dailyrotom · 8 years
((cow poem meme for Rotom))
My name Rotom, I use machine. An I think u Shuld not be mean. An wen peepul Ask me to go Inside machine I go wit flow.
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dailyrotom · 8 years
( @Ask-a-Rotom) Wow! Another Rotom! Are you still active? Maybe we could be friendzzz! Another Rotom!
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dailyrotom · 8 years
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Mod: very quick daily drawing to inform you all that I’m going to study in South Korea for a few months. I will be leaving France on Friday. I won’t be able to draw in the following days, but I will be back very soon to answer all the asks I have!
Take all care of yourselves ~
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dailyrotom · 8 years
Can you draw Rotom with an afro? (Afrotom?)
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dailyrotom · 8 years
Can you draw Victini rotom?
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dailyrotom · 8 years
"Hi! I like your sylveon theme, do you want a flower?" - sometimespuppypokemon
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awwww thanks! @sometimespuppypokemon
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dailyrotom · 8 years
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Ready for the ball!!! ....Tam was envious of those ribbons @dailysylveon 
silly little reminder of the past xD
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dailyrotom · 8 years
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Hello fellow Pokemon blogs! 
A few mods, including myself, are putting on an event called the Flora Masquerade Ball! This event is open to all pokemon ask blogs and daily blogs!! 
This event will be running from February 18 - 24th. The location will be revealed in the invitation sent to your muse.
How does this event work? LIKE or REBLOG this post to receive an invitation from one of the mods, to which you can draw your characters getting ready for the dance. During the event, there will be multiple activities including a ceremony of flower giving, where your muse will exchange flowers with someone special. Afterwards, your muses can dance together, snack, or hang out by the punch bowl. Or even just interact with other muses, and get to know each other! You can have your muses go alone, or ask other muses to the ball. Feel free to wear anything formal, but you are heavily encouraged to bring masks to wear, as this IS a masquerade ball. 
REMEMBER to tag all your posts #floraball2017 so we can track the event. It’s all about having fun!  
If you have any questions or concerns, pm any of the mods: @dailyshinycutiefly, @vulpix-daily, @vulpixesdaily, and @dailygeodude !
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dailyrotom · 8 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day!
For you, your friends, your loved ones... EVERYONE!!! Because love doesn’t have only one form ~
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dailyrotom · 8 years
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Hey! I know I haven’t post for the past days, I just went on holidays and will be back to answer all asks on Sunday! (Not ALL of them at the same time, but you get the idea xD) Thank you SO SO MUCH for the support!!!! We are now at 650+ followers!!! Take good care of you all!
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dailyrotom · 8 years
Daily Pokemon Blog Masterpost!
Hey there everyone! pokemon-i-choose-you here and I think a trend has started lately (:
Thanks to @dailyrowlet, there has been literally an ABUNDANCE of “Daily Pokemon” blogs that have sprung up!
So here is a list of Daily Pokemon Blogs that you can follow:
@dailyalolaninetales, @dailyalolanvulpix, @dailyalolavulpix, @dailyarcanines, @dailybeedrill, @dailybrionne, @dailycelebi, @dailycinnamonthealolanraichu, @dailyclefairy, @dailydragonair, @dailydrampas, @dailydittomon, @dailyeevees, @dailyflygon, @dailygengar @dailygrimer, @dailygulpin, @dailyhoppip, @dailyhoundournlitten, @dailyjolty, @dailyleafeon, @dailylitwick @dailylucarioandriolu, @dailymagby, @dailymawile, @dailymesprit, @dailymimikyu, @dailymimantis  @dailyminccino, @dailynymphia, @dailypetilil, @dailyphantumps, @dailypidove, @dailyribombee, @dailyrotom @dailyroserade, @dailysalandit, @dailysandygast, @dailyscraggy​ @dailysewaddle, @dailysilvallysketches​, @dailyshinygoomy​, @dailyshinycutiefly​, @dailyshiinotic, @dailyskitty​, @dailysylveon, @dailytapukoko, @dailytorchic, @dailytrubbish, @dailywigglytuff, @dailyyungoos, @dailyzubat
@sableyedaily, @togedemarudaily, @goomyday, @mimikyudaily​, @lugiadaily, @daily-flaaffy, @dailyvulpix, @pumpkaboo-daily, @banettedaily,  @flygon-daily, @espeon-daily,
I got lazy towards the end of it and didn’t feel like going alphabetical omg I apologize
If you’re not tagged in this post, it’s either because something weird happened, where I wasn’t able to tag you, or I just don’t know who you are! So if you wanna reblog this to promo yourself, go right ahead (:
this is not a big post but oh my god this took a lot of time, and I still didn’t get to most of them omg. but hope you enjoy anyway!
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dailyrotom · 8 years
Aaaaah thank you so much!!!! ///w\\\
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cleared up all promos from my inbox ! dont know how many of these are still active but i had fun drawing all of them !
@dailygulpin, @daily-shinybunnelby, @dailyrotom, @dailysandshrew, @dailysalandit, @luxraydaily, @daily-trapinch, @dailygrovyle
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dailyrotom · 8 years
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Random doodles made for @occasionallysalazzle on twitter xD
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dailyrotom · 8 years
do you know the rotom in my pokedex? or ARE you the rotom in my pokedex? and do you know who invented those hilarious pokedex entries?
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dailyrotom · 8 years
Rotom as a helicopter?
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Even more dangerous!
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dailyrotom · 8 years
Such cute omg
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Awww shush! You’re the cute one, anon ~
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dailyrotom · 8 years
((daily-froslass)) !!!! another ghost friend..!
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@daily-froslass whaou so pretty, such ghost
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