danfentonsanjose · 3 years
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danfentonsanjose · 3 years
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danfentonsanjose · 3 years
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danfentonsanjose · 4 years
Las Vegas, Lacking CES in 2021, Looks for Pathway
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Daniel “Dan" Fenton is a California executive who leads San Jose’s JLL Hotel & Hospitality Group, helping destinations develop strategic growth pathways that increase the numbers of quality visitors and well-attended events. One area of current focus for Dan Fenton and JLL is working out recovery timelines for communities that rely on conventions for significant revenue. A paramount example of this type of economy is Las Vegas, which hosts hundreds of events and conferences at dozens of venues on a yearly basis. Unfortunately, as detailed in a January 2021 CNN report, these events that draw people from around the world to network, do business, and spend, have all but disappeared during the COVID pandemic. With unemployment persistently high, a large percentage of the local working population is treading water until the hospitality sector kicks back into gear. Unfortunately, the hit taken by Las Vegas resorts and those they employ, as well as surrounding restaurants and night life venues has been substantial. A major example is the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which generates economic activity in the $300 million range at the start of each year, and was re-envisioned as a remote event in 2021. Held in the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in the past, the 170,000-attendee event had been planned as the first-ever live, in-person event held in the newly opened Las Vegas Convention Center, which had undergone $1 billion in expansion. With the live conference canceled, hotels that would normally charge $400 a night during CES had rooms advertised in the $25 to $45 range this year. Flagship hotel such as the Encore at Wynn and the Mirage even closed rooms midweek to save on costs. Despite these setbacks, the expectation of CES organizers and the Las Vegas Visitors’ Authority is that the conference will resume as a live event in 2022 and beyond. As Consumer Technology Association representatives describe it, future events will likely incorporate a digital component as business models shift, but economy-driving person-to-person interaction will still be the central focus.
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danfentonsanjose · 4 years
COVID-19 Impact and Recovery in Latin America’s Tourism Sector
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An international real estate executive with a wealth of experience in the lodging and hospitality sectors, Daniel (Dan) Fenton has served as executive vice president with the JLL Hotel & Hospitality Group in San Jose since 2011. Dan Fenton’s current areas of professional interest include the economic impact of COVID-19 on Latin America’s tourism sector and its subsequent recovery efforts. In 2020, Latin American countries were among the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. This health catastrophe has in turn precipitated an economic catastrophe, particularly in Latin America’s key tourism sector. Although economists have predicted that the paralyzed tourism sector will have a considerable negative impact on Latin America’s combined GDP growth, the World Economic Forum highlights a number of ways that tourism-related businesses can spearhead an effective recovery. These strategies include stressing digital consumer interactions, highlighting health and hygiene efforts, promoting “small hotel” authenticity, and focusing on Millennials as the next big demographic of travelers. Other industry experts tout the ability of the Latin American tourism sector to embrace diversification and environmental sustainability to foster economic recovery.
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danfentonsanjose · 5 years
JLL Works to Identify Sports Facility Possibilities across Wake County
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Dan Fenton is an established presence in San Jose, California, who holds an executive position with the Hotel & Hospitality Group of Jones Lang Lasalle (JLL). Having had a role in positioning the San Jose Convention Center, Dan Fenton currently focuses on partnering with the Greater Raleigh Convention and Visitors Bureau in creating a Destination Strategic Plan (DSP) for Wake County, North Carolina. Areas that the DSP addresses include meetings and conventions, as well as sporting events. With the Greater Raleigh Sports Alliance a key partner, a regional sports cluster model would enable the coordination of athletics venues within a municipal network that accommodates high-value, large scale sports tournaments. JLL engaged with youth and amateur sports organizations across the greater region in understanding their interests and needs within the Raleigh and Wake County market. In addition, it reached out to nationwide sports leaders and planners for insight. One area of DSP focus is on developing an indoor multisport facility that would expand the county’s current inventory of fields and courts. Primarily functioning as an arena, the venue could also host a variety of indoor sports tournaments.
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danfentonsanjose · 5 years
Hotel Projects at Universities
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A graduate of hotel management and administration, Daniel “Dan” Fenton is the executive vice president of JLL Hotel and Hospitality Group in San Jose. Also a resident of San Jose, Dan Fenton applies his hospitality and tourism management skills at universities, working with hotel project management and design teams. Because of the growing number of visitors many universities are receiving annually during graduation ceremonies, symposiums, as well as when parents visit their children, the provision of comfortable hotels for accommodation of guests has started to become a matter of interest to many universities. Currently, many universities are partnering with hospitality brands and project developers to design and construct guest accommodations. Some universities have already started hotel projects. The University of Central Florida in Orlando is building a 179-room hotel which will be completed in 2020. In another example, California State University, Northridge, is planning a 150-room Hilton Garden Inn, an on-campus inn designed to facilitate campus tours, athletic events, conferences, and academic symposiums.
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danfentonsanjose · 6 years
Jacksonville Authorities Put Convention Center on Hold
As executive vice president of JLL Hotel and Hospitality Group in San Jose, California, Daniel “Dan” Fenton helps to lead a company that provides development planning and strategic guidance to clients in the real estate, tourism, hospitality, and economic development sectors. Prior to joining JLL, Dan Fenton led Strategic Advisory Group, a San Jose-based firm that consulted with public- and private-sector clients in the hospitality and tourism industries. Among other projects, Strategic Advisory Group completed a report about a potential convention center for the city of Jacksonville, Florida. Based on a thorough analysis of the city’s economic development outlook and its population of restaurants, hotels, and other tourism-related facilities, the report stated that Jacksonville would be ill-advised to begin construction on a new convention center. The report further concluded that the proposed site, on East Bay Street, would be a poor fit. Despite the report, supporters of a new convention center pushed through a request for proposals that sought bids from engineering and construction firms. With estimated costs coming in around $900 million, coupled with the previous Strategic Advisory Group recommendations and additional resistance from the Jacksonville mayor, the Downtown Investment Authority stated in December 2018 that it would recommend postponing new construction until a later date.
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danfentonsanjose · 6 years
Infusing Local Culture Into Hotels
Daniel (Dan) Fenton is executive vice president at JLL’s Hotel and Hospitality Group, based in San Jose, California. In this position, Dan Fenton provides strategic planning and advisory services for the hospitality industry. Prior to this, Mr. Fenton was the CEO of Team San Jose. As travelers look for unique experiences while they travel, hotels across the country are increasingly working to incorporate elements that reflect the local culture. Today’s travelers are increasingly searching for a unique lodging experience in the places they visit. Airbnb, an online hospitality service that coordinates rentals in local apartments, homes, or cottages, has enabled travelers to experience local culture by literally allowing them to live like the locals live. Hotels, historically known for their cookie-cutter approach to design, are eager to help their guests experience pieces of the local culture while concurrently balancing the need to retain a consistent brand identity. This balance can be tricky, but hotels are embracing the challenge by inviting local food trucks to their property and offering space for local pop-ups to set up shop in their facilities. In addition, designers are asking local artists to contribute to the décor of hotel lobbies and public spaces. While larger hotel brands work to maintain a consistent, recognizable identity that can easily translate to cities across the world, smaller boutique hotels don’t have as many restrictions, allowing local flair and design to shape the identity of their spaces. Boutique hotels have the freedom to reinvent their brand, depending on the history of a building, allowing its story to shape its design, furnishings, and even its name. Owners can bring in local innovators, designers, artists, and even musicians to give guests a true local experience that can’t be replicated at a larger property.
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danfentonsanjose · 6 years
Destination Strategic Plan to Increase Destination Appeal for Events
A hospitality professional with over two decades of experience in the industry, Dan Fenton serves as the vice president of the Hotel and Hospitality Group for JLL in San Jose, California. Dan Fenton’s company recently developed a Destination Strategic Plan (DSP) for North Carolina’s Raleigh and Wake County designed to attract event planners for meetings and conventions. Numerous destinations within this area rely on events that require people to convene and meet in person for visitor streams. Early stages of the DSP involved surveying more than 1,300 meeting-planning professionals to gather opinions on the area’s allure as a meeting destination. While the majority of respondents replied with a positive impression, some found it “less than appealing” than the destination for their last event due to the area’s lack of air lift or larger hotel room blocks. Respondents also listed their top five considerations for bookings: value or price, geographic location, destination desirability, convention center fit, and available hotel package. JLL will use the results of the survey to inform their decisions moving forward with the DSP and to identify methods for improving the area’s meeting infrastructure. Raleigh and Wake County features world-class meeting spaces that vary in size and offer a range of accommodations, which helped the counties draw in over 370,000 attendees through direct bookings alone in 2017. The region differentiates itself from other areas through its tourism infrastructure and its wealth of intangible meeting amenities, ranging from education and life science institutions to various cultural and culinary benchmarks. Spread across five districts, the meeting spaces also allow attendees to enjoy an assortment of local attractions and activities after and between conference sessions.
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danfentonsanjose · 6 years
Sustainability a Growing Focus in the Hospitality Space
A longtime hospitality executive, Daniel “Dan” Fenton has served as the executive vice president with Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) Hotel & Hospitality Group since 2011. In this role, he often consults with hospitality organizations that want to increase tourism in their area. Dan Fenton maintains an interest in evolving sustainability practices in the hospitality industry. As public sentiment toward sustainability continues to grow, the hospitality industry is concentrating on implementing more “green” solutions in its operations, particularly given that the hotel sector is a major water and energy consumer. Many environmentally minded consumers also want to stay at hotels that align with their values. Hotel chains such as Marriott and Hilton are already implementing sustainable practices, and several eco-resorts' initiatives have been generating big buzz. The business travel market, especially as it pertains to the convention center industry, is also focused on green efforts. In the hospitality sector, the topic of food waste has attracted widespread attention, as there is growing support to donate the excess the food from convention centers and hotels to people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
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danfentonsanjose · 7 years
Three Benefits of Sustainability in the Hotel Industry
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An experienced hospitality executive in California, Daniel “Dan” Fenton serves as the executive vice president at San Jose’s Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) Hotel & Hospitality Group. Based in San Jose, Dan Fenton possesses an interest in the adoption of green practices by hotels. Hotels that focus on sustainable practices can obtain several benefits, as detailed here. 1. Reduced costs. Sustainability upgrades can decrease hotel utility and operating costs in a variety of ways, which include reducing energy and water consumption by an average of 20 to 40 percent. 2. A better guest experience. Hotels that are committed to green practices communicate to their guests that they are concerned about the environment, an increasingly important social issue. Many hotels incorporate innovative technologies that provide guests with greater control over features such as the room temperature and lighting. 3. Customer loyalty. Hotels that promote sustainability can inspire customer loyalty. Since consumers have become increasingly concerned about the environment, hotels that are environmentally friendly are more likely to attract likeminded individuals. People interested in eco-friendly travel options also may be more likely to become repeat visitors at hotels that are committed to sustainable practices.
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danfentonsanjose · 7 years
GRCVB Announces Destination Strategic Plan at 2017 Annual Meeting
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Longtime tourism and hospitality executive Daniel (Dan) Fenton has served as the chief executive officer of Team San Jose, and currently holds the position of executive vice president of Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) Hotel & Hospitality Group, based in San Jose, California. In his role as a tourism and hospitality consultant, Dan Fenton works closely with local tourism bureaus such as the Greater Raleigh Convention and Visitors Bureau (GRCVB), which held its most recent annual meeting in August 2017. At the annual meeting, GRCVB discusses its progress over the past year and outlines its objectives for the coming year. The 2017 Annual Meeting included an address from Mr. Fenton, whose JLL Hotel & Hospitality Group serves as a primary consultant for the Destination Strategic Plan (DSP) at GRCVB. In the presentation, he spoke about prioritizing the “overnight visitor” when promoting tourism in Wake County. Fenton spoke at length about building a consensus from stakeholders in Wake County municipalities, a process that will involve a representative steering committee. JLL unveiled a new website at wakecountydsp.com, where anyone in Wake County can ask questions or voice their opinions about tourism and hospitality in the region. After collecting information, JLL will identify which assets require improvement and return to the 2018 GRCVB Annual Meeting with a plan of action.
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danfentonsanjose · 7 years
Destination Marketing - Using Technology to Reach Millennials
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With more than 25 years of experience in the hospitality and tourism industry, San Jose’s Daniel Fenton has held numerous leadership positions. Daniel (Dan) Fenton of San Jose, California, recently shared his expertise on destination marketing and related topics, including the use of technology, to tailor marketing to the appropriate audience. Some destination marketers choose to conduct research themselves, while others seek the help of consumer research firms. To reach the millennial generation, destination marketers have begun to shift away from broad branding and awareness marketing to more focused, targeted marketing through the use of technology. In studying the online behavior and interests of millennials, marketers have discovered that millennials tend to shy away from passive spectator events in favor of events in which they can be active participants. By focusing on specific activities and features of a place, destination marketers can craft compelling marketing messages that engage millennials more effectively.
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danfentonsanjose · 7 years
The Rise of Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry
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Daniel Fenton of San Jose, California, serves as the executive vice president of JLL Hotels and Hospitality. In that role, Dan Fenton leads the San Jose company in maximizing the value of hospitality properties through supporting and shaping investment properties. Hospitality professionals like Dan Fenton are embracing principles of sustainable development due to the associated benefits and the detrimental effects of climate change. According to the US Green Building Council, the hospitality industry accounts for 1 percent of global emissions and spends more than $4 billion on energy uses every year. The industry also uses more than 1.2 trillion gallons of water and accumulates millions of tons of waste on an annual basis. Furthermore, the location of hotel properties often puts them at risk of causing indirect damage to natural resources and habitats. From a business standpoint, changing climates can also have a long-term effect on the appeal of tourist destinations and potentially harm local economies that rely on predictable tourism trends. The statistics make sustainability an attractive and worthwhile pursuit for the hospitality industry, although achieving it requires long-term dedication and mindfulness. Successful efforts go beyond mere compliance and strive for lasting changes that demonstrate commitment and connect with customer positions on environmental issues. Demonstrable efforts toward sustainability include addressing critical issues such as food waste and eco-positive marketing.
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danfentonsanjose · 7 years
The 9th Annual Cornell Hospitality Icon & Innovator Awards
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The former CEO of Team San Jose in California, where he oversaw the San Jose Convention Center, Daniel (Dan) Fenton serves as executive vice president of Jones Lang Lasalle (JLL). Dan Fenton holds a bachelor’s in hotel administration and management from the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, which will hold its annual Cornell Hospitality Icon & Innovator Awards on June 6, 2017. The 9th Annual Cornell Hospitality Icon and Innovator Awards will take place at the Pierre Hotel in New York City, and will serve to raise funds for scholarships and programs offered through the school’s annual fund. The event will also celebrate innovative leaders in the fields of hospitality, philanthropy, and business. This year’s Cornell Icon of the Industry award will go to Steve Wynn, who serves as chairman and chief executive officer of Wynn Resorts Limited. The 2017 Cornell Hospitality Innovator award will recognize John Zimmer, co-founder and president of ride-sharing service provider Lyft.
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danfentonsanjose · 7 years
Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels and Hospitality Group
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Experienced in destination marketing, Daniel (Dan) Fenton formerly served as president and chief executive officer of Team San Jose, a management company that promotes San Jose as a destination city. Today, Dan Fenton leverages his experience to lead Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated (JLL) Hotel & Hospitality Group as executive vice president. JLL’s Hotel & Hospitality Group advises global real estate investors and owners to help them create investment strategies. The group’s advisors assess clients’ investment goals and leverage their expertise and connections in the real estate industry to help clients accomplish their objectives. The Hotels & Hospitality Group provides advisory services in a variety of areas, including acquisitions, asset management, investment sales, financing, valuations, and contract negotiation. Within its Hotels & Hospitality Group, JLL also offers destination development services. The group has a long history of collaborating with municipalities to develop and market their public facilities.
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