dalomatwing · 7 years
“hey remember when you used to like—”
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dalomatwing · 7 years
My life would be a great one if this happens every time I meet someone new
plot twist: you let someone in and they don’t fuck you over
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dalomatwing · 7 years
I am 18, going on 19...
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dalomatwing · 7 years
How do you move on? You move on when your heart finally understands that there is no turning back.
J.R.R. Tolkien (via thelovejournals)
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dalomatwing · 7 years
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dalomatwing · 7 years
20 things I learned at 20 1. You can have only one best friend and that best friend can only be you. Because you may come across a dozen lovely people but the only one who can keep the ‘forever’ promise is you. 2. Family is the most important. This is the only love that is truly unconditional and absolutely pure. They love you when you’re 5 and when you’re 18. They love you in your failure and your success. Their love doesn’t increase because it’s already at its maximum right from the beginning, it’s already infinite. 3. Cocktails and aerated drinks may soothe your taste buds but tea soothes your entire body. It’s warm and calming and well, healthy. 4. Your first kiss means nothing if it’s not with the right person. And the right person doesn’t mean your soulmate or someone who will never break your heart but someone who in that moment loves you as much as you love them. 5. You’ve written over 350 exams and you’ve got a perfect score in some and scored miserably in others but do you remember your 9th grade math score? Do you even remember 9th grade math? Education is so important but not the stress and competitive grading that comes along with it. If you get a low score or even fail, not much will happen – you will get a retest. But if you get ill – mentally or physically, it will have undesired long term effects. 6. In 8th grade your school psychologist told you that you’re one of the few people who walk in life with open arms loving and helping everyone, not because you haven’t bled but because you know you will heal and have the strength to do so. At that point you laughed at her but now, years later you’re loving, accepting and helping in spite of having both, actual and metaphorical scars. You’re kind and admitting that doesn’t make you conceited. 7. Goodbyes don’t always have to be dramatic. Writing an 800 words message won’t make it hurt any less than an 8 words one. Closure usually has not much to do with the ones who wronged you but with taking your time in dealing with all the stages of grief. Some stage like anger may take only a month but acceptance may take years and that’s okay. 8. Jealousy is a basic human trait. They can be the closest to you and yet envy your happiness and life. Envy is something you too experience and you can be happy for them and be sad for yourself at the same time because so bitter it is to view happiness from someone else’s eyes. You aren’t a horrible human being if you feel like there are better shades of green your grass could be. 9. Read at your own desire and pace. You don’t have to read particular books to qualify as a bibliophile or read a specific number of books to be a bookworm either. Read what truly interests you and take your time because reading was never a task, don’t make it one now. 10. Money is important. Money can’t buy love but it can buy happiness. But not blood money. Money honestly earned through hard work. That kind of money is good, that kind of money is required. You have a certain standard of living and if you want to maintain that after your parents stop financing you, you must make sure to earn the same. It doesn’t make you a snob or a spoiled brat, it only makes you a human aware of your wants, many of which have turned into needs by now. 11. There are somethings you just never grow out of like bubbles and glitter and your mother’s hot chocolate and hugs. Those are the kind of things that make life bearable when adulting gets too hard. Those are the little things that matter the most. 12. You cry. A lot. But you don’t cry in front of people for their pity. You don’t cry to manipulate situations. You cry because you accept the pain. You cry because you don’t reject or lock away your emotions. You cry because your mental, emotional and physical self are in sync and that’s healthy. That’s so lovely. 13. Bake cakes. They don’t have to look pretty as long as they taste delicious. Paint canvases. They don’t have to be a master piece as long as all the paint in your hands and face and jeans makes you feel complete. Write more. It doesn’t have to a novel or even be posted online as long as it lets you breathe a little lighter and smile wider. 14. Go for walks alone, sit on the beach without your headphones, look up at the sky without a lover, buy flowers for yourself. Nature is legit free (for the most part). And it’s the richest thing that the world has. Le it bring you peace, let it help you survive. 15. Make home feel home. Sometimes you won’t have your family to make it home. Sometimes you will have to make it home by putting a part of yourself and that means investing the time, energy and money in making it feel yours, in making it feel right. It may not be your ‘dream house’, it may just be a tiny room but it’s yours. Your surroundings play a major role in affecting your mood and vibe. 16. Energy is real. You may not know much about Science beyond 10th grade but you do know this, e=mc ² which means everything is energy, you are energy and there is positive and negative energy and you can feel it and you experience it in every person you meet, every place you visit, every room you step inside. You can and you must choose to surround yourself with positive energy. What you attract, you do get; what you attract you become. 17. Spend time with yourself. It’s some of the best time you will have. You need to unwind, you need it to re-energize, you need it to focus and you need it for peace. You can go to a cafe by yourself, write, read, meditate, talk to yourself out loud, dance in your underwear, cook and just be. 18. Take care of yourself- no one else can, no one else will. Drink loads of water, there’s a reason why more than half your body is made up of water. Sleep well because staying up all night isn’t something to be proud of, it’s stupid. Don’t skip breakfast because skipping breakfast makes you crave fatty foods for the rest of the day. Stay healthy not because you want to look a certain way but because you want to feel strong and energetic and have an active mind, body and heart. Staying healthy emotionally and mentally is just as important. So let those who want to go, go and never say yes to something your gut wants to scream ‘NO’ to. 19. Love yourself. If you don’t love yourself you will look for other people to love you. If you don’t accept yourself, you will keep seeking other people’s validation and the moment they withdraw it or walk away, you will crumble. And you don’t want to crumble. You want to enjoy the one person’s company you have to live with forever – yourself. Work on being a person you’d love to spend your life with because let’s face it, you don’t have a choice. It’s a long term investment and the only one that will never fail you. 20. In Shakespeare’s words, “To thine own self be true”. In order to love yourself, knowing yourself is very important. And knowing yourself doesn’t mean the adjectives that people use for you or what your zodiac sign says about you. It means what you know in your heart to be your truth. One more for good luck? 21. You laughed and thought it was very witty when you came across the quote, ‘Don’t take life too seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.’ but god. Can it be any truer? Most things you’re stressing over now won’t even matter 3 years from now. But good days will turn into heart-warming memories that will stay with you even 2 decades later. Happiness and success are two different things but remember, they aren’t mutually exclusive. At least they don’t have to be.
creatingnikki  (via wnq-writers)
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dalomatwing · 7 years
Unprofessional Lyrics Translation #5 - I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor (Arctic Monkeys) [不專業中英文歌詞翻譯]
Note: the result of procrastination and putting this song on repeat. This serves as my caffeine (real caffeine gives me headaches). 
Warning: This translation might be inaccurate/poor since I am by no means a Master of Chinese/English and some terms cannot be directly translated. There are probably mistakes or improvements to be made. In that case, please do not hesitate to inform me of them or give me suggestions by sending me a message or ask.
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended. The lyrics belong to their rightful owners. They’re not mine. The translation is though.
If you‘d like to use this translation, please give credit to the original author (i.e. me)
躲懶不做功課和不停的聽這首歌的製成品。這是我自己的“提神飲料” (真的咖啡因讓我頭疼)。
警告:這翻譯與原著可能有分差,因為我不是專業翻譯,而且有些字句不能直譯。無意侵犯版權 - 歌詞(不是這翻譯)屬於其原作者,而不是我。這譯文當中可能有錯處和可以改善的地方,如有發現請告知。
Stop making the eyes at me
I'll stop making the eyes at you
And what it is that surprises me
Is that I don't really want you to
And your shoulders are frozen (cold as the night)
你的肩頭冷得要命 (冷如寒夜)
Oh but you're an explosion (you're dynamite)
你的威力強如爆炸 (就像炸藥)
Your name isn't Rio, but I don't care for sand
你的名字不是Rio,但我不管你是否站在沙上 [文末注1]
Lighting the fuse might result in a bang, with a bang-go!
I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
I don't know if you’re looking for romance or
I don't know what you're looking for
I said I bet that you look good on the dance floor
Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984
From 1984
I wish you'd stop ignoring me
Because you're sending me to despair
Without a sound, yeah, you're calling me, and I don't think it's very fair
That your shoulders are frozen (cold as the night)
你的肩頭冷得要命 (冷如寒夜)
Oh but you're an explosion (you're dynamite)
Your name isn't Rio, but I don't care for sand
Lighting the fuse might result in a bang, with a bang-go!
I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
I don't know if you’re looking for romance or
I don't know what you're looking for
I said I bet that you look good on the dance floor
Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984
From 1984
Oh there ain't no love, no Montagues or Capulets
Just banging tunes and DJ sets and
Dirty dancefloors and dreams of naughtiness
I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
I don't know if you’re looking for romance or
I don't know what you're looking for
I said I bet that you look good on the dance floor
Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984
From 1984
[注1] 指樂隊Duran Duran的名曲 ”Rio”,歌詞其中一句為 “Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand” (她名叫Rio,在沙地上跳舞)
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dalomatwing · 8 years
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So do I.
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dalomatwing · 8 years
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dalomatwing · 8 years
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dalomatwing · 8 years
North Carolina teacher has personalized handshakes with each of his students. “It was just one or two students and then it became contagious. I saw how much it meant to them.” http://abcn.ws/2jxFDgt
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dalomatwing · 8 years
This reminds me of someone whose initials are CY and another man who is sitting in the White House right now.
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dalomatwing · 8 years
Oh De Quincey how I loathe thee so
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dalomatwing · 8 years
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Photo of the Day - alexi56
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dalomatwing · 8 years
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Advice to Writers
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dalomatwing · 8 years
Just got stung by a wasp.
Little wanker was hiding in a pair of jeans hung by the window. Fucker didn't die after the first sting and stung me once more on the hand after having left its mark on my right arm. Took several slaps (from my dad - the hero and resident bug-killer) in the face before losing its last breath. Have to rely on my left hand for now and I'm trying to make myself ambidextrous. Moral of the story: beware of these bastards - they didn't get the name 'angry bees high on steroids' for nothing.
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dalomatwing · 8 years
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