor next to you. “Don’t you mind joining me for a...let’s say, a project?”
Intrigued and excited, that’s exactly what you were. This decision didn’t take much consideration, since your curiosity took over your common sense. It was an instant yes.
Your answer made Denki jump to his feet, leaving you all perplexed. He reached out to his pocked and took out his phone. Right after that, he struggled a bit trying to place a phone on your windowsill with its screen facing your room.
Still thrilled, you got up and headed for the window.
As you approached Denki, who was nervously searching for something on his phone, you could’t resist a spontaneous urge to peep over his shoulder. And that’s what you did. You were surprised to see that the boy was scrolling through...his TikTok fyp? Yes, you were pretty much sure that was the right app. The one with silly people dancing to silly music. What was he looking for?
Around a minute passed. You were obviously startled, but Kaminari looked so flustered, that you didn’t really have the guts to ask him about the whole thing. Speechless and confused, you kept staring at the screen. Finally, he seemed to have adjusted everything. Denki opened his front camera in a click. Then he turned around and signaled you to come closer to face the camera. You did as he expected you to, bothering not about this being potentially stupid.
“Could you just listen closely to the lyrics...please?” He asked, his voice cracking a bit. Without any extra words, you nodded.
Another tap on the screen made the music he was probably looking for play. For a moment, you couldn’t stop staring at Denki’s image on the screen. His face features were soft and simply adorable. Dying rays of sunshine made the sweetest highlights, while smooth shadows contoured his face in a way you could never imagine. He was a goddamn angel, too pretty and pure.
And the lyrics went:
“Jenny, darling, you’re my best friend”
You didn’t even notice how quickly your lips formed a genuine smile. In fact, it wasn’t something you did on purpose.
“But there’s a few things that you don’t know of”
Did this line make your heart skip a beat? Hell yeah.
“Why I borrow your lipstick so often”
You blinked a few times, confusion on your face. What lipstick, dear? You don’t even wear any. But why would that details bother you? You weren’t Jenny anyway.
“I’m using your shirt as a pillow case”
That line made you look to your side and face Denki, who...oh god, you could see his hands literally trembling. For a moment, you locked eyes with him. You thought that that only would last for a moment. But the boy wasn’t planning on looking away that soon.
“I wanna ruin our friendship”
Excuse me, sir? Should I be awaiting another line or is it the final message? You weren’t sure. In the corner of your eye, you could see Kaminari leaning in a little.
Your heart skipped another beat.
“We should be lovers instead”
It was definitely a few seconds, though they seemed to last for a whole eternity. Your eyes, widening at the last line you’ve heard, and Denki, staring at you with so much aspiration.
The last thing you remember is you finally moving closer, close enough for your noses to touch, and him putting his arm around your waist. The next moment you felt his soft lips on yours. It felt like a bolt of lightning struck you right in the heart, depriving you of breath and vision. You couldn’t say for sure since you’ve never been thunderstruck before, but that thought didn’t invade your mind anyway. For a matter of seconds you could only feel.
When your lips parted, you noticed that the song wasn’t on anymore. However, you couldn’t care less about the music. All you could see in front of you was a charming boy with his sparkling amber eyes still glued to you.
That’s how Denki Kaminari ruined your friendship. For the record, you didn’t mind a bit.
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dariakem · 4 years
Sleepover w/ Katsuki Bakugou (SMAU + headcanons) (SFW)
Warnings: swearing (oh come on it’s Bakugou ffs)
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he’s usually on time (except for the times he’s especially moody but like fr you can’t blame him)
Katsuki’s not a big fan of flowers or other romantic crap (but honestly what did you expect?)
the most romantic of him is to bring you a can of coke
he doesn’t really bring any food either so you end up ordering a pizza (though he loves it when you’re not against some spicy Thai food)
somehow he always knows a movie to watch so if you struggle to choose he’s ready
but his choice is usually kinda…questionable (but if you’re into some crazy brutal monster fighting or horror stuff then the luck is yours)
doesn’t really mind if you pick a playlist for the night (boy trusts your taste)
but if he doesn’t like the music he’s gonna point it out immediately and make some fun of it (don’t get offended though, he’s just being cocky as usual)
you need to acknowledge that every sleepover is a new beginning for him
Katsuki needs some time to get comfortable so he’ll be all prickly and scrappy at the start
but he’s gonna try his best to stay chill in order not to bother you
soon he’ll become soft enough for cuddling and kissing
he LOVES to kiss the back of your neck (but tiny pecks on your forehead and cheeks are fine too)
boy gets ECSTATIC when you run your fingers through his spiky hair and slightly scratch on his scalp with your nails
Bakugou goes to bed quite early
but if you tend to stay up too late he won’t get in your way (basically he’s gonna take it as a challenge and try to prove you that he’s a night bird too)
the boy will probably end up nodding off to the music (you better turn it down or he’ll be slightly mad if he accidentally wakes up)
it always feels so warm to fall asleep by his side (even if you both doze off on the couch)
if he wakes up earlier in the morning he’ll stay totally still for up to an hour in order not to wake you up
but you’ll probably wake up anyway from some aggressive whispering (don’t worry it’s not a spell, just him occasionally talking to his mom on the phone)
the way he tries his very best to stay quiet while you’re still asleep makes you go uwu every time
boy gets slightly frustrated when he notices that you’re awake
pls just tell him it’s not his fault and try to laugh it off
runs like clockwork every time
in fact, sleepovers like that might be rare
but they’re literally unforgettable 
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dariakem · 4 years
What is it like to be a part of the bakusquad (SMAU) pt. 1
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have to admit I really had some fun making this so we’re in for a part 2 at least 😌
hope you enjoyed!!
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dariakem · 4 years
Texting “I’m horny” to BNHA boys 🤩
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hope you enjoyed (they just seem so accurate to me)
sorry for the last one btw 🙃
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dariakem · 4 years
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“I make a fist and not a plan And I break it Just because I can”
song: Wrecking Ball by Mother Mother
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