41 posts
My transient thoughts on things i like (and dislike), my leisure.
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danslecoin · 8 years ago
Para el, Para mi.
Sera amor, o solo confusion?  
Cuando no has amado a nadie es difícil descifrar tus sentimientos (aun mas cuando nunca te han amado)
Pero el no se siente así como yo, sea lo que sea este sentimiento.
Sera mejor no haber sentido nunca el calor de sus caricias?
O el magnetismo de su sonrisa, siempre tan cerca pero siempre fuera de mi alcance.
Lo único cierto es que ahora me siento vacía.
Y lo peor es, que el la tiene a ella.
Siempre la tuvo.
Y yo solo estuve allí para llenar los largos días  antes de su reencuentro.
Lo supe, y lo acepte.
Porque lo acepte? que estupida fui.
Este dolor ha sido causado por mi, que estupida fui.
Pero en el momento era lo que quería no?
Ahora solo se que lo quiero a el, y el no esta.
Puto amor de mierda, o lo que sea este sentimiento.
Me pregunto que tiene ella que yo no tengo?
Tal vez su única ventaja sobre mi fue el lugar y el tiempo.
Tal vez no.
Tal vez son el uno para el otro.
Tal vez no.
Que se yo.
Puto amor de mierda.
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danslecoin · 9 years ago
To the guy i thought i loved, and then found out he had a girlfriend- The liar.
How does it make YOU feel I wonder?
Because all i feel is pain. Physical pain from this imaginary knife you stuck in my heart, and poked around with... and didn't even bother to take out when you were done. 
Did you really care so little?
The worst part is I “loved” you so much that if you had told me the truth about her I probably would have pretended not to hear it, or comprehend it- or pretended not to care.
And I would've just gone back to kissing your lips and stroking your hair (your perfectly blonde hair dyed by the sun and the moon)... and trying to mentally take pictures of every inch of your body, so I would never have to forget you when the time came for you to leave to that other country, that other place you read about online, that other “adventure”. 
There always had to be an “other” thing/person/place for you didn't there? I was just a fool to think there wouldn't need to be an “other” one after me. And an idiot not to realize that I was the other one already. 
I know these wounds you left will heal, like so many have before them, and I know ill be ok... (shhhh...but i want to be better than just “ok”)
It just hurts you know?
Disappointment hurts.
YOU hurt.
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danslecoin · 9 years ago
Cartas a el
No se si estarás tan distante porque te parece que así es mas fácil olvidar, o tal vez quieres estar desconectado de todo esto y disfrutar de esa nueva experiencia? O tal vez yo no te importe nunca y ya te olvidaste de mi. Pero yo no te puedo olvidar en una semana. Te extraño . Yo aun tengo que dormir en la misma cama que dormía con vos y muchas cosas me acuerdan a vos. Me haces falta. La verdad es que vas a hacerme falta por un ratito mas. Hasta que me acostumbre a ser yo de nuevo. Independiente como siempre. En fin, espero que me recuerdes a mi así como yo te recuerdo a vos. Te mando un beso. Y un abrazo muy muy fuerte.
PD: no te olvides de mi, por favor. 
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danslecoin · 9 years ago
The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.
― Joseph Campbell
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danslecoin · 9 years ago
*i dont*
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danslecoin · 9 years ago
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“The answer is dreams. Dreaming on and on. Entering the world of dreams and never coming out. Living in dreams for the rest of time.” ― Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart
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danslecoin · 9 years ago
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you’re only careless once. viva la vida!
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danslecoin · 9 years ago
Really feelin’ the 80s tonight.-
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danslecoin · 9 years ago
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to new begginings of the same old resolutions
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danslecoin · 9 years ago
where did the time go?
So i got an email from tumblr asking if i still wanted to keep my username.
*what username?*
and just like that without even noticing i forgot about my ‘’blog’’ if you can call it that-
 Or my own little personal corner of the internet. *hence the name*
So where did all the time go? 
Reading all my old posts i can feel how i felt when i wrote them. Some memories i had completely forgotten about- 
So besides my other new years resolutions that i have been *tryng* to work on since January, i say ‘’lets start this again, one more time’’ and ill try not to forget about it this time.
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danslecoin · 11 years ago
I remember thinking, “this won’t be bad.” Which, of course, is exactly what people think right before something goes bad. *when trying a new fad diet*... when will i learn?
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danslecoin · 11 years ago
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dont get me wrong i love hanging out with people, interacting *using your phone surrounded by people* joke. But to me there is nothing better than relaxing by yourself, having lunch, reading a book, studying at your favorite cafe? even better do them all at the same time. i just love ''me-time'' and today was perfect.
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danslecoin · 11 years ago
Winston Churchill — 'Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.' 
great quote and an even better song to go with it!
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danslecoin · 11 years ago
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so i got my cooking diploma today.. now what?
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danslecoin · 11 years ago
(c) Empire Of The Sun, 2008.
honey i need you now,
a million times a million more.
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danslecoin · 11 years ago
Debut album 'Settle' is OUT NOW: iTunes http://po.st/DLX or Amazon http://po.st/SttleAmznD Nov UK Tour Announced! Buy tickets here: http://www.disclosureoffi...
just press play and walk, listen to the lyrics.
cause i'm holding on.
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danslecoin · 11 years ago
im so jealous of you,
-me, why?
because you get to be lost,
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