rose colored lenses
82 posts
she is the [ sweetest ] thing that i know, you should see the way she holds me when the lights go low shakes my SOUL like a pot hole, every time took my heart upon a one way trip guess she went wandering off with it unlike most women i know this one will bring it back whole DAISIES perched upon your forehead, baby i know
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dakotasada · 8 years ago
im on mobile right now so i cant make this a read more but!!! i hav updates: 1. i got the book im published in today heck yeah 2. i have a poetry reading on wednesday and 3. that all means i wont b here until thursday!! ugh i kno :(
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dakotasada · 8 years ago
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     ––– “ can you please… ” she trailed off, hand moving in circles, motioning to whatever the other was doing, “ stop ? ” there was a moment where she had wondered if she sounded rude or upset. athena wasn’t; she was just simply distracted. her fingers were covered in graphite, trying her best to shade in whatever piece she was working on next. “ it’s very, VERY distracting. ”
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within seconds of the other girl asking her to stop, dakota lifted her hands up from the tapping she was doing on the table. “oh my goodness! i’m so sorry. i just work with computers all the time so tapping is kind of my way to get out stress and anxiety while doing things that involve other people.” she took in a deep breath, tilting her head a bit. “did i overshare? i’m sorry. i’m dakota.”
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dakotasada · 8 years ago
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a surprised look overtook their face when the girl informed them that she had seven pets. “ seven ? “ they could hardly keep up with the one kitten , how did one take care of seven animals ? “ axo - what ? i don’t know what that or a skink is , my goodness. “ they blink at her , hands going to their cheeks. “ what kind of pet do you want now ? “ 
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dakota nodded along with the other’s disbelief, smiling a bit when the opportunity came to explain her rather... exotic pets. “an axolotl is a salamander type animal! they swim around and have little flipper type fin things on the sides of their heads. they’re so great and happy you should look up pictures! and as kink is a lizard, but it’s very sociable and is kind of like a scaley dog. they can get pretty big but mine is a wee baby right now so he isnt very large.” she sighed in defeat however, at the second question. “um, i dont know! maybe something with hair this time. i’m not entirely positive about that one though.”
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dakotasada · 8 years ago
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alexander stops in their tracks , looking around in confusion as the girl calls out and waves her limbs “ huh ? me ? “ they take a step forward , leaning in to look inside the pet store. “ u-uh , okay , i like animals. “ they stand up , blinking at the girl “ are you getting a pet ? “
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the grin on dakota’s face widened as the person came forward and said they liked animals all at the same time. “of course i’m getting a pet! i love pets so much, oh my god. i have like 7. i have four axolotls, a skink, two geckos, and a snake! i love my babies.” she paused to breathe, smiling before continuing. “and yes i’m getting a pet! i need a new pal.”
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dakotasada · 8 years ago
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Ophelia turned her head as she realised the individual was talking to her, furrowing her eyebrows as she began walking closer. “Ooh, no can do, if I go in, i’ll bring home another animal.. The wife will kill me…” She laughed softly. “Is there any way I can help you from outside the store?”
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“There is absolutely no way that you can help me without going in.” A pout formed on the girls lips, pointing inside of the shop. “I need your help picking out a pet! If you find the perfect one then I can take it home and you won’t feel so bad for not giving it a home yourself. See! It works out.”
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dakotasada · 8 years ago
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“i can relate to him,” they mused, eyeing the displeased snake with a curled lip. it was clear that the snake was clearly not one to get along with many people. “maybe he had bad experiences in the past or something,” mitch considered aloud. though it was quite possible it was just his temperament. “alright, lets look at the other snakes then.” they suggested, straightening up, though they continued to gaze at the grumpy snake wistfully. if only they could get a snake. 
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“oh look at THIS little buddy!” dakota could be seen looking at a snake enclosure, pressing a finger to the glass as the baby snake followed it with intent. to her, it was the cutest thing any animal could ever do ever, and she immediately fell in love with the little thing. “yeah, past experiences, i get you. but my train of thought has focused in on this lil doofus right here.”
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dakotasada · 8 years ago
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kaleb nibbled on his lower lip at the mention of his partners. he knew they deserved at least one dog but he didn’t feel ready to take that step quite yet. the fact that harper and sam had been accepting his irrational reason made him realize how wonderful they really were. well, there were a couple of other thousand reasons but that was a high one for sure. someone else would’ve either dumped him or brought pets home without even consulting him, he knew that for a fact. “maybe i can offer a walking service at the salon. i have a couple of hours after i close and it’d be nice to spend more time with those gems. i could even take harper and sam with me and hey, you could come too!” not that he was deflecting and attempting to change the course of the subject but he definitely was.
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a walking service peaked dakota’s interest immediately. walking dogs? leaving her house for more than one grocery visit a day? who the heck would say no to that one. honestly, she couldn’t think of a better deal with the boy. “of course i will come! are you kidding me? spending time with my favorite boys and a bunch of animals? that’s actually what my version of heaven would be. except there would be a snake in there and maybe an axolotl too.” she grinned ear to ear, nodding along as she spoke, almost like a bobble head. she sighed with a pout at the dogs however, pressing a palm to the glass. “should i really get a dog though? do i really want one?”
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dakotasada · 8 years ago
um im back for my Mid Week Replies!! i hav settled in more so i might b on more but idk. also 2 of my kids cried 3 times each on separate occasions... live love 5 year olds!!! i actually love them tho we r the duckies and they call me momma duck. anyways imma try to do all my replies rn lets go!!!!!!! i lov and miss u all!!!!!!
ps. ill reply to new starters on saturday!!! sorry for all the friends i haven’t made yet u can message me and we can plot and stuff still!!!!!!! <3
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dakotasada · 8 years ago
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kaleb knew exactly that was one of the reasons he and dakota were such good friends, they could share the excitement over animals at any given moment of the day and during that period of time nothing was as important. dragging her along again, he stood by the dog and pouted a little, thinking of how sad they must’ve been being caged all day long. “harper would love ‘em,” he mumbled, crouching to pet the doggy’s nose. “he’s been nagging at me to get one for forever. i don’t know the hell i’ve survived a whole year of that… i’m lowkey trying to process everything so maybe we can get one at some point. i know sam wants one too and i feel guilty for saying no over and over again.”
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dakota could not imagine living in a household without a pet in it. all her life she had at least a fish, more than likely you could point out a dog in the house as well. her reptiles only started more recently, when she graduated high school, but all the same, she always had a pet. not having one? god, that sounded like hell on earth for kaleb. “um, of course harper would? i’m going to convince you to get a dog today, do the world and that relationship some justice. sam deserves a dog too. you all deserve dogs.” she sighed longingly while looking at the pups, pointing at one. “look at that little pupperino! he’s so fluffy!”
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dakotasada · 8 years ago
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“really? well bragging is good for the ego every once in a while, but alright we’ll call it stating facts.” van nodded along as the other spoke. “that’s a little crazy to me, i own one laptop, and it’s been collecting dust in my room since i haven’t had a reason to use it. not since i got a smartphone at least.” van hadn’t expect to laugh at the girls joke, but once she saw the other smiling she began to chuckle quietly. “cute.” she stated simply in response to the joke.
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“good for the ego? i like my ego at the absolute bottom ring possible so i constantly impress myself, you know? it really boosts my morale while working.” she snorted at the girl’s statement, holding back laughter at it, eyes a bit wide. “are you kidding me? computers will always hold superior to a smartphone. you can do everything on them. i have two setups with 3 screens each, and that still isnt even near where i want to be. it’s so beautiful, computers.” a sigh escaped her lips dreamily, a small smile forming. “thanks! my jokes are great.”
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dakotasada · 8 years ago
ill start some new threads like halfway thru the weekish!! i just know the first few days are gonna be rough so i know i wont be able to handle a lot of threads so i’m not replying to new starters yet <3 sorry honeybuns!!!!!!!!!!!
ps if u didnt know im on semi-hiatus for 3 weeks starting tmorrow mornin!
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dakotasada · 8 years ago
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mitch glanced at dakota, lips curling up in amusement, though they nodded their agreement. “i understand,” they told her simply, because they did. salamanders were great and wholesome- whatever that meant. “will do, plus i’m certain we already decided to go the snake or bearded dragon route,” mimi reminded her, head tilting to the side as they turned their attention back to the snakes. their attention shifted to her as she seemed startled backwards. “are you sure? i think they like you,” they commented, moving over to look at the particular grumpy snake. “mhm,” they mused, not bothering to argue with dakota over sanity. 
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dakota was glad that she had gone this route, she was more into the scaley-er pets in general, all her pets had to either not get along with anything, or get along with her skink if she was going to buy them. of course, the grumpy snake was not an option, seeing as it was grumpy and no grumps would inhabit her household. however, there was another snake enclosure that she could look at, after she was done looking at the grump master supreme. “um, have you ever seen a snake that angry at the world? maybe he just hates everyone except the dude that feeds him. poor buddy.”
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dakotasada · 8 years ago
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the slight look of confusion was wiping from his features almost as quickly as it had showed up, attention turning toward the shop she motioned toward before his feet were shuffling in the direction. ‘ you really got me with that one, kota, ’ dash mumbled, by now his trademark smile had made itself at home on his lips once again. tugging open the door for her, dash pressed back against it, right foot propping it open as he held it for her. ‘ after you, my lady. and please, lead the way to the kitties i can shower with attention. ’
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dakota practically bolted it into the store, she was a woman on a mission: pet animals. buy animals. well, maybe it was missions, not mission. either way, she dragged dash along for it, pointing towards where the cats were with a grin. “dash! look at them! they’re the fuzziest cutest little balls of joy i have ever seen!” she pouted as she pressed her face to the glass, looking in at all the kittens. “look at that one! he’s siamese! oh my god i want to boop his nose.”
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dakotasada · 8 years ago
srry for no replies!! i had a friend over last night. i’ll b on later today mayb because i gotta finish packing for camp and doing this essay!! frick my life!! but yeah i am So Sorry my Friendos!!
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dakotasada · 8 years ago
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dakotasada · 8 years ago
reptiles are gay culture
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dakotasada · 8 years ago
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‘ get off my back, kota, i’m not interested, ‘ jun spoke without granting her a single glance in her direction, his feet carrying him farther down the street, ‘ you can’t persuade me. ‘
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a pout formed on the girl’s lips, following after the other. “but please! you can pet a bunch of animals and even if you don’t want to, you can watch me do it! and you can maybe meet my next new pal. i won’t even make you pet the snakes. PLEASE!”
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