danisnotonfiregifs · 11 years
Ok, I've had quite a few messages on my personal blog recently asking me whether I'm coming back to this blog, so I thought I'd make a post on here answering that question....
I will at some point! I’ve had a lot of stuff going on in ‘real’ life at the moment that means I just haven’t had the time to start it up again. This blog takes up a lot of time because there’s such a constant flow of requests coming in, and it’s been quite refreshing to not wake up to an inbox full of messages every day, so I guess I have been a little reluctant to come back here. I do still genuinely love making GIFs and everything, but when I do come back I'll have to do something about the number of requests I get, because this blog was starting to feel like a lot of pressure. I'll probably only leave the askbox open for limited space of time or something.
My best friends are still at home but they'll be going back to Uni soon, so I'm trying to spend as much time as I can with them. I've also started training for a new job, so that's something I have to focus on. Once my friends go back to Uni and I’m settled in my new job I’ll have the time and headspace to start it up again, so don’t worry, I will be back! I just can’t guarantee exactly when yet….
The askbox on my personal blog is always open if you want to ask me anything or just have a chat, but as I said last time, if you do send me a message on there please do it off anon so I can respond privately, I don't want my personal blog covered in anon messages about this blog. Alternatively, I think the fanmail thing is still open on this blog so you can send me a message there. Just don't send me any requests there, that's not what it's for, I've had to disappoint quite a few people who've sent me requests there recently.
Ok, I'll shut up now. Hopefully I'll be back in the not-too-distant future! :D
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danisnotonfiregifs · 11 years
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danisnotonfiregifs · 11 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could make a gif of Dan's most recent video (What not to do at The Beach) where he says "you are the cancer of humankind" from 2:41-2:44? Thank you so much!
Last one tonight :) 
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danisnotonfiregifs · 11 years
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danisnotonfiregifs · 11 years
could you make a gif of him saying "fuck off mate" in his what not to do at the beach video? it's at 0:16. much appreciated if you do this! great blog
Sure thing! :)
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danisnotonfiregifs · 11 years
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danisnotonfiregifs · 11 years
Heey, can you make a gif of dan lifting his eyebrow on SAP's WORLD'S FATTEST CAT! its around 1:01 - 1:03
Uploading now :)
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danisnotonfiregifs · 11 years
I'm going post a few more GIF requests tonight! But I won't be opening the ask box just yet as I still have some other requests in there I haven't had time to do yet and I'm going to be pretty busy over the next week or two. But it won't be long until I'm taking requests again! Thanks for being patient everyone, you're all wonderful ^_^
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danisnotonfiregifs · 11 years
Thought about it. I'm cool with it.
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danisnotonfiregifs · 11 years
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danisnotonfiregifs · 11 years
Can you please make a GIF of when Dan accidenatlly looked at Carrie's chest in the Men vs Women video? from 0:33-0:37 Thanks x
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danisnotonfiregifs · 11 years
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danisnotonfiregifs · 11 years
Can you make a Gif of when Dan's talking about the Sherlock fandom in Fictional Friends? (2:57- 3:02) Thank you! c:
Oh gosh, I'm actually about to post something! :O
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danisnotonfiregifs · 11 years
I know I've been away for while, and this isn't me necessarily making a full-on return, but I just had to acknowledge this:
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Last time I actually posted anything there was just over 13,000 of you, and now there's over 15,000! That's actually crazy! Thanks for sticking with me even when I'm not around, it's always lovely to know people like the things that I've done enough to follow, even when I'm not actively posting anything. As a little thank you I've made a couple of the requests that have been sitting in my ask box for like a month, just to dip my toe back in the water. I'll open the ask box and resume normal service at some point soon! <3
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danisnotonfiregifs · 11 years
Ok guys, I've had to close the ask box for a bit! I'm taking a little break from making GIFs right now because of some stuff that's happened recently, but there's still a lot of requests coming in. If I leave the ask box open there's going to end up being too many for me to catch up with when I get back to making them! I'll open it back up in a week or two, but I really just need the headspace for the sake of my mental health. So yeah, no more requests for now. If you have any questions, or just want a chat, the ask box on my personal blog will be open. If you do send anything there, I'd prefer it if you do it off anon, I very rarely publish asks on my personal blog. Thanks for your patience everyone, I promise I'll be back soon! <3
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danisnotonfiregifs · 11 years
Wow, I’m a little bit overwhelmed by all your messages! Thanks for all of your support, I really appreciate it. It's so surreal to think he's not here anymore. Having worked for a canine rescue for five years, seeing dogs get old and ill isn't anything new, but Mitch was my first dog and the first of my own dogs I've had to say goodbye to so today's been a really rough day. I'll miss him so much but the last 9 years have been a joy. I'll still be around Tumblr to answer questions and stuff, but it will be a bit quiet of the GIF front.
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danisnotonfiregifs · 11 years
I was all prepared to get back to making GIFs today, but my old dog's back legs gave out yesterday and we had to have him put to sleep this afternoon. So yeah, I'm in no state to do anything but drink wine, eat chocolate and watch films with pretty actors in them to drown my sorrows. Sorry guys, I'll get back to it soon.
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