Damsel with Dumbbells
11 posts
One girl's journey to self discovery and the road to the NPC! Follow along and read about my journey, food, fashion and friends.
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damselwithdumbbells · 12 years ago
I've moved!
Hey everyone!!!
I'm so excited to announce - this site has moved!!! Please go to:
and follow me there!!! :)
Love to you all,
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damselwithdumbbells · 12 years ago
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To Pre or Not To Pre?
The question at hand today is this: do you use a pre-workout supplement?
Energy has never really been a problem for me. I’m always perky. I’m a morning person. I’m a night person. I’m grouchy because I’m grouchy, not because I don’t want to be up. (Okay, that’s kind of a lie – I know Brod would disagree and tell you that when I’m tired I’m pretty dang grouchy… but he’s not here so I’m going to pretend like that’s not true, lol.) So my Dymatize Cookies ‘n Cream protein powder finally came yesterday – and not a moment too soon!!! I hadn’t drank that disgusting strawberry crap since last week, and did not want to do “tuna time” twice again for the third day in a row. Anyway, thanks to the amazing bodybuilding.com, my package came with extra treats – a MetRx oats & protein packet which I will try after I ask my trainer when I should use it, and a sample of BSN’s N.O. Explode in fruit punch! Well, knowing my tolerance would be LOW, I decided half the packet (or half a scoop) would probably be sufficient. Holy poop, I was bouncing off the walls!!! I drank it about 45 minutes before my workout, and even 5 hours later I was feeling the effects… walking faster, getting more done, and only a little bit jittery… it was pretty awesome! Lol
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damselwithdumbbells · 12 years ago
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I was totally sick yesterday, but saw this quote and it made me realize how true it really is. You just can’t wait for the days you feel good in order to set out to accomplish things – it’s the days you feel like POOP that you get the most done!!! So no matter how bad you feel, or how bored you are, or how hungry or tired or whatever, don’t let that little voice inside your head tell you to go home and take it easy. Nothing good was ever accomplished by those who were too tired to get up and WORK!
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damselwithdumbbells · 12 years ago
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Yum! This morning's breakfast... but before I go into detail... ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! Weighed in this morning and I'm down 18 pounds!!! I can't even believe it - I'm so excited. I haven't felt this good in... well, maybe EVER. How crazy is that!? Anyway, moving right along to my story about breakfast... Normally my meal 1 is a protein shake and a tbsp of peanut butter, but I ran out of protein powder two days ago. Yesterday was the worst - I tried to replace it with this nasty strawberry protein powder we've had in the pantry for probably like 4 years. It was gross. Plus I hate strawberry milkshake-like anything. Yuck. Anyway, the flavor lingered for like 2 hours after I drank it. For my 3rd meal when I'm supposed to have another protein shake, I was THANK THE LORD bailed out by my amazing friend Lauren who had one scoop left of her BSN Lean Dessert protein. SERIOUSLY. THANK GOD. That strawberry stuff was gross. So this morning, I [again] couldn't bring myself to drink that strawberry crap so I subbed it with egg whites. :) Meal 3 will be subbed with tuna, so I'll have tuna for 2 meals and egg whites for 2 meals. Plus it's treat meal tonight so I get to sushi it up!!! Woo woo!!! Anyway, ordered a 5-lb jug of Dymatize Elite Gourmet Protein Powder (in cookies and cream, mind you) from bodybuilding.com and couldn't be more stoked - 10% off, too! Check it out :) I think that's all for now. I'm starving, as usual, and am going to go eat meal 2. Happy Saturday everyone!!! Fittest wishes,
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damselwithdumbbells · 12 years ago
This Week's Food Plan
So let me first start off by putting a disclaimer out here that my food plan was created by my awesome trainer Chris Presley (801.654.2566 and he absolutely does online consulting so you don't have to live in the Salt Lake area to work with him!) specifically for me and what my body's needs are. Not everyone will have success following a similar plan, and more importantly, Chris and I change my plan pretty much every week. I'm sure you all know this, but I did want to make sure I spelled that out. :)
That being said, my current meal plan looks a little something like this...
Meal 1 (eat within 30 minutes of waking): Protein Shake and 1 tbsp natural peanut butter Meal 2: Apple, 1 cup cottage cheese Meal 3: Protein shake, 1 cup green beans, 2 rice cakes Meal 4: 1 cup lettuce, 3 oz. tuna, flat out wrap Meal 5: Rice cake with 1 tbsp peanut butter Meal 6: 1 cup broccoli, 4 oz. sweet potato, 3/4 cup egg whites Meal 7 (about 1 hour before bed): 1 tbsp peanut butter
I am also consuming at least 1 - 1 1/2 gallons of water per day, as well as taking a multivitamin, fish oil supplements, glucosamine/chondroitin, and a slow-release iron tablet.
I hope this helps you guys! If you have any specific questions for me, please feel free to email at [email protected]!
Fittest wishes,
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damselwithdumbbells · 12 years ago
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Happy National Peanut Butter Day!
So I realized this morning how much peanut butter I eat. And that today is in fact National Peanut Butter Day! I feel like it should be called National All-Natural Peanut Butter Day, but when I say it it makes me think of the movie “Best in Show” when Harlan Pepper is naming nuts and he says “natural all-natural white pistachio nut.” :) For those of you who’ve seen that movie, you’ll understand my now affinity for National All-Natural Peanut Butter Day. (P.S. How darling is the pup in the picture? My Charlie is a little maltese-yorkie and loves peanut butter. And apples. My dog's actually a vegetarian, really. More on that another day.)
On this note, I wanted to share a recipe that Alexis from work gave to me yesterday. She made these cookies and they were AMAZING!!! I was so totally psyched - and the best part is that each cookie (if you split the recipe into 36) is 120 calories, 4g fat, 22g carbs and 4g protein! And seriously full of deliciousness!!! So here you are, for your eating pleasure...
Carmeled Honey Peanut Butter No-Bake Cookies
  2 cups honey
1 cup peanut butter
3 cups rolled oats
1/2 tsp salt (I almost think you need 1 full tsp)
1 tsp vanilla
  Boil honey until it's a "soft ball." A soft ball is when you get a cold cup of water and drop 1/2 tsp of honey into the water. It will fall to the bottom. You have to pull it out of the water and if it can be rolled in a soft ball it is ready to add the other things. 
  Once honey is at "soft ball" stage add peanut butter, vanilla, and salt. Mix well. 
Pour over the oats. Mix well. (you may need more oats, I would also make the recipe as is once before you start adding extra because you don’t want them too dry)
  Drop on wax paper
You can also add cocoa powder to it for a chocolate flavor.
  I hope you guys enjoy this recipe!!! I had a reader request to post my current diet plan, so I'll get to that later today. For now I need to go get ready for work - love you all!
Fittest wishes,
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damselwithdumbbells · 12 years ago
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Yesterday was a great day - I did awesome on my meal plan and even though I wasn't home until 10pm, I had planned ahead and prepared everything I'd need for the day. I hit a gallon and a half of water and had a *pretty good* workout. If you've read any of my Instagram, I cherish my morning workouts - they're way less busy and I feel like I get a better pump in the mornings. Yesterday, and today I'm afraid, I had to go in the evening after work (Brody and I were sharing a car yesterday since his beautiful BMW doesn't have all wheel drive and in this weather it'd be bad news). I got through most of my back/chest workout no problem, but I just really don't like it when I can't feel comfortable supersetting because if I leave my machine someone will take it. That's the worst. So anyway, I got done with lifting and headed to the treadmill. I will say that the only redeeming quality of lifting at night is that if I time it right, I can do my cardio from 6:30-7pm when "The Big Bang Theory" is on and for some reason, that show gets me through my cardio better than anything else! lol
My trainer last week switched up my cardio - I was doing intervals of 30sec sprint/2 min walk, and he upped it to 1min sprint/2 min walk. I thought at first "no problem!" but as soon as I got into the gym Monday I realized I was sorely mistaken (and mostly "sorely" because I killed legs on Sunday with him and couldn't really walk...). So Monday I got through about 12 minutes of intervals, Tuesday about 17 minutes... And finally yesterday, I decided it was smarter for me to dumb down the speed just a little so I could push and make it through the whole thing. And guess what?! I did!!! And what's even better? I totally looked like the guy in the picture while I was doing it!!! :) Okay, maybe I didn't LOOK like that, but it definitely FELT like that. So whatever.
Next post up - National Peanut Butter Day!
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damselwithdumbbells · 12 years ago
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I have a serious blog-crush on the Spoonful of Fit girl, Crystal. She is amazing! I follow her on Instagram too (which by the way, if you haven't already, you should go follow me on there too - @damselwithdumbbells :) ) so I get to see all her amazing food creations, plus her cute workout collages. Anyway, her food always looks so delicious, and since I'm only having treat meals once a week right now (which as I said before is either Rubio's or what I didn't mention, sushi) I'm not really open to trying new things. Because I love those things so much. *Sigh* BUT once I'm on 'maintenance' I have so many delicious recipes to try. Below is Crystal's recipe for the oh-so-delicious-looking...
Cinnamon Roll Mug Cake
1/4 cup oat flour --> Note from Laura: I just grind up oats in my food processor at home - it makes me feel like my stuff is really homemade, plus it's way cheaper :)
1/2 cup egg whites
1 tablespoon unsweetened applesauce --> Note from Laura: I haven't tried baking with unsweetened applesauce yet, though I have some in my pantry - I've used pumpkin and just substitute an equal amount and so far it's worked really well!
1 tablespoon almond milk --> I like the unsweetened vanilla almond milk, myself
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon butter or almond extract (not necessary, but I like the flavor either of these add) --> I'm personally staying away from the butter, so almond extract it is! 
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Stevia to taste --> I like to use Truvia because it's a little less bitter
Dash of Salt
2 tablespoons nonfat Greek yogurt (cream cheese could work too) --> Stick with the Greek yogurt :)
Stevia to taste --> Again, Truvia's my friend so check her out
Syrup (sugar free pure maple syrup)
In a glass/ceramic mug, add the dry ingredients.
Add the wet ingredients and mix well so the entire mixture is combined.
Microwave for approximately 2 minutes, but keep a close eye on it so it won't overflow! I paused mine at 1 minute, 1 minute 30 seconds, and then 2 minutes so it wouldn't overflow.
Flip cup over upside-down on a plate so that the muffin pops out.
Top with icing mixture, more cinnamon, syrup, and any other toppings your little heart desires.
Proceed to stuff face.
Yay! Thank you Crystal! And remember, don't forget to check out her blog at Spoonful of Fit! I can't wait to try this one :) Side note: I think I'll probably add a scoop of protein powder to mine... going to have to see how that does with all the wet ingredients, so may have to make some adjustments there. We'll see. Anyway, happy baking everyone!
Fittest wishes,
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damselwithdumbbells · 12 years ago
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What's In My Bag by laurasteffens01 featuring lip makeup
MAC Cosmetics cream makeup / MAC Cosmetics makeup primer / MAC Cosmetics foundation / Smashbox lip makeup / MAC Cosmetics lip makeup / MAC Cosmetics concealer / Smashbox lip makeup
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damselwithdumbbells · 12 years ago
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Pretty in Pink by laurasteffens01 featuring suede heels
H&M v neck dress, $40 / H&M short leather jacket, $48 / H&M suede heels, $40 / H&M genuine leather handbag, $24 / H&M sunglasses, $7.92
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damselwithdumbbells · 12 years ago
My Journey - 8 Weeks In, a Lifetime to Go
I’m only 8 weeks into my new lifestyle, and already I couldn’t be happier. Of course, there are some growing pains here and there (primarily just getting over the fact that I can’t eat whatever garbage food I want and stay skinny), but overall this new way of eating and working out is awesome.
8 weeks ago, I started my journey. 5’6” tall, just shy of 160 pounds, I had known for awhile that I was carrying too much weight for my body. For the last two years, I have wanted to go for the challenge of training for and competing in a bodybuilding show – ever since I picked up an issue of Fitness RX for Women magazine at the airport on my way to see Brody when I moved with him to Georgia two and a half years ago. This has been a dream I’ve held on to, knowing in my heart I wouldn’t be satisfied until I went for it.
October 2012 came, and I went to see my friend Lauren compete in her first figure show. At the competition was a high school friend of Brody’s, my now trainer, Chris. He had trained multiple people for this show, and had (not to mention) won the overall award in the March competition just a few months earlier. After that day, I forced Brody to contact Chris and see if he was taking on new clients. The best news ever – he was.
A few more weeks went by, and I contacted him for us to set up a time to get together and chat about what my goals were, what I wanted to accomplish, my timeline, etc. At that point I had it in my head that I wanted to train for the October 2013 show. But after 6 weeks of working with Chris, I knew I could do something sooner. I didn’t want to wait! I don’t want to wait! So after looking at the schedule, I realized that to give myself the best chance possible, I could train for the June show starting at the end of February – that would give me 16 weeks. It will be tough, I won’t lie, and probably a lot tougher for me than most other competitors, but if there’s anything I’m certain of, it’s that I am HELL BENT on kicking ass at this show. And I believe I have done exactly what I should’ve to get on the right path for this – I’m modeling the best (my coach – I mean, he won the overall for crying out loud!), I’ve got the right mindset, and dammit, I want to WIN! It’s not just about wanting to compete and look good for the show, it is about wanting to go in there and take 1st. You know who doesn’t rest? 1st place. You know who knows exactly the right amount of time to take between exercises? 1st place. You know who wants it worse than anyone else? 1ST PLACE.
So alas, you’ve found me at 8 weeks into my journey. I’m down 16 pounds and kicking butt! (Though my glutes need a lot of work) I am so excited about the changes I’ve made to my body but more importantly, to my lifestyle. I’m no longer waiting until I’m starving to eat, and then gorging myself on unhealthy food like I used to. I’m eating every 2-3 hours, I’m eating healthy and clean food, and I feel better than I ever have. And I even enjoy a weekly treat meal too – no stipulations, just 500 calories and I can have whatever I want. I’m quite partial to the Rubio’s mango habanero mahi mahi blackened fish tacos with rice & chips, followed by a few bites of Red Mango frozen yogurt. Yum.
I am so excited to share my journey with you, and I hope you will enjoy what I have to share. I’m planning to do features on “My Journey” (bet you can guess what that one’s about), “Food & Recipes” (eating clean can be delicious too!), “Working Out” (this will be EVERYTHING workout-related, from clothing to exercises to do’s and don’ts at the gym), and “Fashion Stuff” (because even though I like to workout and lift heavy things, a girl wants to look feminine and pretty too!). If there’s ever anything you want me to post, please let me know. Suggestions are ALWAYS welcome!
Fittest wishes,
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