daltonomup511-blog · 5 years
10 Things Everyone Hates About bitcoin revolution
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The technology is likely to have the greatest impact Over the next few decades Have arrived. They are not social media platforms. Not big data. And not robots. Not even artificial intelligence. You will be surprised to find out It is the basic technology for digital currencies such as Bitcoin. Which are called string blocks. Chain blocks. Currently, it is not the most resonant word in the world, But I believe it represents now The new generation of the Internet, They carry very high promises for every business and every community Each of you has one individual. You know, over the last few decades, we've had Internet information. When I send you an email, a PowerPoint file, or something else, I don’t actually send you, I send you a copy.
And that is great. This is information that has been democratized. But when it comes to assets - Things like money, Financial assets such as stocks and bonds, Loyalty points, intellectual property, Music, Art, Voting, And carbon certification, and the rest of the other assets - Sending a copy is a really bad idea. If I sent you a $ 100 paper, It is really important that I no longer have money - (Laughter) And that I can't send it to you. Secret code writers called it “double spending” Long time. Therefore, today we rely entirely on big intermediaries - Brokers like banks, government, And huge social media companies, credit card companies and so on - In order to establish confidence in our economy. These brokers perform all business logic and transactions For all kinds of trade, From verifying and identifying people, So settle accounts, settle and save records.
Overall, they do a very good job. But there are growing problems. To begin, they are central. Which means they are vulnerable to hacking, and increasingly - JP Morgan, the US federal government, And LinkedIn, and Home Depot et al They all knew it the hard way. They excluded billions of people from the global economy, For example, those who do not have enough money To get a bank account. They slow things down. It may take one second to send an email to the world, But it can take days or even weeks The movement of funds through the banking system across a city. And they take a big share to do that - 10-20% to send money to another country only.
Seizing our data, That means we can't turn it into money Or use it to better manage our lives. Our privacy is being undermined. In general, the biggest problem is, They dedicated the generosity of the digital age asymmetrically: We have created wealth, but we have growing social inequality. So what if there is something other than the Internet of information, What if there is an Internet value - Something like a wide, global and distributed book of accounts Works on millions of computers And available to everyone. Where any asset type, from money to music, It can be stored, transferred, handled, exchanged, and managed All without strong intermediaries? What if there is an original mean of value? Well, in 2008, the financial industry crashed And maybe that was promising, An unknown person named Satoshi Nakamoto or several people He created a paper where he developed a protocol for digital money Which used a basic cryptocurrency called Bitcoin.
This cryptocurrency enabled people to establish trust and make transactions Without the need for a third party. This seemingly simple act sparked Ignited the world, The thing that made everyone either eager, panicked or otherwise interested In several places. Now, don't confuse it for Bitcoin - Bitcoin is out; This should be your area of ​​interest if you are speculative. More broadly, it is a cryptocurrency. It is not a state-controlled paper currency. That is very important. But the real dowry here is the underlying technology. It is called a series of blocks. So for the first time now in human history, People everywhere can trust each other And conduct transactions peer-item.
And trust is available, not because there are some huge institutions, But because of cooperation and encryption And some smart cipher. Because trust is home to technology, I call this, "Trust Protocol." Now you might ask: How does this work? very good. Assets - technical assets like money and even music and everything that falls between them - Are not stored in a central place, But distributed across a global account book, Using the highest level of encryption. When a transaction is made, Are being published globally, Across millions of computers. And there, around the world, There is a group of people called "prospectors." These are not adults, they are the miners of Bitcoin.
Have enormous computing power in their fingertips - 100-10 times larger than the entire Google global network. These miners do a lot of work. And every ten minutes, In something like a pulse to a network, A block is created All transactions made within the previous ten minutes are booked. Prospectors then began work, trying to solve some dlt trading difficult problems. They compete among themselves: The first explorer to discover the truth and verify the validity of the mass, Are rewarded in cryptocurrency, In the case of Bitcoin wallet is rewarded Bitcoin.
And then - this is the basic part - The block is connected to the previous block And the former have To create a series of blocks. And each one is sealed at a certain time, In what looks like a digital wax seal. So, if you want to penetrate one of these blocks So for example, if you want to pay you and the same currency, I have to penetrate that block, In addition to all the previous blocks, And all the trade record on that block chain, Not just on one computer but across millions of computers, together, They all use the highest levels of encryption, Based on the world's most powerful computing source And who's watching me. Something difficult to do. It's very safe Compared to the computer systems we are dealing with today. It's a chain of blocks. That is how it works. So the bitcoin wallet is just one of them. There are many others. A Canadian named Vitalk Butterin developed the Ethereum Coin Block Series. He's 22 years old, This block chain has exceptional capabilities. One is that you can build smart contracts. That's what it looks like.
It is a contract that is executed in person, This contract addresses implementation, management and performance And payment - this kind of contract has a bank account as well, For agreements between people. Today, for the Ethereum coin chain, Projects are being done to do everything From creating a new alternative to the stock market Even creating a new model of democracy, Politicians are accountable to citizens. (clap) So, to understand how much radical change this will bring, Let's look at one area, financial services. You know this? It's Ruby Goldberg's machine. It's a ridiculously complex machine that does something really simple, Such as breaking an egg or closing the door. Well, it kind of reminds me of the financial services sector, In all honesty. I mean, your card goes into the store, A stream of information then travels in binary form across dozens of companies, Each has its own computer system, Some are computers from the 1970s Bigger than many people in this room, Three days later, the settlement takes place.
Well, with the help of the financial sector block chain, There will be no settlement, Because payment and settlement are in the same movement, Is just a change in the ledger. So on Wall Street and everywhere around the world, The financial sector is in a major upheaval in this regard, I wonder, can we be replaced, Or how do we embrace this technique to succeed? Now, why should you care? Well, let me browse through some applications. Prosperity. The first era of the Internet, Internet Information, Bring us wealth but not common prosperity, Because social inequality is growing. This is the essence of all anger and extremism And protectionism and xenophobia and worse Which we are seeing rising in the world today, Brexit is the latest case.
So can we develop some new approaches to this social inequality problem? Because the only approach today is to redistribute wealth, Tax people and spread them more widely. Can we distribute wealth before that? Can we change the way wealth is created from the ground up? By democratizing wealth creation, And involve more people in the economy, And then make sure they got fair compensation? Let me outline five ways in which this can be done. number one: Did you know that 70% of the people around the world own land They have a Wahi title for her? So you own a small farm in Honduras, a dictator takes over He says, "I know you have a paper showing that the farm belongs to you, But the government computer says my friend owns your farm.
" This happened extensively in Honduras, This problem exists everywhere. The great Latin American economist (Hernado de Soto), He says that this is the number one issue in the world In terms of economic mobility, More important than getting a bank account, Because if you don't have a valid address for your land, You cannot borrow under it, You can't plan ahead. So companies today work with governments To put land titles on the block chain. If so, this is unchangeable. You can't penetrate it. This creates the conditions required for prosperity Maybe for billions of people. Second: Many writers talk about Uber Airbnb, Tusk Rapt, Lift and others As a kind of shared economy. This is a very effective idea, Together enables users to create and share wealth.
My point is ... These companies do not actually share. In fact, they are particularly successful because they do not share. They bring services together and sell them. What if, instead of Airbnb being worth $ 25 billion, There was a distributed application on a block chain, we'll call B-Air BNP, It is essentially owned by all people Who have room for rent. And when someone wants to rent a room, Enters the block chain data and all the criteria, They help them find the right room, Then the chain of blocks helps in the contracts, They recognize the limb, Handles payments Through digital payments only - built-in system.
They also take charge of even reputable, Because if the room is classified as a five-star room, That room is chosen, It is classified as immutable. So, those who are confusing the common economy in Silicon Valley They may be confused, This will be a good thing to thrive. Number three: The largest flow of funds from developed countries For developing countries Not a corporate investment, Nor is it even foreign aid. They are cash transfers. This is the global diaspora; People who have left the land of their ancestors, They send money to their families back home. Equals this 600 billion a year, and the number is growing, These people are being circumvented. Annalie Domingo is a homemaker. And she lives in Toronto, And go every month to the Western Union office. With some money To send her remittances to her mother in Manila. It costs about 10%; It takes money from four to seven days to get there; Her mother never knows when the money will arrive.
It takes five hours a week to do that. Six months ago, Annalie Domingo used a series of blocks called Apra Using her mobile phone, she sent $ 300. Which went directly to her mother's mobile phone Without going through a mediator. Then her mother looked at her mobile phone - It is similar to the Uber interface, where there is an "ATRA" teller that moves around. I pressed the five-star teller, Which was seven minutes away. The young man arrived at her door, giving her a Philippine peso, She put money in her pocket. It takes minutes, It costs 2%. This is a great opportunity for prosperity. Number four: Data is the most effective asset in the digital age.
Data is actually a new class of assets, Probably larger than previous asset classes, Like land under the agricultural economy, Or an industrial facility, Or even money. And for all of you - we - create this idea. We create this asset, And we leave this digital gesture trail behind As we move forward. These crumbs combine to form a mirror image of you, You are the default. Maybe it will help you recognize yourselves more than what you knew, Because you can't remember what you bought last year, Or say last year or your exact location last year. And you are the default not your own - That is the biggest problem.
So today, there are companies working To create an identity in a black box, You are your virtual king. This black box moves with you When you travel around the world, He is very stingy too. It gives only a small amount of information That it takes to complete something. A lot of transactions, The seller does not even need to know who you are. What they need to know is that they have been paid for. This idea is then embodied in all this data And let you turn it into cash. This is wonderful. Because we can also protect our privacy, Privacy is the foundation of any free society. Let us reclaim the origin we create Under our control, So that we have our own identity We manage it responsibly. Finally -- (clap) In conclusion, number five: There are a large number of content producers Who do not receive fair compensation, Because of that queer IP system. The first Internet age is the reason for being a queer. Take music as an example. Musicians are left crumbs at the end of the entire food chain.
You know, 25 years ago, if you were a songwriter, and you wrote a successful song, Out of a million individual songs, You can get equity for about $ 45,000. Today, you are a songwriter, composed a successful song, You get a million views, You don’t get 45,000, But for 36 dollars, Enough to buy a delicious pizza. So Imogen Hipp. Grammy-winning singer and songwriter, She is currently laying songs on a cluster ecosystem. I called it "Maesilia." It protects intelligent holding songs. The songs themselves protect their proprietary rights. Do you want to listen to a song? It's free, or maybe for a few cents flowing into a digital account. If you want to use the song in your own movie, that's different. IP rights are fully defined. Do you want to make a ringtone? That's different. She explains that the song becomes a business. They are available on this shopping platform for themselves, Protect the rights of its author, And because the song has a push system In the sense of a bank account, All the money flows back to the artist, And so they control the industry, Substitute for these powerful intermediaries.
Now, this. These are not just songwriters, But any content product, Like art, And like inventions, And scientific discoveries, journalists. These are examples of people who don't receive fair compensation, With the help of block chains, They will be able to make money flow in the chain of blocks. And that's wonderful. So, these are five chances Among the dozens To solve one problem, which is welfare, It is one of an infinite number of problems That block chains can be applied to. Now, technology certainly does not create luxury - but humans do But the situation I am presenting to you is, again, That the technical gen has escaped from the bottle, He was called by an unknown person or persons In this vague time of human history, Which gives us another chance, Another opportunity to rewrite the network of economic power And the old order of things, And to solve some of the world’s insurmountable problems, If we do that.
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daltonomup511-blog · 5 years
15 Things Your Boss Wishes You Knew About ledger definition
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The technology is likely to have the greatest impact Over the next few decades Have arrived. They are not social media platforms. Not big data. And not robots. Not even artificial intelligence. You will be surprised to find out It is the basic technology for digital currencies such as Bitcoin. Which are called string blocks. Chain blocks. Currently, it is not the most resonant word in the world, But I believe it represents now The new generation of the Internet, They carry very high promises for every business and every community Each of you has one individual. You know, over the last few decades, we've had Internet information. When I send you an email, a PowerPoint file, or something else, I don’t actually send you, I send you a copy.
And that is great. This is information that has been democratized. But when it comes to assets - Things like money, Financial assets such as stocks and bonds, Loyalty points, intellectual property, Music, Art, Voting, And carbon certification, and the rest of the other assets - Sending a copy is a really bad idea. If I sent you a $ 100 paper, It is really important that I no longer have money - (Laughter) And that I can't send it to you. Secret code writers called it “double spending” Long time. Therefore, today we rely entirely on big intermediaries - Brokers like banks, government, And huge social media companies, credit card companies and so on - In order to establish confidence in our economy. These brokers perform all business logic and transactions For all kinds of trade, From verifying and identifying people, So settle accounts, settle and save records.
Overall, they do a very good job. But there are growing problems. To begin, they are central. Which means they are vulnerable to hacking, and increasingly - JP Morgan, the US federal government, And LinkedIn, and Home Depot et al They all knew it the hard way. They excluded billions of people from the global economy, For example, those who do not have enough money To get a bank account. They slow things down. It may take one second to send an email to the world, But it can take days or even weeks The movement of funds through the banking system across a city. And they take a big share to do that - 10-20% to send money to another country only.
Seizing our data, That means we can't turn it into money Or use it to better manage our lives. Our privacy is being undermined. In general, the biggest problem is, They dedicated the generosity of the digital age asymmetrically: We have created wealth, but we have growing social inequality. So what if there is something other than the Internet of information, What if there is an Internet value - Something like a wide, global and distributed book of accounts Works on millions of computers And available to everyone. Where any asset type, from money to music, It can be stored, transferred, handled, exchanged, and managed All without strong intermediaries? What if there is an original mean of value? Well, in 2008, the financial industry crashed And maybe that was promising, An unknown person named Satoshi Nakamoto or several people He created a paper where he developed a protocol for digital money Which used a basic cryptocurrency called Bitcoin.
This cryptocurrency enabled people to establish trust and make transactions Without the need for a third party. This seemingly simple act sparked Ignited the world, The thing that made everyone either eager, panicked or otherwise interested In several places. Now, don't confuse it for Bitcoin - Bitcoin is out; This should be your area of ​​interest if you are speculative. More broadly, it is a cryptocurrency. It is not a state-controlled paper currency. That is very important. But the real dowry here is the underlying technology. It is called a series of blocks. So for the first time now in human history, People everywhere can trust each other And conduct transactions peer-item.
And trust is available, not because there are some huge institutions, But because of cooperation and encryption And some smart cipher. Because trust is home to technology, I call this, "Trust Protocol." Now you might ask: How does this work? very good. Assets - technical assets like money and even music and everything that falls between them - Are not stored in a central place, But distributed across a global account book, Using the highest level of encryption. When a transaction is made, Are being published globally, Across millions of computers. And there, around the world, There is a group of people called "prospectors." These are not adults, they are the miners of Bitcoin.
Have enormous computing power in their fingertips - 100-10 times larger than the entire Google global network. These miners do a lot of work. And every ten minutes, In something like a pulse to a network, A block is created All transactions made within the previous ten minutes are booked. Prospectors then began work, trying to solve some difficult problems. They compete among themselves: The first explorer to discover the truth and verify the validity of the mass, Are rewarded in cryptocurrency, In the case of Bitcoin wallet is rewarded Bitcoin.
And then - this is the basic part - The block is connected to the previous block And the former have To create a series of blocks. And each one is sealed at a certain time, In what looks like a digital wax seal. So, if you want to penetrate one of these blocks So for example, if you want to pay you and the same currency, I have to penetrate that block, In addition to all the previous blocks, And all the trade record on that block chain, Not just on one computer but across millions of computers, together, They all use the highest levels of encryption, Based on the world's most powerful computing source And who's watching me. Something difficult to do. It's very safe Compared to the computer systems we are dealing with today. It's a chain of blocks. That is how it works. So the bitcoin wallet is just one of them. There are many others. A Canadian named Vitalk Butterin developed the Ethereum Coin Block Series. He's 22 years old, This block chain has exceptional capabilities. One is that you can build smart contracts. That's what it looks like.
It is a contract that is executed in person, This contract addresses implementation, management and performance And payment - this kind of contract has a bank account as well, For agreements between people. Today, for the Ethereum coin chain, Projects are being done to do everything From creating a new alternative to the stock market Even creating a new model of democracy, Politicians are accountable to citizens. (clap) So, to understand how much radical change this will bring, Let's look at one area, financial services. You know this? It's Ruby Goldberg's machine. It's a ridiculously complex machine that does something really simple, Such as breaking an egg or closing the door. Well, it kind of reminds me of the financial services sector, In all honesty. I mean, your card goes into the store, A stream of information then travels in binary form across dozens of companies, Each has its own computer system, Some are computers from the 1970s Bigger than many people in this room, Three days later, the settlement takes place.
Well, with the help of the financial sector block chain, There will be no settlement, Because payment and settlement are in the same movement, Is just a change in the ledger. So on Wall Street and everywhere around the world, The financial sector is in a major upheaval in this regard, I wonder, can we be replaced, Or how do we embrace this technique to succeed? Now, why should you care? Well, let me browse through some applications. Prosperity. The first era of the Internet, Internet Information, Bring us wealth but not common prosperity, Because social inequality is growing. This is the essence of all anger and extremism And protectionism and xenophobia and worse Which we are seeing rising in the world today, Brexit is the latest case.
So can we develop some new approaches to this social inequality problem? Because the only approach today is to redistribute wealth, Tax people and spread them more widely. Can we distribute wealth before that? Can we change the way wealth is created from the ground up? By democratizing wealth creation, And involve more people in the economy, And then make sure they got fair compensation? Let me outline five ways in which this can be done. number one: Did you know that 70% of the people around the world own land They have a Wahi title for her? So you own a small farm in Honduras, a dictator takes over He says, "I know you have a paper showing that the farm belongs to you, But the government computer says my friend owns your farm.
" This happened extensively in Honduras, This problem exists everywhere. The great Latin American economist (Hernado de Soto), He says that this is the number one issue in the world In terms of economic mobility, More important than getting a bank account, Because if you don't have a valid address for your land, You cannot borrow under it, You can't plan ahead. So companies today work with governments To put land titles on the block chain. If so, this is unchangeable. You can't penetrate it. This creates the conditions required for prosperity Maybe for billions of people. Second: Many writers talk about Uber Airbnb, Tusk Rapt, Lift and others As a kind of shared economy. This is a very effective idea, Together enables users to create and share wealth.
My point is ... These companies do not actually share. In fact, they are particularly successful because they do not share. They bring services together and sell them. What if, instead of Airbnb being worth $ 25 billion, There was a distributed application on a block chain, we'll call B-Air BNP, It is essentially owned by all people Who have room for rent. And when someone wants to rent a room, Enters the block chain data and all the criteria, They help them find the right room, Then the chain of blocks helps in the contracts, They recognize the limb, Handles payments Through digital payments only - built-in system.
They also take charge of even reputable, Because if the room is classified as a five-star room, That room is chosen, It is classified as immutable. So, those who are confusing the common economy in Silicon Valley They may be confused, This will be a good thing to thrive. Number three: The largest flow of funds from developed countries For developing countries Not a corporate investment, Nor is it even foreign aid. They are cash transfers. This is the global diaspora; People who have left the land of their ancestors, They send money to their families back home. Equals this 600 billion a year, and the number is growing, These people are being circumvented. Annalie Domingo is a homemaker. And she lives in Toronto, And go every month to the Western Union office. With some money To send her remittances to her mother in Manila. It blockchain energy trading costs about 10%; It takes money from four to seven days to get there; Her mother never knows when the money will arrive.
It takes five hours a week to do that. Six months ago, Annalie Domingo used a series of blocks called Apra Using her mobile phone, she sent $ 300. Which went directly to her mother's mobile phone Without going through a mediator. Then her mother looked at her mobile phone - It is similar to the Uber interface, where there is an "ATRA" teller that moves around. I pressed the five-star teller, Which was seven minutes away. The young man arrived at her door, giving her a Philippine peso, She put money in her pocket. It takes minutes, It costs 2%. This is a great opportunity for prosperity. Number four: Data is the most effective asset in the digital age.
Data is actually a new class of assets, Probably larger than previous asset classes, Like land under the agricultural economy, Or an industrial facility, Or even money. And for all of you - we - create this idea. We create this asset, And we leave this digital gesture trail behind As we move forward. These crumbs combine to form a mirror image of you, You are the default. Maybe it will help you recognize yourselves more than what you knew, Because you can't remember what you bought last year, Or say last year or your exact location last year. And you are the default not your own - That is the biggest problem.
So today, there are companies working To create an identity in a black box, You are your virtual king. This black box moves with you When you travel around the world, He is very stingy too. It gives only a small amount of information That it takes to complete something. A lot of transactions, The seller does not even need to know who you are. What they need to know is that they have been paid for. This idea is then embodied in all this data And let you turn it into cash. This is wonderful. Because we can also protect our privacy, Privacy is the foundation of any free society. Let us reclaim the origin we create Under our control, So that we have our own identity We manage it responsibly. Finally -- (clap) In conclusion, number five: There are a large number of content producers Who do not receive fair compensation, Because of that queer IP system. The first Internet age is the reason for being a queer. Take music as an example. Musicians are left crumbs at the end of the entire food chain.
You know, 25 years ago, if you were a songwriter, and you wrote a successful song, Out of a million individual songs, You can get equity for about $ 45,000. Today, you are a songwriter, composed a successful song, You get a million views, You don’t get 45,000, But for 36 dollars, Enough to buy a delicious pizza. So Imogen Hipp. Grammy-winning singer and songwriter, She is currently laying songs on a cluster ecosystem. I called it "Maesilia." It protects intelligent holding songs. The songs themselves protect their proprietary rights. Do you want to listen to a song? It's free, or maybe for a few cents flowing into a digital account. If you want to use the song in your own movie, that's different. IP rights are fully defined. Do you want to make a ringtone? That's different. She explains that the song becomes a business. They are available on this shopping platform for themselves, Protect the rights of its author, And because the song has a push system In the sense of a bank account, All the money flows back to the artist, And so they control the industry, Substitute for these powerful intermediaries.
Now, this. These are not just songwriters, But any content product, Like art, And like inventions, And scientific discoveries, journalists. These are examples of people who don't receive fair compensation, With the help of block chains, They will be able to make money flow in the chain of blocks. And that's wonderful. So, these are five chances Among the dozens To solve one problem, which is welfare, It is one of an infinite number of problems That block chains can be applied to. Now, technology certainly does not create luxury - but humans do But the situation I am presenting to you is, again, That the technical gen has escaped from the bottle, He was called by an unknown person or persons In this vague time of human history, Which gives us another chance, Another opportunity to rewrite the network of economic power And the old order of things, And to solve some of the world’s insurmountable problems, If we do that.
0 notes
daltonomup511-blog · 5 years
This Week's Top Stories About hyperledger
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The technology is likely to have the greatest impact Over the next few decades Have arrived. They are not social media platforms. Not big data. And not robots. Not even artificial intelligence. You will be surprised to find out It is the basic technology for digital currencies such as Bitcoin. Which are called string blocks. Chain blocks. Currently, it is not the most resonant word in the world, But I believe it represents now The new generation of the Internet, They carry very high promises for every business and every community Each of you has one individual. You know, over the last few decades, we've had Internet information. When I send you an email, a PowerPoint file, or something else, I don’t actually send you, I send you a copy.
And that is great. This is information that has been democratized. But when it comes to assets - Things like money, Financial assets such as stocks and bonds, Loyalty points, intellectual property, Music, Art, Voting, And carbon certification, and the rest of the other assets - Sending a copy is a really bad idea. If I sent you a $ 100 paper, It is really important that I no longer have money - (Laughter) And that I can't send it to you. Secret code writers called it “double spending” Long time. Therefore, today we rely entirely on big intermediaries - Brokers like banks, government, And huge social media companies, credit card companies and so on - In order to establish confidence in our economy. These brokers perform all business logic and transactions For all kinds of trade, From verifying and identifying people, So settle accounts, settle and save records.
Overall, they do a very good job. But there are growing problems. To begin, they are central. Which means they are vulnerable to hacking, and increasingly - JP Morgan, the US federal government, And LinkedIn, and Home Depot et al They all knew it the hard way. They excluded billions of people from the global economy, For example, those who do not have enough money To get a bank account. They slow things down. It may take one second to send an email to the world, But it can take days or even weeks The movement of funds through the banking system across a city. And they take a big share to do that - 10-20% to send money to another country only.
Seizing our data, That means we can't turn it into money Or use it to better manage our lives. Our privacy is being undermined. electric generator In general, the biggest problem is, They dedicated the generosity of the digital age asymmetrically: We have created wealth, but we have growing social inequality. So what if there is something other than the Internet of information, What if there is an Internet value - Something like a wide, global and distributed book of accounts Works on millions of computers And available to everyone. Where any asset type, from money to music, It can be stored, transferred, handled, exchanged, and managed All without strong intermediaries? What if there is an original mean of value? Well, in 2008, the financial industry crashed And maybe that was promising, An unknown person named Satoshi Nakamoto or several people He created a paper where he developed a protocol for digital money Which used a basic cryptocurrency called Bitcoin.
This cryptocurrency enabled people to establish trust and make transactions Without the need for a third party. This seemingly simple act sparked Ignited the world, The thing that made everyone either eager, panicked or otherwise interested In several places. Now, don't confuse it for Bitcoin - Bitcoin is out; This should be your area of ​​interest if you are speculative. More broadly, it is a cryptocurrency. It is not a state-controlled paper currency. That is very important. But the real dowry here is the underlying technology. It is called a series of blocks. So for the first time now in human history, People everywhere can trust each other And conduct transactions peer-item.
And trust is available, not because there are some huge institutions, But because of cooperation and encryption And some smart cipher. Because trust is home to technology, I call this, "Trust Protocol." Now you might ask: How does this work? very good. Assets - technical assets like money and even music and everything that falls between them - Are not stored in a central place, But distributed across a global account book, Using the highest level of encryption. When a transaction is made, Are being published globally, Across millions of computers. And there, around the world, There is a group of people called "prospectors." These are not adults, they are the miners of Bitcoin.
Have enormous computing power in their fingertips - 100-10 times larger than the entire Google global network. These miners do a lot of work. And every ten minutes, In something like a pulse to a network, A block is created All transactions made within the previous ten minutes are booked. Prospectors then began work, trying to solve some difficult problems. They compete among themselves: The first explorer to discover the truth and verify the validity of the mass, Are rewarded in cryptocurrency, In the case of Bitcoin wallet is rewarded Bitcoin.
And then - this is the basic part - The block is connected to the previous block And the former have To create a series of blocks. And each one is sealed at a certain time, In what looks like a digital wax seal. So, if you want to penetrate one of these blocks So for example, if you want to pay you and the same currency, I have to penetrate that block, In addition to all the previous blocks, And all the trade record on that block chain, Not just on one computer but across millions of computers, together, They all use the highest levels of encryption, Based on the world's most powerful computing source And who's watching me. Something difficult to do. It's very safe Compared to the computer systems we are dealing with today. It's a chain of blocks. That is how it works. So the bitcoin wallet is just one of them. There are many others. A Canadian named Vitalk Butterin developed the Ethereum Coin Block Series. He's 22 years old, This block chain has exceptional capabilities. One is that you can build smart contracts. That's what it looks like.
It is a contract that is executed in person, This contract addresses implementation, management and performance And payment - this kind of contract has a bank account as well, For agreements between people. Today, for the Ethereum coin chain, Projects are being done to do everything From creating a new alternative to the stock market Even creating a new model of democracy, Politicians are accountable to citizens. (clap) So, to understand how much radical change this will bring, Let's look at one area, financial services. You know this? It's Ruby Goldberg's machine. It's a ridiculously complex machine that does something really simple, Such as breaking an egg or closing the door. Well, it kind of reminds me of the financial services sector, In all honesty. I mean, your card goes into the store, A stream of information then travels in binary form across dozens of companies, Each has its own computer system, Some are computers from the 1970s Bigger than many people in this room, Three days later, the settlement takes place.
Well, with the help of the financial sector block chain, There will be no settlement, Because payment and settlement are in the same movement, Is just a change in the ledger. So on Wall Street and everywhere around the world, The financial sector is in a major upheaval in this regard, I wonder, can we be replaced, Or how do we embrace this technique to succeed? Now, why should you care? Well, let me browse through some applications. Prosperity. The first era of the Internet, Internet Information, Bring us wealth but not common prosperity, Because social inequality is growing. This is the essence of all anger and extremism And protectionism and xenophobia and worse Which we are seeing rising in the world today, Brexit is the latest case.
So can we develop some new approaches to this social inequality problem? Because the only approach today is to redistribute wealth, Tax people and spread them more widely. Can we distribute wealth before that? Can we change the way wealth is created from the ground up? By democratizing wealth creation, And involve more people in the economy, And then make sure they got fair compensation? Let me outline five ways in which this can be done. number one: Did you know that 70% of the people around the world own land They have a Wahi title for her? So you own a small farm in Honduras, a dictator takes over He says, "I know you have a paper showing that the farm belongs to you, But the government computer says my friend owns your farm.
" This happened extensively in Honduras, This problem exists everywhere. The great Latin American economist (Hernado de Soto), He says that this is the number one issue in the world In terms of economic mobility, More important than getting a bank account, Because if you don't have a valid address for your land, You cannot borrow under it, You can't plan ahead. So companies today work with governments To put land titles on the block chain. If so, this is unchangeable. You can't penetrate it. This creates the conditions required for prosperity Maybe for billions of people. Second: Many writers talk about Uber Airbnb, Tusk Rapt, Lift and others As a kind of shared economy. This is a very effective idea, Together enables users to create and share wealth.
My point is ... These companies do not actually share. In fact, they are particularly successful because they do not share. They bring services together and sell them. What if, instead of Airbnb being worth $ 25 billion, There was a distributed application on a block chain, we'll call B-Air BNP, It is essentially owned by all people Who have room for rent. And when someone wants to rent a room, Enters the block chain data and all the criteria, They help them find the right room, Then the chain of blocks helps in the contracts, They recognize the limb, Handles payments Through digital payments only - built-in system.
They also take charge of even reputable, Because if the room is classified as a five-star room, That room is chosen, It is classified as immutable. So, those who are confusing the common economy in Silicon Valley They may be confused, This will be a good thing to thrive. Number three: The largest flow of funds from developed countries For developing countries Not a corporate investment, Nor is it even foreign aid. They are cash transfers. This is the global diaspora; People who have left the land of their ancestors, They send money to their families back home. Equals this 600 billion a year, and the number is growing, These people are being circumvented. Annalie Domingo is a homemaker. And she lives in Toronto, And go every month to the Western Union office. With some money To send her remittances to her mother in Manila. It costs about 10%; It takes money from four to seven days to get there; Her mother never knows when the money will arrive.
It takes five hours a week to do that. Six months ago, Annalie Domingo used a series of blocks called Apra Using her mobile phone, she sent $ 300. Which went directly to her mother's mobile phone Without going through a mediator. Then her mother looked at her mobile phone - It is similar to the Uber interface, where there is an "ATRA" teller that moves around. I pressed the five-star teller, Which was seven minutes away. The young man arrived at her door, giving her a Philippine peso, She put money in her pocket. It takes minutes, It costs 2%. This is a great opportunity for prosperity. Number four: Data is the most effective asset in the digital age.
Data is actually a new class of assets, Probably larger than previous asset classes, Like land under the agricultural economy, Or an industrial facility, Or even money. And for all of you - we - create this idea. We create this asset, And we leave this digital gesture trail behind As we move forward. These crumbs combine to form a mirror image of you, You are the default. Maybe it will help you recognize yourselves more than what you knew, Because you can't remember what you bought last year, Or say last year or your exact location last year. And you are the default not your own - That is the biggest problem.
So today, there are companies working To create an identity in a black box, You are your virtual king. This black box moves with you When you travel around the world, He is very stingy too. It gives only a small amount of information That it takes to complete something. A lot of transactions, The seller does not even need to know who you are. What they need to know is that they have been paid for. This idea is then embodied in all this data And let you turn it into cash. This is wonderful. Because we can also protect our privacy, Privacy is the foundation of any free society. Let us reclaim the origin we create Under our control, So that we have our own identity We manage it responsibly. Finally -- (clap) In conclusion, number five: There are a large number of content producers Who do not receive fair compensation, Because of that queer IP system. The first Internet age is the reason for being a queer. Take music as an example. Musicians are left crumbs at the end of the entire food chain.
You know, 25 years ago, if you were a songwriter, and you wrote a successful song, Out of a million individual songs, You can get equity for about $ 45,000. Today, you are a songwriter, composed a successful song, You get a million views, You don’t get 45,000, But for 36 dollars, Enough to buy a delicious pizza. So Imogen Hipp. Grammy-winning singer and songwriter, She is currently laying songs on a cluster ecosystem. I called it "Maesilia." It protects intelligent holding songs. The songs themselves protect their proprietary rights. Do you want to listen to a song? It's free, or maybe for a few cents flowing into a digital account. If you want to use the song in your own movie, that's different. IP rights are fully defined. Do you want to make a ringtone? That's different. She explains that the song becomes a business. They are available on this shopping platform for themselves, Protect the rights of its author, And because the song has a push system In the sense of a bank account, All the money flows back to the artist, And so they control the industry, Substitute for these powerful intermediaries.
Now, this. These are not just songwriters, But any content product, Like art, And like inventions, And scientific discoveries, journalists. These are examples of people who don't receive fair compensation, With the help of block chains, They will be able to make money flow in the chain of blocks. And that's wonderful. So, these are five chances Among the dozens To solve one problem, which is welfare, It is one of an infinite number of problems That block chains can be applied to. Now, technology certainly does not create luxury - but humans do But the situation I am presenting to you is, again, That the technical gen has escaped from the bottle, He was called by an unknown person or persons In this vague time of human history, Which gives us another chance, Another opportunity to rewrite the network of economic power And the old order of things, And to solve some of the world’s insurmountable problems, If we do that.
0 notes
daltonomup511-blog · 5 years
The Most Influential People in the renewable energy opportunities Industry and Their Celebrity Dopplegangers
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The technology is likely to have the greatest impact Over the next few decades Have arrived. They are not social media platforms. Not big data. And not robots. Not even artificial intelligence. You will be surprised to find out It is the basic technology for digital currencies such as Bitcoin. Which are called string blocks. Chain blocks. Currently, it is not the most resonant word in the world, But I believe it represents now The new generation of the Internet, They carry very high promises for every business and every community Each of you has one individual. You know, over the last few decades, we've had Internet information. When I send you an email, a PowerPoint file, or something else, I don’t actually send you, I send you a copy.
And that is great. This is information that has been democratized. But when it comes to assets - Things like money, Financial assets such as stocks and bonds, Loyalty points, intellectual property, Music, Art, Voting, And carbon certification, and the rest of the other assets - Sending a copy is a really bad idea. If I sent you a $ 100 paper, It is really important that I no longer have money - (Laughter) And that I can't send it to you. Secret code writers called it “double spending” Long time. Therefore, today we rely entirely on big intermediaries - Brokers like banks, government, And huge social media companies, credit card companies and so on - In order to establish confidence in our economy. These brokers perform all business logic and transactions For all kinds of trade, From verifying and identifying people, So settle accounts, settle and save records.
Overall, they do a very good job. But there are growing problems. To begin, they are central. Which means they are vulnerable to hacking, and increasingly - JP Morgan, the US federal government, And LinkedIn, and Home Depot et al They all knew it the hard way. They excluded billions of people from the global economy, For example, those who do not have enough money To get a bank account. They slow things down. It may take one second to send an email to the world, But it can take days or even weeks The movement of funds through the banking system across a city. And they take a big share to do that - 10-20% to send money to another country only.
Seizing our data, That means we can't turn it into money Or use it to better manage our lives. Our privacy is being undermined. In general, the biggest problem is, They dedicated the generosity of the digital age asymmetrically: We have created wealth, but we have growing social inequality. So what if there is something other than the Internet of information, What if there is an Internet value - Something like a wide, global and distributed book of accounts Works on millions of computers And available to everyone. Where any asset type, from money to music, It can be stored, transferred, handled, exchanged, and managed All without strong intermediaries? What if there is an original mean of value? Well, in 2008, the financial industry crashed And maybe that was promising, An unknown person named Satoshi Nakamoto or several people He created a paper where he developed a protocol for digital money Which used a basic cryptocurrency called Bitcoin.
This cryptocurrency enabled people to establish trust and make transactions Without the need for a third party. This seemingly simple act sparked Ignited the world, The thing that made everyone either eager, panicked or otherwise interested In several places. Now, don't confuse it for Bitcoin - Bitcoin is out; This should be your area of ​​interest if you are speculative. More broadly, it is a cryptocurrency. It is not a state-controlled paper currency. That is very important. But the real dowry here is the underlying technology. It is called a series of blocks. So for the first time now in human history, People everywhere can trust each other And conduct transactions peer-item.
And trust is available, not because there are some huge institutions, But because of cooperation and encryption And some smart cipher. Because trust is home to technology, I call this, "Trust Protocol." Now you might ask: How does this work? very good. Assets - technical assets like money and even music and everything that falls between them - Are not stored in a central place, But distributed across a global account book, Using the highest level of encryption. When a transaction is made, Are being published globally, Across millions of computers. And there, around the world, There is a group of people called "prospectors." These are not adults, they are the miners of Bitcoin.
Have enormous computing power in their fingertips - 100-10 times larger than the entire Google global network. These miners do a lot of work. And every ten minutes, In something like a pulse to a network, A block is created All transactions made within the previous ten minutes are booked. Prospectors then began work, trying to solve some difficult problems. They compete among themselves: The first explorer to discover the truth and verify the validity of the mass, Are rewarded in cryptocurrency, In the case of Bitcoin wallet is rewarded Bitcoin.
And then - this is the basic part - The block is connected to the previous block And the former have To create a series of blocks. And each one is sealed at a certain time, In what looks like a digital wax seal. So, if you want to penetrate one of these blocks So for example, if you want to pay you and the same currency, I have to penetrate that block, In addition to all the previous blocks, And all the trade record on that block chain, Not just on one computer but across millions of computers, together, They all use the highest levels of encryption, Based on the world's most powerful computing source And who's watching me. Something difficult to do. It's very safe Compared to the computer systems we are dealing with today. It's a chain of blocks. That is how it works. So the bitcoin wallet is just one of them. There are many others. A Canadian named Vitalk Butterin developed the Ethereum Coin Block Series. He's 22 years old, This block chain has exceptional capabilities. One is that you can build smart contracts. That's what it looks like.
It is a contract that is executed in person, This contract addresses implementation, management and performance And payment - this kind of contract has a bank account as well, For agreements between people. Today, for the Ethereum coin chain, Projects are being done to do everything From creating a new alternative to the stock market Even creating a new model of democracy, Politicians are accountable to citizens. (clap) So, to understand how much radical change this will bring, Let's look at one area, financial services. You know this? It's Ruby Goldberg's machine. It's a ridiculously complex machine that does something really simple, Such as breaking an egg or closing the door. Well, it kind of reminds me of the financial services sector, In all honesty. I mean, your card goes into the store, A stream of information then travels in binary form across dozens of companies, Each has its own computer system, Some are computers from the 1970s Bigger than many people in this room, Three days later, the settlement takes place.
Well, with the help of the financial sector block chain, There will be no settlement, Because payment and settlement are in the same movement, Is just a change in the ledger. So on Wall Street and everywhere around the world, The financial sector is in a major upheaval in this regard, I wonder, can we be replaced, Or how do we embrace this technique to succeed? Now, why should you care? Well, let me browse through some applications. Prosperity. The first era of the Internet, Internet Information, Bring us wealth but not common prosperity, Because social inequality is growing. This is the essence of all anger and extremism And protectionism and xenophobia and worse Which we are seeing rising in the world today, Brexit is the latest case.
So can we develop some new approaches to this social inequality problem? Because the only approach today is to redistribute wealth, Tax people and spread them more widely. Can we distribute wealth before that? Can we change the way wealth is created from the ground up? By democratizing wealth creation, And involve more people in the economy, And then make sure they got fair compensation? Let me outline five ways in which this can be done. number one: Did you know that 70% of the people around the world own land They have a Wahi title for her? So you own a small farm in Honduras, a dictator takes over He says, "I know you have a paper showing that the farm belongs to you, But the government computer says my friend owns your farm.
" This happened extensively in Honduras, This problem exists everywhere. The great Latin American economist (Hernado de Soto), He says that this is the number one issue in the world In terms of economic mobility, More important than getting a bank account, Because if you don't have a valid address for your land, You cannot borrow under it, You can't plan ahead. So companies today work with governments To put land titles on the block chain. If so, this is unchangeable. You can't penetrate it. This creates the conditions required for prosperity Maybe for billions of people. Second: Many writers talk about Uber Airbnb, Tusk Rapt, Lift and others As a kind of shared economy. This is a very effective idea, Together enables users to create and share wealth.
My point is ... These companies do not actually share. In fact, they are particularly successful because they do not share. They bring services together and sell them. What if, instead of Airbnb being worth $ 25 billion, There was a distributed application on a block chain, we'll call B-Air BNP, It is essentially owned by all people Who have room for rent. And when someone wants to rent a room, Enters the block chain data and all the criteria, They help them find the right room, Then the chain of blocks helps in the contracts, They recognize the limb, Handles payments Through digital payments only - built-in system.
They also take charge of even reputable, Because if the room is classified as a five-star room, That room is chosen, It is classified as immutable. So, those who are confusing the common economy in Silicon Valley They may be confused, This will be a good thing to thrive. Number three: The largest flow of funds from developed countries For developing countries Not a corporate investment, Nor is it even foreign aid. They are cash transfers. This is the global diaspora; People who have left the land of their ancestors, They send money to their families back home. Equals this 600 billion a year, and the number is growing, These people are being circumvented. Annalie Domingo is a homemaker. And she lives in Toronto, And go every month to the Western Union office. With some money To send her remittances to her mother in Manila. It costs about 10%; It takes money from four to seven days to get there; Her mother never knows when the money will arrive.
It takes five hours a week to do that. Six months ago, Annalie Domingo used a series of blocks called Apra Using her mobile phone, she sent $ 300. Which went directly to her mother's mobile phone Without going through a mediator. Then her mother looked at her mobile phone - It is similar to the Uber interface, where there is an "ATRA" teller that moves around. I pressed the five-star teller, Which was seven minutes away. The young man arrived at her door, giving her a Philippine peso, She put money in her pocket. It takes minutes, It costs 2%. This is a great opportunity for prosperity. Number four: Data is the most effective asset in the digital age.
Data is actually a new class of assets, Probably larger than previous asset classes, Like land under the agricultural economy, Or an industrial facility, Or even money. And for all of you - we - create this idea. We create this asset, And we leave this digital gesture trail behind As we move forward. These crumbs combine to form a mirror image of you, You are the default. Maybe it will help you recognize yourselves more than what you knew, Because you can't remember what you bought last year, Or say last year or your exact location last year. And you are the default not your own - That is the biggest problem.
So today, there are companies working To create an identity in a black box, You are your virtual king. This black box moves with you When you travel around the world, He is very stingy too. It gives only a small amount of information That it takes to complete something. A lot of transactions, The seller does not even need to know who you are. What they need to know is that they have been paid for. This idea is then embodied in all this data And let you turn it into cash. This is wonderful. Because we can also protect our privacy, Privacy is the foundation of any bitcoin mining free society. Let us reclaim the origin we create Under our control, So that we have our own identity We manage it responsibly. Finally -- (clap) In conclusion, number five: There are a large number of content producers Who do not receive fair compensation, Because of that queer IP system. The first Internet age is the reason for being a queer. Take music as an example. Musicians are left crumbs at the end of the entire food chain.
You know, 25 years ago, if you were a songwriter, and you wrote a successful song, Out of a million individual songs, You can get equity for about $ 45,000. Today, you are a songwriter, composed a successful song, You get a million views, You don’t get 45,000, But for 36 dollars, Enough to buy a delicious pizza. So Imogen Hipp. Grammy-winning singer and songwriter, She is currently laying songs on a cluster ecosystem. I called it "Maesilia." It protects intelligent holding songs. The songs themselves protect their proprietary rights. Do you want to listen to a song? It's free, or maybe for a few cents flowing into a digital account. If you want to use the song in your own movie, that's different. IP rights are fully defined. Do you want to make a ringtone? That's different. She explains that the song becomes a business. They are available on this shopping platform for themselves, Protect the rights of its author, And because the song has a push system In the sense of a bank account, All the money flows back to the artist, And so they control the industry, Substitute for these powerful intermediaries.
Now, this. These are not just songwriters, But any content product, Like art, And like inventions, And scientific discoveries, journalists. These are examples of people who don't receive fair compensation, With the help of block chains, They will be able to make money flow in the chain of blocks. And that's wonderful. So, these are five chances Among the dozens To solve one problem, which is welfare, It is one of an infinite number of problems That block chains can be applied to. Now, technology certainly does not create luxury - but humans do But the situation I am presenting to you is, again, That the technical gen has escaped from the bottle, He was called by an unknown person or persons In this vague time of human history, Which gives us another chance, Another opportunity to rewrite the network of economic power And the old order of things, And to solve some of the world’s insurmountable problems, If we do that.
0 notes
daltonomup511-blog · 5 years
20 Gifts You Can Give Your Boss if They Love blockchain
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The technology is likely to have the greatest impact Over the next few decades Have arrived. They are not social media platforms. Not big data. And not robots. Not even artificial intelligence. You will be surprised to find out It is the basic technology for digital currencies such as Bitcoin. Which are called string blocks. Chain blocks. Currently, it is not the most resonant word in the world, But I believe it represents now The new generation of the Internet, They carry very high promises for every business and every community Each of you has one individual. You know, over the last few decades, we've had Internet information. When I send you an email, a PowerPoint file, or something else, I don’t actually send you, I send you a copy.
And that is great. This is information that has been democratized. But when it comes to assets - Things like money, Financial assets such as stocks and bonds, Loyalty points, intellectual property, Music, Art, Voting, And carbon certification, and the rest of the other assets - Sending a copy is a really bad idea. If I sent you a $ 100 paper, It is really important that I no longer have money - (Laughter) And that I can't send it to you. Secret code writers called it “double spending” Long time. distribution Therefore, today we rely entirely on big intermediaries - Brokers like banks, government, And huge social media companies, credit card companies and so on - In order to establish confidence in our economy. These brokers perform all business logic and transactions For all kinds of trade, From verifying and identifying people, So settle accounts, settle and save records.
Overall, they do a very good job. But there are growing problems. To begin, they are central. Which means they are vulnerable to hacking, and increasingly - JP Morgan, the US federal government, And LinkedIn, and Home Depot et al They all knew it the hard way. They excluded billions of people from the global economy, For example, those who do not have enough money To get a bank account. They slow things down. It may take one second to send an email to the world, But it can take days or even weeks The movement of funds through the banking system across a city. And they take a big share to do that - 10-20% to send money to another country only.
Seizing our data, That means we can't turn it into money Or use it to better manage our lives. Our privacy is being undermined. In general, the biggest problem is, They dedicated the generosity of the digital age asymmetrically: We have created wealth, but we have growing social inequality. So what if there is something other than the Internet of information, What if there is an Internet value - Something like a wide, global and distributed book of accounts Works on millions of computers And available to everyone. Where any asset type, from money to music, It can be stored, transferred, handled, exchanged, and managed All without strong intermediaries? What if there is an original mean of value? Well, in 2008, the financial industry crashed And maybe that was promising, An unknown person named Satoshi Nakamoto or several people He created a paper where he developed a protocol for digital money Which used a basic cryptocurrency called Bitcoin.
This cryptocurrency enabled people to establish trust and make transactions Without the need for a third party. This seemingly simple act sparked Ignited the world, The thing that made everyone either eager, panicked or otherwise interested In several places. Now, don't confuse it for Bitcoin - Bitcoin is out; This should be your area of ​​interest if you are speculative. More broadly, it is a cryptocurrency. It is not a state-controlled paper currency. That is very important. But the real dowry here is the underlying technology. It is called a series of blocks. So for the first time now in human history, People everywhere can trust each other And conduct transactions peer-item.
And trust is available, not because there are some huge institutions, But because of cooperation and encryption And some smart cipher. Because trust is home to technology, I call this, "Trust Protocol." Now you might ask: How does this work? very good. Assets - technical assets like money and even music and everything that falls between them - Are not stored in a central place, But distributed across a global account book, Using the highest level of encryption. When a transaction is made, Are being published globally, Across millions of computers. And there, around the world, There is a group of people called "prospectors." These are not adults, they are the miners of Bitcoin.
Have enormous computing power in their fingertips - 100-10 times larger than the entire Google global network. These miners do a lot of work. And every ten minutes, In something like a pulse to a network, A block is created All transactions made within the previous ten minutes are booked. Prospectors then began work, trying to solve some difficult problems. They compete among themselves: The first explorer to discover the truth and verify the validity of the mass, Are rewarded in cryptocurrency, In the case of Bitcoin wallet is rewarded Bitcoin.
And then - this is the basic part - The block is connected to the previous block And the former have To create a series of blocks. And each one is sealed at a certain time, In what looks like a digital wax seal. So, if you want to penetrate one of these blocks So for example, if you want to pay you and the same currency, I have to penetrate that block, In addition to all the previous blocks, And all the trade record on that block chain, Not just on one computer but across millions of computers, together, They all use the highest levels of encryption, Based on the world's most powerful computing source And who's watching me. Something difficult to do. It's very safe Compared to the computer systems we are dealing with today. It's a chain of blocks. That is how it works. So the bitcoin wallet is just one of them. There are many others. A Canadian named Vitalk Butterin developed the Ethereum Coin Block Series. He's 22 years old, This block chain has exceptional capabilities. One is that you can build smart contracts. That's what it looks like.
It is a contract that is executed in person, This contract addresses implementation, management and performance And payment - this kind of contract has a bank account as well, For agreements between people. Today, for the Ethereum coin chain, Projects are being done to do everything From creating a new alternative to the stock market Even creating a new model of democracy, Politicians are accountable to citizens. (clap) So, to understand how much radical change this will bring, Let's look at one area, financial services. You know this? It's Ruby Goldberg's machine. It's a ridiculously complex machine that does something really simple, Such as breaking an egg or closing the door. Well, it kind of reminds me of the financial services sector, In all honesty. I mean, your card goes into the store, A stream of information then travels in binary form across dozens of companies, Each has its own computer system, Some are computers from the 1970s Bigger than many people in this room, Three days later, the settlement takes place.
Well, with the help of the financial sector block chain, There will be no settlement, Because payment and settlement are in the same movement, Is just a change in the ledger. So on Wall Street and everywhere around the world, The financial sector is in a major upheaval in this regard, I wonder, can we be replaced, Or how do we embrace this technique to succeed? Now, why should you care? Well, let me browse through some applications. Prosperity. The first era of the Internet, Internet Information, Bring us wealth but not common prosperity, Because social inequality is growing. This is the essence of all anger and extremism And protectionism and xenophobia and worse Which we are seeing rising in the world today, Brexit is the latest case.
So can we develop some new approaches to this social inequality problem? Because the only approach today is to redistribute wealth, Tax people and spread them more widely. Can we distribute wealth before that? Can we change the way wealth is created from the ground up? By democratizing wealth creation, And involve more people in the economy, And then make sure they got fair compensation? Let me outline five ways in which this can be done. number one: Did you know that 70% of the people around the world own land They have a Wahi title for her? So you own a small farm in Honduras, a dictator takes over He says, "I know you have a paper showing that the farm belongs to you, But the government computer says my friend owns your farm.
" This happened extensively in Honduras, This problem exists everywhere. The great Latin American economist (Hernado de Soto), He says that this is the number one issue in the world In terms of economic mobility, More important than getting a bank account, Because if you don't have a valid address for your land, You cannot borrow under it, You can't plan ahead. So companies today work with governments To put land titles on the block chain. If so, this is unchangeable. You can't penetrate it. This creates the conditions required for prosperity Maybe for billions of people. Second: Many writers talk about Uber Airbnb, Tusk Rapt, Lift and others As a kind of shared economy. This is a very effective idea, Together enables users to create and share wealth.
My point is ... These companies do not actually share. In fact, they are particularly successful because they do not share. They bring services together and sell them. What if, instead of Airbnb being worth $ 25 billion, There was a distributed application on a block chain, we'll call B-Air BNP, It is essentially owned by all people Who have room for rent. And when someone wants to rent a room, Enters the block chain data and all the criteria, They help them find the right room, Then the chain of blocks helps in the contracts, They recognize the limb, Handles payments Through digital payments only - built-in system.
They also take charge of even reputable, Because if the room is classified as a five-star room, That room is chosen, It is classified as immutable. So, those who are confusing the common economy in Silicon Valley They may be confused, This will be a good thing to thrive. Number three: The largest flow of funds from developed countries For developing countries Not a corporate investment, Nor is it even foreign aid. They are cash transfers. This is the global diaspora; People who have left the land of their ancestors, They send money to their families back home. Equals this 600 billion a year, and the number is growing, These people are being circumvented. Annalie Domingo is a homemaker. And she lives in Toronto, And go every month to the Western Union office. With some money To send her remittances to her mother in Manila. It costs about 10%; It takes money from four to seven days to get there; Her mother never knows when the money will arrive.
It takes five hours a week to do that. Six months ago, Annalie Domingo used a series of blocks called Apra Using her mobile phone, she sent $ 300. Which went directly to her mother's mobile phone Without going through a mediator. Then her mother looked at her mobile phone - It is similar to the Uber interface, where there is an "ATRA" teller that moves around. I pressed the five-star teller, Which was seven minutes away. The young man arrived at her door, giving her a Philippine peso, She put money in her pocket. It takes minutes, It costs 2%. This is a great opportunity for prosperity. Number four: Data is the most effective asset in the digital age.
Data is actually a new class of assets, Probably larger than previous asset classes, Like land under the agricultural economy, Or an industrial facility, Or even money. And for all of you - we - create this idea. We create this asset, And we leave this digital gesture trail behind As we move forward. These crumbs combine to form a mirror image of you, You are the default. Maybe it will help you recognize yourselves more than what you knew, Because you can't remember what you bought last year, Or say last year or your exact location last year. And you are the default not your own - That is the biggest problem.
So today, there are companies working To create an identity in a black box, You are your virtual king. This black box moves with you When you travel around the world, He is very stingy too. It gives only a small amount of information That it takes to complete something. A lot of transactions, The seller does not even need to know who you are. What they need to know is that they have been paid for. This idea is then embodied in all this data And let you turn it into cash. This is wonderful. Because we can also protect our privacy, Privacy is the foundation of any free society. Let us reclaim the origin we create Under our control, So that we have our own identity We manage it responsibly. Finally -- (clap) In conclusion, number five: There are a large number of content producers Who do not receive fair compensation, Because of that queer IP system. The first Internet age is the reason for being a queer. Take music as an example. Musicians are left crumbs at the end of the entire food chain.
You know, 25 years ago, if you were a songwriter, and you wrote a successful song, Out of a million individual songs, You can get equity for about $ 45,000. Today, you are a songwriter, composed a successful song, You get a million views, You don’t get 45,000, But for 36 dollars, Enough to buy a delicious pizza. So Imogen Hipp. Grammy-winning singer and songwriter, She is currently laying songs on a cluster ecosystem. I called it "Maesilia." It protects intelligent holding songs. The songs themselves protect their proprietary rights. Do you want to listen to a song? It's free, or maybe for a few cents flowing into a digital account. If you want to use the song in your own movie, that's different. IP rights are fully defined. Do you want to make a ringtone? That's different. She explains that the song becomes a business. They are available on this shopping platform for themselves, Protect the rights of its author, And because the song has a push system In the sense of a bank account, All the money flows back to the artist, And so they control the industry, Substitute for these powerful intermediaries.
Now, this. These are not just songwriters, But any content product, Like art, And like inventions, And scientific discoveries, journalists. These are examples of people who don't receive fair compensation, With the help of block chains, They will be able to make money flow in the chain of blocks. And that's wonderful. So, these are five chances Among the dozens To solve one problem, which is welfare, It is one of an infinite number of problems That block chains can be applied to. Now, technology certainly does not create luxury - but humans do But the situation I am presenting to you is, again, That the technical gen has escaped from the bottle, He was called by an unknown person or persons In this vague time of human history, Which gives us another chance, Another opportunity to rewrite the network of economic power And the old order of things, And to solve some of the world’s insurmountable problems, If we do that.
0 notes
daltonomup511-blog · 5 years
How to Sell ethereum to a Skeptic
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The technology is likely to have the greatest impact Over the next few decades Have arrived. They are not social media platforms. Not big data. And not robots. Not even artificial intelligence. You will be surprised to find out It is the basic technology for digital currencies such as Bitcoin. Which are called string blocks. Chain blocks. Currently, it is not the most resonant word in the world, But I believe it represents now The new generation of the Internet, They carry very high promises for every business and every community Each of you has one individual. You know, over the last few decades, we've had Internet information. When I send you an email, a PowerPoint file, or something else, I don’t actually send you, I send you a copy.
And that is great. This is information that has been democratized. But when it comes to assets - Things like money, Financial assets such as stocks and bonds, Loyalty points, intellectual property, Music, Art, Voting, And carbon certification, and the rest of the other assets - Sending a copy is a really bad idea. If I sent you a $ 100 paper, It is really important that I no longer have money - (Laughter) And that I can't send it to you. Secret code writers called it “double spending” Long time. Therefore, today we rely entirely on big intermediaries - Brokers like banks, government, And huge social media companies, credit card companies and so on - In order to establish confidence in our economy. These brokers perform all business logic and transactions For all kinds of trade, From verifying and identifying people, So settle accounts, settle and save records.
Overall, they do a very good job. But there are growing problems. To begin, they are central. Which means they are vulnerable to hacking, and increasingly - JP Morgan, the US federal government, And LinkedIn, and Home Depot et al They all knew it the hard way. They excluded billions of people from the global economy, For example, those who do not have enough money To get a bank account. They slow things down. It may take one second to send an email to the world, But it can take days or even weeks The movement of funds through the banking system across a city. And they take a big share to do that - 10-20% to send money to another country only.
Seizing our data, That means we can't turn it into money Or use it to better manage our lives. Our privacy is being undermined. In general, the biggest problem is, They dedicated the generosity of the digital age asymmetrically: We have created wealth, but we have growing social inequality. So what if there is something other than the Internet of information, What if there is an Internet value - Something like a wide, global and distributed book of accounts Works on millions of computers And available to everyone. Where any asset type, from money to music, It can be stored, transferred, handled, exchanged, and managed All without strong intermediaries? What if there is an original mean of value? Well, in 2008, the financial industry crashed And maybe that was promising, An unknown person named Satoshi Nakamoto or several people He created a paper where he developed a protocol for digital money Which used a basic cryptocurrency called Bitcoin.
This cryptocurrency enabled people to establish trust and make transactions Without the need for a third party. This seemingly simple act sparked Ignited the world, The thing that made everyone either eager, panicked or otherwise interested In several places. Now, don't confuse it for Bitcoin - Bitcoin is out; This should be your area of ​​interest if you are speculative. More broadly, it is a cryptocurrency. It is not a state-controlled paper currency. That is very important. But the real dowry here is the underlying technology. It is called a series of blocks. So for the first time now in human history, People everywhere can trust each other And conduct transactions peer-item.
And trust is available, not because there are some huge institutions, But because of cooperation and encryption And some smart cipher. Because trust is home to technology, I call this, "Trust Protocol." Now you might ask: How does this work? very good. Assets - technical assets like money and even music and everything that falls between them - Are not stored in a central place, But distributed across a global account book, Using the highest level of encryption. When a transaction is made, Are being published globally, Across millions of computers. And there, around the world, There is a group of people called "prospectors." These are not adults, they are the miners of Bitcoin.
Have enormous computing power in their fingertips - 100-10 times larger than the entire Google global network. These miners do a lot of work. And every ten minutes, In something like a pulse to a network, A block is created All transactions made within the previous ten minutes are booked. Prospectors then began work, trying to solve some difficult problems. They compete among themselves: The first explorer to discover the truth and verify the validity of the mass, Are rewarded in cryptocurrency, In the case of Bitcoin wallet is rewarded Bitcoin.
And then - this is the basic part - The block is connected to the previous block And the former have To create a series of blocks. And each one is sealed at a certain time, In what looks like a digital wax seal. So, if you want to penetrate one of these blocks So for example, if you want to pay you and the same currency, I have to penetrate that block, In addition to all the previous blocks, And all the trade record on that block chain, Not just on one computer but across millions of computers, together, They all use the highest levels of encryption, Based on the world's most powerful computing source And who's watching me. Something difficult to do. It's very safe Compared to the computer systems we are dealing with today. It's a chain of blocks. That is how it works. So the bitcoin wallet is just one of them. There are many others. A Canadian named Vitalk Butterin developed the Ethereum Coin Block Series. He's 22 years old, This block chain has exceptional capabilities. One is that you can build smart contracts. That's what it looks like.
It is a contract that is executed in person, This contract addresses implementation, management and performance And payment - this kind of contract has a bank account as well, For agreements between people. Today, for the Ethereum coin chain, Projects are being done to do everything From creating a new alternative to the stock market Even creating a new model of democracy, Politicians are accountable to citizens. (clap) So, to understand how much radical change this will bring, Let's look at one area, financial services. You know this? It's Ruby Goldberg's machine. It's a ridiculously complex machine that does something really simple, Such as breaking an egg or closing the door. Well, it kind of reminds me of the financial services sector, In all honesty. I mean, your card goes into the store, A stream of information then travels in binary form across dozens of companies, Each has its own computer system, Some are computers from the 1970s Bigger than many people in this room, Three days later, the settlement takes place.
Well, with the help of the financial sector block chain, There will be no settlement, Because payment and settlement are in the same movement, Is just a change in the ledger. So on Wall Street and everywhere around the world, The financial sector is in a major upheaval in this regard, I wonder, can we be replaced, Or how do we embrace this technique to succeed? Now, why should you care? Well, let me browse through some applications. Prosperity. The first era of the Internet, Internet Information, Bring us wealth but not common prosperity, Because social inequality is growing. This is the essence of all anger and extremism And protectionism and xenophobia and worse Which we are seeing rising in the world today, Brexit is the latest case.
So can we develop some new approaches to this social inequality problem? Because the only approach today is to redistribute wealth, Tax people and spread them more widely. Can we distribute wealth before that? Can we change the way wealth is created from the ground up? By democratizing wealth creation, And involve more people in the economy, And then make sure they got fair compensation? Let me outline five ways in which this can be done. number one: Did you know that 70% of the people around the world own land They have a Wahi title for her? So you own a small farm in Honduras, a dictator takes over He says, "I know you have a paper showing that the farm belongs to you, But the government computer says my friend owns your farm.
" This happened extensively in Honduras, This problem exists everywhere. The great Latin American economist (Hernado de Soto), He says that this is the number one issue in the world In terms of economic mobility, More important than getting a bank account, Because if you don't have a valid address for your land, You cannot borrow under it, You can't plan ahead. So companies today work with governments To put land titles on the block chain. If so, this is unchangeable. You can't penetrate it. This creates the conditions required for prosperity Maybe for billions of people. Second: Many writers talk about Uber Airbnb, Tusk Rapt, Lift and others As a kind of shared economy. This is a very effective idea, Together enables users to create and share wealth.
My point is ... These companies do not actually share. In fact, they are particularly successful because they do not share. They bring services together and sell them. What if, instead of Airbnb being worth $ 25 billion, There was a distributed application on a block chain, we'll call B-Air BNP, It is essentially owned by all people Who have room for rent. And when someone wants to rent a room, Enters the block chain data and all the criteria, They help them find the right room, Then the chain of blocks helps in the contracts, They recognize the limb, Handles payments Through digital payments only - built-in system.
They also take charge of even reputable, Because if the room is classified as a five-star room, That room is chosen, It is classified as immutable. So, those who are confusing the common economy in Silicon Valley They may be confused, This will be a good thing to thrive. Number three: The largest flow of funds from developed countries For developing countries Not a corporate investment, Nor is it even foreign aid. They are cash transfers. This is the global diaspora; People who have left the land of their ancestors, They send money to their families back home. Equals this 600 billion a year, and the number is growing, These people are being circumvented. Annalie Domingo is a homemaker. And she lives in Toronto, And go every month to the Western Union office. With some money To send her remittances to her mother in Manila. It costs about 10%; It takes money from four to seven days to get there; Her mother never knows when the money will arrive.
It takes five hours a week to do that. Six months ago, Annalie Domingo used a series of blocks called Apra Using her mobile phone, she sent $ 300. Which went directly to her mother's mobile phone Without going through a mediator. Then her mother looked at her mobile phone - It is similar to the Uber interface, where there is an "ATRA" teller that moves around. I pressed the five-star teller, Which was seven minutes away. The young man arrived at her door, giving her a Philippine peso, She put money in her pocket. It takes minutes, It costs 2%. This is a great opportunity for prosperity. Number four: Data is the most effective asset in the digital age.
Data is actually a new class blockchain solar energy of assets, Probably larger than previous asset classes, Like land under the agricultural economy, Or an industrial facility, Or even money. And for all of you - we - create this idea. We create this asset, And we leave this digital gesture trail behind As we move forward. These crumbs combine to form a mirror image of you, You are the default. Maybe it will help you recognize yourselves more than what you knew, Because you can't remember what you bought last year, Or say last year or your exact location last year. And you are the default not your own - That is the biggest problem.
So today, there are companies working To create an identity in a black box, You are your virtual king. This black box moves with you When you travel around the world, He is very stingy too. It gives only a small amount of information That it takes to complete something. A lot of transactions, The seller does not even need to know who you are. What they need to know is that they have been paid for. This idea is then embodied in all this data And let you turn it into cash. This is wonderful. Because we can also protect our privacy, Privacy is the foundation of any free society. Let us reclaim the origin we create Under our control, So that we have our own identity We manage it responsibly. Finally -- (clap) In conclusion, number five: There are a large number of content producers Who do not receive fair compensation, Because of that queer IP system. The first Internet age is the reason for being a queer. Take music as an example. Musicians are left crumbs at the end of the entire food chain.
You know, 25 years ago, if you were a songwriter, and you wrote a successful song, Out of a million individual songs, You can get equity for about $ 45,000. Today, you are a songwriter, composed a successful song, You get a million views, You don’t get 45,000, But for 36 dollars, Enough to buy a delicious pizza. So Imogen Hipp. Grammy-winning singer and songwriter, She is currently laying songs on a cluster ecosystem. I called it "Maesilia." It protects intelligent holding songs. The songs themselves protect their proprietary rights. Do you want to listen to a song? It's free, or maybe for a few cents flowing into a digital account. If you want to use the song in your own movie, that's different. IP rights are fully defined. Do you want to make a ringtone? That's different. She explains that the song becomes a business. They are available on this shopping platform for themselves, Protect the rights of its author, And because the song has a push system In the sense of a bank account, All the money flows back to the artist, And so they control the industry, Substitute for these powerful intermediaries.
Now, this. These are not just songwriters, But any content product, Like art, And like inventions, And scientific discoveries, journalists. These are examples of people who don't receive fair compensation, With the help of block chains, They will be able to make money flow in the chain of blocks. And that's wonderful. So, these are five chances Among the dozens To solve one problem, which is welfare, It is one of an infinite number of problems That block chains can be applied to. Now, technology certainly does not create luxury - but humans do But the situation I am presenting to you is, again, That the technical gen has escaped from the bottle, He was called by an unknown person or persons In this vague time of human history, Which gives us another chance, Another opportunity to rewrite the network of economic power And the old order of things, And to solve some of the world’s insurmountable problems, If we do that.
0 notes
daltonomup511-blog · 5 years
No Time? No Money? No Problem! How You Can Get renewable energy what is it With a Zero-Dollar Budget
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The technology is likely to have the greatest impact Over the next few decades Have arrived. They are not social media platforms. Not big data. And not robots. Not even artificial intelligence. You will be surprised to find out It is the basic technology for digital currencies such as Bitcoin. Which are called string blocks. Chain blocks. Currently, it is not the most resonant word in the world, But I believe it represents now The new generation of the Internet, They carry very high promises for every business and every community Each of you has one individual. You know, over the last few decades, we've had Internet information. When I send you an email, a PowerPoint file, or something else, I don’t actually send you, I send you a copy.
And that is great. This is information that has been democratized. But when it comes to assets - Things like money, Financial assets such as stocks and bonds, Loyalty points, intellectual property, Music, Art, Voting, And carbon certification, and the rest of the other assets - Sending a copy is a really bad idea. If I sent you a $ 100 paper, It is really important that I no longer have money - (Laughter) And that I can't send it to you. Secret code writers called it “double spending” Long time. Therefore, today we rely entirely on big intermediaries - Brokers like banks, government, And huge social media companies, credit card companies and so on - In order to establish confidence in our economy. These brokers perform all business logic and transactions For all kinds of trade, From verifying and identifying people, So settle accounts, settle and save records.
Overall, they do a very good job. But there are growing problems. To begin, they are central. Which means they are vulnerable to hacking, and increasingly - JP Morgan, the US federal government, And LinkedIn, and Home Depot et al They all knew it the hard way. They excluded billions of people from the global economy, For example, those who do not have enough money To get a bank account. They slow things down. It may take one second to send an email to the world, But it can take days or even weeks The movement of funds through the banking system across a city. And they take a big share to do that - 10-20% to send money to another country only.
Seizing our data, That means we can't turn it into money Or use it to better manage our lives. Our privacy is being undermined. In general, the biggest problem is, They dedicated the generosity of the digital age asymmetrically: We have created wealth, but we have growing social inequality. So what if there is something other than the Internet of information, What if there is an Internet value - Something like a wide, global and distributed book of accounts Works on millions of computers And available to everyone. Where any asset type, from money to music, It can be stored, transferred, handled, exchanged, and managed All without strong intermediaries? What if there is an original mean of value? Well, in 2008, the financial industry crashed And maybe that was promising, An unknown person named Satoshi Nakamoto or several people He created a paper where he developed a protocol for digital money Which used a basic cryptocurrency called Bitcoin.
This cryptocurrency enabled people to establish trust and make transactions Without the need for a third party. This seemingly simple act sparked Ignited the world, The thing that made everyone either eager, panicked or otherwise interested In several places. Now, don't confuse it for Bitcoin - Bitcoin is out; This should be your area of ​​interest if you are speculative. More broadly, it is a cryptocurrency. It is not a state-controlled paper currency. That is very important. But the real dowry here is the underlying technology. It is called a series of blocks. So for the first time now in human history, People everywhere can trust each other And conduct transactions peer-item.
And trust is available, not because there are some huge institutions, But because of cooperation and encryption And some smart cipher. Because trust is home to technology, I call this, "Trust Protocol." Now you might ask: How does this work? very good. Assets - technical assets like money and even music and everything that falls between them - Are not stored in a central place, But distributed across a global account book, Using the highest level of encryption. When a transaction is made, Are being published globally, Across millions of computers. And there, around the world, There is a group of people called "prospectors." These are not adults, they are the miners of Bitcoin.
Have enormous computing power in their fingertips - 100-10 times larger than the entire Google global network. These miners do a lot of work. And every ten minutes, In something like a pulse to a network, A block is created All transactions made within the previous ten minutes are booked. Prospectors then began work, trying to solve some difficult problems. They compete among themselves: The first explorer to discover the truth and verify the validity of the mass, Are rewarded in cryptocurrency, In the case of Bitcoin wallet is rewarded Bitcoin.
And then - this is the basic electric generator part - The block is connected to the previous block And the former have To create a series of blocks. And each one is sealed at a certain time, In what looks like a digital wax seal. So, if you want to penetrate one of these blocks So for example, if you want to pay you and the same currency, I have to penetrate that block, In addition to all the previous blocks, And all the trade record on that block chain, Not just on one computer but across millions of computers, together, They all use the highest levels of encryption, Based on the world's most powerful computing source And who's watching me. Something difficult to do. It's very safe Compared to the computer systems we are dealing with today. It's a chain of blocks. That is how it works. So the bitcoin wallet is just one of them. There are many others. A Canadian named Vitalk Butterin developed the Ethereum Coin Block Series. He's 22 years old, This block chain has exceptional capabilities. One is that you can build smart contracts. That's what it looks like.
It is a contract that is executed in person, This contract addresses implementation, management and performance And payment - this kind of contract has a bank account as well, For agreements between people. Today, for the Ethereum coin chain, Projects are being done to do everything From creating a new alternative to the stock market Even creating a new model of democracy, Politicians are accountable to citizens. (clap) So, to understand how much radical change this will bring, Let's look at one area, financial services. You know this? It's Ruby Goldberg's machine. It's a ridiculously complex machine that does something really simple, Such as breaking an egg or closing the door. Well, it kind of reminds me of the financial services sector, In all honesty. I mean, your card goes into the store, A stream of information then travels in binary form across dozens of companies, Each has its own computer system, Some are computers from the 1970s Bigger than many people in this room, Three days later, the settlement takes place.
Well, with the help of the financial sector block chain, There will be no settlement, Because payment and settlement are in the same movement, Is just a change in the ledger. So on Wall Street and everywhere around the world, The financial sector is in a major upheaval in this regard, I wonder, can we be replaced, Or how do we embrace this technique to succeed? Now, why should you care? Well, let me browse through some applications. Prosperity. The first era of the Internet, Internet Information, Bring us wealth but not common prosperity, Because social inequality is growing. This is the essence of all anger and extremism And protectionism and xenophobia and worse Which we are seeing rising in the world today, Brexit is the latest case.
So can we develop some new approaches to this social inequality problem? Because the only approach today is to redistribute wealth, Tax people and spread them more widely. Can we distribute wealth before that? Can we change the way wealth is created from the ground up? By democratizing wealth creation, And involve more people in the economy, And then make sure they got fair compensation? Let me outline five ways in which this can be done. number one: Did you know that 70% of the people around the world own land They have a Wahi title for her? So you own a small farm in Honduras, a dictator takes over He says, "I know you have a paper showing that the farm belongs to you, But the government computer says my friend owns your farm.
" This happened extensively in Honduras, This problem exists everywhere. The great Latin American economist (Hernado de Soto), He says that this is the number one issue in the world In terms of economic mobility, More important than getting a bank account, Because if you don't have a valid address for your land, You cannot borrow under it, You can't plan ahead. So companies today work with governments To put land titles on the block chain. If so, this is unchangeable. You can't penetrate it. This creates the conditions required for prosperity Maybe for billions of people. Second: Many writers talk about Uber Airbnb, Tusk Rapt, Lift and others As a kind of shared economy. This is a very effective idea, Together enables users to create and share wealth.
My point is ... These companies do not actually share. In fact, they are particularly successful because they do not share. They bring services together and sell them. What if, instead of Airbnb being worth $ 25 billion, There was a distributed application on a block chain, we'll call B-Air BNP, It is essentially owned by all people Who have room for rent. And when someone wants to rent a room, Enters the block chain data and all the criteria, They help them find the right room, Then the chain of blocks helps in the contracts, They recognize the limb, Handles payments Through digital payments only - built-in system.
They also take charge of even reputable, Because if the room is classified as a five-star room, That room is chosen, It is classified as immutable. So, those who are confusing the common economy in Silicon Valley They may be confused, This will be a good thing to thrive. Number three: The largest flow of funds from developed countries For developing countries Not a corporate investment, Nor is it even foreign aid. They are cash transfers. This is the global diaspora; People who have left the land of their ancestors, They send money to their families back home. Equals this 600 billion a year, and the number is growing, These people are being circumvented. Annalie Domingo is a homemaker. And she lives in Toronto, And go every month to the Western Union office. With some money To send her remittances to her mother in Manila. It costs about 10%; It takes money from four to seven days to get there; Her mother never knows when the money will arrive.
It takes five hours a week to do that. Six months ago, Annalie Domingo used a series of blocks called Apra Using her mobile phone, she sent $ 300. Which went directly to her mother's mobile phone Without going through a mediator. Then her mother looked at her mobile phone - It is similar to the Uber interface, where there is an "ATRA" teller that moves around. I pressed the five-star teller, Which was seven minutes away. The young man arrived at her door, giving her a Philippine peso, She put money in her pocket. It takes minutes, It costs 2%. This is a great opportunity for prosperity. Number four: Data is the most effective asset in the digital age.
Data is actually a new class of assets, Probably larger than previous asset classes, Like land under the agricultural economy, Or an industrial facility, Or even money. And for all of you - we - create this idea. We create this asset, And we leave this digital gesture trail behind As we move forward. These crumbs combine to form a mirror image of you, You are the default. Maybe it will help you recognize yourselves more than what you knew, Because you can't remember what you bought last year, Or say last year or your exact location last year. And you are the default not your own - That is the biggest problem.
So today, there are companies working To create an identity in a black box, You are your virtual king. This black box moves with you When you travel around the world, He is very stingy too. It gives only a small amount of information That it takes to complete something. A lot of transactions, The seller does not even need to know who you are. What they need to know is that they have been paid for. This idea is then embodied in all this data And let you turn it into cash. This is wonderful. Because we can also protect our privacy, Privacy is the foundation of any free society. Let us reclaim the origin we create Under our control, So that we have our own identity We manage it responsibly. Finally -- (clap) In conclusion, number five: There are a large number of content producers Who do not receive fair compensation, Because of that queer IP system. The first Internet age is the reason for being a queer. Take music as an example. Musicians are left crumbs at the end of the entire food chain.
You know, 25 years ago, if you were a songwriter, and you wrote a successful song, Out of a million individual songs, You can get equity for about $ 45,000. Today, you are a songwriter, composed a successful song, You get a million views, You don’t get 45,000, But for 36 dollars, Enough to buy a delicious pizza. So Imogen Hipp. Grammy-winning singer and songwriter, She is currently laying songs on a cluster ecosystem. I called it "Maesilia." It protects intelligent holding songs. The songs themselves protect their proprietary rights. Do you want to listen to a song? It's free, or maybe for a few cents flowing into a digital account. If you want to use the song in your own movie, that's different. IP rights are fully defined. Do you want to make a ringtone? That's different. She explains that the song becomes a business. They are available on this shopping platform for themselves, Protect the rights of its author, And because the song has a push system In the sense of a bank account, All the money flows back to the artist, And so they control the industry, Substitute for these powerful intermediaries.
Now, this. These are not just songwriters, But any content product, Like art, And like inventions, And scientific discoveries, journalists. These are examples of people who don't receive fair compensation, With the help of block chains, They will be able to make money flow in the chain of blocks. And that's wonderful. So, these are five chances Among the dozens To solve one problem, which is welfare, It is one of an infinite number of problems That block chains can be applied to. Now, technology certainly does not create luxury - but humans do But the situation I am presenting to you is, again, That the technical gen has escaped from the bottle, He was called by an unknown person or persons In this vague time of human history, Which gives us another chance, Another opportunity to rewrite the network of economic power And the old order of things, And to solve some of the world’s insurmountable problems, If we do that.
0 notes
daltonomup511-blog · 5 years
16 Must-Follow Facebook Pages for contact blockchain Marketers
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The technology is likely to have the greatest impact Over the next few decades Have arrived. They are not social media platforms. Not big data. And not robots. Not even artificial intelligence. You will be surprised to find out It is the basic technology for digital currencies such as Bitcoin. Which are called string blocks. Chain blocks. Currently, it is not the most resonant word in the world, But I believe it represents now The new generation of the Internet, They carry very high promises for every business and every community Each of you has one individual. You know, over the last few decades, we've had Internet information. When I send you an email, a PowerPoint file, or something else, I don’t actually send you, I send you a copy.
And that is great. This is information that has been democratized. But when it comes to assets - Things like money, Financial assets such as stocks and bonds, Loyalty points, intellectual property, Music, Art, Voting, And carbon certification, and the rest of the other assets - Sending a copy is a really bad idea. If I sent you a $ 100 paper, It is really important that I no longer have money - (Laughter) And that I can't send it to you. Secret code writers called it “double spending” Long time. Therefore, today we rely entirely on big intermediaries - Brokers like banks, government, And huge social media companies, credit card companies and so on - In order to establish confidence in our economy. These brokers perform all business logic and transactions For all kinds of trade, From verifying and identifying people, So settle accounts, settle and save records.
Overall, they do a very good job. But there are growing problems. To begin, they are central. Which means they are vulnerable to hacking, and increasingly - JP Morgan, the US federal government, And LinkedIn, and Home Depot et al They all knew it the hard way. They excluded billions of people from the global economy, For example, those who do not have enough money To get a bank account. They slow things down. It may take one second to send an email to the world, But it can take days or even weeks The movement of funds through the banking system across a city. And they take a big share to do that - 10-20% to send money to another country only.
Seizing our data, That means we can't turn it into money Or use it to better manage our lives. Our privacy is being undermined. In general, the biggest problem is, They dedicated the generosity of the digital age asymmetrically: We have created wealth, but we have growing social inequality. So what if there is something other than the Internet of information, What if there is an Internet value - Something like a wide, global and distributed book of accounts Works on millions of computers And available to everyone. Where any asset type, from money to music, It can be stored, transferred, handled, exchanged, and managed All without strong intermediaries? What if there is an original mean of value? Well, in 2008, the financial industry crashed And maybe that was promising, An unknown person named Satoshi Nakamoto or several people He created a paper where he developed a protocol for digital money Which used a basic cryptocurrency called Bitcoin.
This cryptocurrency enabled people to establish trust and make transactions Without the need for a third party. This seemingly simple act sparked Ignited the world, The thing that made everyone either eager, panicked or otherwise interested In several places. Now, don't confuse it for Bitcoin - Bitcoin is out; This should be your area of ​​interest if you are speculative. More broadly, it is a cryptocurrency. It is not a state-controlled paper currency. That is very important. But the real dowry here is the underlying technology. It is called a series of blocks. So for the first time now in human history, People everywhere can trust each other And conduct transactions peer-item.
And trust is available, not because there are some huge institutions, But because of cooperation and encryption And some smart cipher. Because trust is home to technology, I call this, "Trust Protocol." Now you might ask: How does this work? very good. Assets - technical assets like money and even music and everything that falls between them - Are not stored in a central place, But distributed across a global account book, Using the highest level of encryption. When a transaction is made, Are being published globally, Across millions of computers. And there, around the world, There is a group of people called "prospectors." These are not adults, they are the miners of Bitcoin.
Have enormous computing power in their fingertips - 100-10 times larger than the entire Google global network. These miners do a lot of work. And every ten minutes, In something like a pulse to a network, A block is created All transactions made within the previous ten minutes are booked. Prospectors then began work, trying to solve some difficult problems. They compete among themselves: The first explorer to discover the truth and verify the validity of the mass, Are rewarded in cryptocurrency, In the case of Bitcoin wallet is rewarded Bitcoin.
And then - this is the basic part - The block is connected to the previous block And the former have To create a series of blocks. And each one is sealed at a certain time, In what looks like a digital wax seal. So, if you want to penetrate one of these blocks So for example, if you want to pay you and the same currency, I have to penetrate that block, In addition to all the previous blocks, And all the trade record on that block chain, Not just on one computer but across millions of computers, together, They all use the highest levels of encryption, Based on the world's most powerful computing source And who's watching me. Something difficult to do. It's very safe Compared to the computer systems we are dealing with today. It's a chain of blocks. That is how it works. So the bitcoin wallet is just one of them. There are many others. A Canadian named Vitalk Butterin developed the Ethereum Coin Block Series. He's 22 years old, This block chain has exceptional capabilities. One is that you can build smart contracts. That's what it looks like.
It is a contract that is executed in person, This contract addresses implementation, management and performance And payment - this kind of contract has a bank account as well, For agreements between people. Today, for the Ethereum coin chain, Projects are being done to do everything From creating a new alternative to the stock market Even creating a new model of democracy, Politicians are accountable to citizens. (clap) So, to understand how much radical change this will bring, Let's look at one area, financial services. You know this? It's Ruby Goldberg's machine. It's a ridiculously complex machine that does something really simple, Such as breaking an egg or closing the door. Well, it kind of reminds me of the financial services sector, In all honesty. I mean, your card goes into the store, A stream of information then travels in binary form across dozens of companies, Each has its own computer system, Some are computers from the 1970s Bigger than many people in this room, Three days later, the settlement takes place.
Well, with the help of the financial sector block chain, There will be no settlement, Because payment and settlement are in the same movement, Is just a change in the ledger. So on Wall Street and everywhere around the world, The financial sector is in a major upheaval in this regard, I wonder, can we be replaced, Or how do we embrace this technique to succeed? Now, why should you care? Well, let me browse through some applications. Prosperity. The first era of the Internet, Internet Information, Bring us wealth but not common prosperity, Because social inequality is growing. This is the essence of all anger and extremism And protectionism and xenophobia and worse Which we are seeing rising in the world today, Brexit is the latest case.
So can we develop some new approaches to this social inequality problem? Because the only approach today is to redistribute wealth, Tax people and spread them more widely. Can we distribute wealth before that? Can we change the way wealth is created from the ground up? By democratizing wealth creation, And involve more people in the economy, And then make sure they got fair compensation? Let me outline five ways in which this can be done. number one: Did you know that 70% of the people around the world own land They have a Wahi title for her? So you own a small farm in Honduras, a dictator takes over He says, "I know you have a paper showing that the farm belongs to you, But the government computer says my friend owns your farm.
" This happened extensively in Honduras, This problem exists everywhere. The great Latin American economist (Hernado de Soto), He says that this is the number one issue in the world In terms of economic mobility, More important than getting a bank account, Because if you don't have a valid address for your land, You cannot borrow under it, You can't plan ahead. So companies today work with governments To put land titles on the block chain. If so, this is unchangeable. You can't penetrate it. This creates the conditions required for prosperity Maybe for billions of people. Second: Many writers talk about Uber Airbnb, Tusk Rapt, Lift and others As a kind of shared economy. This is a very effective idea, Together enables users to create and share wealth.
My point is ... These companies do not actually share. In fact, they are particularly successful because they do not share. They bring services together and sell them. What if, instead of Airbnb being worth $ 25 billion, There was a distributed application on a block chain, we'll call B-Air BNP, It is essentially owned by all people Who have room for rent. And when someone wants to rent a room, Enters the block chain data and all the criteria, They help them find the right room, Then the chain of blocks helps in the contracts, They recognize the limb, Handles payments Through digital payments only - built-in system.
They also take charge of even reputable, Because if the room is classified as a five-star room, That room is chosen, It is classified as immutable. So, those who are confusing the common economy in Silicon Valley They may be confused, This will be a good thing to thrive. Number three: The largest flow of funds from developed countries For developing countries Not a corporate investment, Nor is it even foreign aid. They are cash transfers. This is the global diaspora; People who have left the land of their ancestors, They send money to their families back home. Equals this 600 billion a year, and the number is growing, These people are being circumvented. Annalie Domingo is a homemaker. And she lives in Toronto, And go every month to the Western Union office. With some money To send her remittances to her mother in Manila. It costs about 10%; It takes money from four to seven days to get there; Her mother never knows when the money will arrive.
It takes five hours a week to do that. Six months ago, Annalie Domingo used a series of blocks called Apra Using her mobile phone, she sent $ 300. Which went directly to her mother's mobile phone Without going through a mediator. Then her mother looked at her mobile phone - It is similar to the Uber interface, where there is an "ATRA" teller that moves around. I pressed the five-star teller, Which was seven minutes away. The young man arrived at her door, giving her a Philippine peso, She put money in her pocket. It takes minutes, It costs 2%. This is a great opportunity for prosperity. Number four: Data is the most effective asset in the digital age.
Data is actually a new class of assets, Probably larger than previous asset classes, Like land under the agricultural economy, Or an industrial facility, Or even money. And for all of you - we - create this idea. We create this asset, And we leave this digital gesture trail behind As we move forward. These crumbs combine to form a mirror image of you, You are the default. Maybe it will help you recognize yourselves more than what you knew, Because you can't remember what you bought last year, Or say last year or your exact location last year. And you are the default not your own - That is the biggest problem.
So today, there are companies working To create an identity in a black box, You are your virtual king. This black box moves with you When you travel around the world, He is very stingy too. It gives only a small amount of information That it takes to complete something. A lot of transactions, The seller does not even need to know who you are. What they need to know is that they have been paid for. This idea is then embodied in all this data And let you turn it into cash. This is wonderful. Because we can also protect our privacy, Privacy is the foundation of any free society. Let us reclaim the origin we create Under our control, So that we have our own identity We manage it responsibly. Finally -- (clap) In conclusion, number five: There are a large number of content producers Who do not receive fair compensation, Because of that queer IP system. The first Internet age is the reason for being a queer. Take music as an example. Musicians are left crumbs at the end of the entire food chain.
You know, 25 years ago, if you were a songwriter, and you wrote a successful song, Out of a million individual songs, You can get equity for about $ 45,000. Today, you are a songwriter, composed a successful song, You get a million views, You don’t get 45,000, But for 36 dollars, Enough to buy a delicious pizza. So Imogen Hipp. Grammy-winning singer and songwriter, She is currently laying songs on a cluster ecosystem. I called it "Maesilia." It protects intelligent holding songs. The songs themselves protect their proprietary rights. Do you want to listen to a song? It's free, or maybe for a few cents flowing into a digital account. If you want to use the song in your own movie, that's different. IP rights are fully defined. Do you want to make a ringtone? That's different. She explains that the song becomes a business. They are available on this shopping platform for themselves, Protect the rights of its author, And because the song has a push system In the sense of a bank account, All the money flows back to the artist, And energy conservation so they control the industry, Substitute for these powerful intermediaries.
Now, this. These are not just songwriters, But any content product, Like art, And like inventions, And scientific discoveries, journalists. These are examples of people who don't receive fair compensation, With the help of block chains, They will be able to make money flow in the chain of blocks. And that's wonderful. So, these are five chances Among the dozens To solve one problem, which is welfare, It is one of an infinite number of problems That block chains can be applied to. Now, technology certainly does not create luxury - but humans do But the situation I am presenting to you is, again, That the technical gen has escaped from the bottle, He was called by an unknown person or persons In this vague time of human history, Which gives us another chance, Another opportunity to rewrite the network of economic power And the old order of things, And to solve some of the world’s insurmountable problems, If we do that.
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