daily-dose-of-news · 4 years
CNN (newspaper) Covid-19.
14/03/2021: AstraZeneca declares the vaccine safe amid blood clot proof 
13/03/2021: Australia joins the Quad nations in plan to attack covid-19
11/03/2021: Second wave of Covid overwhelming hospitals in Brazil.
9/03/2021: UK students return to school as death rates fall 
7/03/2021: AstraZeneca vaccine is officially launched in Australia
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daily-dose-of-news · 4 years
BBC(newspaper) - economy reopening in wales
7/03/2021: First Minister Mark Drakeford said guidance could be changed to "stay local" as part of moves to "restore more freedoms".https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-56311143
  9/03/2021: First Minister Mark Drakeford has said there could be "opportunities" for hairdressers to reopen on Monday. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-56339407
 11/03/2021: Shop owners in a Welsh market town say they have been "treated like children" with a lack of detail about when non-essential retailers can reopen.https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-56349446
 12/03/2021: Most non-essential shops will still remain closed until 12 April. A notable exception are hairdressers which open on Monday. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-56373066
 13/03/2021: People are expected to stick to a five-mile travel rule, though there will be flexibility for those in rural areas. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-55333756
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daily-dose-of-news · 4 years
The New york Times(newspaper)- vaccination against covid.
The New york Times(newspaper)- vaccination against covid. 
Monday 08/03/2021:The New York Times reported that C.D.C. says vaccinated people can gather indoors in small private groups, but cautions that they still need masks in public.
Tuesday 09/03/2021:All U.S. States Are Now Offering Vaccines to Teachers  https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/03/09/world/covid-19-coronavirus  
wednesday 10/03/2021: The New York Times reported one of the lowest vaccination rates in the United States.
Thursday 11/03/2021:  Access to vaccines is expanded
Georgia, Minnesota and New York are among those offering vaccines to the most people. In Ukraine, misinformation is hampering vaccination efforts.
Friday 12/03/2021: The pace of vaccines in the US is reported to have accelerated.The United States will partner with Japan, India and Australia in global vaccine production capacity.
Saturday 13/03/2021: U.S. Air Travel Is Rising Fast, Despite C.D.C. Warnings
The global vaccination campaign has reached 345 million doses, but North America and Europe far outnumber most countries in Asia and Africa.https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/03/13/world/covid-19-coronavirus 
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daily-dose-of-news · 4 years
How have news programs evolved in the last twenty years?
They have become more globalized, in short it has more scope because it expands to other countries. Although you are innocent it was only to offer a public service over the last few years, these became international.Likewise, the news programs were improving the information since as the news became globalized they took more seriousness, giving reliable and truthful information, as well as relevant and new.
What technology and methods are news programs using now that were not available twenty years ago?
The arrival of the internet makes the diffusion of news much more mastered, and makes the users have the information just in seconds. It could be said that the biggest step for the evolution of the news was the introduction of social media which changed the prospect of how we obtain the news.
What is the structure of these programs?  How are they organized? How do they present the news topics?
The structure of programs is linear, It starts with the most important news like the situation of the pandemic, then the talk about the climate and news is not very important.
Which are the most relevant news stories now?
Woman day.
Which news programs are providing the best coverage? 
The best news program is new york times because the coverage  is talk about international news and his information is full. Another program with good coverage is BBC News.
Which stories are of greatest interest to your age group? 
The most relevant stories for our age group (16 to 18 years old) are those that have to do with technology mainly since we were born being part of it, we also like stories that talk about social networks, sports , celebrities, video games, food and brands.
Would a news program from twenty years ago still be popular today?  Why or why not?
At present, a news program from twenty years ago today would not be popular, because before the news only had a national scope and its structure was different, also at present it is sought that these are more varied according to international news and national, also that the information is faster and easier to understand, in a few words that it is brief and with current news of interest, Since before, people were struck by other types of stories, and now that has changed.
What are news programs missing to capture your interest?  Do you feel a disconnect with the program format that they present to their audience?  
There is not missing programs because the important for this program is give you the all the information 
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daily-dose-of-news · 4 years
Who is the typical audience for news TV programs? What age group? Which gender?
Tumblr media
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daily-dose-of-news · 4 years
Do you consider news tv programs to still be relevant today?
We consider that television news programs are still relevant today, because it is a way of finding out about what is happening in the country or in the world, it is a reliable source more than social networks, that is why they are relevant.
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daily-dose-of-news · 4 years
Which news tv programs do you enjoy and which ones do you avoid?
Elisa likes to see ‘’Despierta’’ With Danielle dithurbide and ‘’10 en Punto’’ with Denise Maerker because I like to watch the news at dawn and at night to be informed, apart from that I like how they are narrated;Antonio likes to see Sports news with ESPN and Fox Sports because i can see the news of NFL and NBA; Genaro avoids Televisa news and UnoTV because that news are kinda corrupt.
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daily-dose-of-news · 4 years
Which news tv programs have survived the test of time and which ones have not?
survive.            Not survive 
 -CNN                -24 horas         
-BBC                  - 60 minutos 
-ADN40              -Echos TV Azteca
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daily-dose-of-news · 4 years
What have successful news tv programs done throughout time to appeal to different audiences?
So that a TV news program to be successful over time has to be serious, reliable, brief and general, with its current and new things, that they do not fall into the same news or talk about their nonexistent ones. Above all avoid fallacies and have everything first hand.
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daily-dose-of-news · 4 years
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