dailyromanov · 3 years
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The Grand Duchesses were not Just the daughters of the empress Heart,But they were also Duchesses of people’s heart!❤️💌
📎During The War,The Empress despite Her pregnancy [Pregnant By Alexei], she had engaged in war relief,sending (portable field chapels to the troops and organizing supplies and hospital trains).The Tsaritsa and her four daughters,crocheted caps and knitted scarves for the troops.young Grand Duchess Anastasia proved herself extraordinarily adept at frame knitting!
The girls also helped “Margaretta Eagar” fold and stamp piles of letter-forms for wounded troops to write home to their families on📝
Source:The Romanov Sisters: The Lost Lives of the Daughters of Nicholas & Alexandra.“Rappaport Helen”
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dailyromanov · 3 years
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“How Mathilde met The Tsarevich?” It’s is a very long story! That maybe I’ll tell it to you someday.//the Tsarevich from his youth was a very caring gentle and kind man! He takes care of every Detail!⤵️
On 10 March Nicholas again attended the graduation “performance at the Theatre School. ‘During supper I sat with the pupils as before,’ he wrote in his diary, ‘only little Kschessinska was very much missed!” He added,The reason of her missing was that A boil had appeared on Mathilde’s leg and another on her right eye. At first she covered her eye with a bandage and continued to drive out as usual, until the boil became so bad that she remained home//A day Mathilde was at home alone with her sister on the “11 March”, they maid “Masha” announced the Hussar officer Eugene Volkoff. Mathilde asked Masha to show him into the sitting-room❗️ but it was not Volkoff who walked through the door, it was the Tsarevich🍀! Both of the sisters,especially Mathilde was very surprised and in shock, “I could not believe my eyes, or rather my eye, and was so overjoyed with this unexpected meeting that I was never to forget it” Recorded Mathilde💬The next morning the Tsarevich sent a note to Mathilde📝⤵️
{I hope Your little eye and leg are better,since our meeting I’ve been in the clouds! I shall try to come back as soon as possible}📝\\ Mathilde read and re-read that first letter until she knew it by heart📝✨”I spent the evening in a wonderful way,’ he recorded. ‘I went off to a new place for me – to the Kschessinsky sisters. They were awfully surprised to see me there.’❗️
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dailyromanov · 3 years
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Grand Duchess Anastasia Mikhailovna Of Russia With Her Niece Princess Irina Alexandrovna Of Russia,1913💌
Великая княгиня Анастасия Михайловна со своей племянницей княгиней Ириной Александровной,1913💌
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dailyromanov · 3 years
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Lady Of Honor Insignia with miniature portraits of Dowager empress Maria Feodorovna and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 💌
At top of pendant is the imperial crown in rose cut diamonds with enameled Maltese cross. Suspended from it is a double frame holding two miniatures, left the Dowager Empress Maria Fedorovna and right, Empress Alexandra Fedorovna. Miniatures are unsigned. Framed in borders of rose cut diamonds, inner border having diamonds of a larger size. The insignia was presented to Countess Ekaterina Pavlovna Sheremeteva [Cheremeteff] (née Princess Viazemskaia) (1849-1926) in 1912.
✨Made from:
Gold//diamonds//silver//silver gilt\\miniatures on cardboard//glass
✨Made in:
Saint Petersburg, Russia
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dailyromanov · 3 years
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Nuptial Crown✨
The Nuptial Crown came to be considered part of the imperial wedding regalia, All the Romanov’s Brides wore it,along with a diamond studded kokoshnik that was worn in front of it.Bands of diamonds are sewn onto the velvet-covered supports of this orb-shaped wedding crown, and a cross of six larger, old mine-cut diamonds surmounts it. Three rows of small diamonds with two rows of larger diamonds in between form the bands.Crown of simple orb like shape, is formed of six silver bands surmounted by a cross and is encrusted with approximately 1,535 old mine diamonds. The diamonds are attached to strips of fabric in rows as they would have been used as epaulet ornament in the 18th c. Diamonds came from a doublet belonging to Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich. The crown has flaps at the bottom so it can be pinned on the hair.
📎 Made from:Silver//diamonds//velvet
📎Made in:Saint Petersburg, Russia
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dailyromanov · 3 years
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«Soon everyone went and we were left alone, I was thinking about when I could start my conversation with Minny.My hands began to tremble and I felt a great excitement. I said: "Has the King talked to you about our conversation and my suggestion?" Then I added, "I asked for your hand in marriage." She threw herself towards me and put her arms around me . . . and she kissed me passionately. The tears were running down our cheeks, both hers and mine. »
From The Diary Of Tsar Alexander III❤️
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dailyromanov · 3 years
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Did you know That Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (Princess Alix At that time) captured the press attention? She was even followed by a detective,This one was using a Bicycle and followed the young princess at a discreet distance🔍🕵🏻‍♂️
When The princess Was fiancé with The Future Tsar of Russia,She stayed four week in Harrogate in a terraced villa at prospect place in high Harrogate the fashionable end of town,with her Lady in waiting “Gretchen Von Fabrice”.✨
Every morning Eyes followed her,Some watched her with Opera’s glasses as she Go out by "Bath chair” or "carriage”.She wrote to The Tsarevich «They stand in a mess to see me drive out and tho,I now get in at the backyard,they watch the door and then stream to see me.when I go into a shop to buy flowers,girls stand and stare in at the window»🍁
Source information :Book “The Romanov Sisters”📌
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dailyromanov · 3 years
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The Empress, “princess of Hesse and by Rhine” at that time Wrote her dreams in her diary!
Check! To read The empress Dreams of her youth🍂
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dailyromanov · 3 years
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In 1914, before the War. The Imperial Family was spending the summer in Livadia. The Empress used to like very much to take walks by herself; and for this reason, she would drive out of Livadia in an open carriage; after going a few miles she would get out of the carriage and walk on foot in the company of one of her ladies in waiting.Always modestly dressed in a plain summer dress, sandals and without a fancy hat she would sometimes go down to Yalta, drop by some church in order to pray unnoticed by others.⛪️
It was Told That Once,The Empress stopped by the Autsky Church, prayed for a while and put some candles by the holy icons. In the church there stood a group of very poorly dressed people who had come to baptize a child. The priest had already put on his vestments, but the people evidently were awaiting someone and thus he did not begin the service. The Empress had already intended to leave when the priest approached her and asked her to take the place of the terribly late godmother. The Empress kindly agreed, and taking the child in her arms she stood together with the child’s father, a poor shoemaker.🤱🏻
To the question directed to the Empress concerning how she would like the little girl to be called, she answered simply: “Alexandra”. And then, in the course of the service she performed everything that is required of sponsors,together with the shoemaker she walked around the font three times, holding the child in her arms, in accord with the Church typicon.🕯
After the baptismal ceremony, the Empress jotted down simply in the metrical book of the Autsky church: “Alexandra Romanova”. In parting, she shook the hand of everyone who had come for the christening, and having asked the address of her goddaughter, she set out on foot. The next day, an imperial coach drove up to the poor house of the shoemaker, the father of the newly-baptized, which was on the outskirts of Yalta, and the lady-in-waiting who had accompanied the Empress the day before brought Shurochka (little Alexandra) an entire trousseau and for her parents a gift of 500 rubles from the Most-august godmother.📌
Sources:by N. V. Khvostova, 1958📝 TheRomanovroyalmartyrs📌
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dailyromanov · 3 years
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Empress Maria Alexandrovn💌
Princess Marie was born on 8 August 1824 in the family of Duke Ludwig II of Hesse and by Rhine.🕊
In March 1839, traveling across Europe, the heir to the Russian throne, the son of Emperor Nicholas I, Alexander II,while in Darmstadt, fell in love with 14-year-old Marie. The first meeting of the Tsarevich and the princess took place at the opera house, where the production of Vestal was staged.🫐
«Dear Mom, what do I care about the secrets of Princess Marie! I love her, and I would rather give up the throne than her. I will only marry her, this is my decision!»
In September 1840, the princess arrived in Russia. She shared her impressions of St. Petersburg in a letter to her family: “Petersburg is much more beautiful than I thought; the Neva contributes a lot to this,it is a wonderful river.I think it is difficult to find a more majestic city,while it is lively,the view from the Winter Palace to the Neva is exceptionally good».💌
On April 28, 1841, a wedding took place in the Great Church of the Winter Palace.Everyone in the family fell in love with a new relative who "combined innate dignity with extraordinary naturalness."Alexander II and Maria Alexandrovna have been married for almost 40 years, and for many years this marriage was happy, but later the relationship cooled.📌
On the night of June 2 to 3, 1880, Empress Maria Alexandrovna died completely alone.Before her death, she wrote a letter in which she thanked her husband for all thirty-nine years of marriage.💌💔
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dailyromanov · 3 years
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Tsar Alexander II 💌 Between A lot stories Of Royal Love,The one Of the Tsar Alexander And Ekaterina was the most knowledgeable one in the entire history of The Russian empire
🫐The Tsar was very Happy with his beautiful wife Empress Maria,she gives birth to seven children, Six boys and one girl,But with time Maria's health became brittle and she can no longer risk being pregnant again
📎Empress Maria used to visit smolny,sometimes Alexander accompanied her,one day he noticed the young princess Ekaterina Mikhaïlovna Dolgoroukova
📌Henri Troyat,, described the scene:"Both proud and afraid to have been singled out by Her Majesty, she is in a hurry to escape and disappear,Alexander devours her with his gaze"He met her often. They walk in the imperial parks. Alexander declares his love for her. She refused first .It taked for her two years to give in to him, the 13 July 1866 Katia Became the mistress of the tsar ,They met at the Babygone belvedere,They exchange an erotic correspondence,a hundred of letters
🖇The Tsar gave Katia a key. she was able to enter, through a small door of the Winter Palace, to his private apartments,All of St. Petersburg was aware of this new relation. at the same time, the Mint of the Russian capital issues a gold ruble coin which celebrates the 25 years of the imperial couple's marriage
📎Katia was living with her brother and sister-in-law in a private mansion on the Quai des Anglais, in Saint Petersburg. She has her own servants but Alexander want her with him everytime.At the Winter Palace, the Tsar put at his disposal the former working cabinet of his father Nicholas I.To justify her presence at the Court, Alexander II had name her the Empress's maid of honor,But Katia was not actif in her Role,she was always with her Dearest Love Alexander.
👶🏼On April 3, 1872, at the Winter Palace, Katia gave birth to her first child with Alexander II "Georges".In 1873, a daughter was born, "Olga".In 1876, a new son, "Boris" comes into the world but he died.on September 9, 1878, a girl "Catherine".
On Sunday March 1, 1881, At 3.35 p.m., Alexander II died, surrounded by his whole family. His successor, Alexander III,accompanied by the new heir, the future Nicolas II.katia left with her three children to settle in Nice, without her love, where she died in 1922, aged 75. At that time, the Romanov Empire did not exist anymore💌
Please do not steal the edits.
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dailyromanov · 3 years
Some people Don’t know anything about the history of the Romanov family. They had a very bad vision of them and learned fakes versions of the imperial family. This need to stop.
so glad the romanov family was executed :)
How can you come here and say it?
They were humans. How can you approve the assassination of an entire family? Put yourself in their places: if it was you and your family would you like to pass by the same thing?? Probably not.
I wish you can change your way of thinking someday. We shall not wish horrible things to anyone nor be happy by someone's sad destiny. If you act in this way you're being cruel.
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