#40: happiness is...
...the scent of rich, freshly brewed coffee in the morning.
(also, drinking it)
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#39: happiness is...
...midnight snow flurries.
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#38: happiness is ...
... sitting by an open window letting the fresh air overwhelm you.
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#37: (sometimes) happiness is (just)...
... taking a deep breath.
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#36: happiness is...
... stepping on that really cruchy leaf.
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moral: happiness and validation should not be tied to others perceptions of you
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unhappiness is...
...the disappointment of not seeing a number of likes, comments, replies!
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#35: happiness is...
...the joy of seeing a number of likes, comments, replies!
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"Self-doubt kills ability"
My personal kryptonite
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#34: happiness...
... a full rainbow in a black sky during a thunderstorm.
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#33: happiness is...
...driving with the windows down and the music up, just because.
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#32: happiness is...
...a cool, night breeze after a hot, summer day.
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#31: happiness is...
...an active imagination.
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#30: happiness is...
...writing, freely.
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#29: happiness is...
... a guilty pleasure.
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#28: happiness is...
...taking courses to gain more knowledge.
...also an A+. 
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#27: happiness is...
So I thought twice about posting this, actually many more times than twice, but that’s not the point.
I started this blog because I have struggled with depression my whole life and I thought that trying to find happiness in small moments would help me along my journey. And as this is not a fandom blog, I have never posted any fandom related happiness for many reasons, mostly because I feel like that isn’t “real” happiness. But, why can’t it be?
I LOVED the first Spiderman movie with Tobey Maguire. He was MY Spiderman. I loved all three movies in the trilogy, even emo Peter.
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The Spiderman movies changed the way I saw movies and superheroes. I can’t really put into words how I felt, but I felt a connection to them. They inspired me. They gave me hope. They made me feel like the darkness would end and there would always be something better, eventually. They made me happy. I know the movies have a million flaws, but that’s okay. So do I! Maybe that was the point... I don’t know. Spiderman just always left me feeling like I could keep going no matter what. It was a feeling I held on to for many years.
Anyway, then came Andrew Garfield’s take... I hated those movies. I didn’t get that same feeling... that connection I had with Tobey’s trilogy. It made me question whether what I felt–the hope and happiness I got from those films–was real. I’m sure I’m mostly rambling at this point, but it's fine because this blog is really just for me.
So, along comes Tom Holland. And I LOVED his take on Spiderman in Civil War, Homecoming, Infinity War, Endgame... but, it wasn’t until today, after seeing Far from Home that I realized that I left the theatre feeling hopeful again. It was the same hope that I left with when I was younger. It is a happiness that I can’t really put it into words–it’s more than just being happy for a moment. It’s hope. It’s excitement. It’s adoration. It’s an appreciation. It’s a big ball of wibbly wobbly positivity?
I wish I could more eloquently express what I mean, but put simply, for me, today, Spiderman is happiness.
Thank you, Marvel and Tom Holland (and, of course, Tobey Maguire)!
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Edit: I also LOVE Into the Spider-verse.<3
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