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dancndoll22 · 7 years ago
Well isn’t he just the most adorable ever!
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dancndoll22 · 7 years ago
“Ew!” with Taylor Swift
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dancndoll22 · 7 years ago
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Jimmy Fallon’s ‘Ew!’ Supercut Is Anything But Basically Basic
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dancndoll22 · 7 years ago
Omg 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂♥️
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Jimmy plays a clip from the Teen Nick show “Ew!” and Sara and her friend Natalie talk about their favorites!
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dancndoll22 · 7 years ago
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“Remember when these were in McDonalds happy meals?”...I said to husband(he’s only 3yrs younger than my youthful self)...he stared blankly at me.. 🙀👎🏻🙄🤔
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dancndoll22 · 7 years ago
Rule of Parenting #12
Children pick up on your need for personal space, and will do *anything* to prevent it from happening.
No one knows why, they just do. They smell your need to escape like a wolf smells fear. If you think you can casually wander out of a room and then nip to the toilet for 30 seconds, think again. That child will hunt…you..down. Jason Bourne has nothing on a child chasing down a parent. Some pro-tips:
Do not keep anything in your home that might be used to smash in your doors. Because those items *will* be used to smash in your doors. Do not keep anything in your home that might be used to cause such injury that will prevent you from leaving your child’s side. Your physical well-being comes a distant second to their need to be with you, and believe me when I say that your child is quite capable of tuning out your screams. Gather paint samples that match your interior paint colours - you can’t legally remove a child’s fingernails, so you’ll need those samples for touching up the scratch marks. And finally, consider a permanent catheter.
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dancndoll22 · 10 years ago
Directed by the amazing Kyle Newman
Starring Dominic Sherwood (who has 2 DIFFERENT COLORED EYES)
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dancndoll22 · 10 years ago
Cupcakes and coffee? 👍👶☕️
It was a long day. a VERY long day. By the time dinner rolled around it was leftover time from the superbowl party.. I however only wanted one thing(k maybe 2 or 3 of that 1 thing..) the left over cupcakes. I planned on housing 2-3 of them as my dinner. My daughter, who has inherited my love for cupcakes..(maybe it was the sprinkles cupcakes I ate in pregnancy? Or that she started eating sprinkles cupcakes at a very young age..who can really say!)...decided she too wanted cupcakes for dinner.. I then faced reality: I couldn't sit here and eat cupcakes for dinner while forcing my two littles to eat actual food with sustenance. I tried explaining "Mommys can eat cupcakes for dinner..you guys need to eat a real meal!" To which my precocious 3yr old replied "That makes no sense Mommy. You need to eat healthy too like me" Of course she's right.. But i just wanted cupcakes and coffee!!
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dancndoll22 · 10 years ago
Touchdown Tom Brady!
This weekend my New England bred hubby celebrated his precious Patriots winning the superbowl! Yay! My kids have "touchdown tom brady" ingrained in their brains. S says to me while preparing for the mini superbowl party we hosted "I just want Tom Brady to come over" to which I replied "me too! But he has to play football today hunnie" which then received this epic response "mom, he can just come over and have a sleep over this weekend. Just a sleepover on the weekend okay?" Ahhhh my sweet lil baby girl
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dancndoll22 · 10 years ago
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The kraaaaannng!
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dancndoll22 · 10 years ago
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dancndoll22 · 10 years ago
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dancndoll22 · 10 years ago
"I sent an email.."
My 3 year old woke up and says "I just sent an email about that to Moose" i asked her what? And she responded with "I texted moose because he didn't get up. It's 1:45." It's 8:15am..
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dancndoll22 · 10 years ago
Pumping gas
At the gas station, while my dad is filling up the gas tank, my 3yr old says "hi there! I'm in the trunk" aka 3rd row seat.. Bahaha i mean..
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dancndoll22 · 10 years ago
This is amazing and has been said in my home by my 3yr old in a slightly diff context. I'm going to start logging the hilarity that ensues daily in our home w/ two toddlers, two dogs and a mommy and daddy..will make a great gift for family!!
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Harper Grace and Spaghetti Toes! I just asked her if she liked what I got her for Christmas and she said “Umm.. maybe let’s take it back to Target”
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dancndoll22 · 10 years ago
Idea thief!
I saw a tumblr that basically logged hilarious things said in his home to and by his toddler. I've decided to do this for memory sake for my littles and family..def a pinterest worthy idea. Super brilliant. Will make great gifts!
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dancndoll22 · 10 years ago
Princesses in Loubs?
My 3yr old dressed in her Snow White costume from Disney store all day. Even the heels. Wore them both at nap time as well! While examining her beauty in our full length mirror she asked me where my heels were...she also noted her heels did not have "red bottoms". I can't even make this up.
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