dailydair · 12 years
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dailydair · 12 years
The problem is she’s still herself at the end of the day. At the end of a hallway, in the back of a limo, under the falling snow: she is still Blair, whatever that means, and that’s always the problem. In the blackout dark, in the spotlight, in front of a painting: she’ll never know how to be any different. (x)
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dailydair · 12 years
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dailydair · 12 years
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dailydair · 12 years
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Dan & Blair are Paul & Holly.
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dailydair · 12 years
Season 1:
Nate: do you ever feel like our lives have been planned out for us? That we’re just gonna end up like our parents?
Chuck: man, that’s a dark thought.
Season 6: 
Serena is an upper east side society hostess with no job
Blair is running Waldorf Designs and divorced
Chuck is attempting to takeover Bass Industries
Nate is dabbling in financial fraud to save his company
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dailydair · 12 years
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262 notes · View notes
dailydair · 12 years
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dailydair · 12 years
“What works with Dan and Blair becoming so close is how wonderfully each complements the other. Chemistry between characters is a magical thing and impossible to predict. Some claim to see chemistry between Blair and Chuck, but I’ve never been able to detect any. Perhaps this is due to my being older than the show’s target audience. Perhaps their magic is undetectable by anyone old enough to have a healthy adult relationship. But for me—and I’m hardly alone in this—both Dan and Blair became more interesting characters as they began to spend time together. Unlike Blair and Chuck, who only have their dysfunction to keep them together, Dan and Blair’s ongoing friendship is grounded upon their love of film, art, and books, and, of course, conversation. No two characters on television are as much fun to listen to as Blair and Dan. If Blair and Chuck’s scenes feel like they come off the pages of really bad romance novels, Dan and Blair remind one more of Howard Hawks’s screwball comedies or Nick and Nora Charles in the Thin Man movies.” - TV Highpoints and Lowpoints, July 2011
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dailydair · 12 years
#I think it’s such a testament to how much he cares about her needs and their friendship that he’ll only allow these small moments to himself #to actually feel what he really feels #he never puts his own undoubtedly longing and probably painful feelings onto her #he always puts her first in spite of himself #which really is how it should be. #and what she’s never had. #She’s never come first in her relationships before. #She really deserves it. #But in that top right gif and the bottom left one uyou see just how in deep he is. #They’re best firends. #He’s in love with his best friend. #There is never tougher spot than that. #UGH. #I hope you two work it out because this-this is a love story. #’Everything I hate about the upper-east side’ #to ‘she’s not that bad’ #’you deserve to be happy’ #to ‘a friend of mine’ #to ‘maybe there’s something more’ #to ‘Dan and I have a real connection’ #to ‘I never thought I’d want Blair Waldorf’ #to ‘I copied your queue’ #to ‘take me there’ #to ‘you’ll still have me’ #to ‘you’re the star of Dan’s book’ #to ‘I didn’t write a bad word about you in the entire thing’ #to ‘it wouldn’t to me’ #to ‘how do you kill a feeling’ #to ‘I want her to be happy’ #to ‘you look perfect’
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dailydair · 12 years
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Dair Parallels | 1x17 → 5x04 → 6x01
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dailydair · 12 years
Blair, I love you with all my TINY TINY TINY HEART.
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dailydair · 12 years
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dailydair · 12 years
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dailydair · 12 years
Watching Episode 1 and fucking hell I'm only at the flashbacks and I'm already in FUCKING RAGE,
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dailydair · 12 years
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Penn & Leighton at the MET Thanks to Claudia for the pics, you rock!
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dailydair · 12 years
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(…) if you could only see what I see.
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