darabennet · 3 years
Johnny Boy - JJ Maybank
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John B x sister!reader, JJ Maybank x reader
Summary: you don't make it out after the shooting at the Cameron's runway, leaving your death on the shoulders of your friends.
Word count: 2,891
Warnings: Guns, violence, mentions of blood, death and sadness :(
Nothing was ever 'normal' in the Pogues' lives after your brother, John B had brought up the gold of the Royal Merchant. Never in your whole life of living there would you imagine sitting in his van, watching Ward Cameron's private plane fly right towards you both.
Never in your life would you imagine square groupers shooting at your friends on a boat. Never in your life would you imagine how dangerous a simple treasure hunt truly could be. Never in your life would you imagine yourself lying on a concrete roadway, blood covering your clothes. Never in your whole life would you pictured your life to end so soon. 
You stood outside the van with John B and Sarah, watching as Officer Peterkin forced Ward Cameron onto his knees with his hands above his head. "You're under arrest for the murder of 'Big John' Routledge." You let out a large sigh of relief as your tears welled with tears. John B held you in his arms, rocking you back and forth. "We did it Y/N, we did it." He grinned down to his sister.
You released your brother, allowing him to comfort Sarah as she watched her father get handcuffs placed on his wrists. Ward pushed away from officer Peterkin, causing her to draw her gun out of her holster. You stepped forward, making sure he wouldn't be able to run away. John B protected Sarah in his arms, turning her away from the gun.
A loud gunshot echoed through the air, your body experiencing a sharp pain in your chest. "Y/N." John B whispered from behind you. You and Peterkin locked eyes before looking at each other's gunshot wounds. You fell to your knees, your chest heaving as you suddenly felt all the air in your body leave your body. 
You remained on your knees for a moment before watching Rafe Cameron appear from behind the plane. John B couldn't remove his eyes from you, his grip tightening on Sarah, watching you bleed out on the cement. You fell onto your back, the bright blue sky looking more beautiful than ever. 
You heard your brother shuffle towards you and Peterkin. The officer quickly shook her head, "help your sister." John B fell to his knees, his hand finding the gunshot on your chest and applying pressure to it. "Call!" Peterkin wheezed out loud. Sarah took John B's place next to you, using your brother's bandana as something to stop the blood from pouring out.
Sarah hovered over you, "it's okay Y/N," she cried out, "it's gonna be okay." She tried to reassure you. John B attempted to grab the officer's radio, only to get it taken by Ward. John B took his spot next to you, his fingers brushing your hair away from your face. A tear rolled down the side of your face as you reached your hand up to cup the side of his face.
"You need to go find everyone." You said, your voice barely audible. He shook his head, his tears already spilling out of his eyes. "No, please you're all I have left of our family." He begged, his hands shaking. You carefully reached up and untied the bandana that was around your neck. When John B bought his first bandana, he got you a red one knowing that was your favorite color.
You grabbed onto his hand, placing the fabric into his palm. He clutched it in his hand and held it to his heart. "I love you Y/N." He sobbed, resting your head in his lap. "Dad and I will be watching over you. You've been the best brother I could ever ask for. I love you Johnny boy." You said, having a feeling these words would be the last ones you would say to him.
He leaned down to give you a kiss on the forehead before running away. He hesitated and did a double take to look at you before booking it away from the scene. Sarah fell to her knees next to you, her hand holding your head up. 
 "I'm gonna die aren't I?" You asked mindlessly, your mind thinking about your boyfriend JJ. Sarah sobbed at your question. She held onto your hand, "no, no it's okay. You're gonna be okay and John B is gonna be okay. You got this." She tried to reassure you.
"Sarah, please don't break my brother's heart. He really loves you." You admitted, feeling as if your body was burning. Your mouth had gone dry and you couldn't stop coughing as blood filled your lungs. Your eyes slowly started to flutter shut, Sarah gently shook your head. "I won't Y/N, please just stay with me!" "Tell JJ I love him." Was the last thing you said before giving into the bright light that shines above you.
"Y/N Routledge?" John B, Sarah and the rest of the Pogues all stood up from their chairs, all of them tapping their feet. "We're so sorry for your loss." The words easily left the doctors mouth, but impaled everyone's hearts. 
JJ felt as if the breath had been knocked out of him as he reached to sit down in his chair so he wouldn't fall over. "Wh-what?" Was all his mouth could say. 
"She was losing too much blood, as soon as she was injured there was no going back. We tried everything we could." The doctor explained.
Pope held onto Kiara as they both began to cry. Losing someone who was like a sister to them, someone who would drop whatever she was doing and go spend time with them. Someone who made so many memories with them, and they're gone now.
JJ put his hand on John B's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. JB's mouth had fallen open, "no, no that can't be right." John B spoke as he shook his friends hand off of his shoulder.
"JB-" He cut JJ off, "No! No! She was supposed to grow up with me! She promised when we grow older she would help me plan my wedding with Sarah, help me find a house, she promised me. She-she can't be gone." He sobbed loudly as his body suddenly felt weak. 
John B stood there after his shout, his body felt like static. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream so loudly it'd break glass, he wanted to make the pain go away. But all he could do was stand there, he didn't want to believe this was it. 
The funeral
John B took in everyone's appearance as they gathered around the hole that held the wooden casket. Black. Black dresses, black shirts and pants, everything was dead. The only family you had that cared about you was John B, Sarah, and your Pogues you considered family as well. No one there had not been able to stop crying, none of them had gotten sleep. 
John B twirled a single white rose in his hand before reaching down and placing it in the hole in the ground. His free hand clenched the bandana you had given him in his hand. The brother had his friends around him, all of them putting rose's on the lid of your casket.
John B asked JJ to speak about you, knowing he wouldn't be able to speak once he stood up there. JJ didn't want to lie, he was terrified. Not of public speaking, but if he spoke about you then he would realize you were actually dead. But there he stood at a wooden stand, in front of a small crowd of people.
His hands clutched onto the sides of the stand, so hard that his knuckles were turning white. He had attempted to write out what he wanted to say on paper, but he could never get the words right of what he wanted to say.
"My name is JJ Maybank, and Y/N Routledge is- was my girlfriend. She wasn't only my girlfriend, but my best friend. My whole life I was making stupid decisions, hanging out with the wrong crowd, not doing well in school, etc. But she was right by my side to help me through all my mistakes and failures. She was always there to be a shoulder to cry on and a person to hug. She would always let me lay my head in her lap and she would play with my hair when she knew something was up with me." His voice wavered as he looked up to the sky to hold back his tears.
"Y/N Routledge was not only a beautiful woman, but she had a heart of gold. She had a soul so pure Angel's are jealous they can't have that sort of kindness. She put people before herself, but always knew when to focus on herself. She would drop everything she was going and run to her brother or any of her friends if they needed her help. I hate having to use past tense- I never thought her life would be taken so soon." JJ mumbled the last part as a tear slipped from his eye.
"I wish I could have saved her- I should have saved her. And I'm sorry I let you all down because here we are. Y/N Routledge was and will forever be in our hearts, our memories, our lives no matter what. I have cherished so many moments with her that I know I will never forget. She's the love of my life, and I wish we all could have had our happily ever afters."
After the funeral
John B walked up to JJ with a folded piece of paper in his hand. "Y/N left this for you." JJ's throat tightened as he took the paper out of his friends hand. "How did you find this?" "It was in her desk drawer."
"She left one for all of us." John B said before walking away from him. JJ hesitantly opened the paper as he began to read it.
"Dear JJ,
Hi my love. If you're reading this, that means something happened to me and I died. I don't know what you're thinking right now, but I know one thing you're thinking is 'why did she write this?' Ever since the first encounter with the square groupers shooting at us in the marsh, I know life here at the OBX was not going to be easy. So I started writing this incase something were to happen to me. I pray to God that you never actually have to read this, but you never know. But I do know you, and I know you're probably blaming yourself. JJ listen, do not blame yourself over anything that happens to me. You were the love of my life, the reason I woke up everyday with a smile. My whole life I only felt true love when I was with you, and I will never forget those feelings you gave me, and I hope you don't forget the feelings I gave you. Thank you for being my partner and crime, my best friend, my love, and my life. Please take care of yourself, don't let this stop you from living your life, I don't want you guys mourning. This is life, people come and go, everything will be okay in the end. If anyone could have saved me, it would have been you. Because you, JJ Maybank, have saved me from everything else.
Your love,
Y/N Routledge♡
JJ ripped his eyes away from the paper as he let out a loud cry. He read the whole thing in your voice. He could practically hear every tone you would have used if you actually read that aloud. He felt broken, he felt lost, he wanted you back so badly. But sadly, there's nothing to fix the fact that your journey has already come to an end.
The other letters:
Dear Kiara,
My big ball of energy, and confidence! God I wish I didn't have to write this, but every day may be the last and I want you to hear my words. You, my best friend, are such an amazing person. When I first met you and found out you were a Kook, I thought you would hate me. But you Kiara Carrera, were nothing what I expected you to be. When my brother introduced me to you, I knew we would become best friends. Not because my brother made us but because you are one of my favorite people ever. You never failed to make me smile, you always talked to me when I needed you, you've helped me make so many memories and I will forever be thankful for you. When I first saw you smile I felt this warm vibe radiating off of you. I felt absolutely blessed to be able to view you as a sister. You always showed me love, you stood up for me, you made me laugh when I needed it. In my eyes you are a complete angel, and I know sometimes you doubt that, but I want you to know that nothing will change what we think about you. I'm sorry I left so soon, I wanted to be able to go to the bar with you and maybe even move in together. Thank you for everything you have done for John B and I, I will forever be grateful for you. I love you so much hun, always and forever♡
With much love, 
Y/N Routledge
Dear Pope,
I watched you grow up since you met my brother back in elementary school, and I'm proud of you, so fucking proud. You have not only grown but matured while still acting like the dork you are. I remember on my 14th birthday you didn't know what to get me so you asked JJ and John B for opinions. Then you showed up to my house with a basket of all my favorite foods. That was the night I got sick from eating too much :) you have done so much for me, from bringing me good when I was on my period to literally pulling me out of a well in the basement of some creepy lady. I know you're gonna do amazing things with your life, I know you're aching to get into college with scholarships. I know for a fact that you will get into anything you put your mind to because you are the smartest person I have ever met. Don't give up Pope, you got this.♡
Love you so much,
Y/N Routledge
Dear Sarah,
When I first met you, I thought you were just another Kook that loved showing off daddy's money, but I was so wrong and I apologize for that. You have been nothing but an angel to my family of Pogues. You have made me laugh so easily when I needed it. You took my mind off of things that hurt me. You drove us around town at 2 in the morning because we both couldn't sleep. I can't even tell you how thankful I am to know you're dating my brother, he's in good hands. He really does love you, you know. He always grins whenever your name comes up in conversation, he will defend you in a heartbeat if he has to. Please take care of his heart. I know we only recently became friends, but I just want you to know I appreciate everything you have done for me. You have a heart of gold, Sarah Cameron, never change for anyone. ♡
Sending love,
Y/N Routledge
Dear Johnny Boy,
John B, I'm so sorry you're reading this. I wish there was some way I could prevent you from ever reading this but life throws wild cards at you from every position. Johnny you were my best friend in the whole world. Since we were born you and I have been attached by the heart. I feel so honored to have watched you grow up into who you are today. An intelligent, kind, loving, and handsome teenager. You have such a bright future ahead of you and you are going to absolutely own your life. I am so happy you found Sarah before something happened to me, I know Sarah will do anything to show you she loves you. You are the best brother anyone could ask for. You're my favorite person to go to the playground with, my favorite person to watch horror and sci fi movies with, my favorite person to binge eat all of the food in the fridge. You have helped me through it all even from a young age. Thank you for that. I'm sorry dad hasn't seen you grow and develop within these last few months, but I know he would be proud of you, of us. I'll tell him you said hi when I see him. Take care of the Pogues and yourself please. I want to see all of you thrive in the future, okay? Promise to me and yourself that you will wake up every day, drink water, and eat. I love you Johnny boy. Forever and always. Thank you for being the best brother ever♡
Love your favorite (and only) sister,
Y/N Routledge
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