dalecooperwrites · 3 years
@outfromthesea || alexander x adele
tw: missing child, loss of child. read at your own digression.
Alex isn’t used to someone caring about him as much as Adele does. His ex-wife, Angelica, didn’t really give him much attention and she would frequently brush him off when he attempted to be affectionate with her. He’d give her her space, of course, but he’d still feel bad about being pushed away when he’d had so much love to give. It was worse too because, when they’d originally met, she’d been loving towards him and showed him frequently she cared; quite often telling him that their life together would be a whirlwind once they got married. But that wasn’t the case. They had their children and she pushed him away, acted like he and the kids didn’t matter. Then, when their daughter went missing, she cheated on him with his best friend and judged him for putting so much effort into looking for their daughter. Not only that, when they tried to pin it all on him, she wasn’t there for him.
But Adele, well, she’s there for him. All the time. When he has nightmares, she calms him down, and he’s able to sleep almost soundlessly because she reminds him to take his medication. It’s strange to be cared for when he doesn’t believe he deserves to be loved after losing a child, but Adele loves him and doesn’t think it’s his fault that such a horrible event happened.
So, when he sees Adele while he’s making his coffee, he’s not surprised when she walks over to him and sighs. “Are you okay? It’s three am and you should be asleep. You have that search party for that little boy going on tomorrow, and you need as much energy as you can get,” she states calmly, picking up her hand to brush the back of her fingers against his face, giving him a soft chill and comfort all at once.
“It’s just the parents, you know?” he replies to her, taking a sip of his coffee before placing it down and taking both of her hands in his. “They remind me of Angelica and I. They want him home so badly.” He continues to look at Adele, despite the fact that he’s upset and would typically look away had it been anyone else “I know what they’re going through. It’s awful. And it has me thinking of my daughter.”
A daughter whose name he doesn’t dare say because it hurts too much to say it. A daughter he thinks of often, who, once upon a time had been his world. It hurts to think of this family having the same feelings about their son, and it hurts to think that they’ll forever have hope that he’s out there until they find him or his body.
It’s tragic.
It hurts. It makes him want to cry, but he doesn’t. Instead he turns away and takes another sip of his coffee. “Anyway - do you want some?” he asks curiously, pointing to the coffee pot.
Adele places her hand on his chest and shakes her head. “You don’t have to be strong with me, you know? I can understand that this would be difficult on you. You can’t just hide how you feel with a cup of coffee at three am.”
Alex sighs. “A great cup of coffee and contemplation have helped me up until this point. Talking about it makes it all too real…I’d rather live in my own mind for a little bit. If you don’t mind.”
Adele nods, pours herself a cup of coffee and taps her mug against his. “ know, but if you need to talk, I’m here. You’re not one for bottling things up, and I want you to know you can always talk to me. About anything, okay?” She takes a sip from her mug and squeezes his shoulder.
As much as he does want to speak up more on it, he can’t. It’s too hard. But maybe one day he will be able to talk about it. Just, uhm, not today. It hurts too much, and it will probably hurt for as long as he lives.
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dalecooperwrites · 3 years
noah & babs || @gothamrains
Valentine’s Day after breaking things off with Babs has proven to be more difficult than he’d assumed it’d be. He’d attempted to take on a more ‘Church Friendly’ girlfriend for a short amount of time, but there just wasn’t that spark that was there with his ex-wife. Though he knew he shouldn’t be thinking that way, since his current girlfriend was kind and looked out for him, the truth is, he didn’t have feelings for her in the way he did Babs. And though he knew they wouldn’t be man and wife ever again, he still missed everything about her, despite their constant bickering.
So, being the idiot that he is, he buys flowers for her, and walks to the hotel he knows she’s staying at, and knocks on her door softly. Immediately, he begins to regret the action and he knows that she’ll be pissy with him because she knows about him and his current girlfriend and had already cussed out the poor woman, but in a way, he doesn’t care. He just wants to spend Valentine’s Day with the woman he loves, and he thinks that shouldn’t be something he should be judged for.
Standing there with the white roses, he assumes she won’t answer. Then, when she does, he smiles at her his winning charming grin, and she rolls her eyes. “Not happy to see me?” he asks, knowing the answer.
She groans in annoyance, but she takes the roses anyway and smells them. “Not really, but you’re bearing gifts, and I’m bored.” Her hand opens the door a little wider, and then she opens it fully for him to come in.
It’s a bit dusty, the hotel, but it’s got a vibe to it that makes it seem like it could be comfortable enough to call home. It’s also worth pointing out that it reminds him of the days where they’re run off around the city and out of it, going from hotel to hotel. The two of them falling into bed each place, despite the fact that in some of the places it probably wasn’t sanitary.
He swallows as he looks around, and then he takes a seat on a chair near a dresser with the bible on it. It reminds him of him choosing God over her, and how that honestly is something he regrets quite frequently. “Do you read that?” he asks her curiously. She places the roses on her vintage bed, and then picks up the bible, opens it to show him ripped pages and black inked scribbles within it. “I do other things with it, but I definitely don’t read it, preacher man,” she practically spits, throwing the bible at him.
He questions if she’ll kick him out now, but when she doesn’t and goes to get a bottle of whiskey and a glass, he knows she isn’t. “Why are you here?” she asks, offering him a drink.
Noah shakes his head. “Hate being alone on this holiday, and also, Babs, I don’t drink, anymore.” He takes the glass from her anyway, and she pours him a drink, a tiny smirk on her lips.
“Don’t you got that girl? The mousey one? The one who’s ass I almost beat?” she says casually, before taking a sip from her glass.
Noah rolls his eyes but he can’t help but to smile at her bluntness. “I’m breaking up with her. She’s…not for me.”
“And I’m for you?” she asks, rolling her eyes. “Cause you know we don’t work when you’re all into god and all that.”
He’s the one who rolls his eyes now. “I can’t explain it,” he says, waving down at the ground.
“You do know all we do is argue, right?” she questions.
“We do, but we can talk occasionally. And it’s just one night, right? We can be civil for one night.” He runs his hand through his hair and sighs.
“Well, I ain’t sleeping with you if that’s what you came here for - bringing flowers and suckering me up.” She walks over to him however, and sits on his lap, picking up the glass and bringing it to his lips to taste. “I know your game, Noah Roscoe.”
He laughs just a bit. “It’s not a game. There’s no games anymore. I just…needed to see you. It doesn’t feel like Valentine’s Day if I’m with anyone else.” He knows he sounds cheesy as fuck, and probably needy, but that’s not what he intends to sound like. “It was our holiday, remember? We always stole from someone on Valentine’s Day remember?”
She scoff, but then she laughs a bit, too. “I remember…” and then she takes a sip from the glass, herself. “But again, I ain’t sleeping with you.”
“That’s fine,” he says, pushing her hair behind her ear and resting his head against her shoulder. “I just wonder if I made a mistake sometimes, you know? I miss the high life…I miss.” He wants to say you, but he takes the glass from her hand and down’s it. This isn't the time. He needs to quit this. He needs to quit her. But he can’t. He just can’t.
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dalecooperwrites · 3 years
💌 : leave my muse a card from a secret admirer ( Eli x Cloud ) @elizabethtaylors / @kittybennett
Right. So, usually, she’d be a little alarmed by the idea of a ‘secret admirer’. She’s had issues in the past with ‘strange men’ in the bookshop who’ve attempted to woo her a little too aggressively, after all. But there’s something about this card that seems familiar and safe to her - something about the handwriting? Cloud can’t pin her finger on what it is, and has no idea who could have sent it, but after reading the card one too many times, she can’t help but feel like it’s not sent from someone with malice.
She wishes she knew who it was from, and wonders if she should be this excited over a piece of paper when she has feelings for her husband who isn’t exactly her husband.
But still, it’s nice to receive something so lovely when her ex-husband would frequently forget to buy her gifts on Valentine’s Day and had even told her once that she didn’t deserve Valentine’s Day gifts because she wasn’t worth the trouble.
She’s curious though, and she assumes that Elijah doesn’t share the same feelings she shares for him - possibly due to the complicatedness of it all - so she decides it doesn’t hurt to see who sent it. It’s not like she’s going to do anything drastic about this little Valentine’s Day gift, yet she does want to attempt to put herself out there simply because she enjoys feeling special.
So, due to this curiosity, she places a card of her own in the book where she found the card her admirer had sent.
“Thank you for the card, but I’m married. To someone I care deeply for. But again, thank you. That’s the most special I’ve felt in a long while.”
She’d given the card a kiss with her red lipstick, and had sprayed it with her signature perfume, hoping there’d be no hard feelings or thoughts that she’d been leading someone on. But it was true, it was the most special she’d felt in some time, and it was nice to receive a gift from an admirer with good intentions.
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dalecooperwrites · 3 years
💃 : dance with my muse. ( gin x rico ) @elizabethtaylors / @kittybennett
The music playing makes him stand up, and walk across the kitchen to reach her. She looks at him perplexed, brown eyes huge and wide, but then he puts his hand out and she grins, because it’s clear she knows he’s asking her to take his hand to dance.
She takes it, then pulls her close to his chest, and then he begins to sway to the music. It’s not something he knows, and it’s not top-40. But it’s nice, and it’s got him wanting to melt into her despite them already being so close.
“You know, I’ve always enjoyed dancing with you,” he states with a soft smile, resting his hand on the small of her back. “It’s not the same with anyone else.”
She looks up at him, and he bends down to give her a swift kiss on the lips. Her mouth tastes minty, yet sweet, and that’s pretty sure it’s because she’s been picking at their dessert, despite them having yet to eat dinner.
“Most things aren’t the same with anyone else,” he tells her softly, looking into her eyes. “Which, is surprising…” He does not say much after that. Instead he continues to dance with her, body swaying comfortably to the music playing on the radio.
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dalecooperwrites · 3 years
“ stop doing that— stop trying to hide your emotions from me. ” // josh + matilda || @blightshored
He’s always been the type to be open with them when it comes to his emotions. He thinks relationships should be built on honesty and not lies. However, after nearly being killed and having to go through months of physical therapy, he does keep certain things from his partner. It’s not because he’s angry with them, he just doesn’t want to hurt them by telling them how scared he gets sometimes and how worried he can be. He knows that Jack is no longer a problem for them, and that there will likely never be a moment like that again where they worry for their lives, but it’s still weighing heavy on him.
Admittedly, Josh thinks he’s hidden his emotions well enough for them not to notice. But when they ask him to stop hiding his emotions from them, he can’t help but to look down at the ground and feel a little ashamed. “I don’t want to hurt you or worry you anymore than you already are. I know you’ve been a lot, and I don’t want to add anything else into the mix.” He sighs, looking up at them, before reaching out to grab their hand and hold it tightly. “I’m sorry, I’ll do better.”
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dalecooperwrites · 3 years
❛ you look happier. ❜ frank and cloud
Frank Castle, despite being the scariest motherfucker she’s ever met, is also the kindest, most politest man she’s ever met, as well. Being around him makes her feel safe and secure, and she knows that no one would dare even look at her wrong whenever she’s with him. Not necessarily because he could bash their brains in with a baseball bat, but because he is simply naturally intimidating in stance, and even intimidated her when they first met. But when he saved her from her third death, she didn’t want to leave his side and he didn’t seem to mind the company, despite him telling her around four times that he was bad news and that no one who stayed with him lived to tell the tale. But you know, she’d told him that sort of thing didn’t really matter when she couldn’t die the way other people could, so he didn’t do the emo thing other guys did, and he let her stick around, and in a weird way, his company did make her a lot happier. Just waking up to him early in the morning or in the middle of the night was enough to make her smile. So when he told her she looked happier, she leaned over, kissed him on the lips, pulled back, and then said, “That’s because I am happier, Frank,” and nodded her head, before she looked at the clock and noticed it was six am. She never understood why he woke up so early, because he was always out so late, but whatever, he’d get to see Rory before he went to school, and Rory was incredibly fond of Frank. “Did you want breakfast?” She asked, running her hand through her hair before getting her feet out the bed and then standing up. Already, she was off to a good start for the day, and she honestly hoped for the best.
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dalecooperwrites · 3 years
‘ i’m not half as bad as what you’ve been told . ’ bruce x cloud || @bondgirl
Cloud takes a bite of her dinner and thinks hard on his words. “I never said you were bad. I’ve just heard things about you that were… questionable,” she expresses to him casually, before taking a sip of her wine as she attempts to read the stoic man before her. He looks like he’s taking this seriously, but it’s difficult to tell since she doesn’t know him well enough to read his body language in entirety. Right now he’s a bit of a puzzle, and all she knows from asking around is that he’s a bit of recluse hermit when he wants to be, and when he’s not he’s a bit of a hoe. Which, she does not mind. If he wants to see other people during their arrangement, she’s fine with it as long as she gets to see people, too.
And while she’s willing to go through with this arrangement her parents set up between them, she’s not entirely sure if she wants to jump into it without asking questions. She does not want to be involved with someone who’s been described in a way that makes her wonder if he’ll be a nightmare to be around.
“Like, I’ve heard you stay out all night. I’m absolutely fine with that, but I do need to know you won’t make me look foolish. If you see people while we’re together, you will need to do it lowkey. As I will do the same, if that’s the case. Also, the whole double life as a whole. You don’t have to tell me what you do, I will just need the occasional phone call or text to make sure you’re not dead in a ditch somewhere,” she says casually, with an attempt to not sound like she’s hounding, “I mean, Gotham is an incredibly sketchy place and you do have a target on your head simply by being who you are.”
She shrugs lightly and takes a sip of her wine. “So, no, I don’t think you’re bad. I just think there are things about you that are confusing, and you’re difficult to read. I’m not a fan of that typically, but I want to make my parents happy and I’m willing to make this arrangement work because of it. But are you, is what I want to know before jumping into this?” Her eyebrow arches as her lips stain the wine glass and she places it on the table. “Are you?” Which, she probably won’t receive honestly, but it’s worth a shot.
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dalecooperwrites · 3 years
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dalecooperwrites · 3 years
👶🏻 // surprise me 👀 @blightshored || alexander x saya
name: jennica cole roscoe
birthdate: april 26th - and she was a total accident. probably happened when they were divorced and still seeing each other, when they weren’t supposed to.
personality headcanon: actually has her shit together, which is more than anyone can say for her parents. but she honestly loves them both, despite being a daddy’s girl. like legit, that girl was spoiled by her dad. but she loved her mom, too, despite their energies being different. but, uhm, jennica is very originated and particular. she has to have things done a certain way or she gets super upset about it, which was why school was a bit hard for her in the beginning. but she grew out of that, and now she just gets things done the best she can. but haha she’s so bossy.
what was their first word and how old were they when they said it: probably mama or ice cream. because she wanted an ice cream so bad and at that age she knew her mom would give it to her.
did they get in trouble in school: no, because she was a goodie-two-shoes typa girl.
which parent were they more attached to: i’d say both of them. like even if saya had difficulty bonding with her, i don’t see her taking it personally as long as she received some form of time with her, you know?
what was their favorite toy: she liked a yoyo that she could do lots of tricks with. she prides herself on not being as ridiculous as her father, but the yoyo thing is so silly that she gets teased by her uncle for being obsessed with it. because it reminds her uncle of his brother.
did they cry a lot as a baby: no, really. but as a toddler, yes, when she didn’t do something in the way she wanted it done. or her artwork looked funky. she would whine and whine and whine.
movie they watched over and over: i’m gonna say ‘monster’s inc’ and alex would talk through the lines at one point cause she watched it so much.
what was their favorite subject in school: she liked chemistry because she got to mess with the chemicals.
were they social growing up or quiet: very social, but in a ‘cool’ way. like when alex was younger people liked him because he was funny and humble and kind. but they like her because she has a lot of charisma and she’s cool as fuck.
which parent do they take after: i’d say more saya or not any of them.
what do they grow up to be: she grows up to be a chemist and she’s damn good at it. but she mostly does experiments that are top secret. she tells her mom about them though.
three random headcanons: 1) enjoys the color purple and once got purple streaks, and for that, her classmates called her ‘purple haired girl’ as a fun little nickname. 2) she feels loved by both parents, despite both of her parents having issues of their own. 3) when she gets into college it’s like the biggest deal and the fam throws her a big party.
likes & dislikes: likes) looking at the stars, reading books about aliens, books about chemistry, the concept of soulmates, sci-fi movies, dancing around to bad songs that no one dares judge out of their love for her, playing videogames. dislikes) when men say anything about her body, when people don’t take her seriously, when she messes up on something, when she doesn’t get something done correctly, the color yellow.
do they get along with their parents: yes, she does.
Faceclaim: o.livia m.unn
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dalecooperwrites · 3 years
‘ i bet you thought your life would change . ’ miriam x noah || @bondgirl
It’s complex to say the least. Noah did believe his life would change when he found God. He assumed becoming a preacher would make it easier for him to make good choices because he had God and his congregation watching him. However, things were just as difficult as they were when he hadn’t found or believed much in God. He still wanted to drink, he still felt his fingers twitch or his stomach tighten when someone mentioned drugs when speaking to him about things they wanted his opinion on. He also still wanted to fool around with beautiful women and handsome men, and get involved in a brawl or two. But he couldn’t, he was now a man of God. And he hoped no one would notice his trouble in keeping away from his vices.
Of course Miriam had to be the person to confront him about the issue. She’d always seemed to do that - even when they were kids - and it’d always bothered him. He wished it didn’t because he prided himself on being better for the church, but of course, he had to accept that, ever since old friends have come into town, that he’s just in a rougher patch than usual. And though, Miriam is wearing an outfit that is beyond acceptable for church, and he’s trying not to look at her when she’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, he keeps his gaze locked onto her eyes and he shrugs his shoulders as he sits down beside her on the church bench.
“I did, yeah - but I’ve got a handle on it, Miri. You have to understand that it’s not like before. I actually can control myself,” he admits to her, nodding his head firmly to show he was being honest. “Sure things are difficult, but I’m fine. I don’t know why you’d think I wouldn’t be. You should have more faith in me.” Noah pats her shoulder and looks away for her, instead looking at God on the cross right in front of him. As much as he wants his words to be true - since he did say them in front of the man upstairs - they’re simply not. Things are rough, and they’ll probably only get worse.
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dalecooperwrites · 3 years
“Will you marry me?” @fayelistic || kenzie & amelia
Kenzie’s hidden the ring after having dropped it, so she’s deeply surprised when she shows Amelia the ring that she’s found while going through her pockets before washing her parents. At first, she thinks her loving girlfriend might be upset with her for ruining the moment between the two of them. Yet, for some reason, Amelia isn’t mad at all. Instead, she takes the ring out of the palm of Kenzie’s hand and gets on one knee, a huge smile on her face as she looks up at Kenzie, who’s had time to think about marriage since finding the ring. Admittedly, had it been anyone else she knew she’d say no. She’d run off like the runaway bride she is deep down. But since it’s Amelia, and since she’s thought it over really hard, while Amelia was at work, she decides to smile and nod her head when Amelia proposes.
“Yes, I’d love to marry you!” she expressed with a huge grin, happy tears rolling down her cheek. She can’t believe she’s getting married to anyone at all. But it makes sense. Amelia makes her happy, and she’s the only person in the entire world she could see herself being with. Because, really, no one can make her nearly as happy as Amelia does. “I’ll marry you in a heartbeat. But why the sudden urge to propose? I thought you thought I wasn’t into being tied down?” she asks, head tilted to the side before she pulls Amelia up by the collar to stand, and then kisses her. “I love you. I love you and I can’t wait to be your wife.” She smiles and kisses her again. “So when’s the wedding, huh?”
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dalecooperwrites · 3 years
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hello, this is noah!
i will be putting ONLY my writing, character bios, and headcanons on this blog. and maybe a graphic of a ship of mine or 1x1 partners, occasionally. i will try not to spam, but i can't promise anything.
all writing will be under: #noahsfinishedworks & wip, along with fanfic stuff, will be under #noahwritesforthemself
you're allowed to like and reblog things as long as you don't tag as inspiration or plot idea because that makes me antsy.
anyways, i am putting stuff on here for fun. so it won't be perfect all the time. but enjoy anyways <3
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