dailynpcs · 6 years
Particalizing Penguin
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Level: 5
HP: 20
Atk: +2
Dex: +4
Con: -2
Int: +0
Wis: +0
Cha: -1
Weaknesses: Gusts of wind, Freezing
Resistances: Shashing, Stabbing, Bludgioning Damage
Particize: The penguin’s physical form begins to disintegrate into dust, and recollects in another location. This move works very similarly to blink, and allows the penguin to be unattackable for a turn. They can do this seemingly endlessly, but are only unattackable by physical attacks, and are extremely suceptable to elemental magic.
Martial Chop: The Penguins are well trained in several martial art practices (primarily krav maga) and this gives them a powerful chop. They roll 2d6+2 bludgeoning damage.
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dailynpcs · 6 years
Illumination Studio’s: The Grinch
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Level: 1
HP: 1
Atk: -5
Def: -7
Con: -28
Int: -8
Wis: -3
Cha: -274
Piss me off: +375
Weaknesses: Literally eveything
Resistances: Christmas Spirit
Noob Alert: The Grinch criticizes and says something unfunny and abnoxious to your party, this increases his Piss Me Off modifier by 12d100s and increases the party’s to hit bonus to +25.
Shed: The Grinch slops off his grotesque hide only to display a much more nightmarish visage. This creature splays out onto the ground, like a freshly born calf, covered in placenta and bodily fluids. He adresses the party with an irritating english accent and stands roughly 6 feet tall. No stat changes occur, and he appears extremely frail.
Death: The Grinch has a coronary and dies instantly.
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dailynpcs · 6 years
Cephalopod Cowboy
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Level: 5
HP: 25
Atk: +1
Dex: +1
Con: +0
Int: -1
Wis +0
Cha: +2
Weaknesses: Gun
Resistances: Horse
Loot: Really sweet hat, 25 ammo shells, a cool magnum
Draw: The Cephalopod stands facing their opponent, and then turns around and walks ten paces, and if the opponent replicates this behavior, they will compete in a dexterity contest to determine who gets their shot off first. If the opponent does not have a firearm, the cephalopod will provide the player with one, or will just pretend.
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dailynpcs · 6 years
Mario 64 Piano
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Level 12
HP: 500
AC: 15
Atk: +3
Dex: -2
Wis: -3
Int: +0
Con: +3
Cha: -1
Resistance: Bludgeoning
Weakness: Fire
Inventory: Assorted piano keys (4), Blue coin (1)
Ambush: The Piano hides in plain sight, waiting for an unsuspecting player. If it is able to ambush the player, it attacks for 5d6+5 piercing damage. If the player rolls a perception check above 14 of the room that the piano rests in, it can no longer use this attack.
Gnash: The Piano lunges towards the player, chomping wildly, dealing 3d6 piercing damage.
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dailynpcs · 6 years
Harvest Men
The Harvest Men are a species of humanoid arthropods that steal from the dwellings of villagers. They bear a large resemblance to their namesake arachnid, harvest men, using four of their eight legs to walk, and the rest as arms. They wear simple attire, wearing a cockle hat and tunic, and always hoisting a large sac over their shoulder, and carrying a lantern in one of their hands. Harvest Men me wander the streets of cities and villages during the middle of the night, and attempt to steal possesions that people wouldnt notice or have forgotten. By morning, they return to their dwellings outside of the cities, and revel in their loot.
Level: 8
AC: 14
HP: 180
Attack: +1
Dex: +3
Int: +2
Wis: +3
Con: +0
Cha: -2
Loot: Cockle Hat, Lantern, Lantern Oil (1), and a randomized item (roll a d8 to decide the item.)
1. Candle Holder
2. Salt Shaker
3. +1 weapon
4. Health Potion
5. Commoners Clothes
6. Rope
7. Bolts or Arrows
8. DM’s Choice
Scratch: The Harvest Man extends its arm and claws at the player, making a melee attack for 1d8(+1) slashing damage.
Sack Attack: The Harvest Man heaves his sack off of his shoulder and attempts to swing it at the player, making a melee attack for 2d6(+2) bludgeoning damage.
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dailynpcs · 6 years
Seasoned Cowboy
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Level: 5
HP: 50
AC: 15
Str: +1
Dex: +1
Int: +0
Wis: +3
Con: -1
Cha: +3
Weaknesses: Piercing
Inventory: Sweet Cowboy Hat(1), Straw(20), Cow(1)
Draw: During any turn, the Seasoned Cowboy can challenge a player to a draw, and compete in a charisma contest. If the cowboy is the victor, he fires at the player for 2d12+2 piercing damage. If the player wins, they can can make a ranged attack(given they have the ability). The Cowboy can do this once per battle
Stampede: The cowboy uses his western magicks to summon a crowd bulls which charge at the party. The bulls charge 50 ft towards the party in a 20 foot line. Players must make a dex save of 16+ to avoid the stampede. If unsuccessful, the player takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage, and is knocked prone.
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dailynpcs · 6 years
Carl Wheezer
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Level: 13
HP: 200
AC: 16
Str: -1
Dex: +0
Int: -2
Wis: +4
Con: -1
Cha: +6
Inventory: Scapula(1), Inhaler(1), Croissant(1/2)
Immunities: Piercing
Weakness: Poison
Croissaunt: Carl throws his trusty croissaunt at the player, making a ranged attack roll, dealing 1d12 tasty damage. The croissant then returns to Carl.
Live Birth: As a bonus action, Carl can begin spawning a Jelly ally. To begin the pregnancy, Carl must roll a wisdom check of 16+. Once begun, Carl will use his action for his next turn to birth the Jelly, which can attack on it’s first turn. Carl can activate this attack 5 times during a fight.
Jelly stats:
HP: 30
AC: 12
No stat bonuses.
Charge: The Jelly flairs its tendrels, shooting a ball of energy towards a player, doing 1d8+2 holy damage.
Service to the King: The Jelly extends it’s tendrels towards Carl, which emit a bright white light. With a roll of 14+, the Jelly heals Carl for 1d8 damage.
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dailynpcs · 6 years
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Level: 15 Controller
HP: 300
AC: 18
Str: +2
Dex: +1
Int: -2
Wis: +5
Con: +2
Cha: +5
Inventory: Dominos (50)
Immunities: Necrotic, Slashing
Domino Barrage: Bigweld throws eight dominos towards the player. If there are multiple players, he can divide the dominos between any of them however he pleases. This requires him to make a ranged attack roll, if landed each domino does 1d8+2 bludgeoning damage.
Rollout: Bigweld advances 20 feet towards a player. On a successful roll, he does 2d12 bludgeoning damage, and the player is now prone.
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dailynpcs · 6 years
Potion Mimic
Most mimics take the form of chests, but a smaller subspecies has taken on a more cravable form. Potion Mimics are indecernable from typical potions to the naked eye. However, an experienced adventurer would notice the mimic’s subtle warmth when they pick it up, and can disrupt the mimic’s disguise by shaking it.
Level: 4
HP: 6
AC: 8
Str: +3
Dex: +2
Int: -1
Cha: +0
Con: -1
Wis: +0
Ambush: If the player attempts to drink from a potion mimic, they will be met with an unfortunate surprise. The mimic leaps onto the players face, doing 1d12 piercing damage. The mimic is now stuck to the players face, and for every round beyond this the player is blinded, and must beat the mimic in a strength contest, or take 1d6 piercing damage every round they fail. If they succeed, the mimic is thrown to the ground, and is now prone.
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dailynpcs · 6 years
Stilt Goblin Blitzer
The fastest of the Stilt Goblin warriors, Blitzers are deadly fighters. Standing a full 8 feet tall, they are armed with dual scimitars and funny hats.
Level: 2
HP: 15
AC: 11
Str: +0
Dex: +2
Int: -2
Cha: -1
Con: +0
Wis: +0
Inventory: Scimitar (2), A Really Cool Hat (1), Bloodstone (1-2)
Blitz: The blitzer charges forward, advancing 20 ft towards a player and slashing with a scimitar. Does 1D8 slashing damage.
Stilt Kick: The goblin makes an attack with its stilt, doing 1d6+1 unarmed damage. If the attack misses, the goblin must roll a dex save of 13+, if failed, it will be knocked prone.
Spit: A staple attack of goblins, the Blitzer makes a ranged attack, if it lands, the player is now wet.
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