#tsar alexander ii
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blondebrainpowered · 4 months ago
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Tsarina Maria Alexandrovna was the first wife of Tsar Alexander II and wore this silver silk and brocade dress for her husband's coronation in 1856, Russia.
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foreverinthepagesofhistoryy · 7 months ago
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Eldest daughters of all Romanov Monarchs of Russia gifset
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the-last-tsar · 9 months ago
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Tsarevich Nicholas (Nixa) being lifted by an officer and kissed by his father, Tsar Alexander II, during his name day; 1878.
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roses-of-the-romanovs · 8 months ago
The Unlucky Name of Alexandra
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"Many people have expressed surprise that one of the little Grand Duchesses was not called Victoria or Alexandra. The Russian Church only allows names which exist in the language. Victoria does not exist, though Victor does; Alexandra is considered very unlucky for the Romanoff family.
"The Emperor Paul had a daughter named Alexandra. Her life was short, but troubled. When she was about seventeen years of age her grandmother, Catherine II., arranged a marriage for her with the King of Sweden. The wedding-day arrived ... The bridegroom suddenly declared to his gentlemen that he could not and would not go on with the marriage ...
" ... she never recovered the shock, and died broken-hearted at nineteen [correction: seventeen] years of age.
"Nicholas I. had a very beautiful daughter named Alexandra. ... She died of scarlatina before she was twenty years of age. ...
"Alexandra II. [sic] had a daughter of the name; she died in childhood; a pretty golden-haired child she was, judging by her portrait. A little blue silk frock which she used to wear is still shown in the Winter Palace.
"Other branches of the family had also Alexandras, but in no case did they live to be twenty-one years of age."
– Margaretta Eagar, Six Years at the Russian Court
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loiladadiani · 2 years ago
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The Romanov Martyrs
I wanted to put together a little memorial that included all the members of the Romanov Family (as well as the members of their staff) that were murdered by the Bolshevik terrorists. This seems like a good week to keep them in our minds. Although we love and mourn the children especially, there were others we cannot forget.
Tsar Alexandre II was hunted down until finally blown to pieces.
Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna lost two sons and five grandchildren (no wonder she could not accept they were dead)
Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich was also hunted down and blown to pieces
Three Mikhailovichi brothers were murdered
Four Konstantinovichi were murdered, three of them brothers; I cannot imagine what their mother, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Mavrikievna, went through...and so on.
May they rest in peace.
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royal-confessions · 1 year ago
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“I wish Alexander II had survived the bombing, with his liberal policies, instead of the strong arm type of ruling his son preferred, maybe the fall of the Romanovs would’ve been avoided.” - Submitted by kaiserrreich
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sensitiveuser · 4 months ago
Sofia Perovskaia (1853-1881).
Member of Narodnaïa Volia. Regicide of Tsar Alexander II (1881).
My day (not very good day) will end with the publication of a short post dedicated to one of the historical heroines for whom I have a lot of sympathy: Sofia Perovskaia. I had mentioned her only once in this post : https://www.tumblr.com/sensitiveuser/766870279166279680/letter-from-emma-goldman-1923-about-louise?source=share.
I am currently preparing others for you, which I will publish tomorrow and this weekend. Little secret : I didn't think I'd be here tonight (not just on Tumblr)...
I haven't finished introducing the characters mentioned in Emma Goldman's letter. I will also introduce Maria Spiridonova, I promise you...
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Sofia Perovskaia (1853-1881) came from an aristocratic family. Her father was the governor of Saint Petersburg. Young woman abhorring the aristocratic society in which she grew up, she decided to betray her family and her social class, and join the camp of the revolutionaries. Fleeing her family, she settled in a modest apartment.
When it was founded (1879), the Narodnaia Volia organization defined the assassination of Tsar Alexander II as its primary objective. Armed struggle and terrorist actions (propaganda by deed) are the foundation of the organization. However, Narodnaia Volia does not intend to take power after the fall of the Russian Empire. Its only aim is to destroy tsarism, form a provisional government and elect a constituent assembly.
The members of the Executive Committee (including Andrei Jeliabov, Sofia's companion), in order to succeed in killing the tsar, decide to resort to the bomb. In September 1879, the Executive Committee proclaims itself "a secret society completely autonomous in its actions". The revolutionaries of Narodnaia Volia attempt five times to assassinate Alexander II, between November 1879 and August 1880. The first attack was prepared by Vera Figner, Alexander Kvyatkovsky and Nikolai Kibalchitch (one of the accused in the trial of the 193). The second attack was planned by Andrei Jeliabov, on the railway line linking Crimea to Kharkov.
Following the failed attempts, the comrades of Narodnaya Volya prepare a new attack… hoping, this time, not to miss their shot !
Sofia Perovskaïa, Andrei Jeliabov, Nicolas Kibaltchich, Nicolas Kletochnikov, Alexander Mikhailov, form a real club of five, five brave militants determined to meticulously plan a new attack. It is a question of succeeding in the attack by all means ! The five comrades begin by observing the movements of the tsar. The observation reveals two obligatory passage points, whatever the route taken by the tsar.
The executive committee decides to attack these two locations simultaneously, and meticulously prepares the attack. The five comrades dig an underground tunnel from a small house to Nevsky Prospect. They buried a mine there that would explode when the Tsar passed by. If this failed, Andrei Jeliabov would intervene, aided by a dagger and a revolver !
Unfortunately, on February 27, 1881, Andrei Jeliabov was arrested and sent to Nevsky Prospect. Sofia was now placed in charge of organizing the attack. She continued the plan for the attack. She was joined by Nikolai Ivanov Rysakov (who would throw the first bomb), Ignati Joakimovich Grineviski (who would throw the second), Timofei Mikhailovich Mikhailov (third bomb), Ivan Panteleimonovich Emelianov (fourth bomb). The bombs were prepared in Vera Figner's apartment.
On March 1, 1881, Alexander II took his usual route, between the Makhaylovski riding school and the Catherine Canal. Sofia Perovskaya gave the signal for the attack (using a handkerchief). The first bomb did not hit the Tsar, but there were a few injuries, and Rysakov was arrested. The second explosion, this time, resulted in a success: Alexander II died. But the explosion also cost Grineviski's life.
A few weeks after the assassination attempt, Sofia was arrested. On April 3, 1881, she was hanged together with Andrei Jeliabov on Semyonovsky Square.
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ykzzr · 2 years ago
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Tsar Alexander II with his family 1860s
Tsar Alexander II with his wife Empress Maria Alexandrovna and their three youngest children Maria, Sergei, Paul.
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I hope your day is going as well as it can! I do have a question for you. If you could meet/ know any question about any past tsar’s or imperial monarchs (excluding OTMA and family) who would you pick and why? I feel like personally I would love to meet or know any questions Catherine the great and the golden age of the empire. And to answer your question from your last message to me I did see the coin! Quite lovely! And hilariously coincidental) -🇪🇸
Hi lovely! My day is actually doing very well! I would love to answer this question!!! 🤍
So if I had to pick anyone that’s not NAOTMAA (😩 why) and if it HAS to be a Russian monarch then I think I would choose Tsar Alexander II or Empress (CONSORT) Alexandra Feodorovna (Charlotte of Prussia)
I would choose these people for similar but different reasons. They both experienced SO much loss and I just want to give both of them a hug (we’ll maybe not Alexander lol). I want to see Sasha specifically bc I just would love to see him in the last few years of his life when he was with Catherine Dogorukova. She really was the love of his life, and her too, and I just really like imagining their little family together. Yes yes I know that this was an affair that turned into a marriage but I just really ship them. I feel so bad for Maria bc he cheated on her but she isn’t like my fav empress I guess idk 🤷‍♀️. I want to see Alexandra because I don’t know, she just experienced so much loss in a different way. She was deeply scarred by some protest (I forget what) which left her sick for the rest of her life and she lost her daughter Adini (Alexandra Nikolaevna) at a young age. She also just emits this soft and cuddly nature to me and I feel like she really just needs a hug. I just want to tell her that everything will be okay and that she will be with Adini soon. ❤️‍🩹
Thank you for asking and I will get the chapter u sent in our soon!!! 💕
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elliottandstuff50 · 2 years ago
(Just for Fun) Sarah Crewe and Tsar Alexander II in a Barbie Meme
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Note: I am still not excited for the 2023 Movie, but just for fun.
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foreverinthepagesofhistoryy · 3 months ago
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Empress Maria Alexandrovna of Russia, ~ Wife of Tsar Alexander II ~ Grandmother of Tsar Nicholas II ~
“Marie won the hearts of all those Russians who could get to know her. Sasha [Tsar Alexander Il] became more attached to her every day, feeling that his choice fell on God-given. Their mutual trust grew as they recognized each other. Papa [Tsar Nicholas I] always began his letters to her with the words: "Blessed be Thy Name, Mary." Dad joyfully watched the manifestation of the strength of this young character and admired Marie's self-control. This, in his opinion, balanced the lack of Sasha's lack of energy from which he constantly worried about.” - Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna (the elder)
"I thought her very ladylike, kind and amiable. We were at ease at once, but she has a sad expression and looks so delicate. I think we should get on very well together, poor thing. I pity her much." - Queen Victoria
“The first time I set eyes on the Grand Duchess, she was already twenty-eight years old, but still looked very young. She retained that youthful appearance all her life; when she was forty, she could have been taken for a woman of thirty. Although she was tall and slender, the Empress was so thin and fragile that at first glance she gave no impression of a 'belle dame'. However, she was unusually elegant, with that special kind of grace only found in old German paintings…Although her facial features were regular, her beauty lay in the delicate color of her skin and her large blue eyes, which looked at you with both perception and timidity... She seemed almost out of place and uneasy in her role as mother, wife, and empress. She was tenderly attached to her family and conscientiously fulfilled the duties which her exalted rank demanded. Her mind was like her soul: refined, subtle, penetrating and extremely ironic, but lacking in breadth and initiative.” - Anna Tyutcheva, maid of honor to Maria Alexandrovna
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the-last-tsar · 2 years ago
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"Over the centuries, the Empire has grown in size and in the number of conquered peoples. It once possessed an area equivalent to one-sixth of the globe, stretching from the Pacific to the German border, on which the sun never set and which was ruled by an autocrat Tsar who owed satisfaction only to God."
The last tsars - a brief untold history about the Romanovs | Paulo Rezzutti.
(Loose translation)
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queenalexandraofdenmark · 10 months ago
The true dear angel of his soul was Marie. 💔
“Hello, dear angel of my soul.”
— Alexander II, the Emperor of Russia (1818-1881), in a letter to his mistress and a future morganatic wife, Princess Ekaterina Dolgorukova (”Katya”, 1847-1922)
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russia-libertaire · 1 year ago
The failure of political reform
'By the end of the [nineteenth] century, then, Russia's internal politics hovered uneasily between two incompatible systems. Alexander II's reforms had severely shaken the traditional personalized power structure but had not managed consistently to replace it with institutions of civil society or the rule of law. To plug the resulting authority gap, the regime had nothing else at hand but the police, backed up by emergency powers. Having set out to demolish an old building and erect a new one, the regime had then changed its mind and started repairing the ruins: the resultant hybrid architecture threatened the equilibrium of the entire edifice. The regime was in an indissoluble dilemma, caught between perception of the need for civic institutions and inability to introduce them without undermining its own stability.'
Russia and the Russians, by Geoffrey Hosking
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royal-confessions · 1 year ago
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“For me the best tsar in Russia was Alexander II, I think he is underrated.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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deadb3at08 · 3 months ago
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bully tf outta him
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3 more vers cus uh uh uh uhhhh
side not this is heavily inspired to kmfdm dude this band is FIRE????!!?!?!?
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