dailylatias · 7 years
Hey guys! Sorry for the inactivity and the floraball stuff I haven't gotten around to. First the chicken, and now I’ve been sick these past several days. I'm starting to feel better, but I don't know when I'll be able to start uploading again. And since the ball has ended... If you sent me something for the ball and still want a response, let me know! If not I'll probably hold off since I know most people are done by now, ahah.
Thanks for your patience!
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dailylatias · 7 years
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Felicity: Hey, everyone! I’m Felicity the Amoharos!
Proton: And I’m Proton the Plusle!
Felicity: So, we’ve noticed some negativity in the community lately! Vent posts, anon hate, blogs having to go inactive because of real-life and online issues… all sorts of things! And while it’s perfectly okay to be sad or need a break or to be going through a rough time, because that’s a part of life and it’s healthy to let your emotions out—
Proton: But no matter what issues you or the bloggers are going through, you anon haters need to stop! That’s not cool.
Felicity: —we thought the best way to counteract the negativity is with some positivity!
Proton: So we’re here to spread the love through the Daily Pokémon community! If there’s a blogger you feel deserves a little love, pop on over to our submissions box and let us know what positive messages you have for them!
Felicity: Or, if you want to ask us something, or if you need advice or a place to vent, hit up our ask box and we’ll see if we can’t help!
Proton: Thanks for stopping by, everyone! And remember to be good to each other!
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dailylatias · 7 years
((hey everyone!
so one of my chickens has gotten a little sickish? she had an infection it seems, and one of our other hens keeps picking on her, so we’re keeping her inside right now. she’s perked up a bit but she’s still not quite back to her usual self, so i might be a bit inactive while we’re taking care of her. i’m also in the middle of a job hunt rn, so that’s not helping either, lol. i’ll take care of replies and everything when i’m less busy, and i’ll try to get to floraball stuff before the end of the event! sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for your patience!))
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dailylatias · 7 years
((Anyone in need of ball interactions?
If you do, let me know and I’ll send one of the nerds (Eifie, Ruby, or Diana) over to exchange flowers or something :d Alternatively, you can send in interactions yourself as well!))
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dailylatias · 7 years
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dailylatias · 7 years
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"Hey!” The Latias jumps, startled by the sudden call. “You’re Ruby, right?” A strange unmasked Autumn Deerling approaches Ruby from seemingly nowhere.
“That’s right...” she says, hesitating. “Who are you? And where’s your—”
“You didn't actually need to answer,” they say. “I knew you by the mask and the Soul Dew. And it doesn't matter who I am or why I’m not wearing a mask myself. If you really gotta call me something, Bri works, I guess. But listen, did you bring any flowers to exchange?”
Ruby tilts her head. “We were supposed to bring flowers?”
The Deerling rolls their eyes. “Yeah, didn’t think so. Here.” ‘Bri’ pulls three bouquets of flowers from seemingly nowhere and pushes them into the Latias’s arms. “You, Diana, and Eifie can use these ones for the exchange. Be careful with them, though! They’re special flowers from a faraway place, so you better not lose them or damage them or anything!”
“O-Oh, ah—”
“Don’t mention it! ...No seriously, don’t.” The mysterious and unmasked Pokémon dashes off and disappears into the crowd before Ruby can so much as say thanks.
“...Huh. Well, alright then.”
You got the mysterious flowers!
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These flowers come from a faraway place. The Deerling who gave them to you says that they’re very special to them, so you’d better handle them with care!
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dailylatias · 7 years
((Internal screaming
I haven't really done any ask/rp blogging in years I'm so bad at interactions especially initiating them lmao
Forgive me guys
If you receive something from me don't feel obligated to respond I'm very tired and bad at life rn haha))
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dailylatias · 7 years
(( I’m fine with text/RP interactions for the Flora Ball, if you want! Just thought I’d make that clear now instead of waiting for someone to ask, haha ~ I want to be able to interact with as many people as possible and if you’d prefer RP I’m fine with that! ))
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dailylatias · 7 years
Sometimes i wonder if my followers have their own “headcanon voice” for me
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dailylatias · 7 years
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Ruby, Diana, and Eifie have arrived on Dolce Island and are open to interactions!
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dailylatias · 7 years
What are all your fave foods?
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It seems Diana and Eifie have returned… With masks!
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dailylatias · 7 years
Sooo, are there multiple Latias and Latios? From the looks of it there's one regular and one shiny of each but I'm not sure...
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Ruby: Oh, right! We never introduced ourselves, did we? Lemme do that now!
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I’m Ruby! I’m sort of the leader of the herd, I guess? I’m still kind of new to this, ahah. Still, I’m trying my best! It’s nice to meet you!
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This Mega Latias over here is Artemis! She’s like a big sis to me. She can be kind of a rowdy grump sometimes, but she’s cool once you get to know her, plus she’s super strong, too!
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The shiny Latias napping over here is Ammy! She’s really nice, but kind of lazy and she’s not really good with humans. Apparently they sort of tried to hunt her down when she was little? But it’s okay, ‘cause there aren’t really many humans on Southern Island in the first place, so she’s okay here!
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And then this shiny Mega Latias is my mom, Diana! She’s super smart and sweet! She was the one who gave me my Soul Dew! Mom’s kind of old, though, and her eyesight is going… Oh, but she’s still a really skilled battler! She’s out right now with that green Espeon who washed up on the pier yesterday, though… I think he said his name was Eifie? They’re friends from back when he had a trainer, apparently!
As far as Latios go, there aren’t actually any in the herd right now… Mom and Eifie are heading out to meet up with my Latios brother, Sapphire, though! He lives near this artificial island called Carmonte now, apparently. There are a lot of humans staying in hotels there right now, but apparently most of them aren’t real battlers, and instead they play this game with these spinning figures based on Pokémon? They wear these funny-looking masks, too, supposedly! I haven’t seen him in a few years, but it sounds like he’s doing okay for himself, which is good! I’ll have to fly down and visit with him sometime!
So yeah, that’s our little herd! It’s nice to meet you all!
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dailylatias · 7 years
that moment when you realize you forgot to open the asks and submissions
gg me
asks are now open haha
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dailylatias · 7 years
Reblog if you're ok with other characters developing crushes on your characters.
Just to let people know that you will not be upset or uncomfortable if their characters do develop crushes and act/make advances to your characters! Also if you’re ok with certain characters but not others than please specify!  (◡‿◡)
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dailylatias · 7 years
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Eifie: Hfff... Hhhfff... Never... Again... Hhhhhh...
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dailylatias · 7 years
This blog’s background is free to use, just so you know!
Day 191 - February 13, 2017
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Tiled wallpaper for @dailylatias :0c Feel free to use!
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dailylatias · 7 years
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Hello fellow Pokemon blogs! 
A few mods, including myself, are putting on an event called the Flora Masquerade Ball! This event is open to all pokemon ask blogs and daily blogs!! 
This event will be running from February 18 - 24th. The location will be revealed in the invitation sent to your muse.
How does this event work? LIKE or REBLOG this post to receive an invitation from one of the mods, to which you can draw your characters getting ready for the dance. During the event, there will be multiple activities including a ceremony of flower giving, where your muse will exchange flowers with someone special. Afterwards, your muses can dance together, snack, or hang out by the punch bowl. Or even just interact with other muses, and get to know each other! You can have your muses go alone, or ask other muses to the ball. Feel free to wear anything formal, but you are heavily encouraged to bring masks to wear, as this IS a masquerade ball. 
REMEMBER to tag all your posts #floraball2017 so we can track the event. It’s all about having fun!  
If you have any questions or concerns, pm any of the mods: @dailyshinycutiefly, @vulpix-daily, @vulpixesdaily, and @dailygeodude !
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